Rainbow Moon Seeking Immortality

Chapter 70 Changing one's destiny

ps: Considering the actual value, it was decided to modify the range of the third-turn territory Gu to twenty miles.


gurgling gurgling~

In the dark mountain body, there is a spring the size of a millstone, nestled under the rock wall, with various primeval stones piled up on the side, like a hill.

The spring water trickles, the sound of gurgling water echoes in the empty valley, and the mist rolls in.


Suddenly, there was a huge earthquake in this dark space isolated from the world. The fragile stalactites at the top collapsed one after another, and the gravel rocks rolled down.

On one side of the mountain, the sloping rock wall was torn apart by an invisible force, creating cracks and gaps.

The vibration suddenly stopped for a moment, like a breather.

Half a moment later, there was another huge earthquake.

The gap that was originally about half an inch wide gradually expanded until it was shoulder width between the two of them, forming a deep corridor. It stopped several times before it was completed.

After a while, a figure slowly walked out from the shadows of the corridor. His eyebrows were sparse, his dark hair was flowing down, his features were handsome, and his temperament was calm - it was Qin Yiguan.

A pair of eyes glowed with circles of soft blue light, and even though there was not even half an inch of light, they could still be seen clearly.

His eyes scanned the mess all over the ground, and finally settled on the spring in the corner.

Qin Yiguan looked happy and stepped forward quickly.

Walking to the outskirts of the spring, crossing the waist-deep thick blanket of Yuanshi, you can get a glimpse of the true appearance of Yuanquan.

The mouth of the spring is one foot eight in diameter. It is half leaning against the rock wall. The spring water is overflowing. The whirlpools in the spring are one after another, and a large amount of vitality is constantly spurting out. On the edge are massive piles of crumbling Yuan stones, and the sound of rushing water is endless.

Compared with common spring water in the mountains, Yuanquan water is milky white, with dispersing water vapor and a faint fragrance of forest flowers and plants, like morning dew.


Qin Yiguan resisted the idea of ​​bowing his head and drinking heavily, and took two steps back.

Yuanquan is most taboo about pollution!

Due to their respective terrains, the five regions of Gu Realm also have different origin springs.

The east spring is abundant, the south spring is gurgling, the north spring is vigorous, and the west spring is exquisite.

The Yuanquan in southern Xinjiang benefits from rich soil traces. As long as it is not over-exploited, it can be used continuously, and it pays attention to a thin stream of water.

He took out several star stones and inlaid them on the rock walls around the Yuanquan. With the continuous starlight, Qin Yiguan began to clean up the Yuan stones around the Yuanquan.

The reason why Yuanquan is regarded as the standard and the foundation of the family by the world is precisely because its energy can continuously produce Yuan stones, which can be used by Gu masters to practice.

The Yuan Stone itself is natural Qi in a solidified state, condensed from the thick Yuan Qi continuously pumped out of the Yuan Spring.

Taking a small Yuanquan as an example, it can produce about 100 million Yuan stones from its birth to the moment it is exhausted.

And this is a theoretical value. Because Yuanquan is where the vitality of heaven and earth gathers and is rooted in the earth. It is affected by various specific conditions. One hundred million yuan stones is only a reference number. If the earth's energy surges and causes abnormal movement of the earth's veins, it is very likely to occur. Cause the destruction of Yuanquan.

A quarter of an hour later, Qin Yiguan was finally able to complete part of the task of collecting Yuan Quan and nearby Yuan stones.

Yes, only part of it!

The Yuanquan itself also has different stages, and the output of Yuanshi has its own ups and downs. It has been confirmed that this Yuanquan is a small-scale level, and it seems that it has not been formed for a long time, less than a few decades, and it is not yet as stable as the "prime" stage of the Yuanquan's output. , relatively young.

At this moment, the Elder Gu in his hollow hole looked like an old man laughing heartily, showing his white jade teeth, filled to the brim with a million Yuan stones.

At this point, there are still more than 410,000 yuan stones that cannot be contained and are piled aside.

Because Jia Fu counteracted the request with poisonous insects and poisonous materials, Qin Yiguan bought a lot of things from the team he was about to set off. The Yuan Stone he finally got was worth 170,000 yuan.

