< Episode 194 >


While the anti-aircraft shells were detonated, Nikolai flew at full speed.

“Utillainen! A lot of red flags in front! Get sick!”

The speed of the Do335 is comparable to that of an early jet.

An aircraft that does not fall behind in speed against any other fighters, does not lose much in terms of agility and single-seat fighters of the time, and its firepower is unmatched.

That was the Do335.

The only downside is that the controls themselves are quite tricky.

Therefore, unless you are a pilot with proven skills, you do not entrust the control of the Do335, and holding the control of the Do335 proves that you are a veteran.

Nikolai himself was proud to pilot the Do335 as an ace pilot who had shot down 16 aircraft until yesterday.

– I got one!

However, the enemy’s new aircraft were unusual.

“What the hell is that crazy thing!”

A bunch of oddly shaped German fighter jets rushed in. yeah that’s fine

However, if the German fighters’ speed is a little lower than theirs, and if they show a stunt that temporarily exceeds their speed, then the faces of the pilots are inevitably brightened.

“Shoot it down! A bunch of them are on their way to our bombers!”

It was assigned to the air defense unit under the direct control of the Northern Front Army, but now the air defense unit and everything have been put into it. .

-Tung! Tung! Tung!

A 30mm cannon flew towards a German fighter that looked like an oddly shaped stingray. However, the German fighters, which were firing large-caliber shells at the friendly bombers, tried to achieve great turning power and caught up with them.

“Damn it!”

Nikolai screamed, terrified, again startled by the sight of a ball of fire that looked the size of a basketball, not joking, past the waterdrop-shaped canopy.

-I’m coming! Nikolai! Get your mind straight!

Nikolai grabbed the control stick at those words. Yes, even if you are bitten by a tiger, you can live as long as you come to your senses.

“The turning power of enemy fighters is terrifying! Never, never, never, ever respond to a turn! Are you listening?”

– Got it!

Immediately, Utillainen’s fighter jets rushed in. Aiming for the enemy’s blind spot, Utillainen launched a fierce machine gun fire. As it was, the enemy fighter became a ball of fire.

“Aww, damn, Utillainen, thank you. I almost fell behind.”

When I was wearing anti-aircraft guns or being chased by two fighters in London, I only thought that I had stepped on the poop, but I had never felt such a crisis of life. Because at that time, I was confident enough to turn things around.

But those monsters…

– How much fuel is left?

“Not much left.”

– The same goes for this one. Let’s go back to the base, replenish it, and come back.


The outskirts of Frankfurt, occupied by the Russian Guard Corps.

“Who is the regimental commander?”

Nikita jumped out of the tank and saw the regimental command post burned down.

“You have been killed! The regimental headquarters was smashed by enemy howitzers three minutes ago!”

“Who took over the command! and..”

“Currently, the best person is the battalion commander! All of the staff are either dead or seriously injured, so it is impossible to command!”


Nikita made a confused voice.


“… well, okay. Do you have any plans left?”

“I’ll bring it now!”

hit the bone

Of course, in terms of the battle sequence, it is correct that he, the 1st battalion commander, should take over the command. But in such a situation, out of the blue, you want to lead the regiment.

“The enemy force is an infantry division, but it is quite elite and has a large number of armored vehicles. There is also one heavy tank battalion.”

Heavy tank battalion, the ones the devil will ask you.

Either friendly T-32 tanks were split into one heavy tank battalion, and two mechanized divisions were reduced to the point of incompatibility, or the offensive was supported by a single enemy heavy tank battalion surviving a friendly airstrike, ambush, and dying in the midst of a breakthrough.

Of course, from a strategic point of view, the heavy tank battalion could not be on all fronts at the same time, so the simple tactic of breaking through there was to encircle and annihilate the entire enemy. was like a death god.

“I ask the division to cooperate and change enemy heavy tanks with division artillery. Besides, the 2nd Battalion deserves to fight those heavy tanks.”

read at https://readwn.com


Four people are on board and equipped with one 130mm steel cannon, the speed is 40km/h when driving on flat ground, 17km when driving on the off-road, the thickness of the front armor is 110mm and the angle of inclination is up to 72 degrees.

Since it was a heavy tank designed with 8,8cm defense in mind from the beginning, I was convinced that the German heavy tank battalion would have no choice but to do this.

“Come on, I won’t break you.”

Nikita stared at the wire.


In addition to each division’s artillery and corps artillery, the Guard Corps has an additional attached artillery regiment.

There are many other miscellaneous units attached to it, but in any case, the Russian army, which places great importance on artillery, has a bunch of howitzers at a battalion level or higher. The mortars at the company level or below.

Then, when the hundreds of artillery allotted to it burst fire, and the squadron that Novikov, who had his neck tickled, rushed to sortie, the Germans, who were left in reserve, were urgently returned to the defense of Frankfurt. was literally blown away by the lightning bolts pouring from the sky.

No matter how strong the firepower, it would be impossible to turn Frankfurt into a flat land. At least, it was possible enough to sharply reduce the combat power of the enemies.

The Walther model glared at the battle plan. Bringing the enemy’s mobile units to Frankfurt to annihilate them was not an option from the moment they understood the situation.

However, the opponent’s mobility was more than expected. breakthrough power. If I hadn’t prepared enough spares, it would have already been drilled.

“The Blue Whale Paratroopers are coming over here in a truck. The distance is about 80 km.”

