Rainbow Moon Seeking Immortality

Chapter 134 Beauty saves beauty?

Chapter 134 Beauty...save beauty?


Above the sea of ​​clouds, thousands of iron-beaked flying cranes flew together, covering the sky and the sun, just like the night.

"I see!"

Fangzheng stood on the back of the Iron-beaked Flying Crane King, patiently listening to Master Tianhe's explanation about the white fox's inheritance, and suddenly realized.

"I didn't expect this white fox inheritance to be the inheritance of a rank six Gu Immortal. It's really unbelievable!"

"Apprentice, in this competition for the inheritance of the White Fox, the Supreme Elder of the sect has discussed with several other sects to select the elite disciples of the sect for a gentleman's battle!

At that time, with me secretly helping you, the success rate of obtaining inheritance will inevitably increase greatly. In the future, it will be of great benefit to you to break through the fifth rank, or even become an immortal! "

"I understand, Master!"

Fang Zheng is no longer the young boy from Qingmao Mountain in the past. He has grown a lot during these years in Xianhe Sect, and he probably knows the great rewards that can be brought to him once he owns a blessed land.

For some reason, the lingering figure that seemed to be carved into the bone marrow and transformed into a nightmare appeared in Fang Zheng's mind again, that tragic failure in the year-end assessment, that bloody massacre.

"Brother! The gap between us will only get wider and wider. I really look forward to my next meeting with you. What will your expression be like when you see me?"

Fang Zheng thought to himself, suddenly noticed something, and lowered his head to look down.

However, he saw several Gu Masters in a mountain forest, and they were fighting in two waves.

Looking carefully, he found that four demonic Gu masters were fighting fiercely with several female cultivators.

"These are...the four great thieves in Central Continent?!" Fang Zheng raised his eyebrows.

Turning his eyes to look at the other side, he saw three beautiful female cultivators, one of whom was even more charming, gorgeous and eye-catching.

"It's the little fairy Bixia from the Tianlian sect!"

A rainbow light flashed in Fang Zheng's eyes. This familiar scene, this familiar formula, isn't this the tried-and-true, tried-and-true story of a hero rescuing a beauty?

What a God-given opportunity!

"Hmph, you brat, hurry up if you want to be a hero!" Suddenly, Master Tianhe's urging sounded in his mind.

"Huh?" Fang Zheng was startled when he heard the sound.

"Someone is going to take the lead! It's a woman!"


When Fang Zheng came back to his senses, he saw a beautiful figure rushing straight towards the four adulterous thieves. He immediately thought about it and mobilized the cranes to rush towards it.

In the mountains and forests, everything is in chaos.

The four major lewd thieves in Central Continent were skilled in techniques and cooperated with each other tacitly. They advanced slowly and alternately with each other, constantly approaching several female disciples of the Yuanlian sect who were surrounded.

"Boss, let me do this!" Yu Baguang's eyes flashed golden, he moistened his lips and took the lead.

"Start!" Fan Chunyao, who was raiding the formation, had his heartbeat ringing loudly and shouted loudly.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Bixia Fairy seized the gap and struck suddenly, giving her a head-on blow.

"Ouch! What are you doing~"

Yu Baguang gritted his teeth in pain and was about to open his mouth to ask, but the other party immediately retorted.

"Forget it! You were the one who provoked that girl last time. Not only did our brother get beaten up, her tricks were so evil!"

This remark made Chen Yin Tao and Sadao deeply believe in it.

The four of them worked together to defeat the fifth-level Gu Master, but they were chased and beaten almost all the way by the third-level female cultivator. It was difficult to tell the winner. It was really embarrassing to tell them.

As soon as these words came out, Yu Baguang looked embarrassed.

He also didn't expect that girl with an average figure, a hot temper, and such strength.

He knew very well that his brothers had been implicated last time, so he didn't say much nonsense, so he took the initiative to retreat, give up his position, and loosen the encirclement that was about to be closed.

"Boss, don't worry, next time I meet that girl, I will definitely..."

Yu Baguang felt that his face was dull, and he shouted his heroic words, but he was coldly said:

"What must it be like?"

Everyone was stunned.

The four big thieves all looked at Chen Yuandao, and saw that he had the same confused look on his face, with a bad feeling in his mind.

This voice is full of breath, but it is not as deep and thick as a man's voice. Instead, it is as sharp and harsh as a woman's, with a sudden boom.

Before Bixia Fairy and the other three people could recover, they saw that the four major thieves in Central Continent were approaching a formidable enemy and wanted to withdraw to form an array.


A magnificent black ink stain appeared out of thin air, like a black spot, like glue and paint, suddenly appeared in everyone's field of vision.


