< Episode 331 >

People’s Republic of China, Shanghai.

“Mao Zedong is staying here, in Yuyuan. Even the high-ranking communists who follow that bastard.”

“If the US aircraft sortie, they will flock to the outskirts, so you should enter at that time. The way out is this way, this way…”

The door swung open, and young men in red armbands strode in.

“What are you guys? Hey! What are you guys doing here…”

– Taang!

A gunshot rang out.


A C96 pistol spewed fire.

“Damn, I got caught!”

“in action! Move to the area of operation at full speed!”


“Comrade comment! You must avoid it!”


“The Americans have invaded!”

The messenger gasped with the M14 rifle the Americans had left behind.

“Many reactionaries have landed in Shanghai, and many US naval planes have crossed the coastline and are ravaging the main bases of the People’s Liberation Army! You must avoid it immediately!”


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Moscow, General Staff.

A report from the General Staff, which had entered the emergency system, came up in haste.

“The annihilation of the air force of the British and French Empire and the annihilation of the siege of the 3rd Army is in progress.”

“The 22nd Panzer Division is pushing straight ahead. The end goal is Paris.”

Watching the situation, I nodded.

“Looks like there are no more troops available. Reserve or something.”

In fact, about the enemy’s strategy, the size of the troops, the equipment used, the strategic goals, the tactical tendencies, and even the personal information of the commanders were all identified and handed over.

“What does Anna say?”

“I’ve heard some information from Manstein’s mouth, but I’m not sure it’s reliable. We will report it in writing.”

As I looked at the decrypted text from Anna, I smiled.

“But can you trust me? Manstein?”

“Manstein is an opportunist, he must have been swaying like a reed, and he might stick to our side and fall over again, if necessary… get rid of it.”

“If not all Manstein claims are false, some exaggeration or understatement may have been mixed.”

“I don’t know if they are hostile to the Empire, but one thing is for sure, they know that challenging Russia with the power of the German Empire is just rocking with eggs. If Manstein’s claims were true, they probably didn’t really want war.”

“Why do you think so?”

“Irina, do you know when the munitions industry makes the most joyful screams?”

“… wasn’t it when war broke out?”

“When war seems unlikely and international tensions remain at their peak.”

It is difficult for the military companies to say that the wages are so good when war is real.

“After the war, the first thing that gets hit with a sword is the military. The military erodes enormous amounts of economic power. And if you defeat an enemy once and don’t give them room to recover, that means the need for an army is reduced that much. It will be easier to understand if you look at the United States right now.”

“Are you saying they are the same?”

“If you want to rearm the German Empire so that it has the capability to face Russia, it is better to exaggerate the threat of the Anglo-French Empire, which is the reason that the German Empire’s army could still be maintained. will.”

“Considering that we have full confidence in Manstein’s testimony.”

“right. But there is absolutely no reason to trust it. But it doesn’t matter. Garbage should be cleaned up.”

It’s not much different from what we did in Serbia.

“Now that you’ve exposed your crotch, all that’s left is beheading.”

However, the difference is that the Black Hand was already running rampant, and if the outbreak of war itself was out of our hands, Germany’s Nemesis had to induce a war under our control to reveal its body.

‘Serbia, that made me laugh.’

Serbia fell into a state of de facto national collapse after the end of the civil war.

Yugoslavia, which had lost most of its territory by the Hungarian army, was disintegrated, and all territories except Serbia were absorbed into the Habsburg Empire. Before that even happened, the royal family under the king was annihilated by the self-proclaimed revolutionary army, and there were several coups.

If you look at the situation, it was a mini version of Russia, where the Red and White Civil War almost took place. Is it possible to receive karma from the original history?

It’s better than other countries where the country has completely disappeared, but to see the little ones who keep them until the country is stable, tear off most of their territory, and shoot at each other in the civil war that erupts when bored…

“After all, two world wars were fought to see this.”

Dismantling the empire and re-creating it. Sarajevo is still not Serbia.

‘Hungary clearly dreams of rebuilding the Habsburgs, Austria-Hungary.’

The reason Yugoslavia was tense was because of the communist issue of Yugoslavia, and above all, because the Yugoslav government itself was branded as a ‘dangerous party’ by our side. They even insisted on giving up the Czech Republic after World War I.

For Russia, which had to manage Europe and the world, Yugoslavia had to be dismantled, or at least the Serbs had to deprive them of state leadership.

Hungary penetrated the gap well and took advantage of the considerable nostalgia for the Habsburg royal family among its citizens, who suffered from all kinds of hardships throughout Yugoslavia, and made the people voluntarily vote for the annexation of Hungary. In the end, Yugoslavia was destroyed, leaving only Serbia.

