Rainbow Moon Seeking Immortality

Chapter 58: Ice Mountain

ps: The protagonist now officially uses the name of his previous life - Qin Yiguan.


A lotus seed-sized, round and mellow Gu worm, emitting a faint blue moonlight, quietly lies in the palm of Qin Yiguan's hand.

Second turn, Moon Dao Gu worm, Moon Source Gu!

Moon Dao auxiliary Gu worm, which can reduce the true essence consumption of the Gu Master to activate the Moon Dao Gu worm by half, is one of the Moon Dao Gu worms that the Moon Dao Gu Master is eager to pursue.

Although this Gu has only two turns, it has a very limited effect on the Moon Xuan Gu that has been promoted to the third turn. As for the Blood Moon Gu, strictly speaking, it should actually be counted as a Blood Dao Gu worm.

However, the Gu worm secret recipe that Qin Yiguan copied from the Ancient Moon Clan contains the complete secret recipe for refining the Moon Source Gu from the first turn to the fourth turn. He can completely refine it step by step by himself, which is of great significance to his future Moon Dao practice.

Such an important Moon Dao Gu worm, there were also a few in the Ancient Moon Clan at the beginning, but they were all used by a few elders of the War Hall.

The reason why it cannot be widely promoted is that there is a very rare Gu material in the secret recipe. The origin is thousands of miles away. The Gu Yue clan has never been able to cultivate it. Ordinary caravans rarely arrive and it is difficult to purchase it.

Considering the inevitable failure probability in the process of refining Gu worms, the Gu Yue clan has only accumulated a few over the years, and naturally it is not Qin Yiguan's turn.

This situation is actually related to the fact that the Yuedao school is niche, the resources are not as rich as the Five Elements school, and the audience is not wide.

Because there are many mountains and forests in southern Xinjiang, the wood and earth paths are popular.

The rest are adapted to local conditions, and each mountain village family is different.

Qin Yiguan also asked the Jia family Gu master about the origin of this Yueyuan Gu, and the other party said that it was obtained from the Wu family in southern Xinjiang.

Qin Yiguan was skeptical about this and was half-believing and half-doubting.

However, he had no time to think about refining the Moon Source Gu at the moment...

Putting away the Gu, Qin Yiguan stood on the shell of a fat black beetle, looking far away with a heavy expression.

He looked at the huge ice-blue mountain that suddenly appeared in the lush jungle - Bingjiao Mountain!

Looking at the vast and mountainous land of Southern Xinjiang, ordinary hills are not worthy of being called mountains. Only those that reach more than a thousand feet are qualified to be called mountains!

And the Bingjiao Mountain in front of him has a peak of six thousand feet high. It is also well-known among the mountains in Southern Xinjiang. Almost half of Bingjiao Mountain is covered by clouds and its true appearance cannot be seen.

Moreover, this mountain is not a single mountain, but a mountain range, with an average height of four thousand feet, stretching from east to west, blocking north and south, with peaks and ridges, rocks and peaks, stretching for two hundred miles.

If the traveling caravans do not want to waste time and effort to travel a long way, they can only force their way through.

But this mountain... is not easy to break through!

At noon, the caravan set up camp on the spot under Jia Gui's order.

According to Qin Yiguan's own perception, in just one hour, seven teams of three-turn Gu Masters had left the caravan and approached Bingjiao Mountain for reconnaissance.

Until the evening, a group of Gu Master teams returned one after another, all of them were wounded and exhausted, but fortunately, no three-turn Gu Masters died.

The next day, another group of Gu Masters went to reconnaissance again, and returned in the afternoon, also covered with wounds.

Another day, the Gu Masters who had recovered from their injuries for the first time were sent again, and they suffered heavy casualties when they returned. One team was completely destroyed, and two three-turn Gu Masters died.

The news was summarized in Jia Gui's study for him to make decisions.

There are nine north-south mountain roads that have been explored in Bingjiao Mountain. The length of the road is different from the strength of the beasts that may be encountered. Once entering an extremely dangerous route, the caravan may also be destroyed, so he has to be cautious.

As for Qin Yiguan, he did not go out on a reconnaissance mission, because he was an outsider Gu Master, and others did not know his details. Therefore, no one was willing to team up with him even if they had a good relationship on the surface. Therefore, he was assigned the task of guarding the caravan and did not leave.

For five consecutive days, the caravan had been lingering outside Bingjiao Mountain.

Gradually, as the caravan stayed abnormally and Gu Masters frequently suffered casualties, some rumors began to appear inside the caravan, with various sayings, such as the caravan was going to return to the original route, the Gu Masters were going to slaughter mortals, etc., and they were widely circulated among the mortals with the team.

