Snow monsters are a kind of Dao beasts born and raised by nature, formed by Dao traces of ice and snow, and often appear in snow mountains and glaciers.

Bingjiao Mountain is covered with snow all year round, so it is not surprising that snow monsters can be bred.

Qin Yiguan received the order to go to support.

When he arrived in front of the battle, he saw more than 20 snow monsters of different shapes, all white, tall, and with blurred facial features, like snowmen built by naughty children, fighting with a group of Gu masters.

Qin Yiguan's feet were wrapped with green spirals, participating in the battle, walking around with flying steps, and frequently activating Yuexuan Gu to help others.

Half a quarter of an hour later, everyone worked together to deal with two snow monsters.

Suddenly, a four-zhang-tall snow monster fell from the sky, which was particularly eye-catching. It instantly reversed the situation and almost completely blocked the mountain road, and everyone was shocked.

Because the strength of the snow monster is closely related to its size.

The strength of a ten-zhang-tall snow monster corresponds to a first-level Gu master, and the strength of a two-zhang-tall snow monster corresponds to a second-level Gu master, and so on.

The two snow monsters in front of him were equivalent to the fourth-level Gu Masters.

They waved their arms and swept through the army. Suddenly, they opened their mouths and blew out a storm, and snow feathers flew everywhere.

Although the snow monsters were strong, they were not as smart as humans. Their fighting methods were reckless and direct. They only needed to break the snow core in their bodies to cause an avalanche, so the Gu Masters needed to spend a lot of time to explore and eliminate it.


Suddenly, the four-meter-tall snow monster clenched his hands and condensed a snowball the size of a millstone in a moment. With a roar, he shook his arms and hit a Gu Master who was unable to dodge.

Then he leaned over, opened his mouth wide, and raised a huge snowstorm, and was about to swallow the Gu Master into his stomach.

"Save me! Save me! Ah——ah——" The Gu Master who was about to be swallowed fell to the ground, dragged by the strong cyclone, and screamed hoarsely.




Seeing this, all kinds of attacks suddenly burst out, fireballs and ice cones all shot towards the four-zhang snow monster, but the offensive was like a drop in the ocean, disappearing without a trace.

Several vine whips tightly entangled the Gu Master and pulled back desperately.

"The snow core is not in the left arm!"

"It should be in the right leg, try the right leg!"

"No, it's the left chest, attack the left chest together, quickly!"

In a blink of an eye, the offensive started again, but it was no longer concentrated as before, scattered and extremely dispersed.

The snow monster was four zhang tall and had a huge body. No matter how many attacks the Gu Masters made, it was less than one percent of its body area.


Seeing that the Gu Masters were restrained and gathered together, the other Snow Monsters roared and moved closer.

The Gu Master had to protect himself, which weakened the already sparse offensive by nearly half. Several vines were stretched straight, but in the face of the strong suction of the wind and snow, they were really weak.

"Save me--"

The Gu Master, who was still trying to beg for help, stopped talking abruptly, less than a few feet away from the huge mouth of the snow monster.

A flash of lightning flashed, and Qin Yiguan appeared beside him, with a pair of lightning wings on his back, pushing him against the suction of the wind and snow.

Qin Yiguan picked up the Gu Master with one arm, and the lightning flashed behind him. He turned into a lightning and flew forward eight or nine steps, then gradually lost strength and fell.


The lightning wings flashed again.

Qin Yiguan went against the wind and snow, and in his hazy vision, a light spot suddenly lit up in front of him, and a fiery red light beam burst out, passing by his side.

A hole appeared on the body of the snow monster, expanding from the size of a washbasin to the size of a wheel.

Suddenly, the surging suction force just now was reduced by two points. Qin Yiguan seized the opportunity, increased the infusion of true energy, and took the Gu Master out of trouble together.

Qin Yiguan looked back along the light column and saw that it was Jia Gui who came alone. He was manipulating a four-turn Gu worm that looked like an octagonal bronze mirror in his hand. It was emitting a blazing red light and was burning the snow monster's body repeatedly, like a brand, all over the body, leaving a deep mark.

"What kind of light Gu worm is this?"

Qin Yiguan thought in his mind, and with the moon blade in his hand, he dodged and retreated.

