Rainbow Moon Seeking Immortality

Chapter 258: The Starry Cavern is Destroyed

waterfall cave sky

Hua Hua Hua——

The water waterfall is majestic, and as far as the eye can see, the water mist is lingering and the mist is hazy.

A star gate slowly opened on the rippling blue water, and thousands of bubble fish were caught in the current and rushed in.

After a while, the star gate suddenly closed, and the sapphire-shaped Star Gate Gu slowly flew into a group of wills, and immediately pulled a group of starry star firefly Gu and rushed to the next level waterfall pool, following the same pattern.

Water bee, shark fin wolf, hedgehog fish, Zhenwu carp, broken wave, rootless water, splitting water...

All kinds of beasts, Gu materials and precious fairy materials are all transmitted back to the Lingyuanzhai station in Central Continent through the Star Gate Gu.

(Note 1)

After a long time, after completing this will, he flew back to the cave and got into the mind of the female fairy at the head of the stone table.

In just a moment, the female fairy knew the complete process and detailed details of delivering materials to the sect.

"This Star Gate Gu is really useful!" The female fairy played with the Star Gate Gu in her hands, her face twitching slightly, "It only consumes the mortal Gu Star Firefly to communicate between the two realms. It takes more time than activating the fairy-level Gu array to transport supplies. A great deal!”

"It's just that in this way, the consumption of Star Firefly Gu will not be small. The person who sells this Star Firefly Gu will probably make a lot of money every day." The only awakened ball of Gu Immortal on the stone table has a clear will.

"My true body has sent a message to Xingjizi, asking him to figure out the details of the old immortal Xingcan. I think there should be a reply."

Immortal Yumiao's will to stay behind made a sound at the right time.

"It would be best if we can get results. In the future, most of the supplies will be transported using Star Gate Gu. We have a lot of demand for Star Firefly Gu. Regarding the specific cultivation method, the sect is already in contact with Fairy Yaoguang, Di Yuan and others. There should be results in the follow-up and strive for self-sufficiency.”

The female fairy said a few words, then turned to mention another matter, "In two days, the sect will send three more junior brothers and sisters, asking me to take care of them until they are well."

"Well, why did another batch come so quickly? None of the three last time could make it, so I was burdened to prevent disaster." The group of Gu muttered with its will, and said no more.

The female fairy explained, "Maybe it's because of the Star Gate Gu. The sect learned that this Gu can transport the Gu Immortal with the lowest cultivation level, and is stepping up the experiment."

"I see!"

Beiyuan, the blessed land of Taibai

The sky is as blue as crystal, the green fields are vast, white clouds are blowing in the wind, and it is peaceful and comfortable.

At this moment, Qin Yiguan, accompanied by Taibai Earth Spirit, was inspecting the blessed land.

"Master, this lava beach has been promoted to a large resource point. It is rich in flame path Gu insects such as the fourth-level and fourth-orificed fire tower Gu, a small amount of the fifth-level and fifth-orificed fire tower Gu, and a trace amount of the sixth-level fairy material, marrow jade."

A charred Gobi desert covering an area of ​​more than 40,000 acres is covered with dark red charcoal rocks, in which magma flows and dust billows.

The entire Gobi Desert is excavated in a circular and grid-like manner, allowing the magma to flow in an orderly manner. At the same time, the lava crocodiles are moved from the ground to the magma, and are separated by passes to facilitate their feeding.

Raising crocodiles and breeding gu kills two birds with one stone.

Of course, according to the Dongfang family's business experience, the real brilliance of this carefully designed resource point is that it can call a large amount of surrounding magma to gather at the central point, and use the preset Gu materials and the huge high temperature when the magma hedges to generate only one The Six-turn Flame Dao Fairy Material Yanmian Jade was born at the bottom of the volcano.

"How long does it take to produce a marrow jade?" Qin Yiguan looked at the intricate corridor for a while and then looked back.

"Blessed Land time is once a year, about five yuan a time!" Taibai Diling stroked his beard and explained, "Master, because every time you call magma from various places, there is a lot of consumption during the period. Any more will affect the survival of the crocodile group, and Flame Dao Gu insects inhabit."

"Well, one calamity year is five taels. According to Baohuangtian's market price, it can be sold for more than 20 pieces of immortal stones. If you include the fire Gu, it will be close to 30 pieces of immortal stones..." Qin Yiguan He murmured a few words in his mouth and invoked the Xing Nian Mortal Gu in his mind to calculate the number of Immortal Essence Stones required and the time it would take to recover the capital if it were to expand further.

After a while of silence, I made a decision in my mind, "Expand the lava beach two more times, and strive to increase the output to two kilograms after the next earthquake!"

Another operating advantage of the lava beach is that it facilitates subsequent expansion, and due to the terrain, the outer circle is larger and requires more investment.

Qin Yiguan gave Taibai Diling a hundred immortal stones on the spot and ordered him to purchase lava crocodiles, natural lava and other expansion needs in Baohuang Tianzhong.

The earth spirit can do the digging of the gully by itself.

