"This Yuehua Sect was founded by the fifth-turn strongman, Fairy Jiaoyue, more than two hundred years ago. There are five turns in each generation. It is a large force that occupies Qingyue City in the middle reaches of the Jinshui River.

The disciples of its sect mainly practice the Moon Dao, and the Moonlight Gu's Moon Blade is a symbol.

When I traveled to Zhongzhou in my early years, I stayed in Qingyue City for some time and met many Moon Dao Gu masters. It was also there that I first learned about the Moon Dao."

Jinshui River... middle reaches... Qingyue City...

Qin Yiguan raised his eyes and began to recall the map of Zhongzhou in his mind.

The Luotian River, which fell from the sky, runs diagonally from east to west, roaring and rushing all the way, washing out a large number of fertile plains. It is the longest river in Zhongzhou.

During this period, many rivers will merge into it one after another, and the Jinshui River mentioned by the old man Qishan is also among them.

It's just...

Comparing with the map in his memory, he found that whether it is the Jinshui River or the so-called middle section, the location has already leaned towards the central area of ​​Zhongzhou, out of the influence of the Xianhe Sect, and does not belong to the territory of any of the ten major sects.

This doesn't seem to match the time of Gu Yue's generation...

According to Qin Yiguan's speculation, Gu Yue's generation obtained the blood sea inheritance, defected to Zhongzhou, founded a family in Nanjiang, multiplied blood, and plotted for Gu Yue's Yinhuang body. The family inheritance left to the Gu Yue clan naturally did not come from Xianhemen, and it was most likely obtained privately.

"Master, is there any connection between Yuehua Sect and Xianhemen?" Qin Yiguan was skeptical.

"Yuehua Sect? Xianhe Sect? Uh..." Old Man Qishan frowned and thought, then slowly said, "I have never heard of any connection between Yuehua Sect and Xianhe Sect. On the contrary, the Lanyue Sect, the predecessor of the inheritance, is a blood feud.

About hundreds of years ago, Lanyue Sect was one of the many subordinate sects of Xianhe Sect. With the support of the latter, it was established for a thousand years and had many disciples.

But later, for some unknown reason, Lanyue Sect took the initiative to ask to leave Xianhe Sect, and the relationship between the two sides became tense, until they fought and pointed swords at each other.

After that, almost all of Lanyue Sect was exterminated without exception, and was removed from Zhongzhou.

Moonlight Gu was silent in Zhongzhou for a long time, and then it re-emerged because of the establishment of Yuehua Sect. The inheritance of the latter seems to be the inheritance of the secret legacy of the former."

Qin Yiguan listened silently and nodded in agreement.

In the land of Zhongzhou, there are numerous sects, both large and small. In the environment of Zhongzhou's internal circulation, new sects are established and destroyed almost every year, just like a horse-drawn sightseeing and a fleeting glimpse of light. Every early spring when the major sects are concentrating on opening up, all kinds of grass-roots teams emerge like mushrooms after rain.

Even if you are a thousand-year-old old sect, you have to bear the constant impact of newcomers from generation to generation.

Even the top ten sects that are at the top of the Zhongzhou pattern and can be called giants cannot escape this. However, with the suppression of the Heavenly Court, everything is still in order.

This is the biggest advantage of the sect system. Innovating and selecting talents makes the Zhongzhou pattern almost always in a tense state. The degree of its changes and ups and downs is hard to describe in history.

This is a good thing, but for the eternal and unchanging Zhongzhou top forces, isn't it a bad thing?

After the sect system created by Yuanshi Xianzun, after three million years of struggle, evolution, and accumulation, the number of Zhongzhou Guxian and Gu Masters has been the first in the five regions, and the number is increasing, and there is a hint of escaping the control of the ten major sects.

As a result, Zhongzhou Guxian hates the ten major sects much more than other foreign Guxian.

The demise of Lanyue Sect is not an isolated case in Zhongzhou. Selling to the ten major sects may be worry-free and benefit from it for a while, but in the long run, it is tantamount to letting the ten major sects suck blood and restrict development.

Of course, there are more models like the old man Qishan, where the master leads the apprentice. If the apprentice has talent and luck and can establish a sect, he can also become famous.

"By the way, the one who wiped out Lanyue Sect was the once famous 'right way double crane' of Xianhe Sect!"

Huh? !

Qin Yiguan raised his eyebrows, and was retracted by the words of the old man Qishan, and complained in his heart.

"The Two Cranes of Righteous Path? Isn't this the nickname of the two brothers, Master Tianhe and Gu Yue's generation? So it can be counted as such."

This Moon Dao inheritance may be the unexpected gain of Gu Yue's generation when they besieged Lan Yue Sect.

The thread of events was straightened out, and everything could be explained.

Qingyue City... Lan Yue Sect...

Qin Yiguan secretly pondered.

Before he escaped from Qingmao Mountain, the Moon Dao inheritance he obtained by blackmailing Gu Yue Chi Lian was not complete, lacking the five-turn Gu recipe, but it was also the most complete inheritance on hand.

Now that he knew the whereabouts of the subsequent inheritance, for the long-term plan of his own Moon Dao practice, Qin Yiguan had to slightly modify the route and consider taking a detour.

The affairs of Yuehua Sect came to an end, and Qin Yiguan returned to the Mushroom House Gu to prepare to refine the three-turn Mu Yue Gu.

Of course, he only gave the old man Qishan the secret recipe for refining the four-turn Yu Yue Gu, and the three-turn Mu Yue Gu needed to be refined by him personally.

Coincidentally, the old man Qishan was also a little tired after refining Gu just now, and wanted to rest.

Qin Yiguan was busy cleaning up the mess and collecting the extra Gu materials one by one.

Suddenly, he caught a glimpse of the square three-turn travel box Gu spread out on the ground, and an idea flashed through his mind.

"Master, do you know anything about the creator of this box Gu?"

"Hmm? Box Gu!"

The old man Qishan, who was about to get into the golden thread ball's nest, was stunned when he heard this, and his tired face fell into reminiscence.

For Qin Yiguan, it is necessary to investigate the details of this senior who traveled through time. He does not ask for the other party to leave the exclusive grace of the outer demon like the Heaven-stealing Demon Lord, but at least he can satisfy his curiosity and make a reference.

After a moment of silence, the old man Qishan relaxed his brows and spoke in a low and hoarse voice:

"There are several people in history who claim to be the founder of the box Gu, and people have different opinions.

However, according to my communication with some fellow Gu-refining practitioners, I am more inclined to a Yudao Gu Master named Xue Jie. Although he was only in his early twenties at the time, he later achieved the fifth turn and became famous. His talent is more appropriate.

It's just that people don't believe that such a young man created the box Gu series. Instead, they think it was created by a certain Yudao sage.

There was a rumor in the market It is said that the box Gu series has a five-turn Gu worm, which has extraordinary effects, but no one has ever seen it with their own eyes. "

"This... Master Xue Jie, does he have an autobiography, or other news about his deeds?"

"Autobiography?" Old Man Qishan laughed dumbly, "Although this person is indeed talented, he lives in seclusion and seems to like to use pseudonyms. Many people have imitated him, but it is difficult for the world to distinguish which one is his.

Therefore, let alone an autobiography, there are very few people who have actually seen him. "

Qin Yiguan bowed to Old Man Qishan to express his gratitude and remained silent.

"So this senior is quite cowardly!"

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