Raiding the Blackened Male Lead

Chapter 425: Fairy and cheap, poisonous! 8

Biquge, the fastest update and fast wear: Raiders the latest chapter of the black male master!

Mo Ju had long found the route of the voyage Starship, but he didn't expect anyone to take one step quickly. When he saw who was going to take one step, his eyes began to be wrong.

My daughter-in-law actually wears such **** clothes on his back, and even fights in front of so many people. God knows that he will be gone several times!

Mo Ju was worried, but Tang Qing was fierce, but she did n’t come here just to fight with them. The weapons in the Voyage Starship were not good things, but biochemical weapons. It almost wiped out several planets. For this kind of thing, it is more worry-free to destroy it directly.

The pirates who came with Mo Ju saw their boss had a bad look and couldn't help but looked at each other. They all heard that the boss had found a sister-in-law for them, and that they would be on a Sirius star ball holiday. Is the starship coming up?

The question in the minds of the pirates naturally would not inform Mo Ju, but instead looked badly and said: "What are you looking at and not going to help?" As the words fell, he quickly flew to Tang Qing.

"Yes, boss!"

The inner system of the Voyage Starship has now completely failed. Most people are locked in the room where they are. The door that could be easily opened is now like a copper wall. It ca n’t be broken through, but Tang Qing, this will be in operation. National Taiwan University hits.

The Sixth Legion seldom looked gloomy at this moment. The accusation of most people in the operation station was only to control the starship. Although the wheel force value is not weak, it is still far from the leader of the Legion. It is still far from this strange woman. Respect.

Originally, these people were not Tang Qing's opponents. With the addition of Mo Ju's men, they took control of the entire console for a moment.

After solving these people, Tang Qing happily ran in the direction of Mo Ju.

"Xiao Moju ~" The voice was so sweet that he didn't even see it before. Tang Qingfei rushed into his arms. Finally, he didn't forget to rub his chest muscles. Then he said: "Why don't you film in the emperor, how do you run here?" Alright? "

Mo Ju wears a silver metal mask, so the people on the Voyage Starship only knew that he was a notorious and famous pirate. He didn't know that he was also the famous film emperor male **** on the Internet.

"The scene has already been filmed."

"So you came to take me back?"

Mo Ju stretched out her hand and rubbed her soft hair, and indulged in her eyes, "Don't play enough?"

Tang Qing has a pair of bright eyes, and the whole person is very lively. "How can I play enough, Sirius is much more fun than the emperor, and I am still recruiting the crew, don't forget, I want to conquer the stars People in the sea! "

Mo Ju sighed, before thinking about grabbing her back to herself, but after seeing her eyes, she couldn't bear it anymore, just because she wanted to play, just play with her.

"Know, how many crews are you missing now?" Speaking of this, Mo Yue Mao self-recommended: "Look, how can I be your crew?"

Tang Qing was taken aback by this answer, to be honest, originally she thought he would take him back compulsively. After all, judging from the previous example, this matter is still very possible, but this time he indulged himself It seems that he has been slowly changing his character.

This change for the one he loves has caused Tang Qing to raise his lips.

"Okay, how about not only making you a crew, but also making you the captain's husband?"

Rarely such an initiative, Mo Jiu listened to a good mood.


The two of you gave me a word, and soon the decision was finalized, leaving only a group of pirates messy in the wind, watching the boss of his family rebel against them.

Compared with the pirates, the people on the Voyage Starship are the most miserable, and were forced to eat such a meal of dog food before they died.

"Don't be too proud!"

It was the Rear Admiral of the Sixth Legion who spoke to him. How to say that the position of the Major General was also a majestic person. If you meet ordinary people, it might have shivered, but it is a pity that the two people he met were in front of him.

Instead of being intimidated by his momentum, Tang Qing laughed out loud, "Relax, we will always be proud, but you, remember to do some bad things on Huangquan Road, so that even the next life will not be able to do it."

The major general's hands and feet were tied up, and he was eager to crush the beautiful but immortal woman, but in front of reality, he was helpless.

Tang Qing was too lazy to ignore him, and turned to look at the person aside, "Xiao Moju, what are you going to do with these weapons?"

Mo Ju did not answer, but instead asked, "What about you?"

"Biochemical weapons, what do you want to do, it is better to destroy it directly, save time to harm people."

This is not unreasonable. Mo Ju did not object at all. He nodded directly and said, "Listen to you." When the words fell, he ordered several men to deal with the voyage as soon as possible, and then took Tang Qing back to Sirius.

The pirates just looked at their boss and gave up. This is a dumbfounded, arrogant, cold boss. This **** has become so fast!

"Forget it, that's the sister-in-law, we can't compare, work."

"But my sister-in-law is really beautiful. I look at that temperament, even the female stars on TV can't compare."

"Aren't you talking nonsense, who is our boss and will choose the worst?"

While the pirates were talking about the gossip of their boss, they were doing something big enough to shock the interstellar.

Another place, Sirius star ball.

Almost everyone knows this new glamorous girl, but they have never seen any other men around her. There is suddenly a man with a silver mask, which makes people not curious, but in the face of such a landmark The silver mask quickly changed.

That's the ruthless, mysterious number one pirate in the center of the legend, silver!

The name of silver depends on the color of Moju mask. Because he is too mysterious, no one knows his real name until now, so many times he is called by only one silver word.

As soon as the news came out, there was a lot of attention on Sirius, especially those who had hatred against Tang Qing. This time, their boss directly came to visit with a guilt.

That's the big pirate-silver, but they can't offend them. Once they get enemies, then even all the industries behind them will disappear directly on Sirius.

However, he still came one step late. At this time, Tang Qing and Mo Ju had already quietly come to one of his properties, the West Cold Auction.

The Siren auction is also known as Sirius, after all, it is the most unrestricted auction. Here, as long as you are willing to pay, the auction will unremittingly complete what you want to do.

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