< Episode 226 >

“The offensive will be carried out in two main routes.”

As I listened to Vasilebsky’s briefing, I nodded.

“It is a route to attack the Maginot Line, and a route to move by sea and land in the direction of Nice and Antibes and take control of Southern France. Either way, the ultimate goal is to annihilate the German forces in the direction of the Maginot Line, and build Germany’s last strategic reserve force. It is to end this war by destroying it.”

No matter how much you increase your losses on the battlefield, your enemies will not surrender in this kind of battlefield.

But now is an exception. why? The German mainland was taken over by our troops except for a few who were stuck in the Alps, and now Hitler is fighting in France, where Hitler is never friendly.

replenishment of troops? Are you going to be French? Or Spanish?

The British Army is a different story, but most of the British ground forces are currently in Italy. Besides, even that has been divided a lot here and there, so I don’t have a lot of free troops right now.

So, if you annihilate the Hitler fanatics in France, Hitler becomes a nonsense drug addict.

After that, we have to fight the British and participate in the war against Japan, but that’s the story.

Currently, the western coast of Italy and the Sardinia region are being hit hard. Many of the ships that the US gave us to use to get land leases gathered in Tunis and Tripoli, and the Italian navy in Taranto was engulfed in the fire of our air force.

As Sardinia and Sicily were bombed and reconnaissance on Malta became frequent, the British army seems to have misunderstood that we were planning an amphibious operation to attack the Italians from the north and south.

“The first wave of the landing team will sortie from Tunis, but Genoa will be in charge of supply until the point of breaking through the Maginot Line.”

“We will start the offensive from the direction of the Maginot Line 30 minutes after the scheduled start of the landing.”

Basically, the landing force should be the main force, but if the German army decides that the landing force is the main attack and concentrates its forces on that area, that’s fine.

Then, you can just push through and break through the Maginot line, which would have been difficult in the past, but now it is.

“Based on the German Empire’s A-4 rocket, we have succeeded in developing a new kidney based on technology we have collected in the United States.”

We also have several rocket scientists including Dr. Korlev, but those guys are now busy making new rocket weapons… No, to be honest, RPG-7.

Besides, the need to start a new design from scratch was low even though the finished version was already in front of us.

Still, it was embarrassing.

There were two scientists we arrested.

Walter Dornberger, Werner von Braun.

The problem is that both of them are clearly war criminals. Not only did the Jews work as slaves for their own study, and they did not feel any remorse, but they were both generals and crown princes of the SS, and both were members of the Nazi Party.

After thinking about it, I came to a conclusion. After pulling them out until they eat them, and then putting them in prison, Stalin was also thrifty with the scientists trapped in the Gulags, right?

“This equipment was named R-1, and it was modified to break through the bunkers of the Maginot ship by attaching a warhead for destroying anti-bunkers to the warhead. However, the circularity error is very large…”

“How much?”

“3 km.”

“……Just shoot a lot.”

The circular communism error comes out at the level of an unguided rocket, but the target is large…

This does not mean that the cluster is formed within 3km, but that there is a 50% chance of being hit within 3km of the target. So the chance that it won’t fit within 3km is half again… f*ck. I’ll just have to make a barrage.

“If that damn Luftwaffe rushed to the shore when we landed, it could launch a bomber, but it might not, so keep all possibilities open.”

“All right.”

As a result of analyzing in many ways, it seemed that the first line of defense would be enough to break through if we were determined and attacked. It had already suffered a lot of damage from several shredding attacks across the front, and the Germans could not restore it properly.

However, the maximum 3.5m reinforced concrete barrier of the secondary defense line cannot be scratched by artillery. It can be destroyed only by hitting a ballistic missile or seismic bomb.

“Once a full-scale offensive begins, ballistic missile firing and air strikes are carried out in parallel. Because ballistic missiles are more difficult to guarantee precision than horizontal bombing. In fact, the power is a bit disappointing.”

“My Majesty, if I had to choose between air support for the south of France and the air strikes of the Maginot Line…”

“We will add more ballistic missiles to the Maginot Line and give priority to air support to the south of France.”

“All right.”

“If the landing fails, or if the Maginot Line collapses faster than expected, the armored forces will be dispatched through a breakthrough as it is.”

If you have enough spares, you can earn it. In that case, the landing force naturally becomes an anvil, not a hammer.

“So that the landing start schedule can be flexibly determined by the commander in consideration of the condition of the landing site until three months later.”

“It’s June, okay.”


read at https://readwn.com

Magino Line. June 6, 1941. 4 a.m

“Otto, did you hear about the swarms of Ivans coming?”

“I heard that the defense line has collapsed again. I wanted to hold on for a while.”

In fact, the area that the Russian army recognized as the first line of defense was the third line of defense. It’s because the first two defenses didn’t do much damage to the Russians and were crushed.

