Rainbow Moon Seeking Immortality

Chapter 405: Reincarnation Battlefield

Northern Plains, Wasteland of Bones

A few months ago, this place was just a barren grassland with not even a few milk tea flowers growing, but a sudden 'heavy rain' of bones fell from the sky, creating a mountain of bones stretching thousands of miles.

The bone path traces brought by the massive amount of white bones have changed the ecological appearance of this place. All kinds of bone beasts and bone Gu emerge in endlessly. It has become a treasure land of bone path, attracting many Beiyuan Gu masters to come to explore and collect resources.

call out!

A bone arrow pierced the air, making a sharp and sharp sound, attracting the attention of the surrounding Gu Masters.

"No, it's the 'Bone Archer' night carol!"

"Damn it, he's a Rank 5 expert, why did he come to our side?"

"Go quickly, go quickly! This first arrow is a warning, and his second arrow will definitely draw blood!"

The other Gu Masters in this bone forest fled in all directions.

Not long after, a middle-aged man with a strong appearance, majestic appearance, and powerful arms, dressed in Beiyuan uniform, walked out of a bone path.

It's the night carol!

His eyes were like eagle eyes, slowly scanning the bone forest in front of him.

He suddenly raised a bone bow. The arms at both ends of the bone bow were spliced ​​together from two spines of some kind of animal. The joints were lined up in rows and were as white as frost.

I saw it pull the string slightly, and three long white bone arrows came into being and shot into the air.

Boo hoo hoo——

Three long white bone arrows shot out of the air, scattered in mid-air, and flew in different directions.

After several flesh-piercing sounds, the entire bone forest became completely quiet.

Ye Songge didn't look sideways as he walked into the depths of the bone forest and came to where the group of Gu masters gathered just now.

Here, there is a giant white bone as thick as a century-old tree, with a smooth surface and a shape like a humerus. One end goes deep into the ground, and the other end stands upright.

Even though I have been exploring the Wasteland of Bones for a long time, I have never seen such magnificent bones.

"Could this be the bones left by some giant beast?"

He wondered in his heart how many rounds of Gu material it was, and then reached out to touch it and check.

In an instant, a strange light suddenly appeared, and the white bones mutated, as if they had been shocked by electricity, and their eyes widened.

After a long time, the night caroling was able to slow down, and the expression suddenly dawned.

"This is actually the bone path Gu Immortal inheritance established by the Proud Demon Lord?!"


Zhongzhou, Tianlian Sect

There is a small pavilion by the pond, with lotus leaves and green clumps looking up to the sky, and the atmosphere of wild plants is unmistakable.

A paintbrush moves automatically out of thin air, and the tip of the pen changes different colors and pigments, slowly drawing a picture of hibiscus in full bloom.

Even though there are no lotus flowers in full bloom in the pond at this moment, there are only budding flower bones.

After a long time, Feng Danqing stopped urging the brush immortal Gu and breathed a sigh of relief.

At this point, the painting is completely formed.

The pond is full of lotus flowers, which are in various shapes and forms. What is even more surprising is that these lotus flowers seem to be swaying in the wind, swaying and vivid.

Feng Danqing picked up the scroll fairy Gu vertically and tasted it. His face suddenly showed a look of satisfaction, and then he shook it towards the pond.

The next second, the entire painting flew out, like a basin of water being poured out, spread out in mid-air, and gradually turned into an area the same size as a pond. Then it slowly fell down like a perfect fit, and was embedded on the pond, glowing with mystery. Aura.

Suddenly, the whole pond turned into a picture of hibiscus in bloom, just like before. It was not a fiction, but really existed.

"Nice painting!"

When Feng Danqing heard the news, he subconsciously saluted behind him, "I've seen the Supreme Elder!"

"No gift!"

A ball of green Gu Immortal will spoke out.

Only then did Feng Danqing realize that the Supreme Elder Chen Yi was not present in person, but had sent a will.

This also makes sense. As the eighth-level Gu Immortal, the Supreme Elder must be busy with affairs. It is not easy to send his will to come.

"The Supreme Elder, do you have something to tell me?" Feng Danqing took the initiative to ask. In her impression, the other party came not too much, not too little, but he always had important things to do.

"Yes." Chen Yizhi said calmly, "The sect must allocate manpower to prepare to go to Beiyuan to carry out tasks..."

Feng Danqing's eyes brightened when she heard this, but what she said next made her stunned for a moment.

"I would like to send you to the reincarnation battlefield to take over the vacated position."

Reincarnation battlefield?

This is the most recognized battlefield killing move in the world, and it was deployed by the Paradise Immortal himself. The ten ancient sects have been competing fiercely for countless years to occupy this place.

"You seem a little surprised?"

Chen Yizhi noticed the subtle changes in Feng Danqing's expression and still smiled.

"...I thought I would go to Beiyuan with the team and have a real actual battle." Feng Danqing's face turned red.

After she was promoted to Gu Immortal, she spent most of her time studying painting here without being disturbed. However, she also heard some rumors in the sect and tried her best to prove herself.

