Rainbow Moon Seeking Immortality

Chapter 50 White-maned Gigantic Monkey

Bandit Monkey Mountain

The forest is deep and white fog lingers.

In the narrow mountain road, the fog is thick and you can't see more than ten steps. Monkeys are playing and bandit monkeys are dominant.

Relying on the excellent dynamic detection ability of Eagle Eye Gu, Jiang He was able to see the bandit monkeys mentioned in the original book with strange habits.

Bandit monkeys are strong and big like elephants. Their arms are muscular and their upper limbs are more than twice as big as their lower limbs.

Their hair is like gold, with black spots and patterns all over. The fur on their waists hangs down naturally, like a leather skirt.

They admire strength and like arm wrestling, which they often use to resolve disputes.

It was precisely because of the insight into the bandit monkeys' special hobby that the former five-turn righteous strongman "Guan Tianhou" fought all the way to the bandit monkey king and reached an agreement with the monkey king using a monkey language Gu.

Since then, the Bandit Monkey Mountain trade route has been opened, connecting the east and the west, and has become an important link in the three important trade routes in southern Xinjiang.

Jiang He's long-term goal is to reach Beiyuan, participate in the battle for the king's court, enter the king's blessed land, and seek to ascend to immortality.

The mid-term goal is to leave southern Xinjiang, and the short-term goal is to explore northward, taking into account a series of tasks to improve cultivation and enhance strength.

Jiang He suffered a lot from the previous month of wandering alone in the wild. He wanted to join the caravan and travel together, so that he could replenish supplies and feed the three-turn ghost attack Gu that he had obtained not long ago.

There was no caravan in Ziyou Mountain for a while, so Jiang He could only choose to continue to move forward alone and go to the next place where the caravan would gather before making plans.

Therefore, the Bandit Monkey Mountain must be passed.

"In the original book, Fang Yuan relied on the two pigs, half crocodile and his own strength to almost certainly defeat the Bandit Monkey King. I used the black pig Gu and wolf power Gu to increase the strength of a pig and a wolf. It's worth a try!"

Arm wrestling focuses on the strength of the arm and wrist.

Pig power is good at collision, and wolf power enhances endurance. If operated properly, Jiang He is still very confident.

Of course, before that, some planning is still needed.

It's not okay to force it, you still have to follow the rules.

He retreated a distance temporarily, took out two bamboo backpacks he got from the village at the foot of Ziyou Mountain, collected some wild fruits and stored coal stones, filled each half with them, with the wild fruits on top and the coal stones on the bottom, and then covered them with two pieces of tattered old clothes as a cover, carried the two backpacks, activated the breath-retaining Gu, disguised himself as a mortal without cultivation, and stepped into Bandit Monkey Mountain.

Seeing that humans had entered, both sides of the mountain were immediately filled with large and small bandit monkeys, who were communicating with each other in monkey language.

Realizing that Jiang He had no cultivation aura, they looked down on him, and some bandit monkeys threw fruit cores and stones at him, or roared loudly and made faces, trying to scare him away.

Jiang He's body trembled, his eyes were dazed, and he pretended to be terrified and afraid, staggering, but slowly moving forward.

He walked like this for a while, going more than a hundred steps deep, and finally the bandit monkeys stopped him.

This monkey was only about the height of a man, with light yellow hair and a childish face. It was obviously a young monkey in the monkey group.

Behind him, several monkeys of similar age followed him, carrying a stone table and a stone bench, and then placed them in front of Jiang He.

"Sure enough!"

Jiang He was stunned, but laughed in his heart.

The monkey leader in front of him had already sat down, making a gesture of a big horse and a golden sword, full of style.

The monkey follower next to him saw Jiang He standing there, mistakenly thinking that he didn't know the rules, and slapped the stone table in dissatisfaction, making a bang bang sound.

Seeing this, Jiang He followed suit.

He took off his backpack and approached the stone table, stretched out his right hand, and tightly grasped the monkey's palm, which was slightly larger than that of an adult.

The monkey follower next to him suddenly roared to the sky.

Suddenly, Jiang He felt a strong force coming from his palm, forcing the muscles of his arm to tighten and exert force together.

After surviving the initial strong force, Jiang He quickly stabilized his position and fought the little monkey on equal terms.

According to Jiang He's estimation, the little monkey's strength has surpassed that of most strong adults, and is comparable to those who have been trained for a long time, or those who are born with supernatural powers like Chishan.

The two stood on the stone table, shaking and trembling, as if the winner would be decided in the next second.

There were also many monkeys on the mountains on both sides who were watching the competition and pointing and talking.

After a few breaths, Jiang He, who had the strength of a pig and a wolf and whose strength had long been beyond ordinary people, defeated the monkey in one fell swoop and won the victory.

Roar, roar, roar!

In an instant, the monkeys watching around shouted loudly.

Seeing the little monkey in front of him standing on the stone bench and grinning at him, Jiang He carried the backpack on his own and snorted disdainfully.

The little monkey obviously wanted to use Jiang He to establish his prestige and prove himself, but he didn't expect to meet a tough guy.

