Rainbow Moon Seeking Immortality

Chapter 86 Zheng Shanchuan

Shop, first floor lobby.

Qin Yiguan searched among the vine shelves, but couldn't find the two figures just now. He hesitated for a while, muttering to himself.

"Maybe they went upstairs to the private room!"

His thoughts were very direct. Since he couldn't make a Gu, it didn't mean that others couldn't. Forget about the Moon Source Gu, and I still have to make my own Mingming Gu to feel at ease, but if I could ask for some advice...

In theory, the refining skills of Gu masters are generally not passed on to others, but for Qin Yiguan, who has a limited level of refining, without the guidance of a famous master, if he wants to make a fourth-level Gu worm by himself, I'm afraid he will have to explore for some time.

Anyway, let's try it first?

Recalling the figures of the two people, Qin Yiguan's mind was silent for a moment, and he went upstairs to the private room and took the initiative to ask the store owner about contacting the Gu master.

"Excuse me, could you recommend a Gu master in the city? I want to hire him to make Gu for me."

"Are you talking about the two Gu masters just now? If you need to make Gu, there are Gu masters in our shop who specialize in making Gu. The success rate is guaranteed, and the fee is..."

Qin Yiguan interrupted directly with a wave of his hand, threw out a group of Yuanshi, and said in a slightly depressed tone, "Stop talking about this, and help me pass the message to the two masters."

The shopkeeper took the Yuanshi, turned around and left to pass the message. After a while, he came back to reply and asked him to give the Gu recipe, Gu materials and other things.

Qin Yiguan didn't care. If the number of Gu he made was high, the other party might not be willing to accept it. The meeting was the key.

So, he chose a difficult three-turn Gu recipe from his memory, paid a fee in advance, agreed on the delivery date, and then left, waiting for the meeting a few days later.


In a private room of an inn somewhere, an old man and a young man sat opposite each other.

The young man had a round face, bright eyes, and a ruddy complexion. He looked about ten years old. Although he looked immature, his pupils showed a kind of perseverance that was not expected at this age. He was emitting streams of red true essence all over his body, and he was at the second level of cultivation.

At this moment, he was staring at the ball of light in front of him, his eyes fixed on him, and he threw pieces of Yuanshi into his hands from time to time to stabilize the state of the ball of light.

The old man on the opposite side had gray hair on his temples, his hair was slightly messy, his forehead and eyes were full of wrinkles, his skin was dark yellow, his eyes were slightly cloudy, and his cheeks were sunken, as if he was malnourished.

The old man also looked at the ball of light in front of him, but he paid more attention to the young man, and gave him instructions on the techniques of refining Gu from time to time.

It was just like his throat was dry, and his words seemed particularly weak...

"Next, we have to put in two Gu worms. Here, we can use the Dao refining technique - re-throw. Although this method is one of the basic techniques of Dao refining, many people in the world know it, but mastering it is valuable.

In order to refine this third-turn Gu worm, the timing of putting the Gu worm in is very critical. If it is too late, the light ball will not be able to withstand it and will explode directly. If it is too early, the Gu worm fusion will have problems. The lightest thing is that the Gu worm is damaged, and the refining will naturally fail."

The young man nodded in response, his eyes did not move, and he continued to control the light ball, as if waiting for the best time.

The room was silent for a while, only the soft light of the light ball flickered for a while when the Yuanshi was thrown in.

The two held their breath and concentrated.


The young man suddenly made a move, stretched out two fingers on his right hand, and threw out a Gu worm from it, and then the other Gu held by the remaining three fingers was also thrown out.


The light ball flashed at a very fast speed, and the surface seemed to be thrown into a pool of stones, shining, and expanding around like ripples.

After a few breaths, the light faded away, and the young man looked with wide eyes.

But he saw that where the light ball was just now, the two poisonous insects that were thrown in earlier were lying on the ground half-dead, motionless.

