"Mother concubine, some things are not as simple as you think. I have already received the news that King De has gone to the outskirts of Kyoto to take refuge temporarily, just to avoid Qian Jiyun's edge."

King Sui reminded Concubine Wen that he didn't want to think about anything, he didn't want to, he just wanted to live well, didn't he?

"Haven't you always wondered why King De didn't go to the southern border? The staff in King De's mansion heard news that King De did not dare to go to the southern border because he was afraid of Qian Jiyun, the king of Zhanyun County.

The three words Qianjiyun alone are enough to make everyone avoid what he has, concubine mother, it is useless to fight against such a person. "

"This concubine doesn't understand, what strength does Qian Jiyun have? He only relies on half of the southern border, doesn't he?" Concubine Wen gritted her teeth and said.

She only knew that there were many people in Kyoto who were enemies of Qian Jiyun, but not on the bright side, but secretly you were dead and alive, including the old emperor and the queen.

They have always secretly supported Xue Yingyue in dealing with Qian Jiyun.

But Qianjiyun's life is tough, and they didn't really want to kill Qianjiyun, maybe they wanted to get something from him. Apart from this, she really couldn't think of anything else.


Sui Wang chuckled lightly.

Even if he is a fool, he knows that there must be more than half of the southern border behind Qian Jiyun.

Otherwise, would the father emperor make Qian Jiyun the king of Zhanyun County? There must be other forces behind Qianjiyun, but they just don't know it.

I'm afraid that his father, the emperor, only knows a little vaguely, so he is reluctant to kill Qian Jiyun, right?

"I've already had someone prepare the ceremony, and I'll go to the Zhanyun County Prince's Mansion in a moment to apologize to that girl An."


Concubine Wen was startled and immediately shook her head.

"No, no! Sui'er, you can't do this."

Her son is the dignified Highness of King Sui, even if he is not favored by the old emperor, he is also the son of the old emperor. How can he apologize to a woman brought back by the county king?

"Sui'er, you listen to your mother's concubine. You can't go to Zhanyun County's palace. If you go, your father and emperor will definitely not forgive you."

The old emperor loves face the most. If he were to know that his son went to Qian Jiyun's house and apologized to a woman, then there would be no way out for the mother and son.

"The relationship between your father and Qian Jiyun's monarch and ministers has become so stale. If you go to have anything to do with Qian Jiyun's woman, you will just hit your father in the face. Then how will the mother and concubine return to the palace?"

King Sui: "..."

I don't know if his arms will hurt again tomorrow~www.readwn.com~ His mother-in-law is still thinking about how to return to the palace.

"Mother concubine, if you can't go back to the palace, then you'll be hitting your father in the face!"

"What do you mean...?" Concubine Wen didn't understand.

"You can go back to the palace only if my hand is all right. If my hand keeps hurting, the royal father will have even more reason to let you stay in the palace and not return to the palace!"

King Sui reminded her.

And the pain in his hand, I am afraid that only An Jiuyue in Qianji Yunfu can cure it.

If he doesn't go, then his mother and concubine will not be able to return to the palace for the rest of their lives.

"Sui'er, what do you mean, your arm isn't ready yet?"

Concubine Wen understood, it seemed that she was still the woman who brought Qian Jiyun back, thinking too simply.

"What do you think, concubine?" King Sui asked him back.

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