< Episode 218 >

“The US Navy is forming a task force. It consists of one battleship and six escort carriers, and the goal is to conquer the Azores.”

“U.S. Navy battlecruisers and heavy cruisers will be deployed to annihilate the East Coast of the United States.”

“Has it been repaired already?”

“Battleships are available in two weeks, two out of three battlecruisers in a month, and one in about four months.”

“Well, for us…”

Even though the hearing was not heard, it was said that it was a complaint.

If the U.S. forces attack the Azores and draw out the enemy’s naval power, we have a much wider range of maneuvers.

“The Royal Navy is said to be pulling out more ships from the Mediterranean fleet to defend the Azores.”

it has no choice but to Huey Long declared that he would seize the East Coast and retaliate against the British in order to avoid public outrage.

And realistically, if you want to retaliate against Britain, you must occupy the Azores, a stopover, without any reason.

The path to attack is too obvious, why not deploy troops there?

For us, though, we are grateful.

“Even though it’s old-fashioned, four battleships went there, and two battlecruisers went there. Germany also sent a light aircraft carrier that had been repaired there.”

The main enemy ships left in Europe are one Dutch battlecruiser, one Italian navy battleship, and one British aircraft carrier.

Even that is distributed in Scaperflow and Taranto, respectively, so it is inevitable for us to see it either way.

“I hope the US Navy will win a big win.”

“Even though you have no intention of supporting me at all.”

“We are busy preparing for the amphibious operation, so how do we support the Azores?”

Perhaps the US Navy wanted us to get the British Navy’s attention by launching a military operation in the North Sea.

I’m sorry, there’s no such thing. We can’t afford to do that, but if we send in troops to disperse the British Navy’s power, our operations will be disrupted.

The U.S. military must not only be annihilated in the Azores, but hold on to it. Well, when the Statue of Liberty was smashed by a 12-inch shell, the US had no option to negotiate with the UK in the first place.

“Is there anything special about it?”

“According to direct reports from the Guard, we found evidence of serious human rights violations in the village of Bonn. More detailed information about Levensborn last time.”

“I wish there were traces of the massacre.”

There’s no way the Nazis didn’t do the massacre. The only difference is whether the evidence was cleaned up or not.

I hoped that such evidence would remain, but I only found Levensborn…. In the original history, there was no legal basis for punishment, so in the end, it was not possible to leave a record and refer it to a war crimes trial?

“No, I found it.”

“…… Wait, what?”

“According to the testimony of the survivors, we searched the forest near the facility and found traces of genocide related to it.”

“……Let’s talk in detail.”

“There were many pits in the forest. The corpses were thrown into it at random, and when the pit was full, it was presumed to have been covered with soil. The condition of the corpse varied from a skeleton to one that was still intact, so there is room for judging that the massacre continued until relatively recently. A search based on the testimony found many of these body pits from Berlin to Bonn.”

“It is difficult to conclude that this alone is evidence of massacre, so if they claim that they did not properly handle the dead in the field hospital, so they only retrieved the dog tag and buried it roughly……”

“The bodies ranged from children to adults, and what was unusual was that almost all of the adults were women.”

“…what is the cause?”

“I couldn’t be sure, but many of them were fairly healthy, presumed to be skeletal. At least not soldiers or natural deaths. It’s not even death from gunshots or anything like that… The surgeons are considering the possibility that he was killed with poison.”

“Who are the witnesses? Are you a genocide survivor?”

“You can see that… this is quite troublesome. There is some credibility in that the bodies were indeed found as a result of the search, but the testimony itself is quite confusing and it seems it will take quite some time to collect them.”

“To explain in detail.”

“The survivors called themselves ‘Vivian,’ but they say they called him 264.”


“It was picked up among the refugees.”

– To be more specific.

Nikita, who sat down in front of the Moscow direct communicator at fairly short intervals, coughed a few times.

“So that was a few days ago……”

“Isn’t there any reason why the regimental commander would even come to the search mission?”

“My job is to make bread or celebration, but I have to do this.”

