Rainbow Moon Seeking Immortality

Chapter 56 My name is Qin Yiguan!

Red Salt Mountain

On the back of an inconspicuous hillside, near the entrance of a cave, dots of poisonous vines grow wantonly, tender and dripping, and the purple-red venom that overflows has a faint fragrance, but it is enough to kill most of the beasts that try to break in.

Jiang He sat cross-legged in the cave, playing with a piece of flesh in his left hand.

With a thought, the blood-bone Gu flew to the elbow of his right arm, shiny and moist, and began to rub it repeatedly, searching around, as if calibrating something.

In the empty cavity, the bright silver true essence refined by the seven-fragrant wine worm began to be consumed and poured into the blood-bone Gu.

The next second, Jiang He only felt a tingling pain from the broken bone of his right arm.

Looking closely, it turned out that the blood-bone Gu pierced the skin and drilled into the flesh, and was wriggling, pushing aside the muscles and muscles until it pressed against the broken bones, tightly connecting and wrapping them.

There was another tingling and itching, and then a ball of tender red flesh with a faint glow grew out from the elbow, and a short and thick cartilage appeared, and with the intense consumption of bright silver true energy, it gradually condensed, became solid and hard, and then stretched out like bamboo shoots after rain.

After more than ten breaths, the bones of the right forearm have taken shape.

Looking back with distracted attention, the consumption of true energy just now was so intense that most of the bright silver true energy refined by the seven-fragrant wine worms in the empty cavity was lost, and there was little left, almost cut off.

At the bottom of the cavity, the blue and white Tianyuan Baojun Lotus continued to produce natural true energy, condensing a large amount of third-level intermediate flower silver true energy, which helped the true energy sea rise.

Seeing this, Jiang He patiently waited for the true energy to recover, and his arm no longer grew rapidly as before, while he began to compare his left arm, controlling the growth of the muscles attached to the bones, and adjusting his posture.

The distribution of every inch of muscle must be just right, fitting into daily life and combat habits.

The color of the tender flesh gradually darkened, and the capillaries grew synchronously, with soft white tendons interspersed in between, making it lifelike.

About half a quarter of an hour later, the growth of the forearm was completed, and the surface was covered with a layer of translucent skin, which had a sense of touch and could be initially swung at will, like an arm.

After completing the arm part, Jiang He called on the recovered true energy and continued to advance to repair the palm.

Because the bone structure of the palm and fingers was complex, Jiang He found a real object for reference beforehand and made up for it.

Jiang He carefully controlled the flesh and blood repair, always ensuring the output of true energy, and did not dare to interrupt for a second.

The Huayin true energy sea sometimes dropped sharply, and then slowly accumulated and rose, maintaining a weak balance of the sea level.

This continued for half an hour, and the outlines of the five fingers gradually became clear, the joints were distinct, and the lines were vaguely discernible.

The two palms were combined, compared with each other, and another detail was fine-tuned.

Then, a brilliant light flashed from top to bottom, shining brightly, across the entire right arm, and finally the light dissipated, revealing the delicate, snow-white skin like a newborn baby, and the slender jade fingers, like a girl.

Reaching out and stroking his right arm repeatedly, Jiang He's lips and teeth moved, and his heart was extremely shocked.

Since coming to this world, he has seen a variety of attack methods, all kinds of wild animals, and Gu houses comparable to high-rise houses, but for Jiang He, who once lived in the era of information explosion, this is more novel and interesting, and he has an attitude of watching fun.

And now, Jiang He has personally experienced the rebirth of broken limbs that cannot be achieved by medical technologies such as deep gene drilling and heart transplantation in the previous life. Jiang He's mood is self-evident.

"What a wonderful and crazy world!"

With a low sigh, Jiang He retracted his gaze and took out another Gu worm from the empty cavity, with an unprecedented solemnity.

Its two ends are round, the middle part is slender, and the whole body is black. It is the third-level iron bone Gu!

The blood bone Gu just now can only be regarded as an appetizer, the main attraction is still this Gu.

The process of using the Iron Bone Gu will be accompanied by intense pain, but this pain needs to be endured by the user. Once fainted and lost consciousness in the middle of the process, it means that all previous efforts will be wasted.

In the original work, even a strong-willed person like Fang Yuan could not help but break down and groan during the process of urging.

Therefore, Jiang He has always been reluctant to use the Iron Bone Gu.

Whether to use the Iron Bone Gu or not has made him hesitate several times before.

