< Episode 120 >

Rubanka, Moscow. Russia.

Numerous political prisoners are detained underground in Rubanka.

Of course, Rubanka does not only function as a concentration camp. It is an intelligence building equipped with an underground bunker, military headquarters, communication facilities, and defense facilities, and also serves as a military headquarters.

However, locked up in that underground cell, I don’t really want to know, and it’s not helpful information.

The room is unconditionally solitary, and it is not allowed to leave the cell except in special cases, and even if you do, two or more armed guards must move with their guns pointed behind their backs and pass through the passage notified in advance at the correct time.

Any suspicious movement or possession of prohibited items will result in immediate death. The watchtower is equipped with a loaded machine gun and snipers are stationed at the sniper point.

In the first place, Rubanka is not a long-term detention facility, but a facility that holds prisoners during interrogation, awaits trial or execution, and is a facility that ordinary criminals who are not political prisoners will not have to visit for the rest of their lives unless their crimes are quite bad.

“Mikhail Frunze, visit.”


Frunze, who raised her head as if this was a facility where visits were allowed, sighed and got up looking at the guard’s eyes, who had no intention of answering in the first place.

After being covered with water and walking in the darkness, relying on the guidance of the guards, a light suddenly appeared.

“Nice to meet you, Mikhail Frunze, ha, you’re the same person as me. Come to think of it?”


Frunze opened her eyes and looked at the man sitting in front of her in surprise.

“Why, did you think I wasn’t going to see you?”

“To be honest, I didn’t expect you to come in person, and you wouldn’t come to mock me at your sanctuary, and that doesn’t mean that my existence is worthwhile for you to come to join me.”

“Hmm, are you different from the others? I saw my own worth lower than I thought.”

“What kind of campaign are you going to make with the person in front of you who is playing with us all on the palm of your hand?”

“There are more people than you think who can’t even make that judgment, there are more idiots in the world than you think.”

After being silent for a moment, Frunze spoke quietly.

“Could you please give me a copy?”

“Bokki, it seems that there are a lot of regrets left behind.”

“It was.”

Frunze unconsciously placed a hand on his chest and let it hang helplessly.

“Tobacco is difficult because I am allergic to smoke, but vodka is fine, can I get you a glass?”

“Thank you.”

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Moments later, a soldier placed a bottle of vodka and a bowl of food.

“Eat, I didn’t add anything strange, I’m not going to get my head around me when I’m full.”

“… I didn’t know you’d be able to do this.”

“Even the death row inmates are given a generous last meal.”

“Thank you.”

Frunze, sipping the whole bottle of vodka, opened his mouth.

“When you were twelve, I took part in two revolutions.”

“Bloody Sunday.”

“Yeah, maybe even that would have failed if you were born a few years earlier.”

“Let’s say yes.”

“In the second, December uprising, we went through a lot of trial and error, in which we significantly reinforced the Red Army’s operational plan, a key force in the defense of the capital… Except for the defense of St. Petersburg, the Interior Army was in charge, and you were the only one with the authority to command the Interior Army, Wrangel? Mannerheim? All of them have taken their place due to your favour, and it is fundamentally impossible to sit in your seat. Simply put, the internal affairs forces we judged were structured in which there was no second-ranked person under the first, and a large number of third-ranked people competed. .”


“But you have evacuated the capital, and many of the internal forces have evacuated their garrison, the emperor suddenly disappeared to Yekaterinburg, the uprising itself was at the request of the Politburo, but it is difficult to come back even though the preparations were insufficient. I thought it was a hoax.”

“The Emperor’s departure for Yekaterinburg was unpredictable for me, as the woman who would become my wife acted out of the blue, only to inform me.”


Frunze laughed for a moment, then swallowed another sip of vodka.

“My comrades lacked weapons, but they were valiant and experienced.

“I was impressed with the surprise occupation of districts and major government offices while the security was paralyzed due to the dispersal and chaos caused by simultaneous strikes, demonstrations and riots.”

“The first inflection point I judged was the railway station, where comrades from the original major history should have revolted in time, but no news.”

“The railroad workers were one of the things Ohrana was focusing on the most, and they knew everything down to the bottom of the party, and they were detained by the internal forces at the start of the uprising. Trains gathered in Paldiski, Estonia, joined forces in Tallinn, and then queued them on the outskirts in advance.”

“That’s right, poor friends.”

