Rainbow Moon Seeking Immortality

Chapter 386 Going to the Sea

Thousands of Fantasy Seas

Qin Yiguan activated the Immortal Silence Gu on the new clone, giving it the inheritance of the Time Dao collected from Baohuangtian and Langya Sect, as well as the inheritance of the Time Dao Gu Immortal from the Supreme Immortal.

As usual, he affixed a five-turn three-shift Gu to accelerate the catalysis, and then handed it over to Xue Wuhui to arrange for him to practice elsewhere in the blessed land. With the talent of the new clone Gu Yue Yinhuang body, it is not impossible to cultivate a master of the Time Dao sect before ascending to immortality.

After settling in his new clone, Qin Yiguan left the Land of No Regrets and came to this inaccessible sea area. Most of the natural wisdom path marks that were previously refined in a small area of ​​​​the sea here are still under his control.

He holds a letter Gu in his hand, which includes the recent movements of various forces in the East China Sea, as well as secrets. This is also one of his main tasks in the East China Sea.

Because the sixth-level slave fairy Liu Ruyan enslaved the ancient desolate beast One-Finger Flowing Shark, all the eighth-level slaves in the East China Sea came out, and the Gu Immortal World in the East China Sea fell into chaos unprecedented in thousands of years.

The relationship between Gu Immortals is similar to that of mortal Gu Masters, and all the old grudges accumulated in the past broke out at this moment.

There are as many as three clearly recorded battles between the eighth level, and there are even more battles between the seventh and sixth levels, which are difficult to count.

Nowadays, the incident has gradually subsided, but the battle between the eight turns is still interesting.

Among them, the Cai family shined brightly in this East China Sea conflict and stole the show.

The Supreme Elder of the Cai family was originally a rank-8 Gu Immortal, and in the earlier battle for the Heavenly Fields, he obtained a complete set of Tiannan inheritance, including an Immortal Gu House.

This Immortal Gu House withstood the attack of the Level 8 Gu Immortal in the subsequent struggle. Coupled with the Cai family's own Immortal Gu House, the overall combat power seemed to be at the top level in the East China Sea.

With the new Immortal Gu House as the foundation, the Cai family began to actively expand externally, killing demon immortals, absorbing casual cultivators, and their sphere of influence continued to expand.

In addition, the Song family, an old friend, has also been in turmoil recently.

Previously, Qin Yiguan had sold Liu Qingyu's seventh-turn Light Dao Immortal Aperture to the Song family in exchange for a seventh-turn Yudao Immortal Gu, and then traded it with Miao Mingshen to obtain the seventh-turn Star Realm Immortal Gu.

Song Qiyuan intended to use Liu Qingyu's Immortal Aperture to train the next generation of the eighth-level Gu Immortal in the family. Even if there was opposition from other clan factions, no one within the Song family could stop the will of the eighth-level Gu Immortal.

In response to Song Qiyuan's toughness, the internal politics of the Song family also fought against it, with little effect. However, some rumors were spread, but there was no ironclad evidence and few people believed it.

Perhaps in the near future, the Song family will usher in a situation of having two Rank 8 members at the same time.

As for another old friend of Donghai, Miao Mingshen, he has also been in the limelight recently.

He obtained the Song family's seventh-level Yu Dao Immortal Gu from Qin Yiguan, and his own strength greatly increased. He had several duels with his arch-enemy, the seventh-level slave Dao Gu Immortal Ren Xiuping, who had peak combat power, and repeatedly gained the upper hand.

In the chaos in the East China Sea not long ago, he fought against several rank seven Gu Immortals one after another. He was outstanding in battle and graceful. He also treated others with humiliation and successfully turned enemies into friends. He suddenly became another popular figure among the Gu Immortals in the East China Sea. Man of the hour.

Qin Yiguan carefully browsed this summary of the recent intelligence on the East China Sea, and urged Xing Dou to calculate the immortal killer move, calculating the differences between the original plot and the subsequent impact, as well as the entry point for him to start.

The main purpose of his coming to the East China Sea this time was to plot against Qin Baihe, one of the seven beauties of the East China Sea, and the incomplete Level 6 Immortal Gu House Lily Palace built in the White Crane Sea, with the intention of owning his own Immortal Gu House.

According to his regular use of Star Eye Immortal Gu to investigate the White Crane Sea Area, Lily Palace has been kept in the White Crane Sea Area as a guard, while Qin Baihe himself has an unpredictable whereabouts, staying in the White Crane Sea Area when nothing happens, and the frequency of going out is not fixed.

If Qin Yiguan wanted to launch a sneak attack while the opponent was away, it would not be a problem to search the White Crane Sea Area with his combat power, but it would not be easy to completely take over the Lily Palace Immortal Gu House.

The Immortal Gu House is also composed of many Gu insects and a certain number of Immortal Gu. It contains the will of the holder. A single thought can destroy them all, causing other people's plans to fail.

Therefore, how to snatch other people's Gu insects has always been a huge problem.

