Rainbow Moon Seeking Immortality

Chapter 205 The plot changes again

The predecessor of Yulu Blessed Land was Yulu Fairy. Yulu Fairy was a maidservant of Letu Immortal, one of the nine-turn sages, and she was also the second disciple. She practiced both earth and water, and was good at defense and treatment.

He also studied under Letu Immortal Master, learned the essence of battlefield killing moves, mastered many well-known battlefield killing moves, and also introduced new ones and also had his own original creations.

"Since the Jade Dew Blessed Land was occupied by the East China Sea Zombie Alliance, after internal competition, it is now jointly developed by the Immortal Zombie Shark Demon and Su Baiman couple. There has been very little progress at present. It has only reached the level of the battlefield ultimate move Endless Kong Yuan. Due to the lack of assistance from the Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal , the follow-up is weak.”

Hearing that Immortal Yumiao mentioned the Gu Immortal of Wisdom, the other two couldn't help but look at the Gu Immortal's will that was sleeping at the end of the round table.

"Although Junior Sister Shufang majors in the Way of Wisdom, her inheritance is mostly specialized in investigation and attack, and she is not good at calculations. In her early years, in order to collect intelligence on the Righteous Path of the East China Sea, she married into the Su family of the East China Sea. She comes from a Righteous Path background, and she wants to form an alliance with the Zombie It’s really hard to deal with..."

The seventh-level female immortal's face turned bitter, and she was worried, "We still don't have enough manpower! I hope that one of the three junior brothers who came this time can successfully ascend to immortality."

Hearing this, the seven-turn Gu Immortal Will and Immortal Yumiao looked at each other and smiled.

Lingyuanzhai's investment in the East China Sea is huge, and the waterfall cave alone is hard to estimate. This does not include the other blessed caves, their own fairy orifices, and several sea areas rich in products. It can only be coordinated and taken care of by the seven of them.

The scale of three rank sevens and four rank sixes seems huge, but compared with those super powers that dominate one side, the number of rank seven Gu Immortals is barely adequate, while the number of rank six Gu Immortals is far less than that, so shortage of manpower is unavoidable. ——This is despite the heavy investment. The other nine sects of Zhongzhou may not have as much personnel investment in the East China Sea as Lingyuan Zhai.

And they not only have to protect the sect's foundation in the East China Sea, but also manage the immortal apertures, resist disasters, and also practice their own cultivation.

In addition, all the brothers and sisters have different identities on the surface. They are from far and wide, and they have many concerns about their actions. But now they still want to covet the blessed land of Jade Dew, which is a bit clumsy.

After all, they are fundamentally different from the Phoenix Immortal Prince who is also lurking in Beiyuan.

The latter was intended for the True Yang Tower in the Royal Palace, not to mention that Bei was originally barren, and the eighth-level cultivation was also on thin ice, and it was not expected to give back much resources.

Lingyuanzhai's investment in the East China Sea is quite different. It is based on the long term, trying its best to seize resources and feed back the sect. Maintaining consumption is the top priority, and intelligence collection is a side task, which is the icing on the cake.

"It's better to let nature take its course regarding the Jade Dew Blessed Land. If the Shark Demon is in trouble, he will definitely go and invite him. Besides, Junior Sister Shufang has a lot of trivial matters. For example, she has to deal with that 'idiot' husband..."

Immortal Yumiao said something somewhere, and the three of them suddenly smiled, as if they had thought of something interesting.

"Ahem!" The seventh-level Gu Immortal will coughed twice, interrupted the somewhat deviant topic, and turned to ask about another matter, "Junior Brother Yumiao, I am repeating the same old tune. The sect ordered us to continue searching for that person. "Blessed place, do you have any clues?"

Seeing the seventh-level female cultivator also giving her concerned look, Immortal Lord Yumiao gave a wry smile.

That man had a close relationship with the Zhongzhou sect in his early years. After escaping to the East China Sea, he successfully ascended to immortality with the help of the Heaven-stealing Demon Lord's Yudao inheritance. His whereabouts were mysterious, and the dragon disappeared without a trace.

The sect has repeatedly blamed people for speculation, but he always escaped. The supreme elders in the sect once deduced that the person might have refined a Yudao Immortal Gu that could escape at will.