The model did her best. He earned time while defending the division by relentlessly dividing it into small combat groups.

In the meantime, he tried to minimize the command gap by continuing to send orders to German forces more than 100 kilometers away.

Then, a gunshot was heard.


“Sergeant Major! It’s a messenger from the troops stationed at the University of Frankfurt! A battalion of enemy heavy tanks is approaching from Frankfurt Park! It is an unreported piece of equipment, and it is said that it is impossible to defeat it with a Pak 39 or a PAW 600, 8,8cm!”


The equipment mentioned is an anti-tank weapon mainly used by the German army to destroy the T-32, and it is the only means of resistance for the infantry division without a Panther.

But, that doesn’t work at all?

“Heavy Tank Battalion… Damn it.”

The Tiger is also 8.8 cm tall. If 8.8cm doesn’t work, there’s nothing even Tiger can do.

“Move the artillery and catch the heavy artillery directly.”

If you turn the artillery, it will be more difficult to fire countermeasures against the Russian artillery, but it was unavoidable.

Just 1.2km south of Frankfurt University is the Opera House, where Model’s current location and Army Group Headquarters is located, and the University of Frankfurt is literally right in front of you.

But it will take some time for the artillery that is still far away to get here, and before that, the enemy heavy tanks will reach the headquarters.

“Are you ready to withdraw yet?”

“The destruction of the paperwork is still in progress! Staff are in the vehicle!”

“Go south over the river Main, and the bridge blows up as we go! no time…..”



“It’s the Russian Army! Russian troops have appeared near the command post!”


Central Front Command. Bamberg.

“The performance of the disturbance device is remarkable. The enemy’s movements were noticeably slow.”


The performance of radio jamming devices of this era is still poor. So it has to be large enough to buff it.

In addition, the amount of power consumed is enormous. In order to disturb all communication bands, various radio waves must be irradiated strongly, and the larger the disturbance range, the more energy is required, so a separate power generation room is required.

To this end, a large number of magnetrons used in radar were hit. Of course the price is outrageous. It is possible to selectively disturb each band, but in practical use, it is often just disturbing all of them.

Their technological limitations were limited to allowing them to be operated by division-level units. Their master suggested the idea of a jammer shell that jamming after dropping the shell when fired by putting it in a shell, but it was impossible to implement it with the technology of this era.

This counterattack was so important that the commander of the Central Front Army directly commanded the operational task force, which was formed by gathering reserve armored units.

“Reports of new stingray-shaped fighters are coming in from all over. Analysis of the wreckage of the shot down reported a type with one 50 mm cannon and two 30 mm cannons for intercepting bombers. Among them, the 30mm cannon is the same type used by the Do335. A fairly large fighter, it appears to have been designed with both bombing and air combat in mind. Aircraft with auxiliary rocket engines have been found, and the Do335 temporarily overwhelms in speed seems to be the report of when the rocket was launched.”

The concept of attaching a rocket engine to an aircraft to gain propulsion is not a thing of the past. Right now, the gliders used by the Russian Army for paratroopers and Spetsnaz also have a reverse thrust rocket mounted on the nose in the opposite direction to reduce the landing distance, and these gliders played an active part in the rescue operation of Eter Castle.

But it wasn’t such a small thing that Konef was concerned.

Obviously, the appearance of a new fighter is highly likely to have a negative impact on air superiority.

But most importantly, the wires had to be blocked somehow. Even if the reserve force he commanded collapses, it is difficult to defeat the central front, as the front-line units have already strengthened the defense line and subsequent units have arrived one after another, but in that case, a huge overhang will be created.

You have to block it with a hoe before you can block it with sputum.

The problem is that the only thing I can bring right now is not a hoe, but a sickle.

It would have been perfect if it could have jammed all over Wurzburg, Wertheim, Erlangen, Ansbach, and Bamberg, but unfortunately it’s difficult.

Now that you have obtained a means to temporarily disturb the enemy’s nervous system, even if it is insufficient, you must defeat the enemy’s organization, the enemy’s troops.

The enemy’s target of attack was undeniably Nuremberg.

If so, it will inflict a blow in the opposite way to the enemy’s offensive.

“According to what we have learned from reconnaissance so far, the left and right flanks of the German army are covered by unknown British and Italian forces. We will break through these two flanks in cooperation with the Czech army and encircle the enemy.”

Both the British and Italian forces were far below the Russians in the important tank power in mobile warfare.

Therefore, while the 5th Army was annihilated, the plan was to break through the German flanks and surround the enemy. did it

Subsequent troops are coming in little by little, and although Frankfurt is almost empty, it is already clear that the Guard Corps will suffer enormous damage.

He only hoped that the Guards Corps would struggle to live up to its name.

Then, the communications staff rushed to the temporary command post and rolled the tent door.



“It’s urgent from Moscow.”

“Something? Did something happen to you, Grand Duke?”

As he knew clearly that his superior’s fourth son, Nikita, was serving as the battalion commander of the Guards Corps, it was not strange that that was the first thing that came to mind.

“no! America has been attacked.”


“America has been attacked by Japan!”


Pearl Harbor, a bay of literal pearl-like beauty, has been transformed into a hell of blood and flames.

And in the sky, the engine sounds of Japanese planes were full, and the horribly broken US Navy flagships were on fire.

– Dora, Dora, Dora.

It was the moment when the flames of Europe and China began to burn the entire Pacific Ocean and the New World.

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