< Episode 323 >

John F. Kennedy covered his head.

Although he ascended to the presidency of the United States of America, he felt dizzy.

First of all, the withdrawal itself from West Japan could be stopped. The Berlin speech was propagated as a proposal by the Russian Empire to cooperate in the suppression of communists around the world, allowing the US military to remain in military advisory status.

And the question of the international brigades.

The CIA and DIA were unofficially providing funds and manpower to the international brigade. It was close to the United States in de facto maintaining the international brigade, even providing two armed transport ships operated by the Navy.

Their main enemy, needless to say, was colonialism itself.

Those calling for post-colonial and anti-colonialism were fighting in Indochina. And even after they liberated Indochina, the intelligence service did not disband them, but wanted to overthrow the regime in South China that hit the back of the head of the United States and use it to establish a government friendly to the United States in India.

Should you support them, and if so, how should you be treated and how much support should you provide?

And in addition, the space race.

If I had to pick the best country in the world to go into space, it would be Russia. The Air Force was devouring rockets that were built after the rocket blueprints the CIA had exchanged for most of its intelligence network in Russia.

Although it is a rocket with excellent cost-effectiveness, it was impossible to miniaturize it in the first place due to its structure, and it was impossible to launch it from a platform other than the sea due to its impact force. It was also impossible to use as a ground-launched intercontinental ballistic missile.

Because the structure was significantly different from the rocket developed by the United States, it did not help much in improving existing rockets, and the US Air Force eventually stopped developing new rockets.

That’s fine. Anyway, it has been proven that it is possible to reach the moon if its propulsion is enlarged a little more, and the US officially sent a spacecraft to lunar orbit about 5 days earlier than Russia.

However, it lost the player of the moon landing. lagged behind in the most important.

Where to go now…..

‘The region that Russia has declared its next goal. Mars.’

Kennedy closed his eyes and sighed.

Theory and many basic skills are ready.

All that was left was determination, time, and money.


– We decided to go to Mars. We decided to go to Mars. We’ll get to Mars in 10 years, and we’ll do other things. Not because it’s easy, but because it’s difficult.

– We get into space because the universe is there. Because the unknown is open there, and there lies a new hope for knowledge and peace. We have decided to sail with God’s blessings, and it will be the most uncertain, most dangerous, and greatest adventure that mankind has ever embarked on.

“You are in a hurry, Mr. Kennedy.”

I giggled and laughed.

“It’s Mars.”

“Even with the strongest rockets we have, we have to sail for months. The exploration itself has to be timed on an annual basis, so it’s a different story from the moon landing, which was completed in just a week.”

“What about that skill?”

“You mean the Orion project?”

“Yeah, that one…”

“Honestly, that’s a bit… Theoretically, you can get to Mars in 30 days one way… but I don’t think it’s much different from detonating a bomb behind a car and making it run forward. It’s not impossible in theory, though.”

“I don’t know, I might do it if I’m in a hurry.”

I tapped the desk.

“You might as well push your back to try terraforming on Mars.”

Well, the money for terraforming Mars is cheaper than the one-year budget for the 21st century in the United States.

“Creating the atmosphere, making water, raising the temperature, planting plants, building colonies. Greenhouse gases are needed to create the greenhouse effect, but in the future there may be a mandatory stockpile of exhaust gases.”

I laughed at the thought of regularly hauling exhaust gas collectors to the engines of every car in the world and transporting them to Mars.

Of course, there is no reality, and even if this happens, the proportion of human air pollution will not be drastically reduced. In the first place, the biggest cause of air pollution is pollutants from firewood and coal in developing countries, not automobiles, factories, or aircraft.

Well, I think I reduced the environmental pollution quite a bit. In the case of asbestos, the use of all kinds of asbestos was banned at the UN level, and all buildings that had been constructed including asbestos were demolished. I did – I reduced it hard. Wouldn’t fine dust and yellow dust also decrease a lot if the desert does not expand and China does not industrialize?

Of course, by Korean standards in the 21st century, the cause of yellow dust is China, but in fact, yellow dust can occur wherever there is a desert, so trees should be planted elsewhere.

“The story leaked a little bit differently, but the international brigade started moving to sea to participate in the Indochina war.”


near the Paracel Islands,

“I warn you. Choose, repeat. Choose immediately!”

While hovering over the two ships, the aircraft continued to warn with the broadcast, but the two merchant ships ignored the broadcast.

“Commander. Great Britain-France United Kingdom aircraft.”

“Ignore it, and put the flag on it.”

“All right. Which country can I put it in?”

“Let the German flag hang.”

It was an action with a hole through which to escape, because it was true that there were many German sailors on board.

Of course the passengers came from all over the world.


The British Empire has no money. This is a command.

Once in Britain or France, the war was devastated by fierce wars throughout the war, and many youth populations were sacrificed. Fortunately, it ends up barely feeding its subjects thanks to France’s fertile soil.

Besides, the rest of the money is all thrown into the battlefield.

As a result, there is no money to develop a new jet fighter.

Therefore, even the pilots of the Naval Air Corps, which are said to be the best in terms of aircraft handling ability, have no choice but to drive propeller aircraft.

-Check the flag on the stern, and a black cross with a yellow border on a red background is drawn. German Empire flag.

– There are a number of unknown objects covered with tarpaulins on the deck.

Upon reporting what appeared to be a radio, the radio returned from the ship.

– Is it possible that it is a weapon?

“It looks like that.”

-Attack, the vessel has already crossed the no-navigation zone, and the warning has been given. You can also fire.

“Uh… can I really attack?”

– Yes, attack.

“i get it.”

