Rainbow Moon Seeking Immortality

Chapter 1: Another World

April, the height of spring.

A village nestles beside a verdant bamboo forest and a stream.

The blazing sun casts a brilliant glow, reflecting on the terraces planted with rice seedlings, and the floating light is golden.

Dotted among the green terraces, a farmer carrying a shoulder pole and two buckets walks barefoot on the ridges of the fields, slowly moving forward, with sweat on his back.

A group of half-grown children follows behind, playing and fighting, holding or picking dogtail grass, urging and laughing, pushing the man to move forward in a hurry.

After a stumble, the water in the two buckets surges and clangs.

Suddenly, his feet slipped, and the man fell into the rice field, soaked all over, with a muddy face, like a mud man.

Seeing that they had caused trouble, the children screamed and fled along the ridges in a panic.

The man's eyes were wide open, he cursed, he stood up and scooped up two handfuls of mud, carefully straightened the seedlings that he had damaged when he fell, and then he picked up the pole to chase.

However, the terraced fields here are steep and there are not many paths. Looking back at the chasing man, the children saw that their retreat was blocked, and they ran up along the ridge of the field in a panic.

Until they saw a stilt house made of green bamboo and pine wood standing on the top of the mountain, which was integrated with the lush forests around it. Under the shade of the treetops, it was lonely.

So, they hurriedly stopped, trembling, as if they were on the verge of a beast's lair, and hesitated.

Who lives in the stilt house? Even the ignorant children know how to seek benefits and avoid harm.

As for passing through the field...

Looking at the family's food, no one wants to waste the seedlings.

"Come back soon!"

When they were in a dilemma, the man who was chasing them from behind crouched down and called softly.

The children were as if they had been pardoned when they heard this. They ran along the ridge that the man had given up, faster than before.

During the whole process, the man was still in fear. He squatted and kept peeping into the stilt house until the children were safe and far away. He slowly stood up, picked up the shoulder pole and walked away quickly.

In the building, three dishes of home-cooked dishes were placed on the bamboo low-legged table.

The smoked meat was stir-fried with seasonal spring bamboo shoots, which was oily and fresh; the steamed river fish with shredded ginger and minced garlic on the surface was delicious; the bright red pickled radish on a small plate was sour and sweet and appetizing.

On both sides of the table, two young men who looked 70% similar were holding bowls and chatting while eating.

Among them, a thin young man with narrow eyes and bright eyes, with leggings tied around his calves, looked particularly capable. There was a red iron plate in the middle of his waist with a big "two" engraved on it.

He ate slowly and listened to the story of the person sitting opposite him.

"Beat up classmates and extort money in public. Fang Yuan is a capable person!" Jiang He blinked, picked up a piece of pickled radish, took a bite, and the sour and sweet juice flowed in his mouth, bursting his taste buds.

"That's right!" Jiang Ya said, "Brother! You don't know how fierce Fang Yuan is in the village, and her boxing skills are amazing!

Each person has a yuan stone, which can earn more than 50 yuan a week, more than 200 yuan a month. Tsk, he is just a student, but he earns more than me!"

Jiang Ya sucked the fish meat, his eyes were erratic, and his eyes were full of envy.

"If you have his boxing skills, you might as well try to rob!"

Jiang He swallowed the pickled radish in one gulp, and his mouth made a hissing sound, piercing the other party's fantasy.

Jiang Ya laughed awkwardly and said he dared not. He then said, "However, before I left the village today, I heard that Fang Yuan killed a servant of Mo Mai in the school last night. The scene was quite horrifying. He was only a 15-year-old student! I'm afraid he will be in trouble later!"

"He is just an ordinary person. Mo family doesn't need him!"

Jiang He picked up another piece of tender bamboo shoot and fed it to his mouth. He swore solemnly and looked out the window, as if thinking about something.

Falcons and parrots with colorful feathers were flocking outside the window, forming an arrow formation, soaring past, and the long feathers on their tails were floating in the air.

