< Episode 308 >


I’ve never looked at her like that.


But, I knew.

The moment you say those words out of your mouth, there will be irreversible wounds.

He was too good to give such a wound knowingly.

He was unrelenting enough to crush the golden flower of her emotions and stomped out her flame.

She looks like a doll standing in the middle of a garbage dump, who has lost her warmth. She is drenched in tears, longing for warmth.

“I… I can’t.”

You can please her with love that isn’t sincere, but in the end it’s all dreamy like a midsummer night’s dream. If we say that it was built on deception and self-deception, rather than a sincere feeling like a solidly deposited rock, wouldn’t the end be obvious?

she was a child

He was an adult.

Some say The difference between a child and an adult is whether or not they can dream anymore.

So she yearns, and he is assertive.


Her eyes trembled.

“What am I missing? face? Or… your personality? What the hell… What’s missing? Why don’t you look back on me?”

she cried


She was objectively beautiful. His personality was good too.

However, he couldn’t accept it.

what should i answer


At that moment, there was a sound like a door breaking.

“hey! Nikita!”


“Get out now! It happened!”


“Simultaneous communist uprisings in each country! Red situation!”


West Tokyo, West Japan.

-bang! Quang!

There was the sound of bullets exploding.

“What is that? Is it artillery?”

“That’s a Fugas, not a Field Artillery.”

“What kind of fugas is that?”

But what the officer said was true. However, it was not that the land was sold, but gunpowder and gravel were put in a drum and fired.

It was an improvised weapon that fired a drum or a large pipe by putting gravel, iron, etc. in gunpowder and then blasting it.

In addition, in some cases, shells containing black powder and a detonator in a metal barrel or Molotov cocktails were used as shells.

In any case, although its performance was inferior to that of a normal artillery gun, it was a great threat to the East Tokyo defense force, whose armament was not so good.

Of course, it wasn’t that they didn’t have the equipment to fire counterattacks at all.

“The mortar is ready.”

A large 82mm mortar equipped with a cannon and wheels was aimed at the gun in case of an emergency.

It was a clip-loaded semi-automatic mortar, 2B9 basilisk mortar, which could not be used in the Great War because it was developed only after the end of the war.

There were only a few doors, but their performance easily surpassed the improvised cannons that the rebels were carrying.

Soldiers with AKM checked their guns. The enemies were not soldiers.

It was an angry people.

To put it bluntly, it was a mob. It was also confirmed that the major government buildings in West Tokyo were already engulfed in flames and prepared for battle.

“Mortar alone isn’t enough, are RPG shells enough?”

“Not that many.”


“Don’t worry too much, they wouldn’t try to menstruate if they were sane.”

“There are so many crazy people in the world, Lieutenant, there’s no guarantee that they won’t menstruate.”

“With strikes, fires, and even rebellions within the military, western Japan will be in chaos for a while.”

I could see the bandits fluttering.

“I see, the guards have been killed and the bodies are being dragged around.”

The Russian military officers, looking through their binoculars, looked at the excited citizens and wrote a report to report to the superior.

“Aren’t you coming this way? There was no need to prepare.”

“At least the people who made it happen wouldn’t want it.”

“It’s true that it’s a riot, but I can’t control it because I don’t know the original leader. That’s what collective madness is.”

Individuals may be different, but if you look through history, madness exists in all groups and people.

And it did bring blood.

“How much blood the ideological struggle will shed.”


“There was a report from the satellite control room that there was a riot in Qing, believed to have been instigated by South China, and that the entire area of Beijing was engulfed in a large-scale fire that was presumed to be arson.”

Nikita sighed.

“What does your father say?”

“There were no special orders from Moscow.”

“Have you not seen any damage in North Japan yet?”

“There is not.”

“A preemptive agent? Is that man alive?”

“It’s either dead, or worse than dead, or both.”

In the Far East, sea and land operations are controlled in Vladivostok or Khabarovsk, but special operations in the Far East, ‘Black Ops’, are controlled here, at the military base on Mount Amantau.

Built for the purpose of developing biological and chemical weapons, this base was closely linked with nearby underground nuclear test sites, nuclear bases, and ballistic missile control facilities, but now it is with Solovetsky and Paldisky for the control and command of special operations. It was one of the selected military bases.

“It is speculated that mass slaughter took place in China. A similar rebellion occurred in North China and was suppressed hard.”

