Rainbow Moon Seeking Immortality

Chapter 407: Enlightenment of the Esophagus

"Main body? Main body?!"

As his vision gradually became clearer, Qin Yiguan gradually heard the shouts from Zhou Dingfei.

What he saw was the mountain stream where the tributary of Time and Yin was located.

The thoughts surging in his mind reminded him of what had just happened -

He and Zhou Dingfei had been searching for Shilian Island in the Long River of Time in vain, but they accidentally found a wild Zhoudao Immortal Gu attracted by a finger flow shark, and then they stopped and turned back.

After leaving the Long River of Time, he immediately started to refine the newly obtained Zhoudao wild Immortal Gu.

Unexpectedly, at the moment of successful refining, the Zhoudao Immortal Gu seemed to be stimulated by something, or reached a certain state, and suddenly exploded, which was unexpected by Qin Yiguan and Zhou Dingfei.

When he recovered, Qin Yiguan had three more memories in his mind, which were his three experiences as a wolf, a mortal woman, and a Taoist Gu Immortal.

These three experiences were so real, and they were not the kind of bystander when searching the soul of others, but facing, feeling, and experiencing every plant, every person, and every thing from a first-person perspective, so that when he recalled it now, he could still remember many details.

In other words, Qin Yiguan "lived" three times!

"No problem!"

He waved his hand, eager to digest these three experiences.

He casually took out the Lily Palace Immortal Gu House, and Qin Yiguan and Zhou Dingfei got in. The latter flew the Immortal Gu House to the sky, while he concentrated on digesting it.

One by one, the wisdom Gu was activated, and a large number of thoughts poured into his mind.

Unlike the commonly used star thoughts, these thoughts are shaped like water drops, and they come from the mind-changing ordinary Gu in the inheritance of Gong Liangbai Zhidao.

The mind-changing thoughts are shining with a dazzling luster like glass, and often swim close to other thoughts such as memories. When they collide with other thoughts, they will disintegrate, and the fragments will explode like glass slag, like inspiration bursting, and then merge into the newly generated thoughts to bring new thoughts.

With the explosion of the collision of thoughts, Qin Yiguan's thinking efficiency has been significantly improved.

From different perspectives, these three experiences have very different differences.

The wolf's experience is relatively short, only less than a few years, and the information it can bring can be said to be worthless.

The second is the female mortal's experience, and then the most valuable at first glance is the refining Taoist Gu Immortal's experience.

Because it is a first-person experience, after the end, it has led Qin Yiguan's own refining Taoist school realm to rise all the way to the refining Taoist master level, and there is still upward accumulation, faintly approaching the quasi-grand master level.

Gu cultivators cannot do without raising, refining and using throughout their lives.

With these three points, radiate all aspects.

Refining Taoism is another school that Qin Yiguan has reached the master school level after the wisdom path, the star path, and the change path.

This kind of school realm improvement is the most significant and intuitive, which makes him look back at those Gu recipes that he tried to conceive, create and improve. Now he has a nearly new understanding, and even has the confidence to develop a new Gu worm based on this path alone.

Looking back at the experience of the mortal woman, it brought Qin Yiguan a complete life.

This experience is precious to almost everyone in the world, after all, everyone can only live once.

In addition to life span and extinction, time can also bring maturity to people's character and experience.

This is even more rare for Qin Yiguan, who has lived two lives but has not experienced a complete life.

One more experience means a different perspective when examining the problem.

Just like now.

Under the continuous effect of the change of mind, Qin Yiguan once again reviewed one by one, and seemed to have a new understanding.

"During the animal experience of the wolf, most of the time was spent on hunting and resting. Putting aside resting, the wolf's understanding of food is more broad, that is, anything that can be eaten is food."

"Eating is just a manifestation of eating, and digesting it and then using it for one's own benefit is the core."

"Can it be understood as: in fact, everything is edible, but the lack of corresponding "digestion" means has led to a narrowing of the edible range."

"The core of human "digestion" is the stomach. The natural structure determines that humans cannot eat stones, iron ore, etc., but some animals can, such as the golden silk earthworms I have raised, they can digest gold ore."

"If I can refer to the golden silk earthworms 's digestive method, and created a Gu worm, wouldn't it be possible to make people's stomachs have the ability to digest gold ore and achieve the effect of eating gold. Yes, a ready-made example is the wind-eating Gu of the wind path. This Gu can make Gu masters eat wind, which is also a means of the esophagus. "

"Looking back at the esophagus itself, as a school that specializes in studying and solving the problem of feeding Gu worms, aliens, beasts and even humans, how to solve the differences is the primary problem. After all, different creatures and Gu worms have different feeding requirements, and find something that all creatures can accept as a substitute.

But this is almost impossible. How can what people eat and what Gu worms eat be completely interchangeable? "

Qin Yiguan's thoughts fell into a dead end.

To a certain extent, this is also the limitation of the esophagus.

The dragon fish meat that best represents the esophagus can only partially replace the required ingredients. The wild beast dragon fish has only raised the level to the fairy Gu level, and the limitations still exist.

He continued to urge the mind-changing mortal Gu to assist thinking. The mind-changing mortal Gu is different from the star-thinking mortal Gu. It is not a one-time consumption Gu, so it is relatively durable.

During this time, he also activated the Transformation Immortal Gu and many ordinary Gu, trying to bring new ideas and inspiration.

After a while of worrying, he began to combine the incomplete esophagus inheritance from Dongfang Changfan with the experience summarized by Qin Baili from daily use of the fragrant fairy Gu, and re-examined his own ideas.

