Rainbow Moon Seeking Immortality

Chapter 188 Ask the East Sea

Seeing this, Fairy Lishan immediately stopped her action and asked with concern: "Success?"

Hei Loulan nodded solemnly.

Fairy Lishan took a deep breath, her eyes flushed, her face showed a strong emotion of excitement and relief, she hugged Hei Loulan and sobbed.

Fang Yuan, who had been dozing for a long time, opened his eyes at this moment and looked at Hei Loulan up and down.

The ten absolute bodies ascended to immortality, which was itself a huge risk, but once they succeeded in ascending to immortality, the blessed land would be a special blessed land!

The area of ​​the special blessed land was more than 10 million acres, and it attracted a giant tributary of time and space, with more than 50 Qingti Immortal Yuan! If nothing unexpected happened, at least two Immortal Gu could be harvested.

"If this Hei Loulan does not die in the future, he will definitely have a place among the immortals in Beiyuan!"

Fang Yuan thought to himself and sighed.

He didn't check the fortune of the immortal Gu, otherwise he really wanted to see how the luck of Hei Loulan would be after he ascended to immortality...

Suddenly, his pupils turned slightly, glancing at Qin Yiguan who was sipping tea and enjoying himself, his eyes slightly fixed, as if thinking about something.

He also connected with Hei Loulan's fortune, and this time Hei Loulan succeeded in ascending to immortality, his luck must have soared all the way.

Facing the joy of ascending to immortality as he wished, Hei Loulan looked calm: "Although I became a Gu Immortal, I didn't kill that old thief."

The flat tone contained deep hatred.

"Hei Loulan, forgive me for being blunt, if we really want to kill Hei Cheng, with the four of us now joining forces, even if we only deal with him, I'm afraid there is little hope.

Especially, we are not sure what the relationship between that blood-path Gu Immortal and Hei Cheng is, and whether we will encounter him again next time, all these are up for discussion!"

Qin Yiguan took a sip of tea and said.

"Yes, it's easy to defeat a Gu Immortal, but it's hard to kill him." Fang Yuan also sat up and agreed, sighing deeply. His injuries had basically healed.

He had previously fought against the Fat Lady of the Western Desert Gu Immortal for the sake of connecting Han Li. After gaining the upper hand, the Fat Lady still ran away.

As for Qin Yiguan's ability to kill Xue Songzi, it was purely coincidental. The confinement effects of the Moon Blade Gu and the Wood Chicken Gu really complement each other.

And this time, when fighting against the Black City and Blood Path Gu Immortals, although the army swept across, they also had the upper hand for a while. With the reinforcements, they reversed the situation in one fell swoop. Fortunately, they retreated safely in the end.

Fang Yuan's immortal killer move Wanwo has almost always been the strongest means among the few people, and he is responsible for the main attack-when the Pai Nan Immortal Gu is not used.

Qin Yiguan is also very envious of this.

His Moon Blade Immortal Gu is originally an attacking Immortal Gu, with good power, but the Moon Blade's attack trajectory is straight, unlike the dark arrow, which can be directional and tracked, and is seriously affected by the activation method.

Once the enemy has mastered some clever means of movement, such as the one used by the Blood Path Gu Immortal before, the deterrent effect of the Moon Blade Immortal Gu will plummet.

If it can be matched with other Gu insects to make up for the shortcomings of the Moon Blade Immortal Gu and form an immortal killer move, Qin Yiguan's own combat power will usher in a huge breakthrough!

Considering that there will be no major wars in the original plot for a period of time, Qin Yiguan is indeed willing to calm down and combine the experience gained from the recent activation of the Moon Blade Immortal Gu to try to study an immortal killer move.

Hei Loulan looked at Fang Yuan and Qin Yiguan and smiled slightly: "This time I was able to resist the strong enemy and successfully pass the tribulation, thanks to your strength, Fang Yuan."

"Since we are allies, we naturally have to help each other." Fang Yuan's eyes flashed with a gleam of brilliance.

This time, protecting Hei Loulan from ascending to immortality was not an act of help between allies. Without double compensation of immortal essence stones, his own immortal essence reserves were somewhat in urgent need.

"Friend Qin, this is your Painan Immortal Gu, return it to its original owner!"

Fairy Lishan handed over the conch-shaped Painan Immortal Gu, and Qin Yiguan took back the immortal acupoint.

A trace of covetousness flashed in Hei Loulan's eyes.

