< Episode 241 >

November 11, 1941.

With the exception of a few that the British navy protects the Indian route, it is later called the Battle of the Channel Islands, and the Russian army is said to have succeeded in giving flesh and cutting bones. However, there was no way to prevent the Russian landing.

Thousands of aluminum balloons and chaffs covered the French coast, even Scandanavia and the North Sea, and from fishing boats to transport ships all floatable sortie.

Of course, this wasn’t all for landing. The fishing boats, just for deception, carried a Do335 squadron behind them with aluminum balloons and hawk eyes waiting for the RAF to jump out of Chap’s clouds.

In order to deceive British submarines and watchmen, some requisitioned ships were equipped with fake cannons made of logs, and tanks made of rubber balloons were mounted on the ships like overloaded trucks.

The real amphibious force was heading towards Hastings, while they drew in British forces near Norwich and Plymouth.


12km northeast of Hastings, Winchelsea Beach.


Words that are hard to think of that you would hear on the sea.

No, there are quite a few cases where there are fires over the sea.

But that’s a fire on a ship, I never foresaw this.

Above the sea was a sea of fire. It wasn’t a joke.

“Shit! What did the Spetsnaz bastards do! Locking the pipeline!”

While Nikita was swearing, the landing craft was approaching.

The bombers were continuously dropping bombs to subdue the coastal artillery, but if the coastal artillery was not suppressed, the majority of the troops would be destroyed before they even tried to land.

No, that’s fine, in a normal amphibious operation, how can you get to the shore by swimming even if the landing craft tastes good after being hit by shells? I’ll think about how to break through the machine gun positions later.

However, if you turn on the oil pipeline to make the English Channel half oil and half water and turn on the flamethrower buried in the ground, you will get full body burns the moment you get off the landing craft.

If it was a wooden boat, it would be left behind, but fortunately, the landing craft was made of all metal.

“How do I put out the fire on the oil? Sand… what the f*ck would you do if you put sand on the water?”

The three components of combustion are fuel, oxygen, and temperature. Blocking one of them puts out the fire.

The problem is that fuel will be spraying hard from the oil pipeline under the sea right now, and in order to cut off oxygen, scientists will have to bring and detonate even the nuclear weapons that scientists are scratching their heads while conducting theoretical research, and if the temperature is lowered… I have to mix it with water, but do I have to airlift hundreds of thousands of tons of soap from anywhere?

In any case, the Spetsnaz airborne and descended to prevent the oil pipeline from running, but seeing this bullshit, it seemed that the control room had failed.

Of course, there’s no way those bastards have unlimited oil… No, aren’t they tight enough to roll the oil transport fleet and interceptors in the first place?

Anyway, that light will go out someday. The problem is, at least not in the next few minutes!

– Whoa!

For a moment, Nikita wanted to be f*cked. Because I thought I might have been hit by a bullet.

But it wasn’t a cannonball. It was the sound of a landing craft gallantly charging to the shore and running aground.

The ramp of the landing craft, which was designed to run aground and then back out to sea on its own power, opened.

In addition, Russian amphibious assault vehicles overlapped. To be precise, it was an amphibious armored car that was ordered by Russia, produced in the United States, and used by the US Marine Corps and the Russian Army.

Originally, the LVT operated by the Russian Army had a rear lamp to prevent exposing the soldiers to fire as soon as they got off, but this time, they had to go a little further and put the soldiers down.

Of course, from the point of view of the soldiers, they would hate the burning ceremony more than taking bullets. Receive a bullet and kill it at once.

At that time, an anti-tank gun hit a Russian amphibious assault vehicle that was just climbing. An 88mm anti-tank rocket launcher developed in Germany but used in Britain began to vomit shells.

Of course, the amphibious assault vehicles weren’t just being beaten stupidly. Amphibious armored vehicles were equipped with various equipment, and among them there were saboteurs that were used to break through obstacles, but also to counter enemy anti-tank guns.

– Aww!

A damn big and beautiful heavy mortar smashed the anti-tank gun positions. Shortly thereafter, the tank transporters who opened the lamp began to vomit the tanks.

“It’s 2-3 Alpha! Faced with the enemy’s massive coastal defenses! Request a re-fire!”

-Confirmed. I will fire at the enemy trenches behind the beach.

After a while, hundreds of lines of smoke, no, tens of thousands of lines of smoke started flying from behind.

It was an amphibious support ship with Katyusha rockets mounted so that thousands of rockets could be fired per amphibious assault ship.

As the amphibious support ships poured volley of volley fire, the flimsy trenches were shattered in an instant, with the exception of a part of the Tochika, which was built solidly with concrete.

– Kwak! Whoa, whoa, whoa!

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Meanwhile, the landing continued. Tanks equipped with mine-clearing equipment advanced and cleared the path, and the infantrymen hid behind the tanks and advanced steadily.

