Rainbow Moon Seeking Immortality

Chapter 397 Daytime Travel (Part 2)

The colorful crystal lotuses were all cut off by the poisonous hands, leaving only the broken stems swaying in the wind among the white clouds.

The joy of a good harvest did not last long. The colorful crystal lotuses that were continuously harvested also launched their own counterattacks based on their survival instinct.

Its roots hidden deep in the white clouds began to expand rapidly and swayed around, awakening the wild beasts living beside it.


A carp with seven colors flashing all over its body jumped out of the white clouds. Its body was like an adult giant elephant, with an elegant and smooth posture and closely arranged scales, which made people call it a work of art.

However, at this moment, it came to trouble Qin Yiguan.

The seven-color carp opened its mouth and spit out a dazzling rainbow light, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, all seven colors. Once it appeared, it instantly raised the brightness of the surrounding space by several levels, and it was so sudden that people could not open their eyes.

Qin Yiguan, who had been on alert, had been prepared for this. Once he found out the enemy's whereabouts, he responded quickly.

Swish --

He waved his sleeves, and thousands of stardust flew out suddenly, turning into a brilliant galaxy, winding and flowing, and collided head-on with the seven-color rainbow light.

At this moment, the silent contest between the two sides decided the outcome in an instant. Even if Qin Yiguan only used a mortal-level killing move of the Star Dao, under the blessing of the Dao Mark of the eighth level, the dazzling rainbow light and several stardust were instantly shattered into nothingness, and the remaining stardust all hit the back of the seven-color carp, instantly burning hundreds of wounds and flying scales.

The seven-color carp saw that the situation was not good, shook its head and tried to drill, intending to dive back into the white cloud to hide again.

But Qin Yiguan immediately guessed the carp's idea, and with a light touch of his fingertips, strands of starlight threads flew out like a swimming dragon, and when the seven-color carp was about to fall back into the white cloud group, it tied its tail tightly, and no matter how it struggled, it was futile.

"Come to the bowl quickly!"

The starlight thread was retracted, and the seven-color carp wild beast was taken into the fairy orifice.

After a battle, Qin Yiguan's idea of ​​continuing to harvest the colorful crystal lotus was shattered. The battle just now was not fierce. He was firmly in a state of suppression. He captured the seven-color carp alive without any effort, and even did not activate a fairy Gu.

But this brief battle was undoubtedly like throwing a stone into the calm lake, causing ripples.

More and more wild beasts living in the depths of the white cloud group were awakened, and most of them were of the same kind as the wild beast just now, all of them were seven-color carps.

At a glance, he roughly noticed more than ten of them, and the number was still increasing. It can be said that one wave has not yet subsided, and another wave has risen.

Qin Yiguan was not afraid of this at all.

Unless the nine-colored carp of the ancient wild beast level appeared, with his own combat power, he could move forward and backward calmly and with ease.

There is no doubt that a war has begun.

Since he has been discovered, Qin Yiguan no longer deliberately concealed it, "It's just right to ask you to try the quality of my new killer move!"

With a thought, tens of thousands of poisonous insects in the immortal orifice were urged in an orderly manner to jointly construct a killer move.

Immortal killer move-Ten Thousand Thoughts Diamond Rain!

Suddenly, a grain of golden thoughts appeared in his mind. After coming to the outside world, they expanded and expanded, forming fist-sized golden balls, and the surface was shining with a glass-like luster. The golden thoughts squeezed out of his mind in an endless stream, as if it could not be contained in it, and were forced to rush out, clanging.

In an instant, tens of thousands of golden thoughts were suspended around Qin Yiguan, shining with golden light, magnificent and extraordinary, like a city wall, and the scale was still increasing.


Tens of thousands of golden thoughts flew out together, like a golden horizontal curtain, filling the eyes, and there was no end in sight, moving horizontally towards the group of seven-colored carp wild beasts that attacked, like a storm, magnificent.


The first thing to be washed away was the huge white cloud group. The magnificent golden thoughts were like a razor, carving out an extremely dazzling flat open space on the undulating white clouds. Wherever they passed, the wind and clouds dispersed, and there was grief everywhere.

