Rainbow Moon Seeking Immortality

Chapter 250: Difference in Thoughts

Eight-door maze!

Like the previous killing move of Fairy Yulu, the immortal way of dispelling immortals and the fighting soul battlefield created by the immortal master Le Tu, which was based on the inheritance of the ghost demon master, the killing move of the eight-door maze battlefield in front of us is also well-known in history.

If the Gu Immortal falls into it, the sense of direction will be greatly confused, and these eight gates only allow one life to enter. After entering the gate, the Gu Immortals have to fight alone, isolated and helpless, and no other Gu Immortals will help them.

After entering the second space, they will face another eight-door choice. There are a total of eight spaces in the eight-door maze, and each space has eight doors. There is only one choice that can be passed correctly.

Otherwise, you can only go around in here.

Especially every time you enter, the door you have opened will disappear.

In other words, the eight doors in front of you indicate that there are only eight opportunities to explore.

This requires the wise Gu Immortal who is good at calculation to take action...

In this way, Qin Yiguan, who pretended to be Xingjizi, naturally attracted everyone's attention.

Feeling the complicated looks of the immortals, Qin Yiguan remained silent and did not take the initiative to attack. He just glanced at the Shark Demon couple slightly, with a clear meaning.

On the other side, Fang Yuan took the initiative to activate the Leshan Leshui Immortal Gu and tried to make a calculation.


The Immortal Gu floated above his head, blooming with dazzling brilliance.

The brilliance poured down like a river in the sky, pouring into Fang Yuan's mind.

In an instant, the tender yellow joy filled about one-third of his spacious mind, and the light was golden.

As Fang Yuan's thoughts emerged and several wisdom methods were used, the tender yellow joy began to gradually boil, and the undercurrent of the joy surged under the tide, like the turbulent current at the dangerous shoal of the river, raising waves.

In a moment, when the two huge joys were spinning in the mind, they suddenly collided violently with each other, and the waves splashed.

At the same time, a palm-sized light yellow music thought was generated, indicating that Fang Yuan had deduced one of the paths in the Eight-Gate Labyrinth—but unfortunately, this was not the correct path.

Immediately, the tide of joy surged again, colliding, disintegrating and merging, and continued to deduce the next path.

But surprisingly, after the deduction just now, the joy in Fang Yuan's mind was almost not reduced...

Well, there is still some, but the amount is less than one percent, which can be almost ignored.

After another incense stick of time, he received a secret voice from the Shark Demon and had to stop temporarily. At this time, the joy that occupied one-third of his mind had consumed less than one-fifth of the whole, and nearly ten thousand paths were explored.

However, for the Eight-Gate Labyrinth with more than ten million possible paths, this is somewhat inefficient.

Fang Yuan gave the Shark Demon a reply, thinking in his heart.

"My inheritance of wisdom is the incomplete inheritance of wisdom obtained from Langya Sect in my previous life, and the part of inheritance I collected in Baohuangtian, combined with the wisdom realm improved by traveling in dreams, relying on the infinite inspiration brought by the wisdom halo, and slowly deduced and created the inheritance of wisdom.

It's a pity that before I succeeded in my previous life, I plunged into the dead end of Yitian Mountain. Most of my time after rebirth in this life has been invested in the deduction of the inheritance of wisdom, and now I have barely achieved 80% of the results."

As for the Shark Demon, naturally he didn't know what Fang Yuan was thinking. He was overjoyed to know that he had mastered the means of wisdom. Although he couldn't carry the banner now, he didn't complain.

As long as there are people like the Immortal Gu, everything else is icing on the cake.

"Xingjizi Immortal Friend, please make another move and break this barrier, so that we can see the true face of the inaction and open our eyes!" The Shark Demon said, throwing a letter Gu in his hand.

Qin Yiguan waved his hand slightly and held the letter Gu in his palm.

After reading it carefully, he found that it was the subsequent part of the method of Baibashi slaves, but it was still incomplete.

