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United States Aerospace Forces, Cheyenne Base, underground bunker. Excalibur Control Station.

“Excalibur 17 has landed in orbit.”


The US government judged that competing with Russia in nuclear technology or projectile technology is meaningless.

In the first place, it was clear that Russia had no intention of competing with the United States, and the isolationists opposed pouring its budget into dealing with a country that did not appear to be hostile to the United States and had little intention to do so.

Remarks from various sources of credibility that induced Ohrana to spread to the American media also supported this, and public opinion was already moving toward quitting the war and digesting what we had.

<The United States, ruler of the new continent, Russia, ruler of the old continent>

<tired of war>

“The End of All Wars”

“The world needs freedom from fear, and the means is disarmament”

In addition, the standardization of nuclear warheads and the replacement of conventional weapons with nuclear weapons under President Marshall also played a role, which gave the isolationists wings.

China’s nuclear warhead drop had a huge impact on American society as well. Of course, regarding the aftereffects of nuclear weapons and radiation, which the Russian government publicly pointed out, the US government said, ‘Insufficient information, and the Russian government also failed to provide a reliable source of information. Therefore, additional research is needed.”

In other words, there is a possibility that the Russian statement is correct, but there is no confirmation that it is correct, so I am not sure.

An all-out war or an arms race with Russia has become quite difficult, but intervening in areas outside the hegemony of the United States is also difficult for the same reason.

A moderate expression of that rivalry was space exploration. President Marshall, whose blood pressure rose from NASA’s continuous shoveling, which failed to succeed in any projectile except the Sinite projectile, by blowing up a few more projectiles due to the failure of the development of the propellant pump since the days of the Vanguard rocket, dismantled NASA and dismantled the remains of the projectile. Incorporated with the United States Air Force, which had nothing to do other than dealing with mainland air defense and nuclear weapons, re-established as the United States Aerospace Forces, entrusted with all kinds of space exploration.

All advances to space, which are good for civil aviation agencies such as lunar exploration and interplanetary exploration, were centered on the Aerospace Force, and in order to maintain NASA’s legacy as much as possible, the method of involving civilian scientists in the military project at the time of the Manhattan Project. It fostered a relatively free atmosphere with reference to it, and thanks to that, there were quite a few situations that could be seen as ‘disgraceful’ in a way.

Of course, there were good things about the aerospace force as well. First, there was the fact that the budget was much richer.

Congress allocated almost unlimited budgets for the space race, and the number of volunteers for the aerospace force increased dramatically.

However, the military still wanted to expand its military power. military power comparable to that of Russia.

The military thought that if the Russian Empire and the United States were to fight, Russia would suffer great damage, but the United States would be defeated.

The US military, which failed to miniaturize the ICBM, could only fire ballistic missiles at sea, and could not create the SSBN because there was no submarine that could fire a missile of that size.

On the other hand, the Russian military was building a large number of SSBNs that were virtually impossible to preemptively detect. To counter this, SSGN was built, but this too had many shortcomings compared to the Russian-made.

Not to mention the conventional powers of which the idiots of Congress have stopped breathing.

In other words, it was intended to secure a level of power to pursue genuine annihilation beyond the current clumsy mutually assured destruction. The problem was that it would be too much of a political burden to mass-produce more existing nuclear weapons.

Although no Strategic Arms Restriction Agreement or a nonsensical agreement has been signed yet, all types of ‘ballistic missiles’ of the US military are operated by the Navy, so the aerospace force had to increase its number of cruise missiles in order to increase its weapons.

However, unlike ICBMs, which can be used as an excuse to mass-produce space launch vehicles only by what they put in the warhead rather than mass-production of ballistic missiles, it was clear that increasing the number of cruise missiles would immediately throw away the budget in the parliament, which was negative for military power build-up.

So what was planned was the satellite weapon, the Excalibur Project.

Of course, it was nominally a test for another project, as Congress almost certainly would have been dissatisfied with the nuclear test in space.

A nuclear-powered spacecraft for exploration beyond the moon, into the solar system, and into deep space, a spacecraft using nuclear pulses, commonly known as the Orion Project, the primary goal was to cut one-way flights to Mars within 30 days.

Considering that it has not yet sent a lander to the moon, this is quite a step forward, but the argument that Russia must land on the moon and go to Mars now requires developing a propulsion system that will go to Mars if it is to overtake Russia, persuaded lawmakers.

And the Excalibur project was put in place, and the basic technology of a directional nuclear energy weapon, not a nuclear warhead itself, derived from the Orion project, was developed. It was a caliber satellite.


India, Lahore

Gunshots were heard everywhere, and there were occasional explosions.

Jawaharlal Nehru, the man who watched the flames from a distance, silently bowed his head.

“Just push a little bit more and it’s over.”