When the handfuls of Lingguang Yishan Gu were all used up, Qin Yiguan took out another handful from the fairy orifice without hesitation.

The shell of the Wisdom Heart Nautilus raised in the Zhihai Blessed Land is the best Gu material for refining the Lingguang Yishan Gu on a large scale. With the relationship with the Langya Sect, the Lingguang Yishan Gu is used without mercy.


A flash of light flashed in his mind, colliding with a series of thoughts, gradually merging, and finally turning into a huge thought that sank to the bottom of his mind, bringing new possibilities.

"Yes!" Qin Yiguan suddenly felt that the scene was suddenly clear. "The essence of the operation of the esophageal Dao trace is not necessarily to sacrifice oneself to complete 'digestion', but perhaps 'transformation'!"

"The essence of the Gu world is Dao trace. Whether it is the gold ore eaten by the golden silk earthworm or the rice eaten by people, they are essentially Dao traces. The problem is more or less.

After the wind-eating Gu is activated, the esophageal Dao trace will transform the wind Dao trace fragments contained in the wind into the types of Dao traces that people can absorb, so as to complete the absorption and fill the stomach."

Qin Yiguan repeatedly thought about his new ideas and tried to disprove them through other methods and cases.

But he really couldn't find a suitable counterexample for the time being. On the contrary, if he deduced from this idea, he might be able to explain the limitation that dragon fish meat cannot completely replace food, that is - loss!

It is difficult to have a 100% transformation in the world, let alone two different Dao traces.

Of course, this is just his own thinking behind closed doors, which may not be correct.

Combined with the newly promoted Dao Refining Grandmaster-level school realm, he glimpsed a lot of tea and wine recipes that can be completed.

After all, every tea and wine can be regarded as an unfinished esophagus recipe.

Qin Yiguan couldn't help but think of the top-grade Moon Shadow Liuguang Wine, the staple food of his own Moon Blade Immortal Gu. The steps of making Moon Shadow Liuguang Wine by himself may not be able to be perfected into an esophagus recipe. If it can be successfully achieved, it is not only as simple as reducing the feeding pressure for the Moon Blade Immortal Gu, but it may also benefit other Moon Dao Gu worms.

However, this requires not only the Dao Refining realm, but also the esophagus is also crucial.

"In the original work, there is a casual cultivator in the southern border with a seventh-turn cultivation level, who mainly cultivates the esophagus. His name is... Lun Fei. If I can get his esophagus inheritance, it will not only help me feed many immortal Gu, but also verify my esophagus perception."

Qin Yiguan has no psychological burden for killing people to seize inheritance.

On the contrary, it is precisely by relying on killing people and seizing treasures again and again that his strength can usher in growth again and again. Killing may not fundamentally solve his current dilemma, but it can at least alleviate it.

In the foreseeable future, he will have more and more immortal Gu on hand, and the pressure of feeding will only increase, and the value of the esophagus will be further highlighted.

With this in mind, Qin Yiguan activated a certain letter Gu and began to contact his new ally in southern Xinjiang.


Tianlan Mountain, Luo family base camp.

A meeting was held again.

Everyone patiently listened to the report of the Luo family Gu Xian who had just been in a super dream and completed a breakthrough in a dream, and nodded with satisfaction.

Before, in order to explore the dream, the Luo family had a third elder who had survived two catastrophes and had a seventh-turn second-level cultivation. Once people were terrified of hearing dreams, but now they have finally changed their minds.

"Although this time is dangerous, it also verifies the authenticity of the dream intelligence. Since the other party is sincere, I think the alliance is feasible." Another Luo family Gu Xian was quite excited.

"The other party has such precious information, and the Dream Path must have made great achievements. The alliance is indeed beneficial."


The great elder Luo Zu saw that many Luo family Gu Immortals expressed their approval, and passed the preliminary alliance resolution to continue further contact, and said:

"The other party sent a message with a list, most of which are related information about the South Xinjiang Gu Immortals, and attached are some catalogs of immortal material transactions. Everyone should take a look."

The content of the letter Gu was copied and spread.

"There are many seventh-turn immortal materials! There are wisdom, star, and flame paths. The other party is really rich."

"The information requirements of these South Xinjiang Gu Immortals are harmless. I think they can be traded. This can also show that the other party is an East China Sea force and does not know much about South Xinjiang."

The Luo family Gu Immortals discussed the content of the letter Gu.

Luo Muzi also saw the name of his rival, the casual cultivator Lun Fei, in the content of the new Gu.

'It just so happens that I have the aura and other clues required by the other party, and I can just turn them in to make a contribution. ’

As for what the other party asked him to do, he didn’t care. He wished that all his rivals would die, so that he could pursue Fairy Qiao Siliu alone.

“This list reminds me.” Luo Ran, who was beside the main seat, suddenly spoke up.

For the Luo family’s top general, everyone still respected him and kept silent.

“What do you mean?” Luo Zu asked.

“Two Gu Immortals in Southern Xinjiang have disappeared unexpectedly recently, and their whereabouts are still unknown.”

“Isn’t it the same for all their hermits?” Some Gu Immortals disagreed, “Disasters, accidents, and even death may not make a sound.”

“What’s the clue?” Luo Zu still wanted to know what the other party thought.

Luo Ran explained, “In fact, there is nothing too suspicious, but the only thing these two people have in common is that they are both Gu Immortals who mainly practice the Wind Dao. They have disappeared one after another recently. I think it’s a bit of an inexplicable coincidence.”

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