As Lev listened to the meeting, he remembered just one word.

‘The war must not end in China.’


‘”I put the G fire, but if there is still something to burn elsewhere, the fire will only get bigger.’


‘I divided those flames that did not know coexistence. Then they won’t look outside, at least while they’re biting each other.’

‘Do you really need to? Even in Germany, my father…’

‘Germany has already lost the strength to resist us. But China is different, their population itself is violence. They are a fire that will devour everything it encounters. There’s only one thing I can do, install a fire extinguisher so that the flame doesn’t spread to other places, until all the firewood burns out, until the gust of wind subsides. The fire zone must be maintained until the people who have become at least tens of millions of people consume all the oxygen and all the firewood and die out.’

As long as they split anyway, they will fight with blood. What they have to do is make sure that the division never ends.

eternal war.

The grandson said, ‘I’ve heard that war must end quickly, even if it has flaws, but I’ve never heard of it being protracted by cunning tactics. There is no benefit to the country by prolonging war.’

He could be wrong because he didn’t put any preconditions on it.

If the grandson was to get the word right, he should have added the word ‘one’s’ war.

own war.

If a foreign country, even a foreign country that is likely to threaten them someday, consumes its national power in war and buys its own weapons and leaks its national wealth.

It is best if you destroy it, but in any case, it should not give you room to overcome the difficulties and rise again.

It was a command from my father, and it was a consistent will that should never change.

‘In terms of the level of risk, China is ten times more dangerous than Germany. China has as much potential as Britain, Germany and France combined, no, more than that.’

Never let it stand up.

Even if I did the mean things of grabbing my ankles, cutting ligaments, and stabbing my Achilles tendon.

‘We must be responsible for those who are loyal to us, not those who have nothing to do with it.’

Even if the lubricant of the devil’s machine of this international order becomes human blood and flows down.

Unless it’s the blood of those we need to protect, we don’t care.

Every time the machine turns, countless human bones are piled up between the irregularities of the gears that make history move, and even if the current of slaughter rushes in with a strong bloody smell.

‘They are not the ones we have to protect.’

There is no world where everyone truly smiles. All human actions can ultimately be defined as the redistribution of resources, and if resources are overflowing beyond human needs, it is impossible to satisfy all human needs.

Therefore, any righteous ruler had to squeeze out the blood of those he did not protect and satisfy those he protected.

Their flesh should be cooked and served to the people, and the people should be warmed with the oil squeezed from them. That was their sacred duty.

And if foreign beings rose up with their weapons against it, they had to fight back, subdue them with overwhelming violence and fear, and squeeze it again.

It was not a justification for imperialism.

It was a stark reality.

Imperialism was merely the most sophisticated way to express basic human needs without any addition or subtraction, but it has been proven in the failure of communism that the sum of human selfishness is always greater than the sum of human altruism.

Therefore, they had to die.

With their blood and flesh, to satisfy the sons and daughters of the Empire.

‘As the Messiah also said, no one breaks the bread of his sons and daughters and throws them to the dogs. A dog must be content with the crumbs falling from its master’s table.’

However, they are not dogs who are satisfied with crumbs, but rather savage dogs that jump on the table and try to swallow the bowl whole. You should lift the stick and drive it out, but every time you do it, dust will accumulate on the dishes, and you may run away with a bite in your mouth, so fundamental measures are needed.

read at https://readwn.com

Making it out of dog meat is the best solution, but the dog is quite large and it will take a lot of time and effort to boil, and it can hurt you.

So I just put up a fight with other dogs so that there is no room to stick their snouts on the table. One dog must not be allowed to kill and eat the other two dogs, so that the three dogs will grow tired and bloodied with each other and never turn their heads to the table growling at each other.

Then one day the dog with a full stomach will grow bigger and jump on the table.

“Therefore, our only purpose is to prolong and chronic China’s civil war, to keep their national competitiveness in a state of collapse, and to cause the United States to consume useless national power due to the civil war in West Japan. There is no such thing, but it is right to write a contingency plan. Does anyone have any good ideas?”

Although various conversations could be heard at Nikita’s words, Lev secretly looked at his secretary, who was standing behind him, clearly taking care of his facial expressions.

‘Did you two fight…’

When this was over, Lev began to wrestle with the map, thinking in his heart that reconciliation should be made.

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