Rainbow Moon Seeking Immortality

Chapter 66 Second meeting with Jia Fu

ps: To explain a bug, the head of the Jia family asked each of his two children to lead a caravan. Jia Fu was born to Jia Jin. Jia Gui was negligent here, and it’s not good to impose it anymore. Let’s just do it.

The two brothers Jia Fu and Jia Gui have a long-standing conflict.

It originally came from the fact that the head of the Jia family felt that time was running out, and made a rule to divide the huge family property based on business achievements.

The two have similar levels of cultivation, methods, and vision. In the original plot, the two sides have been competing for six or seven years, until the head of the Jia family dies of old age, but there is no winner.

Later, in order to compete for the huge inheritance left by the head of the Jia family, the brothers fought against each other, and the internal fighting intensified. They even brought in foreign aid, and a fierce Gu fight broke out, and both of them died together.

But now, due to Fang Yuan's rebirth and return, he killed Jia Jinsheng in the Secret Cave of Flower Wine and dealt with Jia Fu's interrogation using Zhu Junzi. However, he attracted Tie Xueleng and Tie Ruonan, and then there was the Qingmao Mountain Fifth Revolution Battle. Fang The two Bai's journey of escape and adventure.

Judging from the information Qin Yiguan knows so far, it is unknown how Tie Ruonan's investigation will progress without him as a key witness, but what is certain is that the plot remains largely unchanged and continues to race towards the original work in his memory.

Fang Yuan cleverly put the blame for Jia Jinsheng's unexpected death on Jia Gui, which further intensified the conflict between the two parties. They did not hesitate to fight, and the relationship between the two parties was like fire and water.

With his feet on the copper floor tiles, Qin Yiguan searched among the shops in the outer city of Jiajiazhai.

After a while, he stood in front of a five-story shop and recited:


The shops in Jia's village are all owned by the Jia family, but there are differences among them. They are managed by different Jia family children, and they are also part of the rules set by the head of the Jia family.

And this 'Jinshengtang' belongs to Jia Fu's name.

As for such an evocative store name, it was naturally chosen by Jia Fu in memory of his deceased brother Jia Jinsheng.

Qin Yiguan stepped in, his third-level aura was clearly revealed, and he was led into the elegant room specially designed for reception.

The room is filled with incense, the tables and chairs are all made of sandalwood, and celebrity calligraphy and paintings are hung on the walls.

In the tank scene, it is clearly winter, but the lotus leaves are pointed and the lotus flowers are in bud, creating a grand summer scene.

A middle-aged second-level high-level Gu master took the initiative to make tea for Qin Yiguan and asked a few questions. After receiving the answer, he took out a piece of bamboo paper from the drawer and handed it over.

Qin Yiguan's eyes swept over them one by one, and he felt a little happy when he saw many Moon Dao Gu insects and Gu materials.

The reason why he came to the shop under Jia Fu's name was because he had inquired beforehand and knew that Jia Fu's caravan had fought with a group of moon beasts on their way back and captured a lot of money.

In this way, he really gained something.

The first one that caught his eye was a Moon Eye Gu series of moon path detection insects that he had used before - the third-turn Waning Moon Eye Gu.

When he was still in Qingmao Mountain, the second-level crescent moon pupil Gu was not very powerful, but it was also his only means of detection. However, when the subsequent opponent's Gu was promoted, it had to stop due to lack of key Gu materials. Later, in order to streamline the feeding of Gu insects, he sold them in Chiyan Mountain.

It was a bit surprising to meet him again now.

Although Qin Yiguan has the Eagle Eye Gu with top-notch detection capabilities, he still intends to consider buying it considering the problems with the Gu insect system.

Secondly, there is a second-level Gu insect, Crescent Moon Gu.

The reason why he fell in love with this Gu is that the crescent moon condensed after its activation has excellent long-range capabilities, which can make up for his own shortcomings in attack methods, and Qin Yiguan happens to have the secret recipe to upgrade it to the third level.

Whether it is the Blood Moon Gu, Moon Xuan Gu, or Scorpion Poison Gu in his hand, their attack range is extremely limited, which also indirectly limits their combat capabilities and fighting methods.

"Third turn of the waning moon pupil Gu, three thousand four hundred yuan stones."

"Second-level Crescent Moon Gu, six hundred and fifty yuan stones."