So far, he has invested hundreds of Immortal Essence Stones here for the second time. This is also because Taibai Paradise has experienced several Flame Dao disasters and has many Flame Dao traces, so it has the advantage of building such Flame Dao resource points.

After giving instructions, Qin Yiguan pulled away and left.

Looking inside his own Immortal Aperture, he received a letter from Immortal Lord Yumiao, asking about the calculation.

Qin Yiguan smiled helplessly, dealt with it, and settled the matter.

Recently, there were a lot of orders that asked him to calculate his own. He could deal with it by himself, but the calculations from other wisdom path Gu Immortals made him extremely annoyed.

The ultimate move of Star Mist Covering the Immortal Path almost never stops!

It was unable to close the Immortal Aperture and speed up the cultivation of Star Firefly Gu through the difference in the flow rate of the time path. It had no choice but to retract the Taibai Paradise in Beiyuan to maintain the flow rate of the Immortal Aperture.

There is no way, the effect of Star Gate Gu is too outstanding, it can be called an epoch-making Gu.

On the other hand, it promotes communication and resource transportation between Gu Immortals. The entire Gu Immortal world has tasted the benefits of Star Gate Gu and the subsequent boom in the Star Firefly Gu business, and there are countless people who are jealous and eager.

Even the Langya Earth Spirit extended an olive branch to him, intending to use the large cloud-covered continent in Langya Blessed Land to cultivate Star Firefly Gu.

Once the cooperative production begins, the output of Star Firefly Gu will definitely increase to a higher level, enough to take over the entire market and make countless profits.

But after repeated consideration, he politely declined.

There is no other reason, because the strength of both parties is not at the same level.

Qin Yiguan is very clear that he can now occupy more than 80% of the market share of Star Firefly Gu in Baohuangtian. The fairy-level Spring Star Rain killer move, the large-scale use of Star Gate Gu and the 36-to-1 Universe Flow Rate of Zhihai Fudi are indispensable.

In the future, this market will only get bigger and bigger. Di Yuan, Yaoguang Fairy and Fang Yuan will step up cultivation to seize the market first. There will even be other people who promise these people huge profits. It is only a matter of time before the cultivation experience is leaked.

They want to wait for the price to sell and make a fortune from those latecomers who want to join this business.

As long as the price is high enough, there is nothing that cannot be sold!

Qin Yiguan's concerns also lie here. When the cultivation experience is obtained by Langya Earth Spirit, the two sides may have a stable period, but combined with the profound foundation of Langya Blessed Land, sooner or later they will be able to come up with a more efficient means than Chunxingyu Xiandao's killer move, and then he will be completely out.

In addition, there is another key factor, that is, the current Langya Earth Spirit is the black-haired version, advocating the Great Maominism, and regards the aliens and humans in the world except the Maomin as straw dogs, and the position is naturally opposed.

If it is the white-haired Langya Earth Spirit, it may be okay, but according to the nature of this black-haired Earth Spirit, after completely dominating the market, it is not certain that one day, it will completely tear its face with Qin Yiguan for unfounded reasons such as being a human race, and confiscate his assets.

Compared with the potential risks of cooperating with Langya Earth Spirit, he is still willing to eat alone.

Nowadays, the monthly income from selling Xingying Gu alone is as high as more than 240 yuan, even exceeding Fang Yuan's courage Gu business at the same time.

In Qin Yiguan's view, the market for Star Firefly Gu will further expand in the future - currently, most of the purchases are from some superpowers, specializing in cross-domain transportation. Star Gate Gu is still far from being as frequently used as Tongtian Gu and Dongdi Gu.

In order to maintain the strong market demand, the Yuntu grassland area of ​​Zhihai Fudi has been expanded to 500,000 mu again, and the dark star kelp in the sea area below Yuntu has grown and developed to supply the food demand of Star Bud Fairy Gu that frequently activates the killing move of Spring Star Rain Fairy Dao.

Combined with the first pot of gold from selling Star Gate Gu in the early stage, his current net worth is approaching the mark of 10,000 pieces of Fairy Yuan Stone. Because of this, he can take care of the operation of Taibai Fudi while taking care of the operation of his two fairy orifices, and stabilize this rear base in Beiyuan.

In the following time, Qin Yiguan cultivated Star Firefly Gu, which can be said to be busy.

During this period, he also reached three transactions with Fang Yuan for Courage Gu.

Obviously, the other party was also operating Xingxiang Fudi and participating in Bao Huangtian's Star Firefly Gu business while rescuing Hei Loulan.

"Fang Yuan is so anxious to trade Star Bud Gu, could it be that I didn't make a business of Star Firefly Gu in his previous life, and he was caught off guard?"

Qin Yiguan caught a clue from some clues.

Seven days later, Hei Loulan woke up, but did not bother Qin Yiguan. After a private conversation with Fang Yuan in the Fox Fairy Land, he took the initiative to leave, as if nothing had happened.

Five days later, another piece of news detonated Zhongzhou - the Starry Cave Heaven was broken and fell into Zhongzhou, causing all forces to scramble for it.

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