< Episode 301 >

African continent, South Africa.

South Africa became independent as a result of World War II.

But now, their independence is in jeopardy again, less than 15 years later.

“Shoot! Shoot! Don’t let those bastards come over!”

A loud noise was heard from over there.

“Long live Ethiopia! Long live the Emperor!”

“Liberate our compatriots! Great Ethiopian Army! Go ahead!”

American 105mm tank shells landed near them.

An M3 tank developed by the United States was approaching with the Ethiopian mark. The main gun, which was disassembled from the turret and hull when the Americans retired, was replaced by a 105mm anti-tank gun and a 3-inch gun, and it was breathing fire.

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M3A4 tanks developed by the U.S. Army during the Great War with a 75mm main gun mounted on the hull and a turret of the early T-32 type brought death.

– Brothers of Africa! Drop your weapons! This is not a brother’s war!

– How can you make yourself a slave to white people! Do you want to be a slave to the Boers? Or do you want to live with us in a unified African empire of Africans, for Africans, and by Africans!

-The white people have taken you away from the vote! White people have taken you freedom! They are treating you like Jews and trying to quarantine you and even deprive you of your nationality!

-They are just Axis powers that have not yet been defeated! Brothers! Rise up and embrace Great Africa! Kill the white people! Burn their arsenal! America and Russia are behind us! You don’t have to be afraid of anything! This is our land! Fight with bullets, bayonet, and even bare hands! Better to die standing than to live as a slave! Victory is ours!

– White people of South Africa! Our wrath besieges this damned nation! The resistance of your Nazi followers is pointless! Those who oppose us will only fall! Give up the wires! Leave this land! Go back to your country!

An aircraft was hovering through the air, broadcasting a recorded propaganda broadcast.

A few soldiers fired at it, but the aircraft hovered in the air, mockingly.

With that, it was already clear which side had the right to provide.


Ethiopia, Mogadishu.

A Russian merchant ship was unloading goods. Next to it was an American merchant ship.

“About 40 tanks and ammunition…”

The black man glanced at the long specification and signed it lightly.

“I have checked everything.”

“Good work.”

The Russian captain nodded.

“We Ethiopia, no, all free people in Africa will never forget the friendship of Russia.”

Russia and the United States also do not help Ethiopia and Liberia because they are beautiful, but sell weapons and munitions at a low price to stock up on weapons mass-produced for World War II and expand their influence in Africa. For those who were fighting, it was like a rain of drought.

“Racism is something only savages do.”

The Russian captain said with a smirk. There was also very little racism in the Russian Empire.

In the first place, there is no black person to discriminate against, and considering who is currently in power, the yellow man does not dare to touch it.

Of course, there may be religious persecution, and there is a policy of expelling ‘foreigners residing in Korea’ who refuse to assimilate, but that is not ‘racism’.

The policy of the Empire is that it doesn’t matter what color your skin is as long as you accept your identity as Russian.

“Did you hear that story? Some parts of the United States were insisting on declaring Antarctica as a territory. I don’t know what I’m going to do.”

In its original history, the FDR made several preparatory attempts to actually make Antarctica territorial, but it was thwarted when the Antarctic Treaty was signed before territorial sovereignty was declared.

However, the Antarctic Treaty was not signed here, and as all the countries claiming sovereignty, such as Britain, Argentina, Chile, France, and Norway, flew away, the US administration came to think that it might be possible to eat a whole continent as a territory.

And Russia wasn’t interested in the first place. There is no room to advance to Antarctica, but the South Pacific and other areas have all been transferred to the US territory.

“If the North Pole is recognized as Russian territory, the US can take Antarctica.”

“ha ha ha! Then I’ll have to hand it over to Canada, right?”

Of course, in reality, it was more likely that they would make diplomatic concessions to Russia by incorporating them into the territory, but in any case the Ethiopian bureaucracy and the Russian captain smoked a joking joke.

The two men, who had cigars and smashed whiskey glasses in the captain’s room, shared their personal affairs while unloading was completed.

“The US side is a single steel mill, and we do not invest only in this side, but Russia is a customer we will be dealing with for a long time.”

“We are also looking at the government. Hopefully, instead of these toys, we can get active-duty weapons from the Russian Army.”

“Nuclear weapons too?”

“ha ha ha! I don’t want to be shot by military intelligence.”

All nuclear weapons are managed by the GRU. To be precise, the operation of the ballistic missile itself is under the jurisdiction of the military, but when the warhead is separated from the projectile, and the production process, it is under the jurisdiction of the intelligence service.

