Rainbow Moon Seeking Immortality

Chapter 37 All of this is earned through my own hard work!

The five-story Patriarch Pavilion in the center of the village is heavily guarded with flying beams and brackets. It is the tallest building in the entire Guyue Village, the power center of the Guyue clan, and the holy place in the hearts of all the clan members.

Most of the Guyue clan members can only enter during the Enlightenment Ceremony throughout their lives.

At this moment, the dawn is just rising, the mountains and fields are hazy, the morning mist has not yet dissipated, and the night rain is dripping.

The surging wolf tide last night was like an unforgettable nightmare, weighing heavily on everyone's shoulders, making them breathless and morale low.

The atmosphere in the Patriarch Pavilion became increasingly low and solemn.

This was not from the wolf tide, but from a young man standing tall in the hall.

It was Jiang He.

The elders sitting on both sides kept whispering, and their eyes stayed on Jiang He more or less.

Shock, doubt, speculation, curiosity...

Various expressions appeared and changed on the faces of many elders one by one, which was wonderful.

They had learned too many shocking news about Jiang He these days, from his lucky escape after a battle with Bai Ningbing, to everyone thinking that Jiang He would stop fighting and stay silent for a while, but he appeared in front of them again in a brand new attitude in just over ten days.

An attitude that needs to be treated with caution and on an equal footing!

In the family elders' expectations, the first person to break through the third level was not the most promising Gu Yue Qingshu with B-level qualifications, or the heir of the Red Vein or the Desert Vein, but the rising Jiang He. It was really unbelievable!

For Gu Masters, qualifications are the first priority, and resources are the second.

Jiang He's C-level qualifications are not superior, and his daily practice resources are all provided by the family... I think it should be that demon cultivator!

This is the only reason speculated by all the family leaders present.

On the main seat directly above, Gu Yuebo lowered his eyes and looked down, taking in every move of the people below the stage.

His eyes swept across the leaders of the two major family factions in the clan one by one, and finally stopped at Jiang He.

"This boy's opportunity is really rare in the world!"

Unlike other family elders who can only guess and speculate, Gu Yuebo can openly and legitimately mobilize family resources and order the Dark Hall to conduct secret investigations and collect intelligence.

This investigation began when Jiang He reported the invasion of the demon cultivators, but the degree was more like attention, until it was revealed that he had purchased the red iron relic Gu, it was further strengthened.

The Gu fight on the arena on the alliance slope was a test, but Jiang He cleverly avoided it.

Then he fought with Bai Ningbing and fled back.

During this period, Gu Yuebo almost had a briefing on Jiang He every day.

Combined with past intelligence, Gu Yuebo has roughly determined that Jiang He has a poison Gu master inheritance.

This is all inferred from his daily purchase of Gu and Gu materials.

Gu Yuebo's original intention was to promise a huge profit and hint that Jiang He would voluntarily hand over the inheritance, so that everyone could be more decent.

But Jiang He himself seemed to be "ignorant" of this, pretending to be deaf and dumb, and had to put it on hold temporarily because of the imminent wolf tide.

But just after the battle with Bai Ningbing, in just a few days, Jiang He had completed a gorgeous turnaround. Reality forced Gu Yuebo to readjust his methods and think about new strategies.

Every new family elder will inevitably have an impact on the old order of the family...

He glanced at the Jiang Lao family of the Xingtang, which has risen slightly in recent times, and was thoughtful.

When all the family elders arrived, Gu Yuebo stood up from the main seat and solemnly announced as the patriarch that Jiang He had become a new family elder, and personally awarded him a silver belt that symbolized his identity, which attracted all the family elders to congratulate him in unison.

In theory, such a small matter can be omitted directly, and it is also okay to distribute it afterwards.

But the wolf tide is not serious at the moment, so there is still some time gap.

Don't underestimate this step. It plays an important role in increasing family cohesion and unity. Its importance is second only to the awakening ceremony.

