Rainbow Moon Seeking Immortality

Chapter 402: Tiger Hiding at Fuhu Mountain

Southern Xinjiang

A lush green forest, birds and insects chirping, branches swaying, and cool breezes unique to the forest blowing freely.

This is a mountain stream shaded by trees, and the sound of the flowing stream echoes in the ears for a long time.

At this moment, Qin Yiguan walked along the mountain stream path.

After a while, the stream at his feet gradually became sparse, less than the thickness of an adult's arm, but it became clearer and purer.

Looking up, the source of the stream - a narrow crack in the rocky mountain, came into view.

A sweet mountain spring gushed out from here, irrigating the earth and nourishing all things in this huge mountain stream.

But Qin Yiguan would not be fooled by such appearances.

He waved his big hand and aimed a brilliant starlight at the crack of the spring eye. With the blessing of the huge Dao mark, it burst out with amazing power.


A dark cave entrance was faintly visible, flickering like a shadow play.

"It's quite solid." Qin Yiguan praised, but immediately made another move with his hands.


The Gu formation that fell here could no longer hold on, and it was completely destroyed, revealing the deep cave entrance it was hiding, and the surrounding mountains also experienced a slight landslide.

This was just a mortal-level Gu formation, but it was a little larger in scale, but its power was not inferior to that of an ordinary immortal-level Gu formation. It was obviously made use of the naturally existing Dao traces to set up the formation, most likely the work of a certain formation-level Gu immortal.

Coming towards him, at the moment when the Gu formation was destroyed, Qin Yiguan clearly felt a very weak breath of the universe.

The cave entrance in front of him was bottomless, and ordinary exploration methods had no results at all, as if they were in vain.

He clearly understood that at the deepest part of this cave entrance, there was a branch of time and shadow hidden.

(Note 1)

This is one of the ones he had obtained from the intelligence transaction of the Shadow Sect.

Ying Wuxie seemed to have some concerns. The light tributary he gave was not the East China Sea, the West Desert or the North Plain, which were closest to the North Plain, but in the relatively far South Xinjiang.

Perhaps, at that time, he could not have expected that Qin Yiguan would have a finger flow shark, so that he would have the courage to cross the boundary wall from two days to the South Xinjiang.

Any light tributary is undoubtedly a huge gold mine, which can continuously produce the universe Gu worms. Qin Yiguan naturally knows this.

He was not in a hurry to enter the light tributary, but sprinkled a lot of Gu worms and set up a concealing Gu formation in this mountain stream. Although it was not as mysterious and profound as the Shadow Sect, it was enough to cover it up.

After doing all this, Qin Yiguan walked in.

The cave was dark and lightless, as if it went straight into the ground.

The deeper you go, the stronger the breath of the universe becomes.

Suddenly, from the deep darkness, bright spots appeared one after another.

These bright spots converged into pale spots of light, forming a road the size of a bed, which appeared on the road Qin Yiguan was moving forward.

Colorful time!

A meteorological change that is unique to the long river of time.

It is like rain in the clouds, fog in the mountains, and wind in the desert.

Once any life enters the colorful time, it will be immediately affected, and its own flow rate will become faster or slower, but in any case it will reduce its life span, which can be called a death trap.

Qin Yiguan, who has heard the sound of death, is unwilling to waste his life in vain here, so he chooses to slow down and bypass it.

But the deeper he goes, the more colorful time he faces, and correspondingly, the dark passage expands.

In addition, one or two Zhoudao Fan Gu flashed from time to time, and then the number increased intermittently. At the deepest point, groups of Gu appeared one by one, and the number of each group of Gu was hundreds or thousands.

The breath of the universe became stronger and stronger, and Qin Yiguan even heard the sound of water.

Finally, a long ray of light appeared in his field of vision.

As the distance got closer, the ray of light also expanded in his field of vision and gradually turned into a river.

‘The tributary of time! ’

Qin Yiguan’s heart was slightly shocked.

He immediately summoned a finger-flowing shark from his immortal orifice, put it on the chariot fairy Gu, and rode on it again.

The strong traces of the universe in the tributary of time obviously made the finger-flowing shark very excited, because this is its home.

How can a wanderer not be happy when he returns home?

Qin Yiguan was not in a hurry to leave, and another person came out of his immortal orifice.

He was a sixth-level cultivator and had a handsome appearance. He was the clone of the universe who had just completed his ascension not long ago, Zhou Dingfei.

"Is this the Time Tributary? I feel... the environment here is very suitable."

Perhaps because of the use of the Silent Immortal Gu, Zhou Dingfei was not good at speaking, and looked at the scene in front of him with curiosity.

"Next, you have to pay attention! The Time River is the home of your Zhou Dao Gu Xian." Qin Yiguan encouraged.

The Time River itself is a secret realm of the Zhou Dao heaven and earth, with the richest Zhou Dao Dao marks in the world. Because the Dao marks are mutually exclusive, his Dao marks will be severely suppressed here, and he may not be able to exert his full strength. On the contrary, Zhou Dingfei, who ascended to immortality with the Zhou Dao, is like a fish in water here.

The two stood side by side on the cart, driving a finger of flowing sharks to go deep into the Time Tributary and head towards the main river.


South Xinjiang, Fuhu Mountain

Wu Yong stood up like a spear, looking up, reporting the recent situation of the South Xinjiang Gu Xian Realm and the Wu family to the sixth-turn female fairy on the bamboo building.

The afterglow of the evening shines on the face of this rank eight Gu Immortal. Time seems to have never left any trace on his face, but that doesn't mean he is mentally immature.