Seeing this, the young man's face fell, his eyes turned, and he lowered his head and pursed his lips.

"This is also the biggest difficulty of the re-throwing method. Because the number of poisonous insects thrown in at one time doubles, the probability of failure is also far more than doubled."

The old man's eyes turned slightly, and a smile appeared on his old face. He stretched out his hand to embrace the young man, stroked his hair, and encouraged him with satisfaction:

"It doesn't matter, Xiaochuan, you have only been awakened for less than two years. You have to cultivate the empty cavity and study the Tao. You are too busy to do it. It's already very good to be able to do this step!"

"... but it still failed!"

The young man's cheeks puffed up, and he muttered sullenly.

"Haha! You must learn to be content. Gu masters of your age may have difficulty in refining a second-level Gu worm, but you can already try the very difficult third-level Gu worm. That's amazing!"

"Well, but I don't want to stop there!" The young man said, breaking free from the old man's arms, clenching his fists, and speaking confidently:

"I want to be a Taoist master like my master in the future, and I have to detoxify my master, and I have to participate in the Gu Refining Conference and become famous in Zhongzhou!"

"Oh! You are so arrogant!"

The old man leaned back slightly, looking up and down, as if he was re-examining, but the slightly raised corners of his mouth revealed his joy in his heart.

Who would be unhappy with such a good disciple?

Unfortunately, the poison in my body...

The old man looked slightly gloomy, and it was obvious that he had no hope in his heart.

"I will also establish a sect in the future to carry forward the master's cultivation... Uh! Master?"

The young man was describing his beautiful ideas, and he noticed the subtle change in the old man's expression with a glance. He immediately stopped talking, leaned down, hugged the old man tightly with his shrunken body, leaned on his neck, and whispered:

"Don't worry, Master!"

The old man smiled and patted the young man on the back after hearing the mosquito-like assurance, "Okay, let's start refining the Gu! It doesn't matter if we fail, just try a few more times!"

"Yeah, good!"

The young man nodded, sat back down, put it away, and started refining the Gu again.

A few days later, in a private room of an inn, Qin Yiguan leaned on the railing and listened to the wind, waiting for guests.

Suddenly, there was a commotion in the street below.

I saw several big men in uniform uniforms walking along the street, and they pulled out a young man with a bruised nose and face from an alley.

The young man stretched out his hand to block the attack, but was beaten severely. He kept wailing and begging desperately for mercy.

This sudden situation naturally attracted everyone's attention, and immediately several Gu Masters from Zheng Ling Ran stepped forward to stop it.

Unexpectedly, the group of strong men remained unmoved. Instead, they took out several contracts and displayed them in public, saying loudly:

"This kid signed a contract of betrayal and soul with us. He borrowed the Yuan Stone to give it a try, but he was hit by a wild beast and seriously injured. Hmph! He's obviously just a C-level guy, but he still wants to change his life and doesn't overestimate his own abilities!"

The big man looked contemptuous and glared at the slumped young man, making him tremble in fear.

As soon as these words came out, the onlookers who had been noisy and excited just now and were pointing and pointing suddenly stopped and became silent, with some even secretly mocking the young man.

Then, in front of several speechless Gu Masters, the big man dragged away the young man who looked like a dead dog in public.

In the box, Qin Yiguan's eyes were cold and unmoved.

After these days of inquiring, he already knows a lot of Central Continent jargon.

As the soul contract mentioned by the big man just now, the Gu Master uses his own soul as capital in exchange for a Yuan Stone loan. Once the repayment is overdue, both the person and the soul will be taken away and turned into materials for refining soul Gu. The end was tragic.

"Speaking of which, I'm also in the C class. Fortunately, I was born in southern Xinjiang!"

Qin Yiguan laughed at himself.

A quarter of an hour later, the door to the wing room was pushed open.

An old man and a young man walked in together.

Qin Yiguan's eyes swept over and immediately focused on the young man.

"It must be you...Zheng Shanchuan!"

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