< Gaiden: Revolutionary (2) >

USA, New York.

Cities called metropolis and megalopolis are plentiful all over the world in the 21st century.

There are several such cities not only in the US and Russia, but also in Korea, Europe, and Africa.

Among them, the country with the highest population density is a small but powerful country such as Korea, which is overflowing with people even though it is a small country. In the case of Russia, since the land is so large, the land price is really close to a bargain, and since it has been a long time since Europe has not considered borders, there were even cities spanning two or three countries. Naturally, there was little need for infinite expansion in the form of Megalopolis.

Literally, being a citizen of a country was a fragment of this era when it was just a matter of who pays taxes and who receives welfare.

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Meanwhile, in the United States, the traditional forms of metropolis and megalopolis varied. This was especially the case in New York.

But it was only a fraction of the total area of New York that was shining.

Wall Street, New York Stock Exchange, Times Square, Empire State Building.

And East Harlem, northeast of Central Park, the dark shadows of New York.

Where murder, drugs and violence are commonplace.

New York, United States, is famous enough to symbolize the power of the United States and capitalism itself, and although it is actually incredibly wealthy, slums do exist nonetheless.

The United States of America has the world’s largest GDP. It is official that even the Russian Empire cannot keep up with the economic power of the United States.

However, the gap between the rich and the poor in the United States is wide.

In the case of the Russian Empire, which is often drawn when criticizing the United States, the minimum wage is so high that even the prime minister of the Russian Empire cannot earn more than 10 times the minimum wage.

The imperial family uses their personal property to run a business, and each time a colleague is separated, they separate each business to provide a protective measure, and although they are clearly receiving money from the government, they donate the money back to the state. In reality, not a single penny is being used.

The main source of income for the imperial family is entrance fees to tourist attractions. Most castles and palaces are privately owned by the imperial family, so even if they are open to tourists, of course there is an entrance fee.

Of course, Emperor Mikhail created a huge conglomerate enterprise when he reorganized the imperial business in the 20th century, but the conglomerate was mostly dismantled as it divided the business to sons, daughters and grandchildren who did not inherit special titles. Officially, only three businesses are run by the imperial family.

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Moreover, most of the heads of large corporations returned a significant portion of their fortunes to society, as many of them were not enough to pay huge taxes. It is possible because there is tangible and intangible institutional and social pressure to do so, but in any case, properly inheriting wealth was a very difficult problem in Russia. Right now, the inheritance tax alone is staggering.

Of course, the chaebols always find tricks, but in any case the redistribution of wealth in Russia is done fairly fairly, at least so it seems.

But Americans don’t envy it.

Someone once said about this.

The reason why a communist revolution cannot happen in the United States is simple. Because Americans don’t see themselves as an exploited proletariat, but as millionaires on a short run.

Of course, we can’t generalize too quickly, but Americans don’t readily accept red-smelling ideas like the redistribution of wealth anyway. Because it didn’t fit their mood.

But they believe in one thing.

If you perform well, you get a reward.

If you fail, you pay for it.

That’s it.

But, what if we compensated for failure?



The two men sat down.

“The federal government has raised both hands, saying they’re going to put a lot of cash into financial treatment.”

It’s too big to ruin.

Of course, there is such a thing. If it’s too big to fail, it’s too big to exist.

However, they already exist, so it was a problem for the federal government that the federal government couldn’t let the financiers die because they hated the financiers who ruined the economy through negligent management, considering the American economy.

In the end, they had no choice but to make up for the loss with their own money.

“The question is, will they use it for good?”

“Wall Street Parasites can’t do that. He’s already counting his bonuses, you idiots.”

The privatization of profits, the socialization of losses.

“How can people convince people that they are too big to let them ruin, but do you have a bonus party with that? under.”

I will never be still.

Even if you stand still, it will make you unable to stand still.

Social networking services were their weapon.

“The time has come for this false golden empire to fall.”

There was no country that was truly a millennium empire for a country that called it a millennium empire.

“For the people.”


“My money! Give me my money, you motherf*ckers!”

“sir! Our bank is fine! We have deposits…”

“Don’t be shy, give me your money! money!”

“Shut up! I need to withdraw my money first! Do mine first!”

“go away! I came first!”

“Wait a moment! Please wait a moment!”

Fights, fistfights, and confusion.

It was a situation that occurred simultaneously at banks across the United States.

