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Republic of Korea.

Its history lasted half a million years, it preserved its own culture, and it was Samchully Geumsugangsan, which did not stop fighting despite the numerous threats it faced.

The special feature for them is that it is a geopolitical key point, and if the Russian Empire obtains it, it will be useful for checking western Japan, and on the contrary, if the United States secures it, the Russian Empire tickles Vladivostok. It is also useful to press Qing and South China.

And that it is the hometown of the Tsar.

There are other aspects such as showing the annual temperature difference of hell to diplomats from different countries, or saying that it is a world-class producer of tungsten, but as tungsten is an abundant resource in Russia, it did not occupy a large proportion.

The long history is not of interest to diplomats, but the real concern is that the Russian army is using it as a major base for the Far East Fleet, such as fortifying Tsushima and Jeju Island.

And the left-right conflict is extreme.

Communism, especially Marxism, lost its power due to the failure of the Russian Revolution, and other socialist factions, especially fascism, withered away due to World War II.

However, the idea of socialism itself has not disappeared, as evidenced by the attack on Mao Zedong as a communist. These ideas are widespread in Europe, Asia, and even in the New World. Even in Russia, some socialist political forces remain and continue to exist as major opposition parties.

Ethical socialism and social democracy still exist in each country even though the tax rate has decreased, and in western Japan, the economic stagnation and various problems of defeat, as well as complaints accumulated due to GHQ’s shoveling, etc. My back was swollen and I was dissatisfied that not much had changed since GHQ stepped down.

In particular, the fact that GHQ did not transplant democracy properly despite the demands for democratization within Japanese society, that many militarists were sitting on their feet while the emperor was hanging, and the fact that they were imputing their original sin of defeat to themselves was the truth of the Japanese people. It sparked outrage, which led to a large-scale protest led by university students.

The worst recession, hyperinflation, the ideological background of the surviving socialist forces, and the fact that those who have devoured the state are still sitting on their heads, ignoring democracy, ignited the anger of the Japanese. It led to a movement to downgrade the authority movement and anti-religion, especially Shinto and the emperor, which the established people had deified, and it led to a total rebellion against existing politics and morals.

And even in the situation where even diplomatic relations were not normalized, the Republic of Korea could not be affected at all, as indirect exchanges continued right in front of them.

In the case of the Republic of Korea, many left-wing nationalists in the cabinet and parliament composed of independence activists were left-wing nationalists and formed the Socialist Party with the support of anarchists.

However, this Labor Party also had a different opinion about the massive student movement and revolution in Japan. The moderates opposed the violent revolution as in Japan, and the hardliners viewed it positively.

Of course, unlike western Japan, where the United States was severely burned in the civil war in China and no armed suppression was implemented, if a similar situation occurred in Korea, the Russian Empire would almost certainly send in paratroopers and armored units, so they were not in a situation where they were calling for a revolution.

On the other hand, the right-wing forces were largely divided into two.

The Republican Party, a ruling party with strong pro-American tendencies, is a right-wing faction of the Provisional Government and the Korean Democratic Party, which is the majority party in the current parliament, from a study abroad student in the Russian Empire.

The Korean political world, which was thus organized into two right-wing parties and one left-wing party, was heading towards extreme confrontation.

“Ambush our company and arrest party members! What the hell is the police department doing?! Are you determined to oppress us now? Police Commissioner! Please explain!”

“They are violent criminals! I went through the official process and wanted to be wanted, but since when has the company been a sanctuary? Now, if a gangster registers with a political party, the police will crawl?”

“Keep your manners, Rep. Cho and Mr. Baek Beom have fought for their country since the Eulmi Incident, and you are not the object of criticism from writers like you who are obsessed with drinking, drugs, and eating and drinking, saying they are anarchism or internationalism! ”

“profit! Have you finished talking now? What have you contributed to the independence movement? 3.1 You took part in the movement, but what has happened since then?”

“Working with the Russian Empire, we paved the way for an independent state unlike the other states absorbed as part of the Russian Empire, isn’t that enough of what we have done? And can you guys fight and win the Russian Empire? At least, I think our contribution to the independence of our country is far greater than the hypocrites who produced only traitors while committing adultery and free love.”

What Germany and the dual empires had in common at the end of World War I was that a communist revolution broke out and the revolutionary forces were trampled down by the Russian army.

Anyway, to kill the left, the Democratic Party and the Republican Party joined forces to attack, and the Socialist Party, which had neither a president nor a prime minister, was beaten as it was defeated.

Besides, the sound he was making was just a good sound to be hit from both sides.

“Our Korean people have never persecuted other countries, and we are in a very sensitive position. Even in order not to get caught up in a war, a small neutral country like Switzerland can be established through balanced diplomacy…”

“So what happened to Switzerland? You couldn’t overcome the German threat, so you opened the door, but the country collapsed and you are now a part of Germany, haven’t you? Germans say that even if Austria becomes independent, Switzerland will never become independent. Are you trying to sell the country twice? Where, why did you sell it to that guy, so who do you want to sell it to this time?”

“It is the Russian Empire that made this country independent, but balanced diplomacy? Now, don’t you think the people of the world won’t hear that Koreans are an ungrateful people who eat betrayal as if they’re eating rice and don’t know grace? Get it out!”