Of course, Nikita’s job was not to be called just baking bread.

Rather, it would be more accurate to say that he volunteered for field work to breathe. Because I did so much paperwork, even now, I can actually see the illusion of numbers.

“1, 22, 6, 5, 11. 22. Damn it.”

Whispering, Nikita gave the order.

“If anything happens, report it immediately. It’s in the forest, so there may be ambush, or even landmines. Watch your feet.”

“All right.”

The chance of an ambush was pretty low considering they had been in Bonn for quite some time, but the land mines were a possibility.

In addition, one radio operator carrying an American-made walkie-talkie was attached to each squad.



Their search operation had a different reason. During the interrogation of prisoners of war, a German officer who was being interrogated had uttered a slurred word.

After the defeat of Germany, a resistance organization called the Beowulfs was formed to engage in guerrilla warfare across Germany, and the information the German officer vomited was that supplies for this branch were hidden somewhere in the forest.

Right now, the Russian army is in emergency. The most disturbing thing about the Beowulfs or anything else was the Russian army, whose supply lines were already stretched.

The German army, which has built a fortification line in France and is holding on to it, also receives the Russian attack and when it reaches the end of the offensive, it counterattacks and destroys the Russian army at once. In any case, if the remnants of the German army become partisans and disrupt the Russian supply lines, the back goal will be pulled.

In a way, it was natural for a large-scale search to begin immediately.

But when there was no harvest after a long time, Nikita sighed and leaned against the tree.

“Is this a wasteland too?”

With a single whistle, Nikita began to hum.

“Who killed the robin?”

“The chirp sparrow killed it. I killed them with bows and arrows.”

“Who saw a robin die?”

“I saw a buzzing fly. I saw him die with little eyes.”


“Regiment commander!”

Nikita, who almost bit her tongue while singing a nursery rhyme, glared at her subordinate.


“I found some suspicious people.”

“Are you an enemy?”

“…it seems like there are a lot of old and weak people to tell if it’s a Beowulf or something.”

“What do you mean?”

“In many circumstances, they look like refugees, but it is also suspicious that they are in this forest…. Above all, they are setting up a camp in a German military bunker that appears to have been abandoned.”

“Hey, you child! You should have reported that first! Gather your troops right now!”


“Didn’t you know that the Germans also conscripted children, the elderly and the infirm? Bring the chariots!”

“All right!”


Rudolph Hess.

In the original history, he was the Vice Chancellor of Germany, but here he was a man who lived comfortably as a party elder who was treated justly.

However, after the death of Secretary Gregor, he inherited his authority and gained quite a bit of authority within the party. performed

However, this was close to being abandoned in the first place, and the escape failed in the chaos such as an escape plane exploded on the runway, and the Nazi Party declared Hess dead.

Even Goering would have tried to rescue him, but Hess didn’t care about anyone in the Nazi Party.

However, he was clearly Acting Chancellor in Germany, nominally empowered to mobilize all resources and troops in Germany, as well as commander-in-chief of the remaining guerrillas, including Beowulf.

Of course, whether it was Beowulf or the last battalion, it was a group of remnants who were not even properly organized, but Hess, a fanatic who was more faithful to Nazism than anyone else, came to the conclusion that he was the one who supported the true will of Nazism and supported Hitler’s upkeep.

Hitler was alive, but in a situation where all communications were cut off and isolated, Hess had no choice but to save himself if he was alive. I expanded my imagination.

So he launched Operation Beowulf and gathered a thousand people. The 1,000 or so were fugitives, remnants, or refugees who had been defeated in Bonn.

And Hess’s ingenuity didn’t stop there. In fact, it was possible because Hess was one of the people who understood the “doctrine” of Nazism the best, and knowing some of Gregor’s Levensborn project, Hess was able to fight with the remnants of the remaining soldiers with weapons and ammunition. Together, they attempted to approach the ‘Liftrasir’ project.

Lyftrasir, a sub-project of Levensborn. The purpose was simply to artificially produce the next ‘Ubermensch’ that would lead Germany in the future.