Seeing this, Chen Yizhi said with relief, "Beiyuan and his party are likely to be in trouble, and may even be in danger of their lives. We can't be joking. The reincarnation battlefield is actually a good training opportunity. Let's try it first!"

Feng Danqing couldn't refuse anymore, so he saluted and accepted the order.

Somehow, she always felt that the Supreme Elder seemed to have a preference for her. Far from being as arrogant as she imagined the eighth rank, she was actually very approachable.

While thinking about it, she went out to the location of the reincarnation battlefield under his guidance. During the process, he also introduced relevant information to her and supplemented the deficiencies.

"The inspiration for the creation of the reincarnation battlefield by the Immortal Lord of Le Tu actually came from an adventure in the long river of time in his early years." Chen Yi's will was not slow, and he activated a method to guide Feng Danqing to run fast, telling the secrets about the Venerable.

"That time, he accidentally encountered a wild Zhoudao Immortal Gu that he had never seen before. He caught it out of curiosity and was about to study it. Who would have thought that this Zhoudao Immortal Gu that had just been refined for his own use would explode for no reason."

'Disposable Immortal Gu? '

Feng Danqing had doubts in his heart. He knew that some special disposable Immortal Gu were like this, but he did not speak and continued to listen.

"At that time, the Immortal Venerable Le Tu had not yet achieved the status of a venerable. He was still at the eighth level. He was caught off guard and was accidentally attacked. According to his later recollection of this experience with his disciples, he forgot himself, changed into another identity, and played out another life."

"After six lives, he returned to his true self. The experience of those six lives touched the Immortal Venerable Le Tu a lot and benefited him a lot. Even after achieving the status of a venerable, he never forgot it and often talked about it with his disciples."

"Change into another identity and play out another life?" Feng Danqing murmured to herself, digesting the meaning of this sentence.

Her experience was not long, and she still had a long life. She traveled for a while when she was a mortal. After becoming an immortal, she was also blessed by the sect. She had not yet reached the point of experiencing vicissitudes of life. It was obviously very attractive to her to be able to experience six lives in full.

"Because the immortal Gu has such power, the Le Tu Immortal Venerable later named it - Samsara.

Based on the power of this Gu, the battlefield killer move Samsara battlefield was created. It is said that there is another method with similar effects, but the details are unknown." Chen Yi's will talked freely. Seeing that Feng Danqing was attracted by the content of the words, he completely lost his resistance in his heart and said:

"The Samsara battlefield is coming. Since you are curious, you might as well experience it yourself."

Feng Danqing looked up and saw that a fairy-level Gu formation was already in sight.

This is only Chen Yi's will, but it also includes a group of Gu insects. The means to activate it must be extraordinary, so the speed is extremely fast.


Standing in a corner of the Gu formation belonging to the Tianlian Sect, Feng Danqing was completely unaware.

The surroundings are all plain terrains common in Zhongzhou, and there are several rolling hills in the distance. There are still green grass growing on the ground, full of vitality.

In the distance ahead, there was a thick mist, making it difficult to see inside.

She knew that deep in the mist, that is, deep in the entire Samsara battlefield, was buried the true teachings of the Central Continent Paradise left by the Paradise Immortal Venerable.

"Are you the replacement Gu Immortal sent by the sect?"

Suddenly, there was a voice transmission, and Feng Danqing immediately understood that this was a Gu Immortal from the Tianlian Sect in the Samsara battlefield, and immediately used the Gu insect left by Chen Yi before leaving to transmit the voice, "Yes, I am! My name is Feng Danqing."

"I know you." There was a hint of amusement in the words of the Gu Immortal, but it was fleeting, and he immediately mentioned the business, "Since you are here, then help share the pressure of the defense line quickly, and now go to the Shenzi No. 3 area immediately. There are traces of the Gu Immortals of the Black Heaven Temple nearby, so be more vigilant."

Feng Danqing heard the words and immediately flew there.

The entire Samsara battlefield is roughly circular, and the battlefield is divided into dozens of small areas. The Gu Immortals of the Ten Ancient Sects are fighting in it. In order to facilitate accurate naming, the general areas are named after the Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches, and then marked with different numbers.

The area where the Tianlian Sect is stationed is the Shen character sandwiched between the Wei character and the You character.

As soon as Feng Danqing arrived at the Shen character No. 3 area, he happened to encounter a Gu Immortal from the Black Heaven Temple invading. After routinely reporting the situation of his teammates, the two immediately started fighting.

This Black Heaven Temple Gu Immortal knew that the Tianlian Sect had recently replaced the personnel in the Samsara battlefield, so he wanted to take advantage of the gap and come to get an advantage. He never thought that Feng Danqing came so quickly.

Seeing that he was very unfamiliar and only had a sixth-turn cultivation level, he thought he was a newly promoted Gu Immortal, and he couldn't help but feel contemptuous.

He waved his hand and hit a fairy killing move, with fierce power.

"Let me teach you a lesson, little girl!"

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