In response, Jia Gui naturally struck hard, beheaded more than a dozen mortals who loved to gossip, and severely punished several Gu Masters, and only then was it barely quieted down.

On the seventh day, the caravan, which had been stagnant for a long time, officially set off and approached the eighth mountain road of Bingjiao Mountain.

Approaching the mountain pass, gusts of cold wind gushed out from the depths of the mountains, freezing cold.

Looking into the mountain pass, there was only a mountain road that could accommodate five carriages at the same time. Deep into the mountains, there was a lot of fog.

The caravan did not rush forward. Instead, under the coordination of the Gu Master, they reorganized the team and arranged the fat black-skinned beetles in a single row. The materials they were carrying were also redistributed. The entire caravan was artificially stretched nearly twice as long, even though the mountain road in front of them was clearly large enough for two black-skinned beetles to move forward.


Just after the caravan team was sorted out, there was a commotion from the back.

Turning back, I saw that hundreds of Gu Masters were recruiting mortals from the team. Regardless of the old, weak, sick, disabled, men, women, young and old, almost all of them were recruited from their original owners and driven to the front of the team.

Standing on the back of the black-skinned beetle wearing an iron coat and looking down, Qin Yiguan's eyes were cold and silent.

Every mortal who passed by him had an angry or sad face, but no one dared to look up at him. They all lowered their heads, and most of them looked indignant.

Qin Yiguan naturally knew why these mortals had such expressions.

This was because there were still a small number of mortals who had not been recruited and had escaped the expulsion of the Gu Master. The only one who could fight against the Gu Master was the Gu Master.

Those mortals who were able to escape were basically the Gu Master's personal attendants or concubines.

We are all mortals, why are you different?

"People do not worry about the scarcity of wealth, but the inequality of wealth!"

Staring at the mortals who were being driven away like cattle and sheep, Qin Yiguan inexplicably recalled the scenes in some film and television works in his previous life - driving the second devils to step on landmines!

Finally, under the pressure of more than ten Gu Masters, more than a thousand mortals were forced to be located in batches in front of and between the caravan queues, acting as spearheads and buffers.

After another round of preparation and confirmation, the entire slender team, at Jia Gui's order, began to officially advance into the mountain road.

In front of them was a team that seemed to have no end in sight, and the same was true in the back.

The whistling cold wind and the painful howling of mortals came from my ears.

From time to time, mortals tried to pretend to fall or get injured in an attempt to escape, but they were greeted by the Gu Master's waving whip and furious scolding.

After walking nearly a thousand steps, the team has gradually entered the Bingjiao Mountain, and the towering rock walls on both sides of the mountain road have also quietly changed.

One by one, ice-blue balls appeared on the rock wall hundreds of feet high, densely packed, lined up one after another, as if they were naturally formed, climbing up to the clouds along the rock wall.

At the same time, the Gu Masters in the entire team fell into silence at this moment, and the atmosphere was particularly depressing, as if they were afraid of something.


A strange cry came from the ice ball above the rock wall.

I saw a "strange bird" sticking its head out of the gap in the ice ball and looking down.

Its neck is snow-white, its feathers are mixed with light gray and peach pink, and its pair of orange-yellow eyes are inlaid with a black pupil.

And the most eye-catching thing is its strange big mouth, which is one foot long, sharp and slender, and the lower beak is connected to the throat, forming a drooping ice-blue big skin bag.

Frost wall ice pelican!

Although it was known in advance, seeing it with one's own eyes was still different.

While Qin Yiguan was thinking, the first frost-walled ice pelican that had come out raised its head and screamed a few more times.

In an instant, frost-walled ice pelicans came out of the ice balls above the entire rock wall and continued to scream.

A rough estimate is that there were about hundreds of them.

Just when the mortals heard the screams and were at a loss, a frost-walled ice pelican suddenly opened its mouth wide, and the poisonous insects living in its lower beak shell were activated, spraying out a sharp ice arrow and falling down.


The ice arrow fell all the way and just pierced the front of the team. A mortal who was caught off guard, blood and broken ice splashed all over the ground, and a noise broke out in the crowd.

Sizzle, sizzle, sizzle!

Soon, more and more frost-walled ice pelicans joined the battle, spitting out ice arrows and ice cones, like flying ice all over the sky.

In an instant, the front of the entire team was hit like a storm. The mortals who served as bait suffered heavy casualties. They screamed, roared, and wailed, and kept running back, but were caught by the prepared Gu Masters, who kicked them and forced them to change direction.

After a panic, the caravan set off again, stepping on the blood and bones of the mortals, carrying Yuanshi and goods, and continued to advance.

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