Qin Yiguan glanced at the quotations for Gu insects and other Moon Dao Gu materials on the bamboo paper, and Qin Yiguan made some guesses.

Most second-level Gu insects on the market are priced between five hundred and one thousand, and third-level Gu insects are priced between one thousand and ten thousand yuan stones, except for precious Gu insects such as relic Gu.

These prices are slightly cheaper than other Gu Insects with the same rotation number, which is equivalent to a 95% discount. Perhaps due to problems such as food and the condition of the Gu Insects, they want to make a profit as soon as possible.

After a moment, Qin Yiguan put down the bamboo paper and bought the third-level Waning Moon Eye Gu, the second-level Crescent Moon Gu, and a number of other Moon Path Gu materials for a total of six thousand two hundred yuan stones.

With the active cooperation of the store owner, Qin Yiguan spent a quarter of an hour refining the Gu insects one after another and using them for his own use.

Just as he was about to pull away, he was stopped by someone:

"Guest, please stay. My lord invites you, so please move on!"

"Your master?"

Qin Yiguan asked, without saying anything more, and followed the other party up the building to a private room on the top floor.

Sitting on the main seat in the room was a middle-aged Gu Master with a round pockmarked face and a rich figure. He was Jia Fu.

The figure is in contrast to that of his younger brother Jia Gui.

The other party was squinting his eyes and greeting Qin Yiguan cheerfully.

"Brother Jiang He, you are fine! Haha!"

Qin Yiguan bowed his hands and said, "I have met Mr. Jia Fu!"

Jia Fu's previous trade route passed through Qingmao Mountain, and he also had contact with Qin Yiguan. It is not surprising that he said this.

"I said goodbye to Qingmao Mountain in the past, but I didn't expect that things and people have changed! Now Qingmao Mountain has thousands of miles of glaciers, and it is like a desperate situation in the world, but there is no way to go back." Jia Fu took a sip of hot tea and told himself. , shaking his head slightly.

Qin Yiguan was silent and looked sad.

Suddenly, he looked up at Qin Yiguan, and said with some comfort: "Fortunately, Brother Gu Yuebo knew it in advance, so you escaped and were spared!"

Hearing this, Qin Yiguan's expression did not change, his heart paused slightly, and he thought about countermeasures in his mind.

If he continued the conversation, it would mean that he acknowledged the identity of the Gu Yue survivors, and he would inevitably be questioned about certain things, but if he refused, it would be hard to say.

Since it is not the right way, then everyone will shout and beat it...

After thinking about it, I still think that the rotten skin of the Gu Yue clan has some use. After washing and drying it, it can still be used.

Anyway, there are not many people who can escape from Qingmao Mountain, and the rest are all dead.

"My Lord, you are wise!" Qin Yiguan paused and said with emotion, "It is hard and difficult to venture into the wild. Not everyone is as lucky as me. Not long after leaving the mountain, I was able to catch a caravan and come to Jiajia Village as I wished!"

"Oh?" Jia Fu's fat face trembled and asked, "What does this mean?"

"Things change so fast! Before leaving, the clan leader ordered me to find another way out when the opportunity arises to strengthen the family again!

However, I have little knowledge and limited knowledge of people. I don't know other ways, so I asked the clan leader. The clan leader said: Jia Fu, the master of the Jia family, is humble and broad-minded, and can be the first choice! That's why I came here specially!"

After speaking, Jia Fu put down the teacup, said nothing, squinted his eyes and thought, as if trying to figure out Qin Yiguan's words.

The Gu Yue clan is dead, so the friendship with Gu Yuebo is naturally meaningless, and it is written off. There is no need to care about it...

"I didn't know there was such a deep investigation!" Jia Fu whispered, and then asked, "I heard that your clan's young patriarch Fang Zheng seemed to have caused trouble in Baigushan, and was wanted by all families. Do you know the reason?"

"Hiss~" Qin Yiguan looked embarrassed and speculated, "Maybe there is a misunderstanding, or maybe, you can't listen to one side, listen to both sides to understand."

"But the person who was in the same group with Fang Zheng was Bai Ningbing from the Bai family. I remember that he was a man. How did he suddenly become a woman?" Jia Fu looked puzzled.

Qin Yiguan: "..."

You are so curious, why don't you consider asking her in person?

Thank Shengju Lesson for the 100 starting coins reward for the characters in this book!

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