The official said it was a joke and laughed along. The whole world knows what happened to the British and French Empire, which was suspected of trying to develop nuclear weapons, but there was no country on the planet that would dare to develop nuclear weapons.

“African Empire, it would be a beautiful story if it came true.”

Of course, there was a great chance that the empire would suffer great travail. It could have been shattered in a few years.

Now, while promoting semi-colonialism and liberation, they were expanding their territory by driving out the whites by force and the Et rulers who ruled the colonies of Africa with overwhelming military force, but there were numerous tribes and the differences between Christianity and Islam, Can you deal with threats?

People who cause riots like Russia will be driven out to Siberia or Central Asia if they are in Europe, and those living in Asia cannot be thrown into the middle of Europe.

Once they have heard African liberation as their banner, they have an obligation to embrace all blacks, at least sub-Saharan Africans.

A powerful military force was needed to become the Rome of the 20th century and Africa, uniting thousands of identities and tribes.

It was, of course, an easier task than grouping Europe under one system. And is there not one contemporaneous person who has actually succeeded in the task?

There is no reason not to say that they are, but unlike him who started from the ground up, he received support from overseas as well.


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Moscow, Board of Education

“In order for brainwashing or fairy tales to work well, there has to be little discrimination. In that sense, our empire can be said to have a better assimilation power than other countries.”


“It is not an environment for discrimination. They are the same subjects who serve the monarch, and there is no freedom to relocate anyway, so there is no need to mix and match, the land is large, and quarrels over limited interests in the originally narrow place are the easiest cases to avoid. And stop conscription.”


“The military is the best place to indoctrinate along with compulsory education. It is very easy to dismiss everything as an old-fashioned notion, and to dismiss it as an old-fashioned concept that needs to be destroyed as well as the existing national consciousness, as there are a lot of things that Russia has to get rid of from the old generation.”

Before the Great War, Russia had a limited conscription system, and the system is still being maintained. Of course, the war was waged only with partial mobilization orders without even issuing a total mobilization order, but the conscription system itself existed anyway.

The Russian Empire did not give up the conscription system itself, even for national unity and modernization. There was no need to draw a reserve force to the front line as in other countries’ mobilization orders, and if necessary, even 10 million troops could be operated.

Therefore, although the period of service was short, the Russian army continued to recruit troops.

It was Russia’s core national project to fit all who live there, whether they were new territory acquired through the destruction of the past community for economic reasons, national education, conscription system, etc. .

Among the new countries, there are a number of countries that benchmarked the Russian style, but in any case, it was important to establish a firm identity as a citizen.

“The military is over, it won’t be forever, at least for a while, but it’s education that counts now.”

I skimmed through samples of textbooks made for use in the revised curriculum.

“Did Ohrana inspect this?”

“It hasn’t been checked yet.”


I opened the history textbook first.

“What are you doing?”

“To see where the story is after the Russo-Japanese War.”

“Are you just wondering how you portrayed His Majesty?”

“I’m just looking for history books. If I came out there, wouldn’t it be because I couldn’t talk about the existence of the country in the Russian Empire after the Russo-Japanese War?”

“It sounds terribly unlucky, but it’s also true.”

“There will be fewer than ten people in the world who can openly call me unlucky.”

“Actually, this is true not only in the history of the Russian Empire, but also in world history. Without His Majesty, there would be no story.”

For a moment, I laughed out loud imagining the students solving multiple-choice questions in the world history exam where they were asked to choose something that was not their achievement.

“Why are you laughing?”

“No, just imagining that in some countries there might be some people who know how well they know what I do, whether or not they go to college.”

“No matter what country you are looking for, it is from this country onwards. Also, if you ask me if it only appears in history textbooks, that’s not the case.”

“……Isn’t it a bit too much?”

“Yes, there are many.”

“In a way, this is also a proof of my existence, proof that I existed.”

“I left it all over human history, don’t worry, your Majesty’s existence will not be forgotten unless the entire human civilization collapses. In fact, some of the monarchs of ancient civilizations were remembered, but I think your Majesty is at a level that will be remembered that way.”

“It’s not something only I can do.”

“It’s easy to find a job that only Your Majesty can do, who puts the Empress and the Grand Duchess side by side in the same bed, and is not satisfied with it and even touches the female monarch of another country…”

“No, that’s me…”

“Whatever the truth is, history will remember it that way.”

“…Yeah, it wouldn’t hurt to be remembered like that. Damn it.”

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