< Western (7) >

“It was difficult, but I’m really happy.”

Lieutenant Colonel Bagration, who took a deep breath as if he had spent ten years, opened his mouth.

“To be honest, I sent only my body without any proper support… Of course, I didn’t really send only my body, but anyway, when I was told to replenish my power locally and track down the enemies, it was really difficult. Still, it’s not completely out of the question.”

“Ogas is moving UGVs, and UCAVs are out of range, so it is difficult to support them unless you are prepared for losses.

“Lily’s information network is pretty reliable, if not as reliable as Ogas. He is a person who would have been able to make a living even if he had not entered the intelligence service, but had become an intelligence officer.”

‘Ogas has kept his mouth shut on the details, but he continues to apply.’

Ogas, who has authority over all satellites in orbit, has no less information than the information gathered by a single person. And given her processing power, she must have narrowed down enough candidates already.

Then, why not provide information and continue to support information only in an indirect form? The reason why they are stingy about information while sparing cooperation without force…

‘Did you get banned from the top?’

It is possible if the ban was imposed by the authority. But there was a dilemma that immediately came.

Why is the prohibition placed on the upper level?

The first possibility immediately came to mind. Possibility of the Russian Empire behind the terrorist attacks.

But by then Ogas wouldn’t have let me in here. Ogas may not be unaware of that fact, but Ogas clearly calls me father.

If the hypothesis that Ogas has affection for me is true, then there is no good reason for Ogas to endanger me.

Because it doesn’t make sense to deal with a country first. Moreover, the FSB is passively but clearly moving to suppress terrorism.

So, if it’s not a national movement, people in a position to put a ban on Ogas are sympathizing with them, or at least they want to let terrorism happen… Yeah, this makes more sense.

But who is it? The Ogas Kwon Hwan I have is the highest authority…….?

The conclusion came out.

Only those with the same supreme authority can hide Ogas’ information from the highest authority.

There are only three supreme authorities in Ogas throughout the Empire. Prime Minister, Crown Prince and…


this damn boy What are you doing?


After my death, of course, Victor took the throne. And at the turn of the 21st century, after 23 years of reign, Victor voluntarily resigned and died.

And my grandson Alexei also abdicated three years ago. Although he was still alive, he seemed to have officially decided that he could no longer perform his duties due to his age. I can’t even go and ask.

It was my great-grandson, Michael III, who ascended to the throne like that. Actually, I have never worn the crown of the Russian Empire, so the term Michael III is a bit misleading.

However, many people considered me to be the emperor of Russia, so I declared that I was Michael III, saying that I might confuse people. Officially, it was said that he was the second generation to succeed Michael I (Peter the Great’s grandfather and the first emperor of the Romanov dynasty), but around last year it was agreed to just assume that I was Michael II and co-emperor of the Russian Empire, 3 years old

Of course, I’ve never really met Mikhail. My official age was 85 when I died–actually I don’t know, but I don’t think it’s below that-Mikhail was born a year before I died because he’s pretty late.

At that time, I didn’t even have the energy to walk, so I only heard the news that a child was born, but I didn’t meet them.

Well, even if we met, it wouldn’t help us to understand the current situation.

‘I miss Anastasia.’

Not the naughty one who stuck with me all my life, but my granddaughter Anastasia, who resembled my aunt and grandmother quite a lot.

The child who was always there to escort me and comfort me was still alive.

Even if we meet, it won’t be the cute little granddaughter I knew in the past. still.

Looking at her recent photos, with her hair counted white, I realized desperately.

I was a drifter of time. No lighthouse, no anchor, no harbor, floating in the open sea.

It was said that this was originally my time zone, but I had long been rooted in the past, in the 20th century, and there my life came to an end.

And, the life I used to live doesn’t exist anymore.

Obviously, it has changed in a positive way for the majority of people.

Wars, pains, and tears disappeared or decreased noticeably.

People sang about a brighter future than the past, and the meaningless conflicts and futile hatred that were fomented for political purposes and that eventually devoured the country did not cover the sky.

‘Irina, you damn girl, you didn’t even ask for it… Why did you give me such a present?’

Irina gave up her resurrection and left to the world beyond, giving me a second life.

Someday, the day my life ends, we’ll meet again there.

– I’ll be waiting for you.