After a while, a stream of white smoke erupted.

It was a rocket fire.

Then, the answer from the international brigade came back immediately. They are hostile forces after all, and they are going to fight.

I didn’t want to cause a fuss for nothing, so I just hid, and there was nothing I couldn’t do because I had to fight a little earlier.

“f*ck! The enemy is under fire!”

– Merlin 1, say it again, anti-aircraft gunfire?

“Those bastards were hiding anti-aircraft guns under tarpaulins! Six large-caliber guns and many anti-aircraft guns! right! shit!”

– Merlin 1? Merlin 1!

When communication was cut off, the nearby warships were in an emergency.


Berlin, German Imperial Cabinet Meeting Room.


Prime Minister Yalmar Shacht’s weary voice resounded.

“Some of you have heard of the situation for the first time now, so please report the timeline from the beginning.”

“Twenty-one hours ago, two armed merchant ships were asked to stop a plane from the United Kingdom of Great Britain and France near Indochina.”

The foreign minister continued.

“The armed merchant ship was flying the German Empire flag, but the locations of all merchant ships named ‘Atlas’ and ‘Emma’ are identified. It is assumed to be an impersonation, but the size is different from the beginning.”

“What about the size?”

“It’s pretty huge. At least it is a transatlantic class of passenger ships, and only a limited number of countries have such merchant ships.”

“The two merchant ships are armed, and both are considered to be regular military-grade equipment. As for the equipment identified by our aerial reconnaissance, the merchant ship called ‘Atlas’ has six 6-inch-class guns only identified from aircraft, one large-caliber anti-aircraft gun estimated to be around 3 inches, and two twin anti-aircraft batteries estimated to be made of Bofors. At least four double cannons have been identified, as well as torpedo tubes and depth charge drop decks. In addition to this, various armed forces are disguised, so the possibility that there are several more cannot be ruled out.”

“You are a light cruiser-class officer.”

“Armors of this size are not easily trafficked.”

“Which ship calls herself Emma?”

“Once it was confirmed that there were two 4” to 5” class guns and a machine gun mounted on the deck, but that’s all. There are many parts that cannot be seen with the naked eye, and the Atlas is the only one that has deployed its arms now.”

“Is that the end?”

“Yeah, the problem is, they pretended to be a German merchant ship to the end and asked for help from Friedrich der Grosche near the Maldives.”

“I’ll turn.”

One of the attendees sighed.

“Few were aware of the departure schedule of Friedrich der Grosche, did not the information leak? director?”

The head of the German National Security Agency, Stasi, coughed in vain.

“There is definitely a possibility. There is currently an investigation into the possibility that someone in the military may have inadvertently leaked the schedule…”

“When Friedrich der Grosche arrived at the scene, the British and French Navy HMS Victoria and HMS KGVI were pursuing the two ships, and they entered into a confrontation with Friedrich der Grosche. In this state, Friedrich der Grosche has requested orders from his home country.”


“The distance between Friedrich der Grosche and the British and French battleship squadrons is about 20 km, and the distance between the Anglo-French battleship squadron and the two armed merchant ships is about 10 km.”

“Once it’s clear that it’s not a merchant ship in your home country, why can’t we just have it captured by the British and French Navy and let our ships supervise it?”

“Even if it is an impersonation, the home country has the right to dispose of it. Moreover, the area is the territorial waters of the Commonwealth of Indochina. Even if we do, we or the Indochina Federation should do it, the British and French have no authority.”

The problem comes here.

In the case of the Anglo-French Empire, Indochina is considered a colony.

On the other hand, Russia, the United States, and its allies, including Germany, approved Indochina’s declaration of independence after it was declared.

In other words, if such an incident occurs during the Indochina War of Independence, the person who will respond to the incident becomes ambiguous.

From the point of view of the German Empire, even if it is arrested as a current offender, it should be handed over to the German Empire or Indochina federal government, which is nominally a ship’s country, and that it does not matter if the British Empire arrests it and punishes it immediately.

If Friedrich der Grosche had not been there or had already arrived after being caught, it would have been a court battle, but when they arrived before that, both sides were already loaded with live ammunition and aimed at each other.

“Damn it, I’d rather have it sunk when first discovered.”

“The firepower was quite strong, and the aircraft that approached it was hit back. So the battleship was afloat.”

“Are there any words from the Russian and American sides?”

“Both sides did not make an official announcement, but the ambassador said that if they had to express their position, they would support their country.”

“Okay then.”

“You are going strong.”

Defense Minister Manstein spoke.

“Let’s take this opportunity to reclaim Alsace-Lothringen by making a full-fledged war.”


“Reclaiming the rightful German Empire! Righteous, German, imperial territory!”

“Calm down, I’ll let you know that the Minister’s opinion is just that.”

“I agree too. Chancellor Wolfgang, can’t we Friedrich der Groschet beat them? It’s because I don’t know military dance well.”

Naval Chief of Staff Wolfgang Rutt replied clandestinely.

“You have to do it to find out.”

“It is well known that the military power of the British and French Empires is pathetic. I made a limited war on a small scale…”

“What the Russian Empire gave us was not a blank check issued by the German Empire during the First World War to the Double Reich, Minister,”

“It doesn’t matter. Our military might be enough to push through Dover. France without a Maginot line can be lightly trampled on.”

“I mean, not that the Russian Empire would not like the outbreak of war under this circumstance!”

“I will support you, but you will try to mediate through the UN. In other words, if the United States and Russia strike before they intervene, there is a chance.”

“War is unconditionally the last choice.”

said Yalmar Shacht with a crumpled face.

“Again, don’t be reckless.”

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