To put it another way, Jiang He himself does not focus on strength, and is not as eager as Fang Yuan to forge an iron bone. Compared with the regeneration of broken limbs, it seems insignificant to use the Iron Bone Gu or not.

If it is said that it is to use the Leopard Power Gu to increase explosive power, it seems a bit unreasonable to spend more than 10,000 Yuan stones.

Use... or not?

The Iron Bone Gu could be sold back to Jia Gui later, which would only cost him some Yuanshi. For him, who owned the Tianyuan Treasure Lotus, it was only a few days' output.

So, what prompted Jiang He to buy the Iron Bone Gu?

He naturally didn't want to use the excuse that he had a wrong idea or that he was missing a nerve in his brain to deceive himself...

The cave fell into silence.

Jiang He thought for a long time, his eyes moved, and he recalled the past, and suddenly a gleam of light appeared.

"I'm unwilling! I don't want to..."

Since crossing here, Jiang He has been able to see the demeanor of the young version of the Great Love Immortal Venerable, Bai Ningbing's magnificent masculine appearance, and became famous in a battle with him.

Whether it was flattery, encouragement, or ridicule, these rumors from others all nourished Jiang He's heart invisibly, rekindling something that had long been extinguished by reality in his previous life, and making it grow vigorously, pushing him to keep moving forward...

Unconsciously, he had already arrogantly put himself in the same position as those shining stars in the original work.

He broke out of the dead end of Qingmao Mountain!

He got rid of the ending that this body, this role, and this name should have fallen in the original work.

He survived!

He became the one who escaped fate!

Then he... should also control his own destiny!

Regarding whether to use the Iron Bone Gu, this advance and retreat, but it implies his heart.

Fang Yuan and Bai Ningbing can endure the pain, why can't he?

If he retreats when facing such pain, how can he go to the mountains and seas and brave the rapids?

Cowards never set out, and the weak retreat on the way.

He admires Fang Yuan, respects his unchanging heart, consistent, loving, but not confused, until death.

Fang Yuan himself is more like a belief, a heart.

Everyone can detect the original self in him.

No matter how disturbed the world is, it is hard to change the original appearance.

Jiang He can see from him the self in the previous life who had ideals and lofty ambitions, and had not been beaten by the society and polluted by the trivialities of life...

Don't forget your original intention, and keep it the same when you go to the world.

Wait for six or seven years, and then see him when he is successful.

My name is Qin Yiguan!

In the cave, there was a sudden sound of teeth grinding, followed by a heavy snort, which continued intermittently.

On the stone bed, Qin Yiguan's facial muscles were tense, his gums were bleeding, his eyes were wide open, and he silently endured the severe pain that surged like a tide and spread all over his body.

It hurts!

It was as painful as the pain when his arm was broken by the white-maned giant arm ape. The pain brought by the iron bone Gu was like countless giant hands beating his own bones, each of which was enough to break and shatter. The shock was like burning, from the inside out, penetrating into the bone marrow.

After a hundred breaths, Qin Yiguan's clenched fists creaked, and gradually he could not bear the pain. He hummed from his nose, and his eyelids felt as heavy as a thousand pounds.

He still underestimated it a little...

At the critical moment, a stream of flower silver true energy was mobilized at will, and an ice-blue square columnar Gu worm under his neck suddenly emitted wisps of frost mist. The cold air went along the spine and invaded the brain, causing his spirit to tremble, allowing him to continue to support it.

At this time, his entire body of bones had been dyed black by the iron juice, and his iron bones were about to be formed.


An unprecedented pain came from the toes, running through the back of the body and rushing straight into the skull.


Suddenly, Qin Yiguan's mind paused and fell into a state of emptiness.

Then, his eyelids, which had long been unable to support, fell heavily, but were lifted up by his last bit of will, and he took two deep breaths before slowly falling.

"It's done..."

With a sob, he fell asleep.


Ziyou Mountain

In the house, the old woman looked at Bai Ningbing, who was not as good as her, with a smile on her face, and said with a face of understanding:

"I heard what you two did last night, don't be shy! I'm also an experienced person, young people are naturally more irritable, understand!"

Bai Ningbing looked dull and silent.

At noon, Fang Yuan came back to eat. The old lady stopped him at the door and spoke earnestly, with a tone of regret and admonition:

"You are a good kid, but you are too honest! You can't go on like this, or you will suffer!"

Fang Yuan: "..."

Thanks to the annual writer for the 100 starting coins reward!


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