At the same time, the New York Stock Exchange was also in chaos, and stocks were sold regardless of type. The short sale was the exception, but nobody was crazy enough to be happy about it.

stock market crashed

Lax bank management, lax loan review, a total difficulty in credit rating evaluation, starting with loan receivables, made under the belief that it would be much more profitable to sell the real estate even if the money could not be repaid if there was only a house to be pledged as collateral.

The American economy was a kind of financial horse racing, with high dividends for low credit ratings and low dividends for high credit ratings.

And the cost of forgetting the adage that there is never, absolutely no free lunch in the economy, and that low-risk high-return products never exist in the first place has come.

When the CDO made by collecting high-risk tranches became money, they started subprime loans to mass-produce them, and they did not ask for property or income as long as they had a house to put as collateral because they could not relax the regulations on subprime loans. Even negative loan products have appeared and have been a sensational hit.

And it was time for judgment. The moment when the needle on the detonator of a time bomb called a derivative financial instrument installed in the US economy pointed to zero.

The real estate crash was the signal. Property prices, which had been rampant for a while, eventually caught up as mathematically predicted. As soon as the rate of increase in the hourly money supply caught up with bank interest, defaults began to skyrocket.

Numerous bonds defaulted one after another, and bond funds that had been judged to be A+++ rather than A- grade bonds that were grade B+ if hit well went bankrupt one after another.

Debt-backed securities that were overvalued as a result of randomly graded A even though the quality of debt-backed securities were insufficient or were not high-quality bonds at all.

Banks that had provided loans to subprime-level counterparties at random went bankrupt when they were unable to recover the principal even if they sold the houses held as collateral. As the bank collapsed, citizens were startled to look for deposits, and banks began to go bankrupt one after another.

An American insurance company, the world’s No. 1 reinsurer, collapsed with a huge amount of bad debts, and insurance companies around the world that took on the losses began to collapse one after another.

The bubble was extinguished. Real estate collapsed, speculators collapsed, financial institutions collapsed, and ordinary people lost their livelihoods.

And those directly responsible for the situation survived by receiving a federal bailout. During the boom, those who opposed the socialization and regulation of capital tried to get a bailout through the socialization of capital, who were so opposed to the crisis.

Even the financial sector and even the government, which led small citizens to bankruptcy with their cowardice, rushed to hide the risk, saying that everything would be fine.

If this is known, the citizens will be outraged. People will be outraged.

But it was still not enough.

In order to achieve their purpose, it was still not enough.

At least as long as the means of voting remained, they wouldn’t trigger in the way they wanted.

Republicans and Democrats alike are accomplices, but where are the innocent politicians who need a prophet who will make sure they don’t repeat the same fate.

“And we must be that prophet.”

Of course, the real torso did not exist in the United States.

They had been oppressed all over the world and had fled to a safe place. Neither the FBI nor the CIA were scarecrows, and it would never end well if it was discovered that they were plotting an attack on the United States.

Of course, it was a scarecrow for the Russian Empire government only, but this is due to their own peculiarities. Duchess Irina, also known as the mistress of Emperor Mikhail, an unprecedented figure who held the most powerful intelligence powers in the Russian Empire (the founder of the Duke Kim family, although she did not receive any titles during her lifetime, but when her children were conferred on them in bulk) as a member of the Russian Empire’s aristocratic list) was precisely the prick of America’s weakness.

The OSS was dismantled at random because the war was over, and when the need was urgently raised, the foreign intelligence agency was urgently created under the name of CIA. Although it was carefully infiltrated, it was not completely seized before Hoover’s downfall, and when the FBI said that it was renewing human resources after a large-scale corruption incident, they secretly mixed in spies during a large-scale personnel change, which half-paralyzed the FBI’s counterintelligence function only in Russia. It was possible.

Conversely, it would have been impossible for Russian spies to be active in the United States to this extent if they had not missed that time or the US government had not been in a position to hastily re-establish the CIA without consuming all of its know-how and manpower by stupidly dismantling the OSS. it was ter

This was the reason why the Ministry of Information should not be disbanded, no matter how incompetent it was. The tactic of including spies when completely dismantling and re-creating it was a statement feast for the Russian Imperial Intelligence Service.

Of course, it’s not as easy as it sounds, and it was absolutely impossible to follow at this private level. The Russian Empire had the most advanced intelligence gathering capabilities in the world, so it was possible to try, even if it was difficult, because the intelligence agencies are not so stupid that they don’t even know who they are in their organization.

But even if they failed and were caught, they would not betray each other and what they believed in.

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