"...At present, all the righteous paths in southern Xinjiang are stable and there are no abnormalities for the time being. However, it is inevitable that some demon cultivators and loose immortals will take advantage of the situation to cause chaos. I have issued the corresponding wanted order and sent people to conquer them."

After Wu Yong finished speaking, he subconsciously looked at the female fairy on the bamboo building who was leaning against the window and looking into the distance, seemingly distracted.

He silently waited for the other party's guidance or criticism. Even though the two sides were now very different in cultivation, they were still respectful.

After all, wasn't this how it happened before?

It was like this in the past, and it should be like this in the future...

Wu Yong waited patiently for a while. For some reason, he suddenly felt that the faint roar of the tiger in his ears became more and more noisy, like a cat's claw, scratching his heart with a sense of boredom.

Just as he was secretly thinking about how to deal with these annoying tigers in the future, Wu Duxiu spoke:

"Those flies are nothing, they are not even worthy of the appetizer." Wu Duxiu changed his posture and continued to lean against the window, still speaking in a scornful tone: "As soon as the news of my 'death' spread Come out, they must be busy running around to tell each other, and maybe even cry with joy!”

Wu Duxiu's face was full of joking, "Just wait! There are still big dishes to be served."

Wu Yong was silent, lowering his head and listening.

With a thought in his mind, he raised his head and said, "Mother, a few days ago, Qin Yiguan asked to return the disaster-causing Immortal Gu, and I agreed to it. What I want to say is, mother, the disaster in your immortal aperture is terrifying, and the child is extremely worried. , you might as well make a deal with Qin Yiguan, and completely hold the disaster-causing immortal Gu in your hands, so that you can do your best. "

"...Forget it!" Wu Duxiu fell silent for a while and said, "The seventh-level Immortal Gu in the clan is by no means a big deal, so naturally we have to use it sparingly. There is this eighth-level Jade Fengqing Xiaozhulou Immortal Gu House. Now, I can still cope with the disaster."

She said this, but in her heart she was still frightened by the power of the previous earthquakes.

She was only at the bottom of the sixth rank, but the earth disaster was no less terrifying than the heavenly catastrophe at the eighth rank. She was constantly surrounded by dangers, and several times she thought she was going to die.

Because of this, Wu Duxiu gave up the idea of ​​quickly overcoming the tribulation and returning to the eighth rank as soon as possible by using the means of time dao.

At least, the risk of taking the normal path to overcome the tribulation is extremely high.

While thinking, Wu Duxiu asked again, "Yihai? How is he doing lately?"

Wu Yong blinked, somewhat indifferent to this brother who suddenly appeared, but when his mother asked, he naturally answered truthfully.

After hearing that Wu Yihai offered to go to that super dreamland to guard and share the family's worries, Wu Duxiu nodded slightly and said:

"Yihai is unfamiliar with his place in southern Xinjiang. Yong'er, you have to take good care of him."


When Wu Yong heard the words, he bowed and saluted, but apparently failed to understand the underlying meaning.

After hearing a few more instructions, he was allowed to leave.

Watching Wu Yong's figure disappear into the clouds, Wu Duxiu reached out and closed the window.


As if this soft sound had some kind of magic power, Wu Duxiu's face also turned cold, and there was a hint of viciousness in her beautiful moos.

Can you not be cruel?

Who wouldn't be so angry when someone pretends to be a child of their own flesh and blood?

What's even more outrageous is that the man ran up to him and started to cry hypocritically. He even performed quite well and was superb.

If Wu Duxiu hadn't used secret means to find out, she would probably have believed it to be true based on her acting skills.

Wu Duxiu even suspected that even if Wu Yihai himself came, it might not be like this.

But even though there was endless anger in her heart, she had to suppress it. The current situation forced her not to just pierce the window paper.

"That person took the initiative to go to the Super Dreamland. He didn't expect me to survive, so he chose to leave the Wu family." She analyzed, the anger in her heart not dissipating.

For her, it was not difficult to kill that person, but the difficulty was how to prevent the other person from leaking the news that she was still alive.

You know, that person has officially made his debut in the Gu Immortal World of Southern Xinjiang, and is well-known to everyone. Although I don’t know how the other person escaped the scrutiny of the Wu family, it is understandable. After all, the blood path immortal Gu is the most critical thing in the Wu family. The bloodline was traded, but the methods were inferior.

Southern Xinjiang seems to be calm, but in fact there is an undercurrent.

As the saying goes, when a whale falls, all things come into being.

The fall of an eighth-level person means the rearrangement and distribution of countless resources, which will inevitably cause inevitable losses to the Wu family, the overlord of southern Xinjiang.

Wu Duxiu hopes that after returning to rank eight, he can continue to lead the Wu family to a further step, instead of trying to turn the tide like a savior again.

In the face of the general situation, the mere pain of losing a child seems insignificant.

He tried his best to seize his body and be reborn, not only to survive, but also to take this opportunity to bring a big success to the righteous path of Southern Xinjiang.

She can understand the thoughts of those people very well. If they have been suppressed for too long, they always need to be released.

"Just wait!"

Wu Duxiu murmured to himself, and the faces of many people flashed in his mind, from the few rank eight Gu Immortals in Southern Xinjiang who had the confidence to challenge him, to the person who replaced Wu Yihai.

Finally... it was fixed on Wu Yong's face just now.

Yes, she noticed it.

The hint of joy after tasting power, and the desire to hold it back with all one's strength.

‘Younger! Everyone in the world has underestimated you, but you were born to me after all. Doesn’t your mother still know you well? ’

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