“Even the major powers now do not have nuclear weapons, so they have to choose sides. You know that making rifles with our own hands is the limit of our abilities, no, if you have the money to strengthen the military that much now, get another tractor from the farmhouse! tractor!”

“The International Atomic Energy Agency has offered to help developing countries become self-sufficient in energy supply and demand in the long term in exchange for giving developing countries the authority to inspect nuclear inspections and nuclear material transactions. Can you tell me in detail if there is a way not to be questioned by refusal and a way to deny aid and train technical manpower to supply and operate electricity and build and operate power plants on our own?”

“The moment there is any hint of developing a nuclear weapon, the Russian military will come in. Do you have the power to stop it?”

“Who said nuclear development?”

“The Switzerland you mentioned did not neglect to buy or make weapons under the name of armed neutrality, but will it remain neutral without force? And now it is obvious that all wars will be fought with nuclear weapons at the fore, but neutrality without nuclear weapons? I can only hear you say you want to roll up the country, right?”

“So we mean…”

In the first place, the energy supply and demand project carried out by the UN as part of international aid presupposes the commercialization of thorium reactors, and the general reactors are tightly closed by Russia and the US because of the possibility of plutonium refining or uranium enrichment.

Therefore, it was also questionable whether there was a foundation for properly transmitting the nuclear technology before the source of the blockade of nuclear technology, which was secretly supported.

“These times are calling on us to take sides between the US and Russia! Bats are only rejected by both sides!”

Britain and France were also trying to call the weight class through the trick of the British and French Empire because they did not choose a side, so it would not be easy for China to unify to climb up in a similar way in Asia.

After all, even today, the Socialist Party figures who came out of the parliament only after swearing, gathered in a restaurant.

Coincidentally, all high-end restaurants in Seoul were foreign restaurants.

I couldn’t help it. I couldn’t afford to develop Korean food, and foreigners also had quite a bit of stake in what is currently forming the waist of this country.

In the first place, even the mass murders in the early days of independence were mostly directed towards pro-Japanese rather than Japanese, with the exception of some such as vicious landowners. It was the Prime Minister who made it so.

The Japanese can be deported at any time, but the pro-Japanese will remain in this country forever if they don’t wipe it out, even if it’s too much. Judging that way, she led her anger towards the Japanese to focus on pro-national actors, and after extensive lynching and massacres, the pro-Japanese factions in the Korean Peninsula were virtually wiped out of the three tribes. The survivors were also tried and hanged, and the traitors abroad could not even dream of returning home after all their domestic assets were confiscated.

But the Japanese were different. It is inevitable that she will be stabbed, looted, and hanged by a bamboo spear in a place she has no control over, but she has no intention of touching even the technocrats who are not directly harassing Koreans in the first place, so she requested the Russian military to protect them.

Chuikov, who had no intention of touching civilians in the first place, cooperated on the premise that it would not interfere with the military operation, but still many were killed or fled due to uncontrolled anger. The manpower was compensated as much as possible. Many of them fled to escape oppression in their own country.

In the end, the workers who currently operate the Supung Dam, Hwacheon Power Plant, and various factories were full of Polish, Japanese, Russians, and foreigners raking in from other countries, Americans, British, French, Italians, Germans, etc., from their own countries. Those who escaped from the political chaos of the city, those who came for money, etc.

A German pilot who was convicted of treason in mainland Germany because he supported the Nazis, participated in the war and actively took pro-Nazi steps washed his identity and trained the Korean Air Force, while exploring the possibility of advancing into Asia from the US headquarters. The engineer who sent me to try it builds a factory.

read at https://readwn.com

Missionaries from France, Italy, and the United States built schools, and a British engineer who became unemployed after the war ended, was so terrified of the Korean government’s salary that he boarded a boat bound for Korea. Turks, who lost their hometowns due to the defeat, also flowed in.

Anyway, this is also a restaurant that one of those people served.

Young and young girls came in one after another, but the Socialist Party members who sat here did not have much left to sleep with the girls sitting next to them.

“Damn Democrats and Republicans!”

“The last thing was really seeing us in the water! At this point, isn’t it time to go? Is it as simple as coming into the middle of our company with a gun, handing out a warrant, and arresting a party member?”

“There was no one who was already ignorant of the fact that the right wingers went out of their way a few years ago when they blew up the projection room with a grenade, made Comrade Sim like that, and even wrote a forced conversion letter.”

“How long do I have to live with suffering?”

“The military is a pro-Russian faction, and the police are under the control of the white criminal. Besides… you know the Russians don’t look at us nicely.”

“It’s not impossible if our party members rise up all at once and put pressure on the military and police! Not so once in Austria and Germany!”

“And the Russians will cross the border, what about that?”

“Let’s bring America in.”


“It’s nonsense, can it be?”

“Comrade Heon-Young Park, please also talk to me.”

“Once the people who support us revolt, it is possible to seize power, but if we judge that we are far from the United States, it is unlikely that the Russian army on the Korean peninsula will intervene, as it has been so far.”


“Russians will now be interested in Europe, the British and French are interested, so… if we revolt, we will succeed.”

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