The black ink accurately landed between the four major thieves in Central Continent, and then exploded on the spot, splashing out thousands of ink dots, shining like stars.


Almost instantly, ink dots exploded and splashed onto the bodies of the four major thieves in Central Continent. The defenses set up by the Gu worms they prompted were almost a layer of rice paper. After setting off little ripples, they were directly penetrated by the ink dots. A ball of ink bloomed on the skin, a small amount of green smoke rose up, and the characteristic sizzling sound of barbecue was emitted.

"Huh! Huh! Ah - ah -"


In an instant, the four major lewd thieves of Central Continent, who had just shown off their power and pressed forward step by step against Bixia Fairy, burst into mourning.

"Let you be tough!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a lone beautiful figure came flying towards him.

He has a delicate appearance, picturesque eyebrows and temples, starry eyes and white teeth, red lips and a beautiful nose. He has a graceful figure and a pair of slender jade hands holding a paintbrush with still wet ink. The person coming is none other than Yao Danqing!

"It's her again!"

"It's not over, is it?"

"It's all because of Lao Ba's foul mouth!"

The four big thieves cursed each other, and their bodies had already formed a defensive formation in tacit understanding.

Unlike most defensive formations, this defensive formation is more loose than usual, and can be easily changed.

This is also the experience he has gained from many battles with Yao Danqing. A group can easily be wiped out by one wave, and a loose formation can make the opponent afraid.

After a few simple exchanges of moves, no one could do anything to anyone for a while, but the three Bixia Fairies, who had lost their pressure, were able to breathe and gradually recover.

"Boss, what should I do? Do you want to escape?" Shi Luo resisted the attack and asked anxiously.

Faced with this situation, Chen Yandao, who is the leader of the team, has been planning for a long time.

While thinking, everyone suddenly felt the sound of cranes chirping in the sky.

"Cranes, so many cranes!"

"They are all iron-beaked flying cranes, they should be disciples of the Immortal Crane Sect!"


When Bixia Fairy and the other two looked away, the four major lewd thieves of Central Continent had long disappeared.

"Running as fast as ever!" Yao Danqing looked at the smoke and dust in the distance and said bitterly.

"I would like to express my gratitude to Senior Brother Fangzheng, Bixia of the Yuanlian Sect!"

Fairy Bixia bowed slightly and thanked her.

"No thanks, no thanks, that's right!" Fang Zheng raised a smile, but the corners of his mouth were a bit forced.

This is different from what he imagined!

Did you promise to throw yourself into your arms and pledge your body to each other?

It's all because of her!

Fang Zheng's eyes unconsciously turned to the person who disturbed his good deeds.

Fairy Bixia also had a strong interest in Yao Danqing. She had just witnessed his battle with the four major thieves in Central Continent. His almost cunning methods were really admirable.

As the saying goes, the friends of beautiful women are often beautiful women.

The two of them chatted happily without too much politeness, just like close friends.

He also asked where he was going, and they happened to be on the way, so they caught up with a group of cranes and headed north, talking and laughing.

Fang Zheng intended to intervene, but both of them were disinterested and frustrated repeatedly.

"Hahaha, brat, you have today too!"

Seeing Fang Zheng looking bored and showing an awkward yet polite smile, Master Tianhe burst out laughing in his heart.

On the back of an iron-beaked flying crane, the Thousand Beast King, Yao Danqing and Bixia Fairy stood close together.

The boundless cloud haze blew up the hair and fluttered, revealing two cold and beautiful faces.

"I've been chatting with my sister for so long, but I forgot to ask her her name."

"Me?" Yao Danqing smiled softly, with a touch of rouge floating on his cheeks, and said: "I use pseudonyms like others, but it is different from my sister. My real name is Feng, and my surname is Danqing. You can just call me Danqing on weekdays. !”

"Surnamed Feng?"

Bixia Fairy murmured, her clear eyes flashed, as if she recalled something.

"Sister Danqing! I see that your painting skills are so superb. I wonder if you would like to come with me to the Tianlian Sect after this trip? There is also a senior painter in our sect who may be able to give you some advice!"

"Okay, okay! My sister invites me to go like this, why should I not do it?" He paused for a moment, then asked tentatively: "That senior Hua Dao, his surname is Ma?"

"Hey! How did you know?" Bixia Fairy was extremely surprised.

There was a wry smile on Feng Danqing's lips. Some unpleasant memories in his mind were about to come to mind. He immediately suppressed them and asked.

"Your surname is Ma and your first name is Yun?"

"No! My surname is Ma and my first name is Sike."

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