At the moment of contact with the wild beasts, under the blessing of its wisdom and Dao marks, the Vajra Thoughts burst out with amazing power, comparable to a cannonball hitting the gorgeous scales of the seven-colored carp, and then embedded into the flesh and blood, penetrating the whole body.

In just a breath, several seven-colored carps that were at the forefront suddenly died, their flesh and blood squeezed into meat foam by the tightly arranged Vajra Thoughts, and not even much bone residue was left.

Seeing this, Qin Yiguan hurriedly made adjustments, turning the originally horizontally moving "wall" into golden prisms, and launched targeted attacks according to the different positions of the attacking wild beasts.

The long-lasting killing made the red fish blood spread all over the white clouds, adding red spots. Gradually, the blood dyed the white clouds red, and the pungent smell attracted more wild beasts to join the battle again.

All the fish schools living on this group of white clouds were awakened, including ancient wild beasts. They turned into a beast tide and rushed towards Qin Yiguan one after another, but fell one after another under the attack of the prisms formed by the Vajra Thoughts. The scale defense that the seven-colored carps were most proud of was not even as good as paper when facing the Vajra Thoughts.

Qin Yiguan remained motionless.

He quietly deployed the Vajra Thoughts, launched rounds of attacks, and tried new combinations of Vajra Thoughts in the battle, completely treating this battle as a test field for testing new killer moves.

The Ten Thousand Thoughts Vajra Rain was created by Qin Yiguan based on Dongfang Changfan's signature killer move Ten Thousand Stars Flying Fireflies, focusing on the offensive power, and has never been tested in actual combat.

With the active contributions of many seven-colored carps, he has gradually figured out some tricks for using it.

Among them, the combination of cones, arrows and other similar shapes can play a miraculous role in dealing with wild beasts such as carp that have scale armor as defense. They can often kill them with one blow and preserve their remains relatively intact.

For the eight-color carp ancient wild beasts with stronger strength and more tenacious vitality, it is impossible to kill them immediately by simply piercing their flesh and blood. The only way is to wrap the whole body and use the characteristics of the diamond mind to slowly wear away and remove its external flesh and armor bit by bit. In this way, it can not only ensure the killing, but also retain the spoils to the maximum extent.

For a while, various shapes of diamond minds appeared on the battlefield.

Finally, after an unknown amount of time, the battle on this white cloud was completely calmed down.

The remaining carp group knew that Qin Yiguan, a guy with a weak breath, was surprisingly powerful, and hid in the depths of the white cloud.

After pacifying the battle, Qin Yiguan immediately began to collect the spoils.

The wild beasts are full of treasures, from blood to scales, from claws to feces, all of which are immortal materials.

After a thorough inventory, he has seized more than 30 seven-color carp wild beasts with different injuries and four eight-color carp ancient wild beasts in this battle. Originally, this number would be higher, but in the first wave of attacks earlier, several wild beasts were crushed into meat residue by the Vajra Mind.

The remaining colorful crystal lotus wild plants were inevitably affected in the previous battle, and some debris and fragments remained, which is better than nothing.

"Fortunately, there are no ancient wild beasts among this group of carps, otherwise it would not be so easy."

Qin Yiguan sighed at the huge gains of this battle, and for the first time had a personal experience of the richness of the day.

Earlier, he relied on his powerful combat power to repeatedly kill several Gu Immortals, but apart from the soul and immortal orifice, he did not gain any additional resources.

Without the Starfire Gu trade, a major pillar industry, Qin Yiguan's economy has been in a stage of living off the past. The output of several blessed lands and immortal orifices is just a drop in the bucket in front of the huge demand for nearly 40 immortal Gu.

If it weren't for the immortal materials obtained from the previous transactions with the Nanjiang Wu family, he would have been unable to even feed the immortal Gu on hand. This daytime trip has opened up new ideas for him.

"I am now a good fighter, and I have ancient wild beasts and immortal Gu houses to rely on. I can come more often in the future."

Qin Yiguan made up his mind and turned to leave after cleaning up the battlefield.

Suddenly, his eyebrows flashed with brilliance, as if he had noticed something, and his face was stunned.

Not good, there are people!

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