< Episode 162 >

– Aww!

A pile of dirt rose several meters into the sky.

“f*ck! obscuration! Cover up!”

“You climbers! Get into the bunker right now! red……..”

A second blast was heard.

Lieutenant Javert, who was torn by the shock wave, staggered and barely stood up.


Blood gushed out of his mouth as he bit his tongue.

If you don’t get into the bunker quickly, everyone will die.

No, can you live by going in?

The bunker used by the border guards would withstand any kind of bombardment, but this was no ordinary bombardment.

– Aww!

A mushroom cloud soared along with the bombardment, and the entire bunker was smashed.


“Destruction of the border fortress is complete!”

“All troops, move immediately, the road is open.”

41st Corps commander Reinhardt was in tension and pounded the table.

There was no doubt about the ability of the cavalry. Russia has already proven it thoroughly.

However, the question was whether the corridors would be sufficient.

“What is the current situation?”

“The French Air Force is not in sight. At least not yet.”

“… it’s good at any cost, so I want you to keep doing this.”

“If the tribute is successful, it may be possible.”

Of course, the absence of the French Air Force now had nothing to do with it.

French military doctrine prohibits air support for tactical targets.

In addition, most of the aircraft flew towards the Strait of Dover and the Netherlands to counter the British offensive.

For the SS and National Guard, where everything was a mess, it could be called great luck.

Hitler and Joseph were convinced that there would be more than 100 Russian spies in the Defense Forces, and they decided that when all the operational plans flowed into them, it was all over.

Only a few generals trusted by Hitler, including Manstein, were aware of the overall plan, and even the division commander who could not hide the operational plan could not properly tell whether their offensive was a tribute or a tribute.

Fortunately, the SS, directly overseen by Minister Josef Djugashvili, received considerable intelligence and was tasked with filling the holes the Defense Force might have made with their bodies.

Even Reinhardt, the commander of the corps right now, was not sure whether the offensive in the direction of Italy was a tribute or a tribute.

Perhaps, seeing such a large amount of support, I thought it was highly likely to be the main tribute, or maybe it was just a tribute with a big bubble.

‘Or the whole German army might be a tribute.’

Reinhardt shook his head, thinking of his allies across the Atlantic.

No matter how easy the landing was, the British could mobilize less than 20 ground troops right away.

read at https://readwn.com

Most of the troops are scattered throughout the colonies, and the main force of the army is all anchored in Suez, so what are you going to do with France?

In any case, it was a key command from Berlin that all officers should move thinking that their location was the main force of the allies.

It was an order that Berlin, to be precise, knew just how hysterical Mr. Josef was.

I have to tell you about the main character, but I don’t want to tell you, so if you want to know what the main character is, move like the main character.

However, Hitler, who wanted a ‘one shot’, saying that if he couldn’t penetrate France, there was no back and forth, and Josef’s paranoia, the combined work was more effective than expected.


“General Gamelin.”

The officer who came in hastily raised a salute.


“The Maginot Line is under attack.”


“Fortress La Perte has been attacked by German assault engineers, and large-caliber siege guns from German forces are attacking the left side of the Maginot Line.”

“Yeah, that’s right.”

Smiling Gamelin jumped up from his seat.

“The Germans were frustrated because they defeated the Netherlands first. Switzerland is blocked and the Dutch offensive is also blocked, so now we have no other option but to hit the Maginot line head-on!”

Gamelin was extremely excited.

“The Germans are over, the Russians will start the offensive soon, so we just sit down and beat them. Reinforce your troops at Fort La Perte right now! We don’t know when the Germans and British will come in, so it’s difficult in the low-lying areas, so let’s get them out of the South in moderation.”

“Yes, I understand.”

The Germans played perfectly in the palm of their hand.

As if all escape routes were blocked and he could see the enemies who would be choosing between suicide or fleeing, Gamelin hummed and hummed a wartime military song as he walked towards the hallway.


“It is difficult to advance in East Prussia so quickly. Whether it’s Prussia or Brandenburg, it’s basically built on swamps. When the Berlin subway was laid out, didn’t you have a lot of trouble with groundwater? A rapid advance with a tank squad is possible only on the mainland, but not easy in Germany.”

“Is it difficult to drive the rescue tanks?”

“Even so, the absolute quantity is insufficient. If you want to advance, I’ll do it…”

The news of the offensive on the Eastern Front was counterintelligence, and as soon as it became clear that the generals and troops who were known to have been deployed on the Eastern Front were in fact mostly directed to attack France, they ordered the offensive against East Prussia and Berlin, but supporting the French request was not enough. It was the consistent report of the generals that it was impossible.

Since I need to know the current situation, they asked me to present the battle records of the French army, so this is not a fool… We crushed them together and landed a small force at Pad Calais in four days – but it was still about the size of the landing in Dieppe – A defense line that could be defended by putting all the reserve forces in Calais to prevent the British army from attacking Paris on a large scale. Won’t this break through?

Clearly, only a small number of troops broke through. It doesn’t make sense to think that enough troops would come through that narrowed corridor.

If the French army properly blocks it once, they can easily annihilate it, and considering that this power is the best and most well-earned from the German military’s point of view, the subsequent war will be able to lead lightly.

The problem is that there are too many ‘missing’ units.

How many satanics do not know where they are, cannot give orders, and have lost their whereabouts because the organization has been disbanded by myself.

