Rainbow Moon Seeking Immortality

Chapter 153 Water Wolf Tide

Beiyuan, Crescent Lake

On the lakeside where the floating ice has not melted, you can often find traces of mud slides left by water wolves when they enter the lake.

The tricornus, which lost its home because a large area of ​​horseshoe trees was crushed by the snow and frozen to death, wandered alone by the lake. Their huge footprints, which left a small pit with each step, were very conspicuous even on the messy grass after the winter snow ended.


A rhythmic knocking sound came from a collapsed horseshoe forest by the lake, with a faint sound of metal hitting.

I saw seven or eight ragged mortals with disheveled hair, barefoot in the snow, wielding axes, chopping the fallen horseshoe trees into firewood, placing them on the pry cart, and then dragging them back to the camp one by one.

These mortals were not only lightly dressed, but also forced to work in the cold weather. Their hands and feet were frozen red, their thumbs were swollen, and even cracked, which was miserable.

However, their legs and ankles were tightly bound by iron chains, and there were two low-level Gu Masters who were guarding them not far away, which proved their identity - slaves!

In the land of Beiyuan, the value of mortal slaves was often lower than that of livestock. They were cannon fodder, abandoned children who could be abandoned at any time, and the lowest status.


A 13 or 14-year-old boy, holding a bundle of twigs tightly in his hands, with the intertwined dead branches blocking his vision, dragged his heavy shackles and walked hard in the snow.

Suddenly, he slipped on a piece of broken ice hidden under the snow, and the twigs in his hands scattered all over the ground. The boy himself also fell and the disordered dead branches poked him and made him feel a little pain.

(Note 1)

The movement here naturally attracted the sidelong glances of other slaves who were working.

There was no concern, no inquiry, no help, only a pair of cold eyes, as if the soul had been taken away. Seeing that it had nothing to do with him, he continued to bury his head in the work.

The boy did not complain, patted the snow on his body, and bent down to pick up the dead branches on the ground.

Not far away, two low-level Gu masters stood side by side, with mist rising from their collars, like clouds rising. It was clearly the single-hole fire stove Gu in their empty holes, which was playing a role in keeping out the cold.

The two of them drank strong liquor alternately, and the scene of the boy falling down was naturally seen.

"Why is there still a half-grown child? It's not his turn to collect firewood in winter. Aren't the stables and animal pens shouting that they are short of people?"

One of the Gu masters drank a big mouthful of strong liquor and frowned when he saw this.

Beiyuan was warlike, but he didn't kill. Any child who was not as tall as the wheel would be spared. It was okay to become a slave, after all, he could live.

Just like in a flock of sheep, the most precious are often the newborn lambs, they are the future of the tribe!

"Humph! That kid deserves it!" Another Gu Master snorted coldly, took the wine bag, raised his head and drank a mouthful, and explained:

"He was feeding horses over there in the pasture before, who knew he would hide in the haystack and try to escape, and was caught, and was punished to come here to suffer a little."


The Gu Master who asked just now nodded, put away the few sympathies in his heart, and ignored it.

Age is a reason for concern, but not an excuse for running away.

A runaway slave is not a good slave!


The sun rises in the east, and the sun is getting higher.

Seeing that the firewood has filled several pry carts, the two Gu Masters ordered the team to withdraw and count the number of people.

"... Five, six, seven, eight!"

After confirming that all the people were present, the two escorted the slaves back with the pry carts, one in front and one behind.

The heavy pry cart left two deep marks on the snow, and the frozen mud in the ground was also turned out.


Behind a cart, a young man who was helping to push the cart slipped and fell to the ground, motionless, as if on vacation

Before the cart could go far, the Gu Master guarding the end of the team grabbed the back of his neck and threatened the young man with a snowy face:

"Stinky boy, if you dare to play tricks again, I will throw you into the Crescent Lake!"

Being thrown into the Crescent Lake at this time of year is not a good feeling.

After saying that, he suddenly threw him forward and threw him back to the team.

This Gu Master had obviously used the Jinli Gu, and his hand strength was not small. The boy rolled several times on the snow, and once rolled to the head of the team before he stopped.

The slaves who passed by him still looked indifferent.

Frustrated, desperate, unwilling...

The boy buried his head in the snow, thinking back to his previous experiences, he couldn't help sobbing, his tears soaked the snow, seeped into the ground, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Everything he had, his parents, his clansmen, and his grandfather, all left him forever, and he was left alone in the end.

The days of being a slave made him painful and angry. All his attempts and efforts were reduced to nothing in the face of the ruthless reality...

At least, he no longer prayed, no longer prayed to the illusory Changshengtian and the Juyang Xianzun that everyone talked about, because they had never saved him.

Not once!

"Humph! Do you want me to throw you away again? Or... do you want to take a bath in the Crescent Lake?"

Unknowingly, the team had gone far away, and the Gu Master at the end of the team came to the boy again, stepped on his back, and said viciously.


The boy whimpered in his mouth, unwilling to accept the arrangement of fate, and was grabbed by the Gu Master while roaring.



There was a boiling sound of splashing water in the Crescent Lake behind the two of them.

What's going on?

Almost everyone stopped and looked back curiously, looking at the Crescent Lake behind the incomplete horseshoe forest.


When the first water wolf with smooth fur, a tuft of hair like a fish fin on its back, and a flat tail like a fan, emerged from the horseshoe forest, the two Gu Masters immediately fled desperately, leaving the mortal slaves with confused faces.


The next second, the sky-shaking wolf howl came towards them, and countless water wolves rushed out of the Crescent Lake, instantly crashing into the horseshoe forest on the shore, turning into a rolling wave, sweeping over.

"It's a beast tide, run!"

Someone among the mortal slaves shouted immediately, and everyone fled in all directions.


"Don't eat me! Ah--"

But obviously, the mortal slaves with shackles could not run fast at all, and in the blink of an eye they became the food in the stomachs of the water wolves.

At the critical moment, the boy flew to the side of the pry cart, pushed down the firewood, and hid himself in it. He listened silently to the trembling earth, and the water wolves rushed to the distant camp.

Above the clouds, Qin Yiguan watched the water wolves rolling away, heading straight for the lifeless camp, causing a huge noise, and enjoying the drama he directed.

"The hero praised by everyone should be the last to appear!"

He chuckled twice, lowered his eyes, and happened to find the boy who had just emerged from the firewood.

"Very smart!"

Looking at it again, he found that he was familiar, and recalled the scene of the slave-catching team when he first arrived in Beiyuan.

There is no way, the effect of the memory Gu is too good, even if there is only a glimpse of the things in the memory, it is enough to remember them.

Concentrate your mind, observe the camp in the distance with the sound of killing, and estimate the time for your appearance.

About an hour later, seeing the tribe leader and the water wolf beast king fighting fiercely, Qin Yiguan straightened his clothes and flew away immediately.

"Beast! Shut up!"

The original novel mentioned that Ma Hongyun had four generals under his command. The second-ranked Wolf King Chang Shanyin was scheduled to be gg. I made up one myself. The remaining two are welcome to contribute!

To explain the basic school, life experience and other ideas about practice, it must roughly conform to the customs and habits of Beiyuan. Foreigners are also acceptable. I will select some to join.

Of course, it may not be written immediately, and it may need to be foreshadowed.

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