After years of long-term intelligence collection, it was vaguely known that the person had achieved the rank of seventh-level immortal. It was not until nearly a hundred years ago that he vaguely found out that the other person might have died, and the sect's arrest mission turned into a search for a blessed place.

This is related to the inheritance of the Nine-turn Master. Even if it is not a true inheritance, its value cannot be compared with that of Jade Dew Blessed Land and others.

When the two of them saw the expression on Immortal Yumiao's face, they knew it well and didn't ask any more questions.

The three of them discussed the management of the various blessed places and caves for a long time. Before leaving, Immortal Lord Yumiao left a will to stay behind.

Beiyuan, Loulan Paradise

clank clank——

As a lead-white light beam passed through, a noisy sharp impact came from the sky, and a huge gap was instantly carved into the dense network of golden gauze all over the sky, and the scale was suddenly reduced by half.

Despite the huge consumption of Qingti Immortal Yuan, Hei Loulan continued to invoke the troubleshooting Immortal Gu, moved the light beam, and destroyed the remaining golden needle light.


Suddenly, Qin Yiguan's body turned and turned into a moon wheel, appearing on the other side of Heilou Lan, and a faint light suddenly appeared in his palm.


Dozens of moon blades suddenly flew out, and in the blink of an eye they violently collided with a handful of incoming golden needles, crackling and buzzing.

The next second, it appeared at the other end and intercepted the Golden Needle's attack again.

After a few breaths, Hei Loulan destroyed most of the Golden Needle Rain, put away the troubleshooting Immortal Gu, and began to finish the work with Qin Yiguan.

Another quarter of an hour later, the last golden needle flying across the blessed land was eliminated, and this disaster of golden needles and rain was finally over.

Hei Loulan consumed a lot of immortal energy and activated his immortal killing moves, which disturbed his mind and turned pale. Qin Yiguan was also not much better. Although he was not in a state of embarrassment, his breathing was heavy and his cheeks were red.

"This earthquake caused by the rain of golden needles is aimed at your lack of mobility. If you stand still alone, you will be attacked by multiple golden needles." Qin Yiguan was still frightened.

The Immortal Aperture of the Gu Immortal with an extraordinary physique is a rare and special blessed place, so it is different from ordinary people, has great blessings, and the disasters are more severe than ordinary Gu Immortals.

At least, the calamity was better than when Qin Yiguan activated the Blessings in Disaster Immortal Gu to overcome the calamity.

"Hehe, Qin Xianyou, as the saying goes, misfortune brings fortune. After this disaster, my blessed land has undoubtedly been improved. This way, it will be even better!"

Hei Loulan pointed to the wilderness on the grassland, which was covered with broken gold because of the extermination of the golden needles, and was very proud.

Qin Yiguan took the Painan Xian Gu and turned his head to look.

After this disaster, Loulan blessed land was engraved with the golden Dao Dao mark, and the previous two low-level strength Gu materials would be affected and changed.

It can be seen with the naked eye that the silver chain grass that was originally connected in a ring began to bloom with golden luster nodes, which were nested with the silver nodes.

This is called the gold and silver ring grass. Although it is still a common Gu material, it can be used to refine the third-level strength and golden Gu worms, and it is spread throughout the whole blessed land. Accumulating a little makes a lot, and its value is far greater than before.

The iron pan flowers grew more vigorously, and some disc-shaped golden flowers grew in the blessed land, half a person tall, resembling sunflowers - each of these was a fourth-level golden path Gu material with golden core disc flowers.

Qin Yiguan saw this and thought about it.

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration came to his mind, and he realized something. He looked up suddenly, staring at Hei Loulan with his eyes.

"What are you doing?!" Hei Loulan took a half step back, very alert.

"When will your next disaster be? It won't be after the auction, right?"

"Of course! I naturally participated in Qin Baisheng's auction, so I didn't fall into the acupoints for some time, just hoping to pass the disaster a little earlier and participate in the auction with peace of mind. Anyway, I have your trouble-solving fairy Gu to use, so I don't have to worry too much."

Qin Yiguan heard this, his eyes condensed, and his body shrank back unconsciously.

Sure enough... the plot has changed again!

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