Rainbow Moon Seeking Immortality

Chapter 329 Bao Huangtian Closed

The temples are like dark clouds and the ground is shaking, and the hands are like sharp bamboo shoots and flesh is condensed with fat.

It is clear that the cardamom is still fragrant, and it is suspected that the stamens of young peach are in their early stages.

A slender jade hand, pure and white as an onion, is idly twirling the strand of black satin-like hair on the temples, twisting it gently, rubbing it back and forth, while the other hand is holding half of the cheek at an angle, concentrating. Qi, thoughtful.

At this time, Qin Yiguan had changed into a light blue dress, with black hair like a waterfall. The man's slim-fitting robe was really constricting her and made her chest feel tight!

It's just that her slightly forward body makes the curves of her body more exquisite, and her clothes are about to come out.

"Master, I'm going to start!"

Not far away, Taibai Earth Spirit raised several Immortal Gu in his hand.


Qin Yiguan responded, his voice soft and thin, like the cry of an oriole.


The next second, she saw Taibai Earth Spirit's body rising with star thoughts, bright lights, and immediately heading straight towards her.

Xing Nian gently touched his body, sliding along the snow-white skin to explore the inside.

After a long time, many star thoughts suddenly flew back to the side of the earth spirit. After a deep feeling, they immediately said, "Master, no, we can't detect it!"

Without Qin Yiguan's instructions, Taibai Earth Spirit once again used another immortal-level detective move to explore his body.

While the earth spirit was busy conducting tests, Qin Yiguan himself was not idle, and his thoughts were mobilizing.

Immortal Gu——The Tao is Tao!

At first, a layer of starlight as thin as running water covered every inch of her skin, and it became thicker and thicker until it gradually slowed down to nothing after more than a dozen breaths.

At the same time, there was a message in his mind, and he knew that his body's dao marks had changed.

"Oh? There are 1,200 more transformation marks!"

Qin Yiguan's beautiful eyes showed a hint of surprise, but he was not shocked.

She had already felt the marks of change that covered her whole body like a gauze, but she didn't expect there to be so many.

You must know that the Star Mark Immortal Gu originally mastered by Wanxiang Xingjun in the original work can only temporarily add 600 star path marks to the Gu Immortal. In comparison, using the ultimate move of re-creating the immortal path can add twice the changes of the former. Dao Dao marks are really unbelievable.

She already has a clear mind about the changing principle of the ultimate move of the Immortal Dao when she is reborn - it is nothing more than using the Dao Marks of the Changing Dao to achieve the effect of partially changing the body's physical appearance. It is for this reason that the Gu Immortal of the Changing Dao changes her body and transforms into various wild beasts. Combat.

The Face-Changing Immortal Killing Move has a similar principle, but it is limited by the Face-Changing Immortal Gu itself, which has certain limitations and does not have as wide a range as the former.

As for why Qin Yiguan was changed from male to female...

For the time being, she could only blame the other core Immortal Gu of this move - transformation.

Theoretically speaking, the effect of Immortal Gu after activation is fixed, and it is what it is, uh... except for the ninth-level love Gu, after all, it has never been unreasonable.

But in the past, the core of the ultimate move to re-create the immortal path activated by the Changmao Patriarch was the eighth-level transformation immortal Gu. However, the one Qin Yiguan activated now was the seventh-level.

Immortal Gu turns at different times. In order to cope with the extremely different power effects, the Gu insects used in the killing moves will also change. After layer by layer changes, the version perfected by Langya Earth Spirit has some gender differences. Change is something that has come to pass.

It’s better than turning into a hairy Maomin...

"However, this technique has a very bright future. If it can be slightly improved and combined with face-changing and transformation immortal Gu, it may be possible to transform into any human or alien with any appearance..."

With this thought in his mind, Qin Yi looked at a pair of eyes that were as bright as the stars, and suddenly they glowed with a different kind of brilliance.

