Biquge, the fastest update and fast wear: Raiders the latest chapter of the black male master!

In stark contrast to the hot eyes of the girl, the teenager's eyes dodge, and there is no need to guess that Tang Qing also has a love and hatred in his brain. It is nothing more than a seemingly beautiful youth romance, which eventually lost to reality.

The girl looked at the teenager with anticipation, as if waiting for his rescue, but the original fiery eyes slowly faded.

Not only did the teenager not act at all, but the courage to look directly at her was gone.

The elders around pushed the boat where the girl was to the center of the lake, singing the ancient call of song.

The wind and the sun were beautiful in the town, but as the elders' song gradually came to an end, there was a violent wind and heavy rain around them, and even the dark clouds covered the sun. All the people saw this scene and knelt down religiously. Two people still stood and stood out, but now everyone ’s attention was on the vast lake and the sea, and nobody noticed them for a while.

Shen Moli and Tang Qing stood at the end of the crowd and looked at the crowd who were kneeling down in front of their eyes. Tang Qing's eyes were the same as before, but Shen Moli was extremely ugly.

"Amo, what's the matter?" Tang Qing asked, worried about the look of the person next to him, "Is it uncomfortable?"

The song of summoning has an effect on the dragon clan. Shen Moli has the blood of the dragon clan, and it is reasonable to have an influence on him.

However, Shen Moli held her hand tightly, "North and North, will hold me tight."

Tang Qing tilted his head, "You just told me."

Shen Moli had an ominous hunch after coming to this town, and now this song of summoning sings, the ominous hunch becomes more apparent.

"Do you know what the song of summoning is?"

"What is it?"

Tang Qing is not a dragon, and it is normal to not understand it, but Shen Moli understood the content clearly, but his face was ugly because he understood it.

"The girl's ending is death." Shen Mo narrowed his eyes and looked at the huge creature from the distance, coldly said: "Although I don't know how other dragons are, but the dragons summoned by this group of people However, they are evil dragons, and there are no female dragons. The heirs they gave birth were bred by human race girls. Once the pregnancy is successful, the girls will eventually be burned alive. "

"What?" Tang Qing exclaimed. He had never heard of a child who would still kill his mother. What about the Dragon Clan? How could it be so cruel?

Shen Moli continued: "The dragon's birth requires extremely high temperatures, and the human body's body temperature is not enough to incubate. Only by burning with the volcanic flame can they be born."

Hearing this, Tang Qing really sympathized with the girl. At the age of such a season, she eventually sacrificed herself for the glory and wealth of others, even without the right to choose.

"North and North, the strength of the evil dragon is not trivial, you can't be reckless." Shen Moli is not too worried, his north and north are kind, but the strength of the dragon is far superior to the Devil, even if they are two, the chance of winning Not necessarily big.

Tang Qing breathed a sigh of relief, looked at the poor girl, and finally could only look away.

"Amo, let's go." Since he couldn't save it, why should he look uncomfortable here?

"Okay." Shen Moli was holding her and was about to leave, but she saw that the dragon was hovering in the sky somehow. The dragon was huge and looked up, as if the entire town was surrounded by that huge power. When the pressure came, all the depressed people were suffocated, let alone looked up.

The sacrifice in the Dragon Town is a big event. In addition to the people in the local town, there are even many people of other ethnicities who come to pay their respects. Now in the face of this powerful coercion, everyone is surrendered in their hearts.

The sacrifice is actually very simple, especially when the dragon comes, if he is satisfied, just take the girl away from the boat.

It was thought that this sacrifice would go as smoothly as it used to be. Unexpectedly, huge water waves suddenly set off on the surface of the water. The big waves hit and even swept many people on the shore into the water.

Suddenly, everyone was terrified. Some people screamed and some ran because they were afraid of pulling their legs. Only the evil dragon still hovered over the town. A pair of huge and dark eyes stared closely underneath.

This look, making everyone creepy, even timid, had fallen to the ground and wept.

The elders have never encountered such a situation. They suddenly rushed their eyes. The only way to do it is to kneel on the ground and beg for help. , Please walk around us. "

Compared with the chaotic people underneath, the dragon was very leisurely. He stared at him slowly, as if looking at it, as if looking at it.

"Human race, I am not satisfied with this offering."

With his voice, there was another gust of wind underneath. The elders were scared and dissatisfied. For thousands of years, they had never encountered the dissatisfaction of the dragon!

Everyone is desperate, the dragon is not satisfied, and Milong Town can no longer be called Milong Town!

Everyone was in a hurry, but they saw the dragon speak slowly again, "If you donate that girl to me, I can temporarily bypass you."

After hearing this, people suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

The dragon's eyes are too ****, and soon they found the girl he wanted. They have to say that the dragon's eyes are very good. Compared with the sacrifice, this girl is upper class regardless of her appearance and temperament Such an excellent girl, if she is a native of Milong Town, will naturally be known to them, but they have never seen it.

Obviously, this girl is not from the town. Since it is not from the town, there is no need to sacrifice for the town.

The elders hesitated, but at the thought of the huge threat on their heads, they finally came over with their skins shy.

"This girl, look ..."

Before he finished talking, Shen Moli waved directly and smashed the elder to the ground.

He glanced indifferently at the elders who had spitting blood on the ground. His whole body was cold and terrifying. "My people, you are also worthy."

This remark is naturally not to the elders, but to the arrogant dragon above his head.

As his voice fell, a pair of huge black bat wings broke open the shirt, and as it fanned, he flew straight into the air, and finally looked at the evil dragon.

Shen Moli's demonstrated strength caused the residents of Milong Town to retreat, they did not know his identity, but the pair of iconic bat wings guessed his race, that is the Demon Race.

They can't afford the Dragon Clan, but the Demon Clan can't, too, especially those with giant wings, they are all super-powerful!

At this time, I don't know who yelled, and immediately pointed out his identity.

"God, that's ... the Devil's one!"

"Which one of the Devil?" When someone heard him, he whispered.

The dragon town is open to all ethnic groups, and naturally there are demon lords who want to admire the appearance of the dragon clan, so he exclaimed: "A year ago, Lord Chu Marty of the demon clan, can you remember?"

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