< Episode 106 >

“Cool! Cool!”

The emperor covered his mouth and coughed continuously.

Strangely, this cold seemed to be a bit harsh.

“Your Majesty, I think you should take a little rest…”

“Yeah… Kolok!”

Concerned voices continued to line up, but the emperor had no time to worry about it.

“I will listen to all the reports and let you in… Prime Minister.”

“Yes, His Majesty, given the current circumstances, it appears that the seasonal flu is spreading faster and more severe than usual. All major countries, such as the UK, the United States, China, France, and Germany, have reported a surge in flu patients at once, and even within St. Petersburg…”

Stolipin glanced at the Emperor. The emperor himself was claiming that he had a bad cold. The emperor was also likely to have the flu.

Besides, I was concerned about the letter from the Caucasus. A warning to never allow the royal family with the right of succession to gather in one place.

At the flu level of last year, he wouldn’t even write a letter. But it’s not at a normal level, so why not ask him to contact him?

It’s not a day or two for flu outbreaks to happen, but if the duke’s warning is enough, it’s probably a sign that there’s something significant going on.

“It’s China, cool! Wasn’t disciplinary action against the Republic of China discussed?”

There was no disagreement at the previous meeting. When there was clear evidence that China was behind the treason, the reaction immediately turned into a super-strong stance.

Hardline remarks against China were lined up, and the administration, who agreed to formally deliver a declaration of war to China and have the Interior Forces subdue them, effectively sever diplomatic relations with China after promptly dissatisfied with it.

The opinion of the Duke of Vostok, the commander of the Interior Army, who was the commander of the army, was not reflected in his absence, but at least the emperor himself did not care.

Rather, the problem now was a throbbing head.

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My body screamed for me to lie down and rest, and I was dazed by the heat, but I was holding on with the thought that I had to finish what I started.

“Yes, orders will be issued to the Interior Ministry as soon as the treason in Central Asia is suppressed.”

“Yeah, take measures so that the rear support for the interior forces can be generous, and…”

“We have received requests from the United States of America and the Japanese Empire.”

“It’s Japan.”

Nicholas II had an openly displeased expression on his face.

Kim Jong-un toward the Japanese was not a good person.

“Tell me, do you think I should accept it?”

“The basis of diplomacy is reciprocity. His Majesty, besides, the Japanese had already served as military advisors in their home country during the last great war…”

“It was an ally at the time, and now the alliance has long since been disbanded. Besides, now is the suppression of the rebellion, isn’t it enough justification to refuse?”

But regardless of the emperor’s will, Stolipin wanted to push through. The reason was simple.

Although ‘officially irrelevant’, the economic cooperation and investment offered by the United States in return was nothing less than life-giving for the Russian Empire, which was in desperate need of a penny.

And the basis of diplomacy is reciprocity, and the Russian Empire did not have any reason not to accept the military officials of the United States, a neutral country that did not participate in the Great War, while accepting the military officers of Japan, an ally of the last war.

Of course, you can refuse. The only problem is that it is clear that if that happens, the relationship will cool down and the fuse of war will be greatly shortened.

‘Not yet, even at the minimum, we have to maintain peace for another 20 years.’

Stolipin muttered inwardly. He couldn’t have heard that voice, but Tsar touched his forehead as if his fever was rising.

“Let the Prime Minister discuss it. And the quarantine issue was not a matter for the Ministry of Home Affairs to take over.”

“That’s right. your majesty.”

“Then I’ll have to go and rest so that I can take care of myself.”

When the emperor left, Stolipin looked silently at the emperor’s back, and caught a glimpse.

Although there is a duke of Vostok, the construction work is too long for the duke to always be attached to the winter palace, and the duke is the ‘Prince’s doctor’.

Of course, the emperor’s doctor should be separate.

“How is your Majesty?”

“At first I thought it was just a seasonal cold, but seeing the sudden rise in fever…”

“Does that mean you are more likely to get the flu?”

“Yes that’s right.”

Well, nothing strange. As soon as Crown Prince Wilhelm, no, the vice-president officially abdicated, taking full responsibility for the defeat, the information that the nobleman, who is now Wilhelm III, also fell ill with the flu has already leaked to the media.

In addition, key figures from several countries were ill with the flu, and there were several patients who had to attend this meeting right away, all wearing masks, so it was not surprising that the emperor was ill with the flu.

“What is the prognosis?”

“that is…….”

“Tell me honestly, are you in need of recuperation?”

“Eh… I’m pretty sure you shouldn’t overdo it. For now, that’s about it.”

“Hmm, I guess.”

“I hope you take good care of your majesty, you should get well soon.”