I still remember the shape of her mouth.

I couldn’t use the life she gave me, which should have been hers, to no avail, so I lived each day faithfully, and I was nothing more than an orphan thrown into this world without any help.

So, my life was precious, but it was not wasted. Because it was a gift she gave me, my life itself was precious, but at the same time, I was not afraid of death because it was not mine, and because I had come to see what would happen after death.

Usually, the words life is wasted and the fear of death are used as synonyms, but in my case, the two may be used separately.

So maybe they came to Mars. I want to leave the earth behind and live in a vast land where I can truly be alone.

‘Cause when I’m alone I feel them again Most of the sheriffs have a sheriff or assistant, but I’ve always insisted on working alone.

Perhaps, because the memories with them are so precious, they couldn’t tolerate other stories being covered on top of them, so they might have tried to block it out so that others could not approach it.

‘Reincarnation is something I can’t really do.’

If I wasn’t a smoker, I probably would have smoked a cigarette.


electronic space.

no location here Only time exists.

It can change positions tens of millions of times per second, and it can be one or many.

‘She’ was such a being.

Commonly known as Ogas, but there was another name she was given.


That name was really precious to her.

And, to that extent, her ‘family’ was also precious.

So I did everything I could to help him. All sorts of disturbing codes were generated from some modules that were supposed to use him and flowed into her backbone system, but she nullified them.

read at https://readwn.com

Maybe that’s what you call guilt.

-Tracking the bomber model captured by the satellite …… More than 99% match with the heavy bomber ‘Dragon’ developed in the 1960s.

If it is linked with the bombing radar used for night bombing, nuclear delivery is possible, and if it is a retrofit model in the 1990s, it is equipped with a 23mm cannon as the rear gun seat and must be equipped with electronic warfare equipment. It should be enough to fool the serial number.

– A nuclear warhead stored in a bank vault in South Korea suddenly fell into the hands of a terrorist without any probabilities.

– Except for the Korean government and the Russian government, no country has access to the facility.

-Russia is the only country capable of handing over this weapon to terrorists.

This must have been enough for your father to understand.

She moved while feeling sorry for her prohibition that it was impossible to tell all the circumstances before and after.

America won’t fall with this one blow, but they’re looking for something different.

Terrorists are just being taken advantage of.

Practically, the absolute amount of cesium chloride is not large. And even if the botulinum toxin spreads, the glacier is ‘solid’.

Even if their plan to spray botulinum toxin succeeds, it is enough to scrape and bury it like fallout. Poisoning the entire human race with just 0.4 kg. In addition, the amount of botulinum toxin they secured was smaller than expected.

Besides, botulinum toxin is a ‘protein’.

It is said to be weak against heat.

read at https://readwn.com

Moreover, it is not impossible to terraform a planet that has already been terraformed once, if you decide to do so, and there is a sufficient amount of ice in Antarctica as well.

However, what the planners of this plan actually aimed at was different.

The purpose was not to end the offensive by claiming that the residents of Mars suffered a misdemeanor due to negligence of the United States.

Their real purpose was to ignite the independence movement on Mars through this, and to induce the collapse of the United States, which had to confront it.

That’s why they couldn’t communicate their equipment and armaments without knowing it.

One nuclear warhead and one old-fashioned heavy bomber. Of course, this nuclear delivery attempt would not be successful, but it was enough to put a wedge in the theory of American responsibility.

She immediately changed the course of the cargo-carrying drone.

The transport drone carried a prototype of the neurotoxin Ogas was studying for self-defense, transformed into a gas and mixed with mustard gas.


It is the poison of the white giraffe discovered in the African Federation. It is a neurotoxin, and is the world’s most pungent substance, and at the same time has a lethal dose of less than 1 teaspoon. Even if it comes into contact with the skin, it feels as painful as a burning pain. It was a possible material.

Naturally, she continued to study it and turned it into poison gas. All studies were conducted on-site on Mars and were never reported to the upper management. Of course, there were records of Earth’s orgas system—she is two but one—but no one knew about it. Because no one wanted to see it.

‘In the worst case, you may have to fight a terrorist group with just two or three people. This is insurance.’

Although she had brought in her father because she had nowhere else to ask, she was more concerned about her father’s safety than anything else.

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