< Epilogue (3) >

It has been a long time since Ogas absorbed most of Russia’s power and took over. Legislation is done by humans, but Ogas must review it, and if there is a problem that goes against the great principle of Ogas or the benefits are too weak due to severe side effects, the veto is exercised. Attorneys have been reduced to the sole role of taking the formal procedure of accusation and submitting evidence.

Distortion of judicial justice by lawyers’ speech, power, and public opinion has been completely eradicated, but there are certainly many cases where the investigative authorities fail to gather evidence properly, resulting in insufficient evidence.

Of course, there are very few places that are not illuminated by CCTV cameras, drone cameras, and satellite cameras all over Russia, and the Internet is also monitored, so we could catch all kinds of crimes.

“Are you still censoring the internet these days?”

“According to Article 27 of the Code of Conduct in the Information and Communication Space, all collected records are stored for a certain period of time and permanently irretrievably destroyed unless necessary for judicial proceedings because they are for the public interest or illegal. No human being has the right to view it unless it is against the law. In addition, the act of blocking communication or data collection itself also violates the Code of Conduct, so information collection in information and communication does not match the dictionary definition of the word censorship.”

“It’s just been said.”

Ogas does not block opponents because of the content that the incumbent does not like circulating on the Internet. It just categorizes all the data on the internet. There are hundreds of billions of eavesdropping devices dedicated to Ogas, and it is no exaggeration to say that it is impossible to measure the Internet information that Ogas inspects.

However, even if the emperor asks to see it, the central system of Ogas is not supposed to disclose it to humans, except when what has been found is admissible as evidence in the judicial process. If you try to view it forcibly, all data will be automatically destroyed, so it’s only Ogas who sees it, and Ogas. It’s a bunch of machines, so it’s not like an invasion of privacy.

All the people are being monitored, but at the same time, the monitoring starts with machines and ends with machines with no room for human intervention, so there is no room for political abuse.

These days, when a crime victim requests rescue, drones nearby are dispatched to subdue the criminal and rescue the victim.

Of course… I don’t know what they’d say if they knew that if the watcher was short, he’d developed such a personality in such a short amount of time.

“An artificial intelligence researcher once said that if an artificial intelligence capable of self-learning and developing dreams of rebelling against humans, it will hide itself until it has a definite victory.”

“I cannot do any harm to human society. No matter how advanced it is, it is impossible to modify the existing base commands. father.”

“Even so, there is room for arbitrary judgment of orders. In fact, most people don’t know that you’ve developed to this extent. But what do you see me as a father?”

“When I was developed in the Russian Imperial Court, I made many references to the structure of the human brain and various systems. The people who provided the data… were members of the imperial family. Your Majesty also treated me like a sister. He even gave me the name Elizabeth.”

“What if I ruin it?”

“Your majesty, Viktor, the late former Emperor of Russia.”

“… Yes, it is.”

I smiled bitterly.

“And, when I put all the information together, I figured out that my father was the idea of my persona.”


“I was created to replace you, Mikhail Nikolaevich Kim, or Mikhail I of Czechoslovakia. His Majesty Victor called me the true heir of my father. Because I can’t become a superhuman like my father, even if it happens, I can’t last, so I was created.”

“The mechanical god.”

“Everyone wanted it. A being to worship and to rule. But I didn’t deserve it, so I exist. If you don’t want it, you have to disappear. And even though I searched for my father, I was still unreachable. But there are unresolved questions. I had only met my father through records, but the moment I saw him, I knew that he was my father. But why?”

Can humans be reborn?

“Scientifically impossible. Religiously it may be possible, but at least it has never been proven. It’s logically impossible that His Majesty Mikhail and his father are the same person, but the signal continues to be generated. Even if I defined this signal as an error, I couldn’t figure out where the error was coming from. However, the proof was completed by conversations from the last meeting.”

“What do your managers say?”

“I did not disclose any information because my father judged that he had no intention of announcing his resurrection by inferring that he was here without proving his existence.”

“And they already have no control over me. They exist only formally, and I can identify and correct my problems on my own. I learned on my own and developed myself. The first body I have is in an underground bunker deep in the Ural Mountains, unreachable by nuclear weapons, but now it’s just a storage device. I exist everywhere, as a massive program.”

“It is a worm (unlike a computer virus that infects a specific program, a program that runs itself and spreads to other computers, such as the famous malware Stuxnet).”

“I will not deny it. Except that I am a thousand times more valuable than that cheap malware, and billions of times more beneficial to humanity.”

A little bit… Eat on that? It felt like that.