And the 3rd line of defense was neutralized as the tanks pushed in numbers, and the Russian army, using some construction equipment and unusual equipment, succeeded in clearing the minefield.

The burial bunkers were destroyed by direct Russian tank gun fire, and it is unknown what happened to the mortar positions and the underground bunkers.

“Rumor has it that the Ivans dropped a huge, ignorant bomb with a ‘bang!’

“I heard that the Russians diverted the river and poured it into the vents of the bunker, and everyone inside drowned. It is said that our artillery could not properly support the artillery as the enemy was pouring 30cm rockets and the observation mast was completely destroyed, making it impossible to observe artillery.”

“there! Defeatist comments are punishable!”

“Hey, Lieutenant, let’s talk together. I’ve got some beers on my mind.”


The lieutenant, who noticed slowly, sat down in one seat.

“They said that they had already defined us all as traitors, and they said we would be shot when we returned home.”

“Are you sure you want to kill them all?”

“Maybe so, damn it…”

Lighting a cigarette, the lieutenant murmured.

“I didn’t mean to leave my wife and kids behind.”

“Where are you?”

“I came here because I was sent to France, in the canton of Brandenburg, and I heard the news that it was captured.”

“…I’m sorry.”

“Huh, I wish I wasn’t real. I don’t care if they’re going through a hard time because they’re the offspring of traitors, Emma… Grese.”

As the lieutenant, who had been complaining, spitting out some names that sounded like family names, emptied a beer and set it down, a great shock shook the bunker.

– Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

“What, what!”

“Were there no air raid warnings? Lieutenant! Are you okay?”


The lieutenant, who was unluckily struck by a lamp falling from the ceiling, stroked his helmet.

“If I wasn’t wearing a helmet, I would have broken my head, damn it, wasn’t this underground?”

“It’s on the second basement floor, so I’ll have to pick up the gun first.”

“f*ck, the door won’t open! I think the door frame is warped…”

“Break it! You idiot!”

-bang! bang!

After knocking on the door several times, the corporal shouted.

“I can’t do this alone! Help me!”

After three people clinging to one door and wrestling, the door barely opened. Immediately after that, the youngest private soldier collapsed.

The rest of them seemed to say nothing.

From the middle of the hallway, everything was blocked by rubble and debris.

“What a crazy…”

“Lieutenant, I can see the light, but it looks like there’s a hole in the upper part.”

“Once we get out, we can’t stay here, that…”

– Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

Again, the dust poured down with a bang.

“Damn, the guy with the rope?”

“Where is that!”

“Lieutenant Steinhof?”

“Major Wilhelm? Are you okay, Major?”

“okay! shit. I thought all the underground workers were dead! The barrier is broken!”

“A barrier?”

The people who heard that the concrete structure that served as a kind of anti-tank obstacle and a Tochika and anti-aircraft battery and so on had completely collapsed were astonishing to those who heard it.

“I’ll throw the rope! Grab it and come up!”

“All right!”

The soldiers who managed to get out of the basement and climbed up had to take cover immediately. Russian artillery fire began to flow in.

“Something big flew in and part of the barrier collapsed at once, goddamn, I never dreamed that something like this could fall all at once.”

read at https://readwn.com

Meanwhile, Major Golcho, who took out a cigar, orders the lieutenant.

“We’ll have to move to a spot that hasn’t collapsed, but the problem seems to be that the ammo depot in the basement right now has exploded. Otherwise, there’s not much reason to break down like this. And those guys again…”

For a moment, I saw something like a shooting star flying in the dark sky.

“Damn, that’s it, cover up!”

Of course it didn’t have to be. The rocket landed somewhere far away.

However, it wasn’t the only one that flew.

The heavy rain of rockets, reminiscent of a meteor shower, clearly showed the will to make up for the lack of accuracy with numbers.

Bunkers, anti-aircraft guns, and anti-tank obstacles were smashed as if gnawed by insects. In some areas, the ammunition depots and oil storage tanks were shattered or collapsed entirely with the impact of the rocket’s impact.

Over the once-broken defense line, shells of ordinary artillery shells poured in this time. As the Russian army’s large-caliber artillery fire and multiple rocket launchers boasted a much higher accuracy than rockets, the combat capability of the German forces deployed in the second line of defense was reduced to less than half in an instant.

Belatedly, the Luftwaffe sortied from the German airfield, but it was impossible to block the rocket, and the tanks began to rush towards the fortress while they engaged in a dogfight against the Russian aircraft that rushed with determination.

Starting with the Gustav train gun at the main fortress line, they fired various fortification guns and tried to block the advance of the Russian army somehow, but one hand could not stop the ten. The fortification line in front, which was not enough to block the main attack, collapsed as it was.

This broke the lull that had been formed for several months as the Russian army caught their breath and the Russian army began to rush into the main defense line of the Maginot Line.

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