It was obviously the earlier rhetoric, and now it worked. The shark demon had no more trust in him, so he gave the chips so readily.

The next second, he heard the shark demon's secret message again, which was nothing more than how to reward after cracking the subsequent part and not taking any action, including the last part of the Baibashi slave method.

Qin Yiguan muttered secretly when he heard it.

"I'm afraid I can't get this last part of the Baibashi slave method from you..."

After reading it, Qingti Xianyuan called it at will, and the fairy Gu was activated one after another, forming a killing move originally in the inheritance of Dongfang Changfan.

Immortal killing move - without thinking!

In an instant, the vast amount of star thoughts that had just filled his mind collided with each other at an incredible speed and frequency. In the blink of an eye, hundreds of star-lit star thoughts sank to the bottom of his mind, as big as a fist, shining brightly.

Each one contains a different answer to the path of the Eight-Gate Maze.

It seems to be inefficient, but the effect of activating the Si Miao Immortal Gu is still there. As the Xing Nian Immortal Gu continues to activate, thousands of paths are deduced one by one.

After about an incense stick of time, he has calculated hundreds of thousands of paths, but still failed to find the correct one.

Looking at the lingering starlight emanating from Qin Yiguan's body, scattering everywhere, Fang Yuan couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

The core of the wisdom inheritance he painstakingly created is the Immortal Gu's joy of mountains and waters, but what it produces is willingness, which is different from thoughts.

When people think, thoughts will arise in their minds, but will is a combination of some thoughts, which is actually not suitable for direct deduction.

The meaning cannot be expressed in words. The rhythm of the meaning has exceeded the limit of the expression of words. It can only be experienced with the heart and the spirituality of people.

Therefore, Le Yi is not good at extensive deduction, but specializes in the deduction of a single individual. Compared with Qin Yiguan's inheritance of wisdom, his efficiency is relatively low.

"If I can get the method of disassembling will in batches, I can indirectly make up for the shortcomings in will deduction, transform Le Yi into Le Nian, and my wisdom strength will definitely be able to rise to a higher level!"


Time flies, and before I know it, five or six days have passed in the blessed land.

During this period, Qin Yiguan stopped to repair from time to time and feed the immortal Gu whose status declined due to excessive activation frequency.

The Shark Demon couple took the initiative to cover all the consumption so that he could deduce with peace of mind.

Although there are more than tens of millions of possible paths in this eight-door maze, he didn't really deduce them one by one. After thoroughly understanding and mastering the battlefield killer moves of the eight-door maze, he announced that the deduction was completed.


With a deafening roar, the eight-door maze was completely cracked by Qin Yiguan.

The true appearance of Yulu blessed land was revealed to the immortals.

The streams of light in the sky were like pieces of silk or streams, some flowing slowly, and some rippling brilliantly.

Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple... Each stream of light had bright colors. All kinds of brilliant brilliance were reflected on everyone's faces.

No one in the group spoke, and the wonderful scene before them made them all more or less excited and surprised.

The fact that the empty Jade Dew Blessed Land, where heaven and earth were not separated, had no cultivation resources, became clear, but it could not stop the shark demon's desire to seize the immortal Gu.


A Seven-turn Law Dao Immortal Gu sprang out from a distance. It had a unique shape, and the whole insect body was thin and long, like a branch, with countless golden thin wings on its body, constantly dancing.

The whole insect was like a slender golden willow branch.

It was the one that Qin Yiguan and the shark demon couple had seen before when they cracked the immortal Dao killing move of the Immortal Dispersion Rain in the Endless Void Yuan.

The shark demon thought, and his body suddenly turned into a stream of rapids, flying through the air and heading straight for the 7th rank fairy Gu that had just appeared.

The next moment, he appeared beside everyone, looking bleak, and looked up at Qin Yiguan with a complicated look.

"You really are keeping your troops in place! Xingjizi's calculations were indeed correct."

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