In other words, taking into account the original deposit and the output of the Heavenly Yuan Bao Junlian in the past two months, Qin Yiguan obtained more than 1.14 million Yuan stones after finding this Yuan spring. It can be said that he became rich overnight, and he and Fang Yuan were together. After several blackmails from Shan Shan, you have a chance to fight!

"Of course, the most important thing is this Yuanquan!"

Qin Yiguan looked at Yuanquan, which was shining brightly under the faint light, with eyes like a torch.

Immediately, he stood up and followed the dark corridor back to the location of the Territory Gu, which he called the central room.

Because once the Territory Gu was planted, it could no longer be moved. As soon as Qin Yiguan discovered Yuanquan, he successively removed several nests of beasts within the covered area and used the Territory Gu to expel and kill them one by one to ensure safety.

In order to nip it in the bud, he still cautiously decided to place his future life in the central room. In addition to the consideration of avoiding contamination of the Yuanquan, he was also prepared to control the situation as soon as possible.

Not long after, a vigorous second reconstruction officially started somewhere inside the Naiya Mountain.

Borrowing the Territory Gu, Qin Yiguan expanded the narrow space where Yuanquan was located according to his own wishes, making it a wide area of ​​ten acres. He also diverted the spring water overflowing from Yuanquan, poured it into it, and gradually gathered it into a A shallow beach one foot deep.

Just wait for the night of the full moon to open up a corridor and let in the moonlight.

It's not that Qin Yiguan doesn't want to plant more varieties, because the moonstones purchased from Jia Fu can support him to cultivate ten acres of flower fields at most. There are only so many seeds brought out from Qingmao Mountain. If the flower field is not surrounded by moonstones, the growth cycle of the moon orchid will be even slower. It is better to hope for more plantings.

Each moon orchid seed is floated in a specially prepared medicinal soup according to the cultivation method to ensure the maximum survival rate.

The seeds have been planted and are just waiting to sprout and mature.

The days of waiting are always long and difficult, but fortunately Qin Yiguan himself is not idle.

Reviewing his experience, refining Gu and trying his hand, so as to master it in advance for the future transfer to the Moon Dao.

Raising Gu, refining Gu, and using Gu, he has never completely left these three subjects since he embarked on the path of Gu Master.

As long as he is still a Gu Master, he has Gu worms and has to fight, he can't escape.

Fortunately, because of the large amount of Yuanshi he accidentally gained from searching for Yuanquan, Qin Yiguan can start refining Gu with confidence.

In addition, there is another very important thing he needs to do-the life Gu!

The life Gu worm is related to the life of the Gu Master himself, which is of great significance, and has an important connection with the future cultivation direction of the Gu Master, that is, the choice of school.

Qin Yiguan has already determined to major in the Moon Dao, and the cultivation of Moon Orchid is gradually progressing. It is only waiting for the harvest in two months. Without the worry of feeding Gu worms, a complete set of Moon Dao Gu worms will be ready in a short time.

In this way, his own natal Gu, the third-turn Blood Moon, is somewhat not good enough, at least not enough to take on the role of the core Gu in the Moon Gu system.

Of course, there are examples like Fang Yuan who has the Spring and Autumn Cicada of the Universe, but focuses on strength in the early stage. This is because he has the ancient legendary strength Gu and has gone all out. It is just an example with limited reference value.

In order to take into account many things, cover a wide range, and play a combination and matching relationship with other Gu, the choice of natal Gu is very important.

And it just so happens that Qin Yiguan has a good Gu on hand - the third-turn Moon Source Gu!

As for the fourth-turn Tianyuan Baojunlian, it can actually play a significant role in Qin Yiguan's practice, combat and true essence recovery, and the number of turns is slightly higher. But the latter has limited development potential, is more difficult to upgrade, and as its own cultivation improves, the powerful true essence recovery ability it brings is gradually reduced, and it is no longer as irreplaceable as it was at the beginning.

He has the secret recipe for the fourth level of the third level Moon Source Gu, so he doesn't need to worry in the short term. Getting the fifth level secret recipe will definitely be two levels easier than the secret recipe for the upgrade of Tianyuan Baojunlian.

Combined with the choice of majoring in the Moon Dao, the reduction of the true essence brought by the Moon Source Gu is more prominent.

"It's decided to be you - Moon Source Gu!"

Thanks to I白衣杀世I for the 100 starting coins reward!

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