Rainbow Moon Seeking Immortality

Phase-based suspension instructions

Regarding the temporary suspension of updates, it is mainly because I will soon face an extremely important exam, which is related to my future academic development, so I need to devote myself to preparing for the exam.

You can't have your cake and eat it too. At this critical moment, I have to make a choice between writing and reading. And I clearly understand that online writing has always been a part-time job, and being a student is my main job.

Obviously, I chose the latter.

Here I would like to thank all the book friends who have been subscribing and supporting me. Thank you for your company and thank you for supporting "Hongyue Qiuxian". Thank you very much!

But the reality forced me to stop temporarily, and the temporary suspension of updates was also a last resort.

I reiterate that this book will not be discontinued!

Everyone, see you after the beginning of summer next year!

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