“of course. That is my duty.”


“I heard that there is a madman who supplies supplies on foot from China to the Central Asian front.”

Ungern put on a surprised expression.

At first, I thought the information disseminated from the upper level was wrong or exaggerated.

Well, who would believe that was true?

“But I really didn’t know that was true. What do you think? yes?”

“Shut up, slayer!”

Ungern smiled and drew his sword.

“Slayer, ha.”

Ungern, who brought a cavalry blade to the man’s cheek, slashed his cheek slightly.

“You guys are the killers, and if you guys were quiet, we wouldn’t have any reason to cut swords here, right? I’ll just sit back and live my life the way I used to.”

“We hate!”

“What? why?”

“Parasites on Earth that cling to the proletariat and suck their blood! The Earth belongs to everyone! There’s no place for the agnostic! Just like you guys!”

Ungern put on a funny expression. Of course, I wasn’t interested in that idea or anything.

The nobility and commoners were fundamentally divided, and for Ungern, who believed that his rights were granted by God, the noise of an unknown rebel now was not much different from the noise of the mutt next door.

I was just curious as to what the other person was barking at.

“Keep talking.”

“No matter what you do, your destruction is inevitable!”


Ungern sneered.

“You guys will lose, lose, and lose again. But are you guys going to win? Have you ever been like that before?”

“Revolution is inevitable! It’s a self-evident fate! On the path of human progress…”

Ungern, who was listening to the cries of a fanatic who was obsessed with his ideas, grinned.

“I don’t think there is much difference in the sound of your chatter from that of those Muslims and fanatics. I don’t know how great the teacher you’re talking about is, but why don’t you pray to that yangban? Maybe that teacher will come down on the clouds from the sky and save you.”

“Do not insult Lenin! He will revolutionize this rotten country…”

Ungern’s sword flashed.


“Hmm, looks less sick yet? keep thinking How many times are you going to have to cut your sword until you ask for his life?”

However, the man did not beg for his life from Ungern until the very end. Ungern, exhausted, finally cut his throat and muttered.

“If I had asked to be killed without asking for help, I would have beheaded them neatly, but they are also fanatics.”

His opponent, who was an atheist, was astounding, but at least to Ungern, he was no different from the Muslim fanatics.

The objects are different, but the attitude that what one believes is unconditionally correct and that there are no other truths in the world is the same.

Ungern wasn’t very religious at first, but seeing this, he could only evaluate his opponent’s attitude as a ‘fanatic’.

If he had a superior he admired, he would have appreciated it this way.

It’s called Oman.

It’s an arrogant thing to try to define everything in the world with your narrowed eyesight and limited abilities.

But now he was not here, and Ungern spat on the corpse of the enemy he was interrogating.

“I don’t believe in God. Ha, those guys? If you don’t believe in God, you worship humans, but that writer named Lenin and the writer Marx.”

Ungern shook his head at the contradiction that those who do not believe in God are creating God.

Did you say you would save those serfs and workers?

Long ago, there were people in France who said the same thing. So the king and queen were beheaded at the guillotine.

So, are the French workers saved now? Are the poor gone? After all, didn’t the bourgeoisie just enter the position of the nobility? would they be different?

In the end, they are just cults who want to gain a vested interest and push the people into the battlefield by bewitching them with their cowardice.

“Baron! You have cleared enemy remnants. What about the materials?”

“Pour the oil and set it on fire… No, wait.”

There is no shortage of materials. But isn’t there something to be done using the sources of these materials?

Of course, that thought was short-lived. After all, the source of this material is almost obvious, and the powers are similar, so it is not possible to attack only with a cause, and the evidence has already been collected in abundance.

The problem is that there are those who are behind them again…. They are not so weak, so there is no way that loopholes will be exposed to the extent that they captured some material in the first place. I must have made a hole to get through somehow.

“Get some useful stuff, keep it, and burn the rest.”

“All right.”

“And any good loot? A tactical map showing the placement of their troops, or a map showing their regular supply routes.”

“Unfortunately, there seems to be no such thing. When I interrogated the prisoners, they found that the captain had memorized all of them and carried them around, so he never needed a separate map.”

“Are you crazy?”

He saw the dead body all over again. If I had interrogated him anyway, the probability that he would have blown would have been low, but it was still disappointing.

It would have been several times more comfortable if such a guy had been an ally, but the rotten thought had entered his head and could no longer be used.

“After all, it seems right for the followers to destroy the world without leaving any seeds, and to burn all the records they left behind. It’s only harm to the world, you bastards don’t do any good, lieutenant! Get ready to move quickly.”

“Where are you going?”

“To where the enemy is!”

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