Rainbow Moon Seeking Immortality

Chapter 174 Return to Langya

The oval-shaped, sapphire-like Star Gate Gu floats leisurely in mid-air, pulling out a large amount of brilliant starlight, which converges into a huge circular arch.

From the dark star gate, an old-looking Gu Immortal with saggy skin, a high nose, eagle eyes, and starry eyes slowly walked out. He was wearing a green and black robe with green bamboo patterns embroidered on the hem. It's Qin Yiguan!

As soon as it appeared slowly, the Star Gate Gu behind it collapsed and was instantly annihilated into nothingness.

When he came to Langya Paradise again, Qin Yiguan did not directly enter the quiet room in the Cloud Pavilion like the previous time. Instead, he stepped firmly on the clouds and earth with his feet.

The fertile clouds and soil are endless, and all you can see are potholes. Some holes are filled with ice, some have dark green bubbles, and some pits have black smoke rising from them.

Of the twelve cloud pavilions in the distance, only eight are intact at the moment, and the remaining three have been severely damaged by the attack. The previously carved and painted buildings are now in ruins, which is shocking.

Before he could lament the damage to Langya Blessed Land, the next second he was transported to a quiet room filled with the scent of sandalwood.

When he looked up, he saw that it was Langya Earth Spirit with white hair like snow, a beard hanging down his chest, and wearing a wide robe. However, at this moment, he was tied up with five flowers and his arms could not be extended normally. Seeing that Qin Yiguan did not use any means to deliberately cover it up, Can't help but laugh:

"Hey, hey, hey, what the hell did you do? It's only been so long, and you've turned into such a ghost. I didn't expect that you could become an immortal, but how many years of life do you have left? hey-hey!"

Qin Yiguan chuckled in a deep voice, seeming to be self-deprecating and sighing, "If I can exchange a little longevity for achieving the immortal status, I think it would be someone else who would definitely be willing to do this deal!"

After saying that, he turned to the other person in the room and asked, knowingly, "Which immortal friend is this, Master Earth Spirit? Wouldn't you introduce me to him?"

Beside Langya Earth Spirit, An Ran sat a Gu Immortal.

He looks middle-aged, has a broad mouth, is quite powerful, has an ordinary appearance, black skin and white hair, and is clearly an ink man Gu Immortal.

"I, Mo Tansang, live in Mo Ren City and am the king of Mo Ren in Beiyuan." Mo Ren Gu Immortal stood up, stroked his chest and saluted.

When Qin Yiguan heard this, his eyes couldn't help but look at him more.

Naturally, he knew the details of Mo Tanzan very well, and he was top-notch in terms of ability and mind. In the current battle for the royal court, the super-powerful Liu family Liu Wenwu has a Mohist Gu master as his sworn brother next to him, which gives us a clue, so I won’t go into details here.

Suddenly, with a thought in his mind, his expression softened and he said respectfully: "Thank you so much, Lord Mo Tansang, for stimulating the Star Gate Gu to help me get out of danger!"

"It doesn't matter! It doesn't matter!" Mo Tansang waved his hands with a smile, his eyes were also looking at Qin Yiguan, and he still had some doubts in his heart.

Previously, he was helping the earth spirits to resist foreign enemies in the Langya Blessed Land. During the fierce battle, he suddenly heard a letter from Baohuang Tianzhong, bluntly stating his purpose and clarifying his relationship with the Langya earth spirits. This shocked him. He later asked the earth spirits to verify it. Only then did he activate the Star Gate Gu on his behalf and lead Qin Yiguan to escape.

Qin Yiguan chatted with him in a few words, which was nothing more than a few casual remarks, but the topic changed.

"I heard that the top-quality Yueying gilded wine produced in Moren City tastes very good. I wonder if I can try it someday?"

"It's an honor for us that you like the fine wine from our Moren City! Come on, I have two jars right here. I can give them to you as a meeting gift!"

"Then I'd rather be respectful than obey!"

Qin Yiguan didn't refuse, he took the wine with both hands and stuffed it into the immortal orifice.

"Okay, okay!" Seeing that the two of them were talking freely, Langya Earth Spirit interrupted at the right time, with an unhappy look on his face, "This Xiao Mo is here to help me remove the airway seal, not to chat with you.