If it weren't for the wolf pack attacking the village last night, the lack of manpower, and the sudden incident, if it were an ordinary day, there would be a few pots of flowers placed along the way, and a long carpet laid, so that people walking on it would immediately feel what it means to be the center of attention, and have a full sense of honor and achievement.

After all, isn't this person working so hard just to seek a decent life?

"Jiang He, the prosperity of the family in the future depends on your hard work!"

Gu Yuebo said, and personally tied a silver belt with the word "three" engraved on it for Jiang He, showing his optimism.

Turning around, he looked up.

Jiang He nodded repeatedly with a look of respect, a few tears rolled in his eyes, and his eyes were slightly red, as if he was flattered.

Seeing this, Gu Yuebo's smile became even bigger.

"After all, Jiang He grew up in the family and benefited from the family. He is naturally different from Fang Yuan, a cynical outlier. With a little guidance, he can become a member of the family's upper echelons and contribute to the family." Gu Yuebo thought to himself.

Thinking of this, he patted Jiang He on the shoulder twice, gave him a warm look, and then left in Jiang He's sight.

After the clan leader left, a group of family elders flocked to him and congratulated him. Jiang He hurriedly bowed in return.

The tears that had not yet been wiped away from the corners of his eyes naturally fell into the eyes of many family elders, but they were not surprised.

"The elders of the Jiang He family are young and promising, which makes people envious!"

"Indeed, what was I still doing at this age? Oh, there are so many talents, and the prosperity of our Gu Yue family is just around the corner!"

"You are right, you are right!"

Everyone kept talking about Jiang He's youth, but they couldn't get around it. It was a simple and easy-to-understand statement, but they made it into something more interesting. Every elder said something different.

Jiang He controlled his expression very well. His words were humble but with a hint of pride. His eyes flashed with smugness, which was clearly revealed.

Halfway through the congratulations, Jiang took the initiative to approach Jiang He, smiling and speaking softly to show his closeness.

Jiang He also let it go and performed a commendable filial performance in front of everyone, which made Jiang Lao laugh and look quite proud.

With Jiang Lao's company, Jiang He was "able" to deal with the congratulations and greetings from the remaining elders.

When asked about his rapid growth in strength, Jiang He said with a serious face and true feelings:

"All this is earned by my own hard work!"

When the elders heard this, they laughed in their hearts, but did not expose it. They all regarded it as a young man's enthusiasm and a young man's competition for fame.

Looking around, Jiang He felt powerless when he saw all the elders smiling but not saying anything.

What happened to this world?

No one believes the truth?

After a while of flattery and small talk, Jiang He politely declined the requests of other elders and walked out of the Patriarch Pavilion with Jiang Lao shoulder to shoulder under the gaze of others.

In this way, Jiang He suddenly made three changes, and the news of his promotion to elder spread throughout the Guyue Village.

That night, Jiang Lao held a banquet in the house to celebrate Jiang He's promotion to elder.

After three rounds of wine and five kinds of dishes.

Jiang He politely declined Jiang Lao's request to stay overnight and was able to leave on the pretext of paying tribute to his parents.

The next day, under the guidance of someone, Jiang He walked in the underground corridor to the secret room where the family's secret recipe for Gu worm refining was collected.

As the leading Gu Master patted his belly, the stone door in front of him gradually transformed until it disappeared, revealing a quiet secret room with an acre of size and covered with stone tables.

"Master Jiang He, the Shadow Gu in this secret room contains all kinds of secret recipes. The green ones record all the first-turn secret recipes, the red-black ones are the second-turn secret recipes, the white ones are the third-turn secret recipes, the orange-yellow ones are the fourth-turn secret recipes, and the fifth-turn secret recipes are only recorded in the purple Shadow Gu on the central stone platform.

Because these secret recipes are all managed by the elders of the Secret Hall, you can use your true essence to check them out. However, with your current identity, you can only read the secret recipes below the fourth turn, and you cannot touch the fourth and fifth turns for the time being..."

Jiang He nodded, which was exactly the same as the original description.

At the end, he reminded Jiang He about his behavior and let him in.

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