Rainbow Moon Seeking Immortality

Chapter 39 Why would you bother him if you have nothing to do?



A wolf howl suddenly sounded in the green mountain forest, and the shadows of the trees were disturbed.

An electric wolf covered in explosive fur opened its bloody mouth, revealing its fangs as white as silver, and let out a deep roar, commanding the group of electric wolves to attack the Gu Masters like a tide.

"Be careful, there's an electric wolf running past!"

"Hold it! Hold it all!"

"Ah! I'm injured, Healing Gu Master? Healing Gu Master!"

Intertwined with the howling of the electric wolf were the scolding and wailing sounds of the Gu Masters one after another.

Two completely opposite but similar waves of sound, one wave higher than the other, echoed to the surrounding mountains and forests.

On a hill a little further away, on a boulder outcropping the ground, Jiang He was dressed in a powerful military robe, standing with his hands behind his back, his eyes lowered, quietly watching the bloody battlefield in the forest, unmoved.

Its waist is inlaid with bright silver material, with a square piece engraved with the word "three", which shines brightly under the scorching summer sun.

Since that rainy night, which marked the official outbreak of the wolf tide, the overall environment for fighting against the wolf tide has gone from bad to worse. Faced with the endless surge of powerful lightning wolves, the King of Beasts, and the looming appearance of the King of Thousand Beasts, the Crazy Lightning Wolf, the Gu Master team is exhausted. , already showing signs of weakness.

For this reason, the three families in Qingmaoshan had to send out the third-level family elders to stabilize the situation.

The wolf tide is no longer an opportunity for growth in strength in the eyes of the previous Gu Master. The Gu Master needs to rush to various battlefields almost every day, carrying out seemingly endless killings one after another.

Wandering between life and death every day brings heavy pressure, forcing the Gu Master to take a deep breath and continue to persevere.

If you are careless or careless on the battlefield, you will lose your life...

In comparison, Jiang He, who has broken through the third rank and was promoted to family elder, has a lot of leisure time. He does not need to deal with complicated family tasks every day and is far away from the front line of the wolf tide. Apart from the necessary shift inspection tasks, he can spend most of his time freely. .

For Jiang He, who not long ago was under work pressure that was almost comparable to that of '007', it can be said that he has ascended to heaven, which is extremely comfortable.

And today happened to be the day when Jiang He patrolled the battlefield.

He has seen no fewer than six battlefields like this where he was fighting against the lightning wolves. In most cases, he would silently watch the battle from a distance and let the team handle it on their own.

Only in critical situations, such as when a Gu Master's life is in danger and the remaining manpower of the team is unable to catch it or can't take care of it, or when the Thousand Beast King and other beasts intervene, will they intervene.


A wolf roar sounded. The lightning wolf, which was twice the size of the ordinary lightning wolf, saw the lightning wolf being gradually destroyed. He suddenly moved his limbs and ran quickly, trying to rely on his body to create a gap.

"Oops! I don't have enough real energy, so I'm going to hit you!"

Seeing the lightning wolf getting closer and closer, Gu Yue Tianyin felt bitter in his heart. He raised his defensive arms and couldn't stop trembling.


Suddenly, just when he was almost resigned to his fate and recalling his past life in his mind, a high-pitched metallic sound echoed in his ears.

"This, this is..."

Everyone was stunned.

I saw a golden figure with veins flowing on the surface appearing in front of me, blocking the huge offensive of the Lightning Wolf, as if the pause button was pressed, stopping abruptly.


With a crisp sound of fractures, the Haodian Wolf's body turned from back to front, twisted half a circle in mid-air, and crashed down hard.

"Fall back!"

A voice said calmly.

"Uh, okay." Gu Yue Tianyin was stunned for a moment, then said after realizing it.


A blood-red moon blade the size of a washbasin pounced straight on the fallen Lightning Wolf.

Suddenly, the electric wolf, which had been scarred and with tattered fur under the previous attack by the Gu Master team, was stabbed in the neck by the moon blade, and bright red wolf blood flowed out instantly, infecting the surrounding wolf fur.

"It's Lord Jiang He!"

"That's true!"

"Thanks to your lord, Tianyin saved his life, thank you lord!"

When everyone in the Gu Master team saw the blood-red moon blade, they were greatly reassured.

