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What does China mean to the Russian Empire?

It is clear that you are paying attention. However, to what extent it is, it is a bit vague.

So let’s change the question.

What are the priorities of the Russian Empire?

If you take out all the obvious things like maintaining the state or the land, the diplomatic priority would be Europe first.

However, there are no opponents left to worry about in Europe. If it had been hit to the bone twice, Germany’s DNA would have been enough to instill fear of the East.

Italy? After changing the name of the country to the United States of Italy, there has been no civil war, but it has fallen into a very difficult position to invade other countries. Especially if the Pope is their nominal representative. The United States of America with a constitutional monarch…isn’t it similar to a double empire?

France will have to focus on restoring its homeland for a while, and so is Britain, Spain.

So what about the Middle East? We got Arabia, we got Suez, and Persia was effectively turned into a puppet. India doesn’t know how this civil war will end, but whoever comes to power, the odds of going out to Russia are low.

In other words, there is no hostile country. Africa seemed out of the Russian interest in the first place.

So I’m going to focus on Asia and do my best in China.

So, how high is China in Asia? this is really awkward

Of course, as a market, China is better than Korea and Japan combined. But there is a problem with that.

First, people cannot always be objective, and the Russian Empire is an absolute monarchy.

And it is said that the tyrant and the one who receives absolute support from the people was born on a small peninsula in the East.

Although he doesn’t seem to have a great attachment to his hometown… Russia has never been so much a target for China’s territory in the first place. Their actions were nothing more than… making a few countries independent from China to create a buffer zone and secure a passage to the Pacific Ocean.

No, even if China becomes hostile to Russia and attacks Russia, the Chinese will not reach the heart of Russia even if they die. Russians only care about the Far East.

However, the most valuable territories in the Far East are Manchuria and Primorsky Krai, aren’t they?

Other than that, the Trans-Siberian Railway and the Central Asian Railway. If you look at the region occupied by Russia in the first place, you can see that it was trying hard to control the East Sea as if it was trying to prevent an attack on this region in advance.

The problem is, that Russia’s focus on China is possible because, ironically, all other borders are judged to be safe.

Because the threat from Korea, which can threaten Vladivostok through Gando, is substantially greater than the threat from China, which can be dealt with without any substantial damage to the country even if only the Qing Dynasty, except for the Trans-Central Asian Railway.

And if it’s a threat from Europe, it’s even worse.

In other words, if an issue arises that Russia has no choice but to be concerned about, even if it is not a threat, the pressure in China is somewhat relieved. Russia won’t be able to steer clear.

It’s not bad to do a simultaneous withdrawal at all. Lawmakers with something heavy in their back pockets will try to kill him, but what will he do? Are you going to be re-elected and bring down the president with less than a year left in office?

No matter what the uproar in Wall Street or Detroit is, he’ll just say goodbye to him quietly.

Although the army is already lacking compared to the Russian army, the discipline of the military is the key. Rather, they send in a large-scale force, handle the problem as quickly as possible without explicitly crossing the red line suggested by Russia, and withdraw.

Russia, where there is a problem elsewhere, will have a hard time paying attention to China’s business until it is resolved, and then, unless the US military clearly crosses the line, it is highly likely that they will wait and see…. was the exit strategy.

Of course, there was a problem. First of all, where is the position of such an ambiguous robber that Russia is not ready to go to war with the United States, but where Russia can quickly put out the fire when playing with fire?

Of course, not on the Russian mainland, or where Russia is directly involved, ie the Middle East, etc. There aren’t really any stakeholders outside of Russia and Arabia.

And there is no room for American intervention. Conflicts may arise.

Therefore, there are two main places worth stabbing: Asia and Europe.

In Europe…. There are many, but there is one place that will not touch the wrath of the imperial family that is associated with them in many ways, the Kingdom of Yugoslavia.

Although the Russian Empire dislikes the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, it is one of its subordinates and has played a role in the last war, so it cannot be thrown away.

In particular, Yugoslavia claims to be the leader of the Balkans, and if the Balkans, which were their front yard and the main cause of the First World War, become itchy, even a brown bear will not be able to get it without scratching it.

Of course, if the Balkans are in chaos now, there will be no world war. The US military, which has difficulty accessing the Mediterranean itself, has no ability to intervene.

And there are some shaky corners.

Although the territory has been greatly increased, there are clearly other peoples who oppose the Serbian dictatorship, and Yugoslavia is currently in a state of suppressing the severe division of national opinion with military force.

It is an unstable detonator that explodes even with a slight spark.

Of course, Europe is literally in the era of Pax Luciaca. If Yugoslavia falls into self-determination here, the international situation won’t change much, but anyway, it’s going to be a pretty itch to leave it alone.

And in Asia there is Korea. To be precise, there must be a card worth stabbing.

‘The Korean government in exile.’

The South Korean government in exile in DC is in a rather difficult situation.

After the war, the Korean government in exile tried to return to Korea, but as a result, the government in exile refused to recognize the current Korean government under Russian hands as a puppet regime. As far as they respect the rebels under international law, and therefore their long struggle for independence, they replied that if they recognized the current South Korean government, they would allow them to return, but otherwise they would not be allowed to return.