In the midst of this, the main force was put in to stop the frontal attack on the Maginot Line, which is now clear to anyone looking at it, and the entire force was now surrounded.

‘Stupid bastards.’

Oh, is this the deterrent of history? Is it like destiny for the French to fall apart because they act like an asshole?

Perhaps, whether in original history or now, the fall of the French army was inevitable, not luck. The wrong lessons learned from the last war, the rigid command system, and the scumbags who are close to advisors. Maybe it was the result of all of those things combined.

Of course, it wouldn’t be called 6 weeks in this world, because 6 weeks have passed.

However, it is clear that France’s defeat is deep.

Actually, 6 weeks or 7 weeks is so important. What matters is that the defenses have been crushed and the main force has fallen. Germany hasn’t even come close to Paris yet, but even if France chooses a decisive battle, the losses it has suffered so far will not be easily recovered.

France isn’t surrendering because we’re confident that we’re going to leave Germany’s East Prussia, and even Berlin, a poop, but if our offensive is sluggish… it will surrender with a high probability.

To stop that, we have to advance to Berlin, but the fact that it’s physically difficult for our men to reach the outskirts of Berlin before Paris burns is a common cause of headaches.

“Ask the French government.”

“What do you say?”

“If you can’t stand it, let the navy escape to a friendly area, whether it’s the Black Sea or the North Sea, or if it’s difficult, go to the United States or other colonies.”

The French navy has to keep going. The French navy is clearly superior to the Russian navy.

Although we lost a number of battleships in the last naval battles with Britain and Germany, we are in a position to accept them even if they become auxiliary ships rather than main ships.

“The word…”

“The salvation of Paris, as France hopes, is impossible. Whether it is the Panther Line or the Siegfried Line, it is not a defense line that can be easily penetrated, and the general opinion is that it is difficult for tanks to advance rapidly in a swampy area no matter how they break through, but we cannot sacrifice our main force to save the French.”

After all, there’s a high chance that Hitler wasn’t so tall enough to pull out the troops that were pushing France well just because Berlin was threatened anyway… No, is he an asshole?

In any case, even if Berlin is lost, there is a high possibility that a temporary capital will be established and survived. Besides, the biggest problem was that, even though everything else turned out to be goo, one thing was clear.

They gathered most of the troops deployed on the Eastern Front in Saxony.

And the general commander of the forces deployed to Saxony was Walter Model.

Rezef’s Butcher is holding on to Saxony in a fully-prepared state, but for the Berlin race, he’s a little terrified.

As already demonstrated in the air warfare, which was a skirmish, the Russian military’s proficiency overall was inferior to that of Germany.

In fact, it is close to a nonsense that does not know the reality to say that the skill level of those who write that officer and read it as a swarm of thorns is close to the average of the German Empire, which was able to retain the legacy of World War I. Training experience did not come easily.

I literally don’t have enough training yet, but that doesn’t mean I can’t do corps-level training leisurely.

‘I really should have squeezed it.’

It was a little late, but I also had some regrets.

I thought that I should have gone all-in on heavy industry like the Soviet Union in the original history, but that was quickly denied.

This isn’t a game, and if you eat all of Europe, a victory message pops up and the ending credits don’t come out.

Even after the war is over, people have to live. Therefore, there was no choice but to reconcile the private economy with heavy industry. Because I thought that would be enough.

There was also a vague expectation that France would not act like a head since it was different from the original history. It’s the 21st century saying that Germany wouldn’t have been able to burn Europe down if France had not been destroyed like that.

It was an ominous expectation.

Fortunately, the Far East is relatively quiet.

Well, I know they are busy eating China, but I thought that if Britain was in a riot, even if it did not declare war, they would try to hold our eyes by provocating at the level of the Battle of Halkhin-Gol, but it was surprising.

“Besides, rushing the offensive will inevitably slow the offensive on the Suez Front. It is far, many times better to paralyze Suez before Britain can solidify its defenses than France, which cannot be saved anyway.”

It was about making the profit and loss calculation clear.

“I heard that Ungern couldn’t break through Montgomery’s defenses.”

“The enemies will also be desperate, and breaking through the fortifications built before the war is no easy task.”

“Even we didn’t study to break through the fortifications, didn’t we?”

I thought of the bomber still being tested.

Still, most of the equipment has at least started to be deployed, but the aircraft are still prototypes because there are still many requests.

It would be nice if a heavy bomber could drop a 20-ton seismic bomb and explode 8 tons of explosives at once to blow up the defenses.


At that moment, the door of the conference hall swung open and Irina entered.

“What’s going on?”

“There is a problem.”


“Spain has been attacked. To the Axis.”

“……. What?”

“The exact circumstances are not known, and there has been no official declaration of war yet, but the Spanish army was attacked.”

“Isn’t it an accident or a coincidence?”

“Information is uncertain.”

If there is not enough information, make a guess, but if there is too much information, it is hard to filter out rumors or disinformation.

Irina said the same thing.

“There was also a Nazist riot in Paris.”

“Oh really.”

The French left-wing regime had lost the people’s trust even before the start of the war, and apart from the anger towards Germany, fascism, which was close to the left, which was born by eroding the support base of existing social democracy and communism, was also growing in France.

I put my forehead on the story that they were sabotaging behind the scenes.

“Your Majesty, the offensive is…”

“East Prussia and Berlin are targets that must be attacked anyway. The schedule should be realistically rescheduled by the Chief of Staff.”

“All right.”

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