Because there were very few family members who chose to combine Blood Moon Gu, after Jiang He successfully combined it, it almost became its iconic representative and was well known to everyone.

Turning around and seeing that the Gu Masters were in good condition, Jiang He looked slightly relieved, "Take care of the other electric wolves!"

Looking back, I saw the lightning wolf that had been slashed in the neck. It was still shaking its body, struggling constantly, trying to stand up again. The bloody red ball in its hand condensed, and the blood moon flew out, and it was finally over.

Jiang He's heart sank and he thought to himself.

"The power of the Blood Moon Gu is really as stated in the secret recipe. It is not very powerful and is suitable for protracted battles. This is different from my previous fighting method of focusing on attack power and focusing on attack. I am still a little unaccustomed to it!"

Due to the fact that Blood Moon Gu can cause bleeding effects, its attack power must be lacking, forcing Jiang He to change his combat skills accordingly.

In a short while, the electric wolves were wiped out, and the Gu Master team began to disperse the battlefield and harvest eyeballs and other trophies.

"Thank you, Lord Jiang He, for your help!"

The leader of the Gu Master Team bowed his hands in a respectful manner.

"Well, it should be!" Jiang He said with a smile. He turned his eyes and looked at Gu Yue Tianyin, who he had just rescued. He nodded to him, and then condensed a pair of lightning wings on his back, pushing him to fly up into the sky and go to the next place. A battlefield.

The rest of the team, who looked up and watched Jiang He go away, and Gu Yue Tianyin, who looked inexplicably excited, were left behind.

After flying a certain distance, Jiang He returned to the ground and patrolled aimlessly among the mountains and forests.

Distract yourself and look inside to check the empty orifice.

At this moment, in the empty orifice with a capacity of 57%, the light silver true essence shining with metallic brilliance was rising at a slow but visible speed.

Just now, due to the continuous activation of the third-level Gu worms, a lot of Danyin Zhenyuan was consumed.

This was also Jiang He's intention.

They successively refined a group of Level 3 Gu insects, such as Blood Moon Gu, Golden Bell Gu, and Xunfeng Gu.

The Thunder Wing Gu was the family's reward for the newly promoted elders, and he chose it himself.

The refining of the third-turn Moon Xuan Gu was a bit bumpy, and the combined refining of the third-turn Waning Moon Pupil Gu had to be put on hold temporarily due to the lack of a necessary spider-type Thousand Beast King eyeball.

Jiang He's Light Silver True Yuan was somewhat useless, so this time he was determined to test the effect of the Fourth Transformation Heavenly Yuan Bao Junlian.

He murmured softly as he recalled the situation during the second turn in his mind.

"When I was still at the second level, my true energy recovery was amazing. Activating the second-level Gu worms almost did not consume the true energy reserves. But now, activating one or two third-level Gu worms will cause the true energy sea level to drop, but because You Tian Yuan Baojun Lotus continues to produce natural essence and continues to recover. The sea level is relatively stable and will recover after a short while."

After all, Jiang He's true essence is already silver true essence, and the durability and quality of the true essence cannot be compared with the second-level hematite true essence.

And because his is the fourth-turn Tianyuan Baojun Lotus, which is one level higher than the third-turn Tianyuan Baolian owned by Fang Yuan in the original work, it has more natural real energy output, so it is better than it.

(ps: Compare Chapter 3 of Volume 2 of the original work.)

After patrolling twice, he casually helped several teams of Gu masters. When the sun set, Jiang He got up and returned.

Just when he returned home and was about to start the third turn of Moon Xuan Gu again, he saw his younger brother Jiang Ya coming back with an angry look on his face, as if he had suffered a big loss.

"What's wrong?" Jiang He asked softly.

As far as he knew, because he had recently been promoted to the elder of the family, this cheap younger brother had also followed suit. He was very ambitious and contented with his life. He had not seen such a look for a long time.

"It's all that Fang Yuan's fault!" Jiang Ya gritted his teeth and said, "I kindly asked him to produce more Vitality Leaves to sell, so that we could all make a fortune together. But he actually told me to get lost! What do you mean by delaying his cultivation? Brother, you don't know him. If you look like that, you have to treat him, it will turn the world upside down!"

Jiang He: "..."

Why do you think you are messing with him when you have nothing to do?

Jiang He watched silently as Jiang Ya drank the tea in one gulp, without saying a word.

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