“The Czech Republic later said that one of their children would be chosen by the Czech people. Then the Hungarian Crown Prince would have some qualifications. Besides, they say they are discussing something on the German side…”

“Since Austria is a backward region even within Germany, the proposal was to forcibly relocate all those who stood in the way of the stability of the empire, including the Swiss who resisted the annexation, to Austria, and then sell Austria to Hungary. I hadn’t heard that it was being pursued seriously, but I also said it would come out if I could forget it. Above all, Austria is a region with low support for the Hohenzollern imperial family, so there are occasional stories of such things within the imperial family.”

“If everything goes in Hungary’s favor, the Czechs choose the Hungarian Crown Prince as their king, and Germany really sells Austria, it will be the restoration of the Austro-Hungarian Empire with the exception of Galicia-Domeria.”

The Kingdom of Galicia-Rodomeria and the Duchy of Bukovina were incorporated into the territory of the Russian Empire. It’s going to be hard to get this back.

Of course, considering that these two territories were the territories torn off during the division of Poland and the territories ripped off by threats of the Principality of Moldavia… To be honest, Austria-Hungary claims suzerainty over it.

“Of course, this is just a public opinion, because the public opinion of the Czechs is unknown, and even in Germany, the sale of Austria has never been seriously discussed in the Cabinet.”

As I said that, I buried myself.

“We should soon prepare for UN arbitration, leave that to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and let the Chinese side check.”

“It failed. As everyone expected.”

“Is this a complete failure?”

“There have been deaths among Communist Party officials, but Mao Zedong seems to be in good health. Almost all of the amphibious forces were killed or captured.”

“Stupid things.”

I sighed.

“Mao Zedong is still talking on the radio. Civil war is imminent in North China.”

“These assholes will be suppressed first and then we will see.”

“Even if they are communist mobs, they are not yet fully armed. It’s the confidence that we can wipe it out at any time, and at the same time, it’s an attack on Yanxi Mountain.”

“What about Yanxi Mountain? No matter how much your position is in danger right now, you should be moving something by now… Wait.”

I skipped one thing.

Yan Shishan is not young.

“Right now, has Yan Shishan’s special behavior been confirmed?”

“…… There is not.”

“Are there any special abnormalities in Yan Shishan’s health?”

“I know you don’t have any special health problems, but… do you know anything?”

Yan Shishan has already passed the time of death in Yuan history.

What if it’s already dead, dying, or whatever it is, it’s impossible to make a normal judgment, and if it’s known to the warlords, a civil war is sure to break out?

“Is there anyone who can call Yan Shishan a successor?”

“… I have several children.”

“Still, the probability that there will be a person with the age enough to deal with the warlords skillfully and inherit his father’s thing is very low.”

“I will.”

“Whoa… damn it.”

I sighed.

“This is another civil war in North China.”

“Do you think South China will rise?”

“South China? Are you going to come out of that situation?”

I laughed.

“Mao Zedong is a cultist who doesn’t understand the reality, but unless there is a nonsensical situation such as a massive warlords attaching themselves to Mao Zedong in this situation, that will not happen.”

In the Japanese civil war, in the Chinese civil war, anyway, communism leaves the world behind.

Should India also be allowed to be reborn as a communist state? Is it that bullshit because Stalin in the Kremlin doesn’t have control over the communists? No, if you think about it, Mao Zedong is playing the role of Stalin, so maybe that’s the bastard.

If communism as a whole has to fail in its entirety, then there is no such thing. So should we also support India to become a Marxist-Leninist communist state? No, Lenin’s not here, damn, so Marxism-Maoism? Should it be called Marxism-Sun Wonism?

But it’s a pain in the ass even if the rednecks say they’re making nuclear weapons. At that time, I have to show the taste of fire hackpata….

Since we have defined communism at the UN level as an object that should be wiped out without dialogue, without negotiation and without recognition, it is very complicated and cumbersome for us to accept the communist state into the international order, including active diplomatic ties, rather than acquiescing. , and at the same time, it is a loss of face, so it is impossible for us to join the UN and conduct a nuclear inspection. Now, if we try to return the manpower of the Nuclear Inspection Committee, which is tightly monitored even if nuclear technology does not flow into South China, to India, it is impossible to do that. At least it is clear that there are no uranium enrichment facilities or nuclear reactors capable of producing plutonium in South China.

In any case, if a communist state even develops nuclear weapons, the international justification to give them a nuclear shower is sufficient.

‘Hey, why do you keep going to the point of slaughtering all those who get in your way, no matter how many millions or tens of millions you think?’

I’m not the real Stalin, and even if there aren’t any people, there’s no problem, but I can’t really kill everyone who protests.

Threats to kill them all, and a reputation that truly survives, has an advantage.

First of all, it is most advantageous not to think of threats as empty words.

However, if you really kill tens of millions of people… Even if you put aside the ethical issues, the aftermath will never be formidable, and it is something you want to avoid.

And, if I do that, I honestly doubt whether I will be able to remain myself even then.

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