"Brother, I bought the green bamboo wine specially for you. Try it!"

Jiang Ya opened the mud seal of the wine jar, and the mellow smell of wine came to his nose, lingering in the whole house in an instant, lingering.

The two brothers chatted with wine and food.

From the big and small affairs in the village to the business income of Jiang Ya's shop, and some nonsensical gossip.

Jiang He listened attentively, picking dishes for him from time to time, smiling to show his closeness.

As the wine was flowing, the sun was setting.

Jiang Ya's cheeks flushed, and he left the stilt house and returned to the mountain village. Jiang He stood up to see him off.

"Okay! You keep these Yuanshi first! It's getting dark, go back early!"

Jiang He took out a bag from the bamboo cabinet, which was droopy and heavy.

Seeing this, Jiang Ya, who was in a trance, was stunned for a moment, took the bag with both hands, opened it and counted, there were more than a hundred yuan.

"Brother, the money earned from my shop is enough, there is no need..."

Jiang Ya's eyes flashed, and he was at a loss.

He looked up and saw Jiang He with a smile on his face, pressing the bag into his arms, and whispered:

"I don't use much Yuanshi on weekdays, you can take it and spend it! The money for the purchases will also be counted from it."

Jiang Ya's lips and teeth moved, but he didn't say a word.

The expenses of those things were less than half of the total, and the bulk of the money was still in his hands.

The two walked in the rice fields, one in front and one behind.

The bright red glow of the setting sun cast the figures of the two brothers on the rice fields.

Perhaps it was because of the angle, one of them was short and slender, while the other was stretched out...

Facing the evening breeze, his hair fluttered, the bamboo forest in the distance swayed, and the birds flew up and down, making a rustling sound.

The stream rushing down from the top of the mountain flowed along the edge of the village, stretching endlessly.

Under the afterglow of the sunset, Xiao was exceptionally quiet.

A clear stream flows around the village, and everything in Changxi Village in spring is quiet.

In the fields, the men carried wooden plows with mud stains that had not yet dried, and took the initiative to make way for the two brothers, with expressions of respect and anxiety.

Wisps of smoke rose slowly from the mud brick hut, and from time to time, the screams of children came out one after another, which was particularly repulsive to this beautiful rural scenery.

At the end of the ridge, the two brothers said goodbye.

"Brother, don't worry, I will send you what you want in two days!"

Jiang Ya patted his chest and said with a little drunkenness.

Waving goodbye, until watching the other party's figure completely disappear in the forest path, Jiang Hefang turned around and left.


The night fell, and the moon and stars were sparse.

The countryside was quiet in the twilight, only the Longwan crickets in the bamboo forest played a flowing poem, graceful and uplifting.

The green spear bamboos stand straight and tall, growing wildly at night, turning from emerald green to dark green.

Facing the moonlight, strolling in the fields, patrolling the entire village, checking the surrounding areas for signs of wild animals.

After half an hour, after completing a round of patrol, Jiang He returned to the stilt house where he lived, climbed onto the roof, unplugged the cowhide bag, and drank a mouthful of green bamboo wine.

The mellow aroma of wine surged in his mouth, instantly sweeping away his tiredness.

Taking a deep breath, Jiang He looked at the village he guarded with a faint gaze.

"Unconsciously, I have traveled here for a week, it feels like a lifetime ago!"

Jiang He strolled in the fields, walking through the lush weeds on both sides of the ridges, his eyes wandering far away, slightly absent-minded.

In his previous life, he was a small boss of a company in the fast-paced and impetuous life of Blue Star, with a few people under him.

Daily work can be summarized as:

Go to work, punch in, slack off, eat, slack off, punch in, get off work...

In addition to having to deal with department leaders from time to time, keep his job, and repay his mortgage, he slacks off every day.

He doesn't like watching short videos, so he just reads online novels for comfort.

"I didn't expect that I would be able to travel through time? Tsk tsk, fortunately, I didn't travel to a world where knowledge would be turned into a box, but this world is also very unfriendly to ordinary people..."

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