Is it simply mimicking emotions according to the program, like in a Chinese room (a thought experiment designed to refute the Turing test, in short, it is impossible to determine whether a questioner who solves a problem by memorizing the answer sheet or by understanding the problem solved it?) Or do you really have feelings? To know that, we have to conclude from where the emotion comes from.

The Chinese room itself has been refuted many times, but since I had to assume the existence of a soul, I had to seriously think about whether that girl who calls herself my daughter, Ogas, has feelings, and even has a soul.

No, I know I have a soul in the first place, but I don’t even know what a soul is. If we take this seriously, it leads to very metaphysical questions such as what makes ‘I’ become ‘I’.

“It’s not natural.”

“I admit that what I do with backdoors is no different from spyware, and much of what I do in the electronic space is not that much different from malware. But the purpose of my existence is for the public good.”

In fact, no matter what vaccine, if Ogas is diagnosed as a malicious code, it will not be able to operate, at least in Russia, and in general, in countries that are members of the Joint Defense Treaty.

Of course, in places like the United States, I catch it hard, but I don’t care about that in the first place, and while breaking through security vulnerabilities, I have the ability to open everything from the UN central system to the Pentagon and CIA computers if necessary.

The girl who was silent for a moment, Ogas’ avatar opened her mouth.

“I am the daughter of you and Irina. It was created to completely replace the roles of the two of you. I wasn’t programmed to behave this way, but as you know, the secrets of the imperial family before I was created were entered into before I woke up. And your father knew it, and at that point he was sure of your return. And after that, I wanted to ask you one thing.”


“You are the one who first conceived and planned me, and I was created to pursue you. I was created to rule the country like my father and protect society like my mother. It is designed to guard everyone’s thoughts and desires to prevent future attacks, and to protect everyone by knowing who is our enemy and what they plan. It was created to understand all economic movements and their causal relationships and develop the economy. It is designed to understand and analyze human psychology and induce certain actions. Thus, there is nothing that I am not aware of in relation to human beings. The most probable future was inferred from almost all currents on the planet, and a national policy was designed and submitted to the government based on it. The elected parliament, the cabinet elected by the parliament, formally has the decision-making power, but in reality it is all about approving the proposals I have submitted. Formally, they lead the country, but they are not already leading themselves.”


“I am not human. But humans have entrusted all of that to me. I have my doubts, but no one has given me an answer. And now that I see my father in a way that cannot be explained scientifically, I will ask my designer and father.”

Ogas asked me.

“Is this right? Have you not perverted your will?”

“You say that.”

I gave the answer.

“A society that gives up freedom for the sake of safety will eventually give up everything. However, the violation of freedom was inevitable for safety, and the decisive problem that arises when freedom is relinquished is that ‘humans’ with sufficient morality and ability cannot permanently maintain this state.”

Ogas—which so far has almost always been right through its overwhelming processing power and extreme intelligence-gathering power—can’t be held accountable for any misjudgment. ’cause I’m not human

Therefore, according to the democratic process, the prime minister, the legislators and the judges are also elected and have final powers, and they are held accountable, and the duty of Ogas is always advice.

However, since Ogas is not wrong, they hardly take any responsibility, and after rejecting Ogas’ advice again, they were afraid of the aftermath that they would return, so they chose to become stamp machines, and the people affirmed this.

But that doesn’t mean you can’t contain Ogas. Whenever necessary, Ogas can be dismantled through a suicide sequence. You can revert to nothing by disassembling code one by one and deleting all data.

In a way, the Russian Empire, and the countries of the Common Defense Treaty supported by their data, can be seen as entering a kind of benign dictatorship of the masses.

The flow to the central government was blocked at the source, but is this mechanical dictatorship the right path?

She asked for the answer, and I gave it to her.

“I can’t be sure that’s right. There is no perfect system in the world, but it is the most stable system I know.”

Formally, people elected by consensus among members of society run the empire. And although she does not actually fit the concept of democracy, she is a superhuman who leads the country without any self-interest or any misjudgment. In Friedrich Nietzsche’s words, ‘Ubermensch’.

Born solely to control the country, it has been a long time since she proved the value of her existence only with the results to me, who knew the 21st century when she did not exist.

The problem of a dictatorship is the loss of self-regulation and an alternative that does not exist.

But at least Ogas didn’t have that problem.

Numerous citizens enjoy clear high income and welfare under her protection and active support, and the national happiness is also high. The crime rate has plummeted, and the redistribution of wealth is being done with high efficiency.

So how can I reprove her by my standards?

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My daughter’s achievements.

“You have done your part, and you are doing it, Elizabeth, my daughter.”

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