“…to reduce the public opinion of the soldiers.”

Independent India should not be a Hindu religious state.

They too are opponents they must embrace.

However, although Nehru thought so, not everyone thought so.

The genocide of the Muslims in Dhaka remains an irreparable regret for Nehru.

At that time, if I had paid a little more attention, the massacre could have been prevented in advance.

“Be careful not to invade Afghanistan under the border agreement with the Russian Empire, and…”

Afghanistan? good to say

Afghanistan was initially under the mandate of Russia, but the opposition within Afghanistan was not great. When the war was over, the Russians, like the Persians, did not take any major action even if they were mandated, such as building schools and teaching skills, rather than a military presence.

The Russian Empire, which had declared that it would support the Afghan people as a great power, took territory from its colony, India, and attached it to Afghanistan when Britain surrendered.

Of course, the Hindu extremists rejoiced in their hearts, because most of the people who lived there were Muslims, which meant that the Muslim power was weakening.

However, the position of the ethnic minorities in Afghanistan and the Patušœ continued to be divided, and the Russian Empire’s mediation and the existence of the monarchy maintained a close peace.

At the level of the Russian Empire, if it was not possible to make a living at all, in most cases, bloodshed did not occur because there were even cases where they were given the right to move to Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, which are parts of their country, and provided financial support. It was literally providing a place to go and a settlement fee so that the middle class could leave if they didn’t like the temple.

Of course, from the Russian perspective, there were various reasons, such as securing a stable access to the Indian Ocean and protecting oil resources, but none of these meant anything to the locals, who could only receive the benefits through a formal oath of allegiance.

Especially in Afghanistan, the Hajirain, who have been discriminated and persecuted as a minority ethnic group with unusual appearance and different sects, swore allegiance to Russia, which guaranteed religious freedom, and often climbed on the train heading to Central Asia.

In any case, it was possible because of the high popularity of Tsar Mikhail in Western Asia that there are quite a few who call the current Tsar of the Russian Empire the second coming of Timur.

No, that would be common to most of the colonies.

For those who lived only under white civilization, they came from the lower classes of the colony, and they reached the supreme position by subjugating the whites only with their own abilities.

The one who proved that they were not defeated because they were inferior to whites. Couldn’t he be unpopular with the colonists who gave them hope that they could do it too?

The white people who said they were so inferior were defeated in both wars, and the winner of the great war was a boy from the colony whom they said were inferior.

In such a relationship, the two plans ‘they clap their hands and make a sound, provide a choice so that people who do not like to leave, please,’ and ‘instill a sense of democracy and liberalism through free education’. It was readily accepted by the locals.

In any case, the fact that the peoples living in the region managed to accept the rule of the Russian Empire ruled by Timur, who returned after more than 500 years, respected their traditions and culture, provided welfare only in exchange for nominal loyalty and almost complete autonomy. Allowing , etc. was effective.

Only the ruler has changed. Or to the extent that their legitimate leaders from the good days have come back to life.

However, the story was different for far-right Hindus and nationalists outside Russia and in India.

For them, the fact that a large part of Pakistan’s Dominion was toppled into Afghanistan as a result of the end-of-war treaty, and that even they, with the exception of some exiles, recognized the Russian yellow Tsar as their rightful ruler, was absolutely incomprehensible. Law also argued that Afghanistan should be attacked and reclaimed territory.

Of course, that was nonsense. Whether it is Persia, Afghanistan, or Arabia, it is a protectorate of the Russian Empire. Unless you plan to wage an all-out war with the Russian Empire without a single country to help, it is only a delusion to reclaim the territory you have already lost.

‘If it’s Chandra Boss, I wouldn’t mind that.’

Chandra Bose did not cooperate with Japan. The reason was simple.

Because of the continuation of the Anglo-Japanese alliance, no Indian, including Chandra Bose, had any expectations for Japan.

But instead, he was holding hands with Mao Zedong, a rising god of South China.

read at https://readwn.com

Mao Zedong, who succeeded in establishing a dictatorship, is supporting a huge military force in solidarity with Chandra Bose.

‘However, even if Mao Zedong participated in the war, he would not be able to face the Russian army.’

If Afghanistan is attacked, Russian forces must and unconditionally intervene.

Only fools will face the Russian Empire head-on. While receiving support from the US military, Mao Zedong struggled with North China, which had only received Russian military support. When he delivered 12 nuclear weapons at the same time, Russia intervened completely, so a peace treaty was not signed.

Under the present circumstances, India will never be able to defeat Russia. He will know that too.

Russian forces could literally sit down and blow up major Indian cities. The United States is also developing at a tremendous pace, but it is widely believed that it is one step behind Russia.

‘Even so, it is something to think about winning the war first.’

Numerous emirates, divided countries.

They had to be united under the name of India.

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