The reason why she was able to ascend to immortality safely this time was not only due to the strong support of her aunt Fairy Lishan and allies, but also the Painan Immortal Gu played a great role.

"Qin Yiguan, don't forget our agreement! The flow rate of the universe in my immortal acupoint is a bit fast, and the use of Painan Immortal Gu will be a bit frequent." Hei Loulan kindly reminded.

"I understand!"

Qin Yiguan nodded in response.

Previously, in order to link up with Hei Loulan, he paid for free to borrow Hei Loulan and the other two to use Painan Immortal Gu thirty times.

(ps: This is from the 181st chapter that was modified earlier)

This also reminded him that there was not much time left before the first disaster after his ascension to immortality.

The flow rate ratio of the universe in Yuegu blessed land and the outside world is 1:25. Simply converting, ten years in the immortal hole is exactly one hundred and forty-six days in the outside world. This is just a theoretical value. If the Gu Immortal lives in the blessed land and the immortal hole, the speed will be even faster.

After ascending to immortality in Wangting blessed land, he returned directly to Langya blessed land, and then managed the immortal hole, went back and forth between Langya blessed land and Taibai blessed land, and went out to search for food for the woman's heart immortal Gu. All in all, there is only more than one month in the five domains before the next disaster, less than two months.

Fortunately, he now has the Pain-free Immortal Gu in his hand. Even if he has to risk the extra loss of Qingti Immortal Yuan, he can accept it during this time to accumulate it. He is quite confident in overcoming the tribulation.

Then, Fairy Lishan mentioned the inheritance of Dongfang Changfan's wisdom.

Qin Yiguan knew about this matter a long time ago, but he pretended to hear it for the first time.

As for the news that Qin Baisheng captured Ma Hongyun and Zhao Lianyun and mastered the essence of the true fortune, it is now the top priority of Beiyuan.

Qin Yiguan did not say much, knowing that Qin Baisheng would definitely hold an auction, and he also planned to participate in it, looking forward to gaining something.

After talking for a while, Fang Yuan and Hei Loulan agreed on the reward for repairing the blessed land, and then he plunged into Hei Loulan's newly born immortal acupoint, activated the Jiangshan Rugu immortal Gu, and repaired the blessed land for him.

In the quiet room, Hei Loulan closed his eyes and meditated, guiding Fang Yuan in the immortal acupoint to repair the blessed land. Only the two of them were drinking tea at the tea table.

Qin Yiguan held the teacup and suddenly asked something.

"Fairy Lishan, have you ever been to the East China Sea?"

"East China Sea?" Fairy Lishan was stunned and said slowly, "I have never been to the East China Sea, but some friends around me have traveled to the East China Sea. Why? Qin Xianyou also wants to go to the East China Sea?"

Fairy Lishan's crystal eyes flashed, and she was smart and guessed what Qin Yiguan meant by raising this topic.

Indeed, Fang Yuan had the Dingxianyou to borrow, and the Xingmen Gu, a strange Gu that could travel back and forth at will. It was indeed a good opportunity to go to the East China Sea at this time.

East China Sea...

Somehow, Fairy Lishan remembered something in her mind, and her eyes sank slightly.

"I would like to ask Fairy Lishan to collect detailed information about East China Sea for me, including market price and fair trade."

Qin Yiguan ignored Fairy Lishan's strange behavior and understood directly.

"Oh! This matter! Fairy friend, rest assured, I will definitely present it to you another day!"

"Thank you for your trouble, Fairy!"

Qin Yiguan thanked him and drank the tea in the cup.

He was not in a hurry to go to East China Sea immediately. Now he was about to pass the tribulation, and the killing move was urgent. After a big battle, his immortal essence reserves were insufficient, so it was not a good time to go to East China Sea.

Of course, there were indeed some compelling reasons to go to East China Sea.

For example, the water and milk blended immortal food sold in the blessed land of Haishi - the colorful scale ribbon fish.

Or maybe it was the opportunities in the East China Sea, he also wanted to try to contact one or two to explore the way in the future.

Qin Yiguan thinks that he needs to wait and see about this time choice, at least until the main storyline of the original novel can spare some time, so that it will be convenient for him to operate.

There is a question, when using the Immortal Gu to remove the disaster, if the disaster is excluded from the Immortal Aperture Blessing, will there be an increase in Dao Mark afterwards?

That is, is the Dao Mark counted on the disaster itself, or is it counted separately after the disaster?

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