– tat ta ta ta ta tata

“Damn, why are there so many submachine guns on those f*cking bastards!”

“Is your gun a decoration? Whether in range or firepower, we are superior! Fight back, you bastards!”

In preparation for the landing, the Russian army, with a few exceptions, was heavily armed with the new AKM and RPG, and there was no way to be pushed back in the infantry-to-infantry battle.


Rocket bombs flew into the enemy positions as white smoke erupted. Another rocket hit the spot once more.

I don’t know whether or not it broke through Tochika’s barrier, but once the fire stopped. That was enough.

“Russia! Whoa!”

The first soldier, who rushed to the front with the AKM, jumped into the British private ship and stabbed the enemy in the chest.

The British soldier reloading the Sten lost his gun and died.

– Kwaang!

The tank’s armor-piercing shells smashed another Torchika. A second explosion followed whether the internal ammunition ignited.

Nikita, who was caught in the middle and advanced to the position of the enemy’s first line of defense, was also in trouble.

– Kwaang!

Nikita, who put a fuse on an anti-tank mine and fired a machine gun at the rushing British troops, saw through a periscope that it was unclear whether it was the anti-tank mine or a grenade.

The German-developed remote-controlled turret (RWS, operated by Hecher tank destroyers in the original history) was adopted in the T-32-100 by blitz, so it was fortunate that there was no need to go outside except to change ammunition. If you had your torso sticking out of the hatch, you would have been seriously injured no matter where you got hurt.

-This is from 6-2 and 6-2 to Prime!

“This is Prime, speak.”

-British forces have launched a chemical attack! Repeat! British Army uses poison gas! At least 3 gas attacks, including hydrogen cyanide gas and tabun gas!

“Are you crazy?”

Information that the British military might launch a gas attack had been provided to all commanders in advance, but when it was actually done, it was filled with anger.

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Maybe his men were getting poisoned, of course, but the gas wasn’t spreading here, but just imagining his men grabbing their necks and dying made me indignant.

“이 개새끼들이……. 젠장, 여기는 프라임! Admiral support is needed immediately! and…..”

-Confirmed a chemical attack on the area. It will initiate an attack against the origin of the attack.


The soldiers of the British artillery were moving hastily.

The shells loaded into the 7.2-inch artillery were loaded with Soman gas.

The objective was to first eliminate the threat from the rear as the enemy airborne troops airlifted to the rear of the allies, and the British army with little room for armored forces.

But before they could finish their heat dissipation, a shout was heard.

“It’s a bombardment!”

“obscuration! Cover up!”

Explosions, scattering, and… yellow gases.

The Russian army also had chemical weapons. Who was the originator of VX?

However, the reason they did not use gas was only because the enemy did not do the same, and this was also a justification for using poison gas ‘sparingly’ as long as the British army used it.

However, this gas was not the VX used in World War I.

Long ago, there was a monster that circulated in the Russian Empire. Mikhail Kim, then Duke of Vostok, was interested in this.

A symptom called urine toxic leukemia, a condition that drew his attention even though it was a relatively ‘local’ disease that didn’t occur around him, and the number of patients was less than 200,000.

He was interested in the symptoms, as if he had been exposed to high-concentration radiation, and found out that the cause of the disease was already proven in 1891 to be a fungus.

Further, he investigated red antler mushroom, a poisonous mushroom that has a toxin that causes this disease, and other fungi, and this toxin is easy to mass-produce and is stably present in an aerosol state, and is 400 times higher than that of mustard gas. It has been confirmed that it is highly toxic, resistant to heat, and can be absorbed through the skin.

It had only the optimal characteristics to make it into a chemical weapon. After mass-production began, all chemical weapons of the Russian army were replaced by this series, except for non-lethal use such as tear gas.

The toxin was called ‘tricotecin’.

“Big… huh!”

“gas! gas! gas!”

“Save me… Save me!”


The British artillery, covered in chemical bombs, was instantly incapacitated.

Absorption cannot be prevented by wearing a gas mask. Red deer antlers, the world’s most toxic mushroom containing trichothecin, have been reported to cause skin lesions just by touching them with bare hands.

Since it acts on the ribosome and inhibits protein synthesis, it must be assumed that all cells are already dead as soon as they touch it. Itchy skin causes inflammation, muscle loss, vomiting, diarrhea, runny nose, sneezing, sore throat, acquired hemophilia and fever. Stomach acid causes stomach ulcers, rotting flesh, hair loss, aplastic anemia and acute immunodeficiency.

These symptoms are extremely similar to radiation exposure. Whether paralyzing ribosomes or destroying DNA, paralyzing protein synthesis is the same, so it is only natural that the symptoms are the same.

And the results were disastrous.

The British army decided that they could not stand it, so they poured chemical weapons, and the Russians started to break through the defense line using the chemical weapons they had loaded in advance as if they were waiting.

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