Your three opportunities to refine Gu have been used up by the previous person. The opportunity has been exhausted for you and me, so hurry up and leave! "

In front of him, the Langya Earth Spirit was about to issue an order to expel the guests. Qin Yiguan hurriedly spoke:

"Lord Earth Spirit! You live in a blessed land and have no knowledge of foreign affairs. Do you know what is the biggest thing happening in Beiyuan recently?"

"Tch, isn't it the destruction of Wangting Blessed Land and the collapse of Zhenyang Tower? I'm not stupid, I even have a guess about who might have done it!"

As soon as Langya Earth Spirit said this, he immediately attracted Mo Tanzan's sideways glance.

Unfortunately, Qin Yiguan did not do what he wanted. He continued to ask questions and then mentioned another matter.

"That's right! You don't know that now Beiyuan's Wuxiang hands are flying around, all kinds of good and evil cultivators are coming out, and the whole Beiyuan is about to turn into a pot of chaos!"

After a pause, his tone softened slightly, and he said in a seductive manner, "I am very lucky. I got a few rare treasure Gu by chance. I would like to ask you to open your eyes!"

"Treasure Gu? Hahahahahaha!" Langya Earth Spirit smiled scornfully, "What kind of Gu have I never seen before? If they are the mortal Gus I gave you, don't take them out and embarrass yourself!"

"I won't disappoint you!" After Qin Yi finished speaking, he turned to look at Mo Tansang with a smile, without saying anything.

"Ahem, I'll take my leave first!" Mo Tansang bowed to both of them, then left Langya Earth Spirit and moved away.

"It's hard to hide it!" Langya Earth Spirit muttered in his mouth, his eyes half lowered, still glancing at it from the corner of his eye, obviously he still had expectations in his heart.

The next second!

A surging Immortal Gu aura filled the entire quiet room. Langya Earth Spirit's eyelids twitched, he glanced twice, then resumed his sleepy state, mumbling to himself.

"Six-turn Wooden Path Immortal Gu - Wooden Chicken!"

Wooden chicken? !

Qin Yiguan was a little surprised when he heard Langya Earth Spirit chatting with the Wood Chicken Immortal Gu.

Isn't this the immortal Gu that the Hei family Gu Immortals Heibai and Xuesongzi fought hard for in the original novel, but ended up flying away and disappearing?

Later, in order to obtain the Wood Chicken Immortal Gu in Zhenyang Tower, he gave Hei Loulan a lot of assistance, but was used by him instead. In the True Transmission Secret Realm, it was taken away by Wuxiangshou again. He didn't expect it to fall into his hands.

"So this Gu is called Wood Chicken! What is the other name of this immortal Gu?"

Qin Yiguan took out another Gu.

In an instant, a breath that was stronger than the breath of the Wood Chicken Immortal Gu rushed straight to the beams and rushed towards him.

Seeing this, the Langya Earth Spirit instantly became energetic, and his eyes were like a light bulb that was powered on, emitting only light.

Then, he jumped up to Qin Yiguan, leaned down, sniffed left and right, looked at him repeatedly, with a serious expression, and whispered a few words from time to time.

"It's the Seven-Transfer Immortal Gu! You're lucky, kid!"


"This doesn't smell like my own luck, nor does it smell like the luck of heaven and earth..."


Qin Yiguan saw that Langya Earth Spirit was so obsessed, and he wanted to tease her.

Seeing him quietly shaking the Immortal Gu in his palm, he moved to the left, and Langya Earth Spirit followed to the left, and he moved to the right, and Langya Earth Spirit also followed to the right. That honest look was simply...absolute.

After a while, Langya Earth Spirit raised his head again, and pretended to be the immortal and the otherworldly when Qin Yiguan first saw him.

"Boy, this is indeed a treasure Gu. In terms of effect, it is indeed extraordinary. My predecessor was also fortunate to borrow it once, but it's a pity that I'm afraid you don't have the luck to enjoy it!"

"Don't keep me in suspense, tell me quickly!"

"Hehe! Listen carefully, this Gu is called..."

Thanks to Chaos Emperor God for the 100 starting coins reward! Thanks to book friend 20230218183058819 for the reward of 500 Qidian coins!

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