Qin Yiguan once thought of referring to the original work and borrowing the acquaintance and attitude Gu from Fang Yuanshang, so as to disguise himself as Qin Baihe and enter the Lily Palace, and then use his own intellectual ability to solve Qin Baihe's will stationed there. He never completed the battle against the immortal. The robbery of the Gu House.

But unfortunately, he refused to agree.

Regarding the Attitude Gu of Rank 8 Immortal Gu, Fang Yuan could not help but be cautious. Even though there was a covenant between the two parties as a guarantee, Qin Yiguan offered a generous reward, but he still refused.

Moreover, the other party left Langya Blessed Land shortly after Langya Earth Spirit helped him refine the sixth-level Leshan Leshui Immortal Gu, making it difficult to find him.

If Qin Yiguan only activates the ultimate move of re-creating the immortal path, he can also transform into Qin Baihe's appearance, but he lacks the Attitude Gu and still lacks the charm. There is no guarantee that Qin Baihe has a hidden hand in the Immortal Gu House. Once he answers the question, If you fail to do so, you will fall short.

Countless stars shone in his mind. Under the combined influence of the thoughts of thoughts and thoughts, the thoughts of the stars collided, became compatible, and shattered with an astonishing intensity. During this period, they were mixed with memories full of memories. The surroundings were filled with memories. The marks of the wisdom path in the sea also glow with the halo of the dao patterns, providing further blessings.

After a while, all the tens of thousands of star thoughts produced by the seventh-level star thought immortal Gu were eliminated, and only two star thoughts the size of two coconuts were left in his mind, shining brightly.

So far, Qin Yiguan did not choose to use the Star Thoughts Immortal Gu again. The Star Thoughts Immortal Gu that was upgraded to the seventh level by Langya Earth Spirit has produced an order of magnitude more Star Thoughts than the sixth level, which in turn brings about a sharp increase in efficiency.

The idea behind the first Star Thought is that since the attempt to seize Qin Baili's Lily Palace is blocked, it is better to find another way. Combining the comparison between the original plot of the Memory Gu and the real intelligence, it is found that Xie Baoshu, who occupies the shallow sea area and is one of the three major sellers of Baohuang Tiannian Gu, also owns a sixth-level Immortal Gu House.

(See the beginning of Chapter 433 of Volume 5 of the original book)

The Star Thought also provides a feasible implementation plan, that is, disguise yourself as a big seller of adult Gu, meet him offline after initially gaining his trust, and after getting close to him, take the opportunity to perform the Starlight Avenue battlefield killer move to kill him, drop the immortal acupoint to form a blessed land, and then try to seize the Immortal Gu House.

There are only two points. Xie Baoshu and the East China Sea casual cultivator Seven-turn Stealing Gu Xianyou Fairy are close friends, so they must be on guard against each other's request for help, and the conditions for the blessed land to recognize the master are also unknown.

The plan given by the second star thought is to focus on getting close to Qin Baili, trying to gain the trust of the other party, so as to obtain partial control of the Lily Palace. As for how to make Qin Baili willingly offer the crucial control of the Immortal Gu House, it is naturally to cater to her preferences and attack her weaknesses with strengths.

Qin Baili is different from other beautiful fairies. Qin Baili does not like men, but prefers female fairies. There are a large number of women in the Lily Palace Immortal Gu House, forming her harem, accompanying her day and night, and rubbing her ears.

As long as Qin Yiguan activates the immortal way of re-becoming a human being, approaches the other party as Liu Ruyan, and then...

(The following omits the specific details of the action of 3,000 words!)

... In this way, you can get the Lily Palace Immortal Gu House.

Qin Yiguan selectively ignored some non-essential content, but to be fair, compared with the high uncertainty of plotting against Xie Baoshu's Six-turn Jade Pavilion Immortal Gu House, the latter is more reasonable.

'Could it be that I also want to go into the sea? '

He thought secretly, his eyebrows twisted into a knot, and his mood was unprecedentedly complicated.

However, Xing Nian's thoughts on how to approach Qin Baili provided him with an idea. The last time he attended the private trade fair of Miao Ming Shen as Xing Jizi, he met Qin Baili. This might be a good route.

After all, it's weird to think about someone taking the initiative to deliver *.

"Miao Ming Shen..." Qin Yiguan's starry eyes became deeper and deeper, "My true identity is still okay with him, but if I want to re-establish a relationship with him, I have to find a suitable reason. But how can I meet the requirements of Miao Ming Shen?"

This question just came into his mind, condensed into an idea, and began to collide with other ideas.

Soon, Qin Yiguan thought of one of the key points.

That is life span!

In the original novel, the other party has been actively looking for the tributary of time and yin to perform the method of prolonging life and increase his own life span. I happen to have a life span Gu on hand, which I got from the market in the secret realm of heaven and earth. Although it is only a ten-year life span Gu, it is still a good idea. With the ancient wild beast that can shake the place with a single finger of a flowing shark, who dares to look down on her, Liu Ruyan?

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