"If that's really the case, wouldn't it be possible to have an acquaintance when we meet? No, without Attitude Gu, we can only achieve a close resemblance in appearance and form. Without that kind of innate trust in the soul, the Level 8 Attitude Gu is really terrifying. Such!”

Qin Yiguan thought secretly, and the bold idea that just came to his mind suddenly came to mind, and he frowned slightly.

"My state of transformation is only at the master level. It would be a bit difficult to improve the ultimate move of the Immortal Path again at the seventh level, but..."


At this time, Taibai Earth Spirit, who was on the side and continued to use immortal-level reconnaissance and killing moves, moved closer and reported:

"None of the four immortal-level detective killing moves you asked me to use can reveal my true identity!"

"Okay!" She took over a bunch of Immortal Gu, feeling reassured, and a smile appeared on her pretty face, "At this stage, the ultimate move to become an immortal again is enough for me to go out for a walk. Although Heaven has announced my original I can’t believe that I can have such a change in appearance!”

Because he was wanted by the Heavenly Court, all his original connections in the East China Sea were interrupted.

Even if he deliberately wanted to make friends with his temple god, he did not dare to risk too much contact with Qin Yiguan. He was afraid that the news would be leaked and he would be suppressed by the Gu Immortal World in the East China Sea, so he broke off the relationship early.

The same goes for the Song family, a super power in the East China Sea who had good relations with him before. They might still be thinking about how to get his trouble-solving Immortal Gu.

If the main reason why people are chasing Fang Yuan is the so-called inheritance of Thieving Heaven, Red Lotus and Ju Yang, then the most envied thing by Qin Yiguan is naturally the troubleshooting Immortal Gu.

This is the cornerstone of the former royal palace that can stand for hundreds of thousands of years!

Once possessed, for most Gu Immortals, there is no need to worry too much about disasters, and its value is self-evident.

Secondly, there is the secret realm of heaven and earth described in "The Biography of Human Ancestors" such as Shijing.

After the killing move test was completed, he immediately called up Baili's immortal essence again, and followed the instructions in the killing move to gradually fade away his changes - the good thing about the immortal killing move is that it no longer consumes extra immortal essence after activating it, which is very worry-free.

About half a quarter of an hour later, a flash of white light passed by.

Qin Yiguan took off the awkward dress and changed into a robe suitable for his current body. He looked down at his empty chest and felt inexplicably lost.

But don't say it, this special experience of becoming a woman is really exciting!

Sensing the slight change in his heart, he whispered, "Sure enough, there are only zero and countless times for anything!"

As he was talking, his mind felt it, and Tongtian Gu was called immediately.

I saw a beam of precious light rising into the sky in Baohuangtian, thick and large, and attracted countless eyes in Baohuangtian as soon as it appeared.

"What kind of treasure can emit such a huge and brilliant treasure light?!"

"Immortal Gu, it's actually Immortal Gu!"


Countless wills and Gu Immortals who happened to pay attention here were communicating, wondering if someone wanted to send Immortal Gu through Baohuangtian again.

But when the will left in front of the stall announced that the Immortal Gu could be exchanged for the corresponding immortal materials, a sensation broke out immediately.

For a time, the entire Baohuangtian was almost boiling!

Zhongzhou, East China Sea, West Desert, South Xinjiang, North Plains, Gu Immortals from all corners of the world, all showed a strong interest in this Immortal Gu.

This sudden Immortal Gu transaction caused a sensation that has spread to the entire Baohuangtian. More and more Gu Immortals, knowing the situation here, cast concerned eyes, and rushed to inquire about the price.

Qin Yiguan watched this carnival from afar.

He did not choose to go forward, but instead seized the last bit of time to purchase in Baohuangtian.

As expected, before the Immortal Gu transaction started for long, all the Gu Immortals' divine thoughts were forcibly expelled from Baohuangtian by an invisible force, like autumn wind sweeping fallen leaves.

Qin Yiguan tried to communicate again, but found no response, his heart was as clear as a mirror.

Bao Huangtian, close!

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