Of course, the government in exile refused. It was because of the idea that to conform to the current order under the current Korean government, which they organized based on the fact that they had literally been fighting abroad all their lives, from where they came from, would be selling the country twice in the end.

Rather, the South Korean government tried to compensate for the lack of legitimacy by hugging the government in exile, but it was only such a reaction, and the negotiations eventually broke down.

And even the US government ignored them. Eventually, they were expelled from the United States and headed to Sweden.

But if you use it well, you can do something.

‘Of course, acknowledging it is one of the lower books. But it could be annoying.’

Still, he said that the purge was carried out in relation to the past incident, and that even the local experts lost their lives, and the Russian military took care of administrative work.

First of all, they praise him as a liberator, but is there really no problem? Wouldn’t the locals just accept that the owner had changed?

In the meantime, what if the government in exile, which has struggled abroad for a long time, turns its head?

The simplest way right now is to let them go to Jeju Island. Jeju Island was occupied by U.S. forces, unlike all areas of Jeju Island, which were occupied by Russian forces. It was quite fortified and the resistance was fierce, but in the end, the Japanese army on the island was annihilated to the last one and was victorious.

It was still during the military government period, so the US military remained there. Of course, it will have to be taken over by the Russians within a few months, but it was quite possible to play a prank before that.

‘Of course, the biggest problem is that we don’t know how sensitive Russia will be to this.’

The Korean Peninsula is a geopolitical location of considerable concern. From the Russian perspective, it is a spear that can threaten Vladivostok, and a sword that can put pressure on Japan. Regardless of its population-supporting power or level of industrialization, it has significant political and military significance.

Besides, it is the hometown of ‘that person’, not anywhere else. Perhaps that’s why the Russian military is so docile and cooperative with the local government.

‘If there is a problem, all you have to do is deny all connections.’

If there is a time difference between the two places of a few months and troublesome things happen, Russia will not be able to afford to pay much attention to what is happening in China.

“Call OSS General Donovan.”


read at https://readwn.com

Moscow. Kremlin, Russian Empire.

“These bastards are real.”

I felt the report crumpled in my hand.

It is not that we do not engage in espionage warfare against the United States. Besides… the Strategic Secretariat’s actions were a little, a little too clumsy.

Thanks to this, Ohrana was able to quickly figure out what these guys were aiming for.

“Geongseonggyeongseo… Ha, literally.”

Because they shout from the east, so on the Korean Peninsula, and hit the west and China.

What’s even funnier is that we didn’t want to get involved too much in the first place.

All I wanted was the permanent division of China and stability of the eastern border, and if the power ratio was adjusted appropriately, I had no intention of worrying about whether the border was drawn in a straight line like Africa.

If the U.S. military was to deploy a large force at once to eradicate the Laurel Warlords in order to eradicate the relapse, we had no reason to complain.

But you stabbed the Korean Peninsula with it? I’ll turn really.

“Is Chuikov still in a position where it is difficult to end the military rule?”

“It is not difficult, the moment we withdraw, local control collapses, and in a situation like this, there is a 100% chance that a civil war will ignite. It is only natural that our control of the ports that we even had will be shaken.”

‘The reason it wasn’t easy to liquidate the pro-Japanese faction was because of this bullshit.’

If it was at the level of rural villages anywhere in the country, it would have been treated at the level of stupidity, but the whole country is not a rural area, and if you go out to a city or even a town level, there must be a police station and there must be people like wise men. Don’t you have a b*tch?

Afterwards, I went through the documents of the Japanese Government-General of Korea, and was eager to be executed, so maybe the surviving ones fled overseas or there were only those who had abandoned all their possessions and hid their identities… , ttt.

That’s right, we can’t lend our bureaucracy, and the Korean government will probably regret it. What you can do is learn from abroad and form a new bureaucracy, but if you go through trial and error, it will take at least 5 to 10 years to build the foundation, right?

And it hasn’t been 3 years since we became independent yet.

If even the Provisional Government intervenes in the yard… I see it, I see it, I can see it.

No, he didn’t just bow down once and come in and get votes and take control of the government while running a party politics…. So it’s respectful, but it’s a pain in the ass.

Oh shit, I just want to get rid of it whether there is a civil war or a side story.

“Huey Long, you bastard… I really want to kill you.”

Damn it, why did God give humans snouts and ears, isn’t it an institution that tells you to listen and speak? huh? It would have ended quietly if you had just negotiated with us.

“Shall we hire an assassin?”

Don’t do it, it looks like some kind of Lee Harvey Oswald will show up. But was that yangban born? Kennedy would be 20 years from now.

“Okay, how long is that bastard left in his tenure, damn, I must have dreamed of a Pax Ruth-Americana, so why the Cold War?”

Is this the resilience of history or what? Will the Cold War happen?

“There will be some who are vigilant, and there are those that the interventionists have come to power.”

“In China, I would like to see the isolationists gain the upper hand after suffering from guerrilla warfare and then getting bitten. really.”

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