Frunze laughed for a moment before telling the story.

“So, I tried to send my well-armed friends to take over the station… but all of a sudden, a trench was dug and mortars and machine guns came in. ”

“I’ll tell you this time, yes, the exact date and time of the White Army’s coup d’état to match your uprising schedule is a combination of her skill, my help, and the acting of my friend who will be my brother-in-law. I was thinking that if I just did it, everything would work out. The two of them had a great fight in the empty St. Petersburg.”

“I planned to hold the royal family hostage and negotiate. Once you take control of the capital, there is no way you can shoot at the royal family because of your sexuality. How could they beat you, but they didn’t have the confidence to defeat you. So we attacked the Winter Palace first, and it was empty, except for a few guards.”

“She left with the others before both you and the nobles had risen, and the plan would have had to be pushed back by more than a day. Although St. Petersburg was devastated by Belladonna’s runaway… In the first place, there could not have been any innocent damage, but if you show a good response after the fact, you can show people that the new government we will establish is different from the father-in-law. cow.”

“Ha, I think I understand now, the reason why I had no choice but to lose.”

Frunze calmly put down the fork.

“I lost, a perfect victory, then I have one more question.”

Frunze closed her eyes.

“We wanted a world where humans were treated as human beings. A world where no one touches white bread until everyone can eat black bread. think So, not only us, but all of them would have been buried here.”

He didn’t answer, but Frunze added softly.

“I won’t ask you what kind of world you want to create, the way you leave anyway, only regrets will remain, but I want to tell you this. Just don’t forget what your first dream was like, this is the last request of this loser.”

With these words, Frunze returned to the cell.

That was the end of it.


Dealing with the traitors was not easy.

Trotsky, warrior.

Felix Yusupov commits suicide when he realizes things are wrong.

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Mikhail Frunze sentenced to death after arrest.

Aside from that, a lot of giants.

Even if it was a communist traitor, the white army was pulled out like a sweet potato from the field by chaebols, active high-ranking officials, and nobles.

However, it was difficult to cut their necks into pieces with the skill that their mother used to make kkakdugi with a single knife in Alexander’s style. First, let’s take them to the execution table or the gallows. Then who will bear the empty space?

It doesn’t matter if the poor nobles are killed and their property is confiscated. However, the chaebols and high-ranking generals had to think a little more.

Thanks to this, even though I told them to do whatever they want, Olga was not able to easily decide how to treat them.

It was also important that many of them are now eating koro borsi in Ohrana and blowing up information. Suddenly, I miss the pizzeria in front of the parking lot of the department store near my father’s office and the seolleongtang restaurant next to it. I ordered seolleongtang and bought a pizza for dinner.

In any case, torture isn’t really a way to tell the truth. It’s used to make the other person say what we want to hear.

So, while we put out the fire, a miracle might happen, with the names of those who set the fishery sticking out of their mouths like ghosts.

And others obviously know it. No, I can’t do the opposite or anything, and I’m busy crawling around.

If I go out on the streets right now, it seems like only crouching people can form a full-fledged corps. The bribes that come in are relentless.

Some people whose family or relatives have been taken away donated some donations during the life-saving campaign, but many of them are those who are lubricating them so that they won’t be taken away.

Once you’re in Ohrana, you all know you have to give up an arm or a leg to start, and you don’t actually do it, but Ohrana’s notoriety is that it’s more than that.

To add one more thing, it’s different now from the time of the great purge, so it’s not a situation where you somehow escape the spot and run away to the countryside.

Above all else, all the entrances and exits of all cities are now under control, so if you wander around, you will have a polite interview with the military police, or if you are unlucky, you will be shot.

Stolipin is begging for the confiscation of all the property of those who took part in the rebellion, but even if all the property is confiscated, the property list must be identified…

It’s my job to find hidden wealth. Once you find them all, do something or say nothing.

Of course, the communists were a different story. Most of the communists were penniless and had no political influence, so there was no consideration for hanging them.

There was no such thing as the usual Siberian type. The basic rules for confiscation of property are imprisonment for simple accomplices, and hanging or firing for major culprits.

A special prison was being built there for them now. Political prisoners, spies, traitors, heinous criminals, etc. are collectively known as ‘The General Bureau of Correctional Labor Camps of the Ministry of National Political Security (Главное Управление исправительно-трудовых лагерей ОГП)’

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