Jiang He knew that if he wanted to pass the Bandit Monkey Mountain, he would have to compete with the bandit monkeys. However, the distance was limited and the total number of checkpoints was also limited. He deliberately restrained his breath and showed weakness, waiting for this little monkey to come to him and let him pass the level for nothing.

Then, Jiang He continued to advance into the depths of the fog.

After walking three hundred steps, a bandit monkey king with a body as tall as ten feet, a monkey tail as hard as an iron rod, and strong arms, who was hugging several female monkeys, was lying on a stone bench with a wanton look.


The bandit monkey king roared and made a loud roar, like a lion or a tiger.

The next second, the monkeys responded, and the sound waves swept through the sky, even the fog between the mountains was swept away, revealing the true appearance of the bandit monkeys entrenched on both sides.

Suddenly, the bandit monkey king raised his hand and the sound stopped abruptly.

The sound started and ended, all by one person, showing the king's style.

The Bandit Monkey King looked around, repeatedly sizing up Jiang He, not looking down on him for his lack of cultivation.


Jiang Hemai walked to the stone table, took off his backpack, stretched out his hand to signal, and looked solemn.

The Bandit Monkey King looked at the bold human in front of him, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes, and he stretched out his hand to hold it, ready to fight.

After a while, a female monkey roared, and the arm wrestling officially began!


Jiang He hummed in a deep voice.

Two huge forces collided between the palms, refusing to give in to each other.

In fact, Jiang He was playing a trick. He just moved his right foot back half a step without leaving a trace, leaning slightly to the side. When the competition started, he kicked suddenly, using the momentum to exert a pig-like collision to increase the strength.

But even so, the closed arm on the stone table still inevitably tilted towards Jiang He's side.

The strength of the adult bandit monkey is no longer at the same level as the previous young bandit monkey, let alone the bandit monkey king.

Jiang He, who only had the strength of a pig and a wolf, was somewhat inferior.

"If I can use that leopard power Gu to cultivate the power of a leopard and increase the explosive power, maybe I can defeat the enemy with one move..."

Jiang He cursed in his heart.

The power of a pig and a wolf is all that his body can bear, and he regrets it now.

Jiang He held back his breath, his face turned red, and he gritted his teeth and persisted.

Lack of strength, only endurance to support him.

The endurance enhancement brought by the Wolf Power Gu is for the whole body. As long as you can survive the initial huge strength, the endurance competition will follow.

Ho ho ho——

The bandit monkeys around them roared and gained momentum.

The two arms stood together on the stone table, gradually falling over, but the Bandit Monkey King was still unable to knock him down in one fell swoop.

After more than ten breaths, the Bandit Monkey King slowly began to breathe heavily and stared angrily.

Twenty breaths later, the Bandit Monkey King's cheeks were sweating and he was silent.

Although most of it has been pulled down, the arm seems to be frozen, unable to move, and is in a dilemma.

Thirty breaths later, the Bandit Monkey King's face turned red and gradually began to decline, but Jiang He remained as steady as a mountain and his expression remained the same.

After more than forty breaths, the frozen situation reversed, and Jiang He gradually pulled his arm back to the center line.

At fifty breaths, when a bang was heard on the stone table, Jiang He finally knocked down the giant arm of the Bandit Monkey King and won the victory!

For a moment, the roars of the bandit monkeys stopped.

Jiang He weakly shook his sore and numb right arm, as if he had lost consciousness, and sighed secretly.

After all, they are just flesh and bones, and their powers are limited.

No longer paying attention to the Bandit Monkey King, he put the two backpacks together on his left arm and stood up to move forward.

After walking a few hundred steps, a familiar set of stone tables and benches appeared in front of us.

Jiang He turned around and looked around, figuring that if he could pass this level, he would be able to get out of Bandit Monkey Mountain.

However, after a fierce battle with the Bandit Monkey King just now, his right arm has not yet recovered and is almost exhausted, unable to fight anymore.

"Just deal with this as you like."

Jiang He murmured.

He knew in his heart that even if he lost the competition, he would just have his property taken away by the bandit monkeys, which would only be ordinary things.

After making up his mind, Jiang He came to the stone table, took off his backpack, raised his weak right hand, and was ready to swing.


A rapid roar of apes came from the top of the mountain, and the monkeys responded one after another.

Jiang He was a little confused, so he secretly activated Eagle Eye Gu to investigate.

As long as the Gu is not activated outside the body, the breath gathering Gu can cover the breath.

However, I could only see a white shadow and found nothing.

Only when he got closer could he understand the whole picture.

However, I saw that his arms were even more exaggerated than those of the Bandit Monkey King. He almost walked on the ground with two giant arms. The combined arms of Jiang He were no thicker than the opponent's little finger. His whole body was snow-white, and his mane was shiny. His figure was in the mist-shrouded mountains. Medium blurry.

Seeing his arrival, the Bandit Monkey King on the other side of the stone table took the initiative to retreat, leaving his position to the other party.

Feeling the majestic and mighty aura in front of him, and the figure shrouding himself, Jiang He's expression almost collapsed, and he trembled:

"King of strange beasts, white-maned giant ape? Gan!"

Thanks to Yizun Hengshan for the 100 starting coin reward! Thanks to 29299 for the 100 starting coin reward!

There will be another chapter later...

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