But the light column shook several times and stopped at the neck of the four-meter-high snow monster. As if it had found something, the light became brighter.

Nearly ten breaths later, a sound of ice crystals breaking sounded between the narrow cliffs.


In an instant, the four-meter-high, imposing snow monster paused, turned into a pile of snow and fell down, filling the mountain road.

Once the snow monster leader was removed, everyone felt relieved and started to deal with the remaining small snow monsters.


In the evening, the caravan, which had been tortured for several times, finally walked out of Bingjiao Mountain.

When setting up camp to rest, each unit began to calculate the losses.

In this battle, the property was properly handled, so the loss was not bad. However, five third-level Gu Masters, nineteen second-level Gu Masters, and dozens of first-level Gu Masters were lost. As for the mortals in the team, almost all of them were wiped out.

Of the more than a thousand mortals who were previously recruited to serve as bait to clear the way, less than a handful of them survived.

The road on which the caravan was traveling was almost entirely paved with the blood and flesh of mortals.

The loss of Gu Masters made everyone feel distressed. Even though Jiajiazhai was a big family, such a loss was a bit embarrassing.

But without these mortals who were like grass and not worth mentioning, some people in the caravan were unable to turn around, and the low-level Gu Masters had to condescend to do the hard work that they looked down upon in the past.

Fortunately, after leaving Bingjiao Mountain, there were no more such terrifying beasts and dangerous mountains on the route, and mortals could also collect along the way, which was not a difficult task.

Yanghe Qizhe was just around the corner.

A week later, Qin Yiguan officially developed the power of a leopard, and the Leopard Power Gu was sold to Jia Gui.

The other party praised his act of sacrificing his life to save others.

In the study, Jia Gui watched Qin Yiguan leave, put away the Leopard Power Gu, and took out a piece of bamboo paper to read it carefully.

On it is a summary of all the information about Qin Yiguan in the past, the types and schools of Gu used, and a focus on the performance in the battle at Bingqiao Mountain.

After a while, Jia Gui put down the bamboo paper, closed his eyes to rest, and thought in his mind.

"Moon Path Gu, possessing Thunder Wing Gu... could he be a remnant of the Gu Yue clan in Qingmao Mountain?

But being able to use Iron Bone Gu is quite a character! "

Half a month later, the caravan that was originally traveling among the mountains and rivers suddenly turned underground.

Follow a gentle slope, enter the bottom of a sinkhole, and follow a river at the bottom of the sinkhole.

Southern Xinjiang is mountainous, but there are also sinkholes.

These are due to the special geographical environment, like a hole dug in the earth, with different shapes. The surrounding rock walls are exposed, and the drop is nearly a hundred feet. It is either caused by man-made or natural disasters, and more often it is caused by the surging of the earth's veins.

The caravan traveled at the bottom of the pit for half a day and arrived at the other side of the pit, in front of a pass less than ten feet wide.


Qin Yiguan sat cross-legged on top of the fat black-skinned beetle, activated his Eagle Eye Gu, his eyesight sharpened, and he immediately saw clearly a plaque hanging high above the pass.

Next to the seven characters on the plaque, there is a circle of seven small characters written in different colors.

And he discovered that the Gu Masters guarding the pass had different robes, and they happened to be seven types, which confirmed that they came from seven forces and guarded them together.

The caravans lined up in a long line, passing through the pass one by one and entering the other side.

Suddenly, the scenery in front of Qin Yiguan changed drastically.

A sinkhole that was larger and wider just now appeared in front of us.

Several waterfalls pour out from the cliff, like water dragons.

On both sides of the river that gathers at the bottom of the pit, there is no traffic, and there are nearly a thousand acres of rice fields, making it a paradise.

But the most eye-catching thing is that the rock walls around the pit are full of large and small pits of different sizes. The big ones can hold three carriages horizontally. The interior is crisscrossed and divided into many compartments. The little one is no taller than a person, and the pig makes a cooing noise.

The holes on the rock wall are densely packed next to each other, like a honeycomb.

The arrival of the caravan triggered a climax inside this isolated sinkhole.

Many figures appeared in the cave on the rock wall. When they saw the caravan arriving, they waved excitedly.

"These people actually live in caves dug into the rock wall!"

Thanks to Orchard Road for tipping the character Fang Yuan with 200 starting coins!

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