And the only survivors of the project who escaped from the old facility—the dropouts were all poisoned and thrown into the pit, and the successful ones shattered in an airstrike train—fortunately captured and, in ‘Hitler’s upkeep,’ her doctor Regardless of how much she had, she was promoted to fulleren (Fürer’s female form), and as the acting president, I formed a battalion of the armed guard and named it the last battalion by gathering the elderly, young people, and the infirm.

It was at that time that the Russian army discovered them. Of course, they didn’t have proper clothes or weapons, so it was hard to tell if they were a group of refugees or an enemy, so it was a hoax to the point of seriously considering whether to attack. Still, Hess showed the last spirit he had and was wearing the minimum armbands for them, and when the Russian army confirmed that they were chaotic but at least armed with a unified mark, they were defined as hostile forces and attacked. started

Of course, there was no way that the militia was able to stop the offensive of the regiment-level troops accompanied by tanks, and even the privates under the Guard Corps.

The result was this.

-Tata ta ta ta ta tata!

“Go wild! Only shoot those who are willing to resist!”

It doesn’t matter if they kill them all, but it was not in Nikita’s personality to catch and kill those who had already lost their will to flee, even if they were to be taken prisoner.

In an instant, the enemies around the entrance collapsed, and Nikita, who reached the bunker entrance, immediately got off the tank.

“Can you pour some oil on it?”

“How do you get the tanker all the way here!”

Nikita, who was seriously thinking about how to blow up the entire bunker by pouring a lot of oil and throwing incendiary bombs, gave a slightly disappointing expression.

“Forward the flamethrowers! Clear the inside of the bunker!”


“Lieutenant, something?”

“Sir, the way out is blocked. If this goes on, it will be over.”


“You surrender. If Germany really lost, what are we fighting for? No, have we ever fought? just…..”

Hess, who had been quietly listening to Captain Guinshet’s chatter, stood up.

“You are a defeatist, execute.”

“Yes? for a moment……”


A gunshot rang out and it went silent.

Those who are here now are the greatest fanatics of Nazism. There was no surrender to them.

The loser isn’t worth living in the first place, so why surrender? Consider social evolution. The defeated beings must be culled. Didn’t Prime Minister Adolf Hitler, whom he respects more than anyone else, say that during his lifetime?

Anyone who argues for surrender commits a betrayal of Nazism. There may be a retreat. There may also be defeats.

But surrender could not be upon them. To surrender is to deny the cause of National Socialism, and to deny the self-evident law of evolution itself.

“To arm everyone in the bunker, kill all who disobey orders.”

The victor must prosper, and the loser must be culled. Therefore, Germany challenged the existence of Russia.

Now, if they lose, they should be quietly culled.


-bang! bang!

With several gunshots, the enemy was completely knocked down. Reloading the captured C96 pistol, Nikita shook her head.

“Colonel, why don’t you wait outside the base?”

There was a voice asking if they would come in until they cleared the enemy’s bunker as they grew up to colonels, but Nikita shook her head.

“Did you hear it outside? The Deputy Führer is here.”

“If you came in for surrender, wouldn’t it be right to come in after being completely suppressed? If they resist, you will only die; if they surrender, disarm them and then surrender. There is no reason for the Colonel to participate in the sweeping war. What if they commit suicide?”


Nikita burst into laughter as if hearing a funny sound.

“Did any of them have more than one mag? Do half of them have guns? Do you have any explosives to self-destruct?”


Looking back, it was correct.

“Still, there’s no reason for the Colonel to come down here… but it’s too dangerous.”

“Well, wouldn’t you rather like me when I die? The imperial family, even war heroes, are always a threat to the imperial power. I don’t know if it’s a father, but to my brother… Hmm?”

“Don’t say such creepy things, even as a joke.”

Of course, Nikita wasn’t serious either.

“Just say it’s a family history, your father ran into the forefront as a lieutenant general.”

“….. ha.”

Seeing Dimitri let out a deep sigh as if he had given up, Nikita slapped him in the back.

“Be energized.”

“I’m going to be fine….”

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