Biquge, the fastest update and fast wear: Raiders the latest chapter of the black male master!

The wife chosen by the main city, the city is unprecedentedly lively, almost the whole city is dispatched, everyone is excited to look at the high-rise ring. Regardless of your identity, status, or your appearance and age, there are only one requirement for this wife selection. That is unmarried.

The number of unmarried girls in the city is 8,000 and there are 8,000. Choosing one of so many girls may be your own home, so regardless of age or sex, they have gathered in the square at the gate of the city's main palace, waiting for the advent of the **** of luck.

The night falls, which is the owner of the city. He sits high on the side of the ring and looks down at the turbulent crowd. He smiles from time to time. "Because of my personal affairs, everyone has worked hard."

When the people heard it, they immediately cheered and said, "It's a big deal for the lord of the city to choose his wife. We don't work hard!"

"Yes! Lord of the City Lord, come on and try to find the wife of the Lord of the City today!"

"We are here to congratulate the Lord of the City!"

Listening to all the words underneath, Ye Luo kept smiling from beginning to end, not seeing any impatience or anything else, but also ordered the guards to pay attention to the safety of the people, and to be careful that thieves took advantage of the opportunity to prevent everyone from losing a little.

The people were moved when they saw that the Lord of the City cares about him so much and shouted, "Long live the Lord of the City."

Ye Luo waved his hand and smiled to calm everyone down, "Okay, wife selection begins."

Due to the large number of people around, the unmarried girl who participated in the wife selection was led by the guard to another empty space. For a time, the people looked around and even saw the people they knew, and would be happy with the surrounding people. People share.

"Don't you see, the one in pink, but my girl! It's pretty!"

Listening to the proud voice, it seems that his girlfriend is already the default wife of the city owner. Others are naturally unwilling to show their weakness, and have said that their girlfriends / sisters are also quite good.

Shen Moli looked coldly at the surroundings. Although the people had a good impression of the city owner, he did not take it seriously. Instead, he squeezed Tang Qing ’s hand, "North and North, hold my hand, do n’t lose it."

The crowd is very crowded, and there is a real danger of being broken away. But Tang Qing is Mu Bei Mozun, one of the three deities of the Mozu, how can he be lost? It was him, a dwarf clan without awakening, that was very likely to fall apart.

Tang Qing didn't take it out, he held his hand obediently and smiled sweetly, "Mo Li, I don't think they are as beautiful as you."

Shen Moli made people compare with girls, not angry, just said: "North and North is also the most beautiful in my heart!"

Hearing this, Tang Qing suddenly said, "So do we have to try it out, too? You see, people in the past still have something to eat. I haven't eaten food from the human race yet. I don't know what they can put out. How does it taste? "

In the face of eating, Shen Moli was helpless and funny, "I want to eat, but I have to accompany you."

After the girls were taken over, they did have something to eat, and even had a chair to sit on, and Ye Luo announced that this was only a part of the assessment of the girl, so no one thought about it, all of them obediently eat the food in front of them. Go on, there is not much food, but a few pastries and a cup of tea.

Because of the large number of people, they were divided into pairs, and once the girls who went up in each group did not get any response after eating the food, it represented a loss.

The rules are simple, but because of the number of people, it is dark that it is not over yet.

The interest of the people did not decline because of the passage of time, but increased more and more, because with the passage of time, it represents another step closer to the election of the lady of the city.

Shen Moli has nothing to do with Tang Qing. She is not unwilling to go to join Leng, but instead obediently put on women's clothing and line up with her.

I have to say that one is a male host favored by Heaven, and one is one of the three deities of the Demon Clan. The face value of these two people directly kills all the girls present. Gradually, the guards also noticed these two people. Although the two of them looked a little younger, they could not bear the extravagance of the whole body. Furthermore, the younger ones were grown up! So, in order to let them participate in this wife selection as soon as possible, actually led them directly into the line!

The other wife-selecting girls dare to speak out, but the Lord of the City is on the side. If they are in a big trouble, they may provoke him, and then they may not be worth the loss. Just looking at these two, they are still jealous.

Tang Qing and Shen Moli walked into the ring in the jealous eyes of everyone. They have to say that this is a face-seeking world. When they just walked up, they heard sounds from underneath, and even their eyes fell a little at night. They didn't even wait for them to sit down, they called directly.

After the stunning night, the gentle and modest son, who was as warm as jade, resumed. He opened his mouth with a smile, and he could not speak the gentleness in his voice. "Look at the two of you, so I am afraid that they are not ordinary people in the city."

Shen Mo nodded, "It's really not a person in the city."

"Then, I don't know why I came to this city?" After that, I was afraid that they would think more. Ye Luo explained: "The two of you don't mind. I just watched the two of you are a little younger. You come to power, do your family know? "

Tang Qing was too lazy to pay attention to him, but just moved his eyes to the cakes and teas not far away, but it was Shen Moli, who said patiently: "The only one in the family is North and North, and no one else."

"North and North?" Ye Luo chewed these two words and looked at Tang Qing again, "Are you called North and North?"

Tang Qing was a little impatient. In the end, he was one of the three deities. Even if he changed his soul, some arrogantly went deep into the bone marrow, especially when she looked at the night-falling city host very uncomfortably.

"After asking, can I go eat?"

The night fell, and apparently did not expect to get this reply, but the good cultivation made him react quickly, "Girl is hungry? If you are hungry, then go over there and use some pastries."

Tang Qing didn't even look at him, and walked directly to the pastry place not far away.

Such an arrogant attitude caused a lot of people to be displeased, but the lord of the city did not say anything, they could only talk in private, but they were a girl beside other wives who were quite happy in her heart. The less she likes her.

The pastry tastes good, the mouth melts, and the mouth is fragrant, but for Tang Qing who has eaten all kinds of food, this taste is also true. As for this tea ...

"Mo Li, this pastry is average, don't eat it."

Shen Moli's hand stretched out halfway, and when he heard this, he took back his hand directly. "Since Beibei said it was not tasty, he would not eat it."

As soon as these words came out, they immediately made the people underneath angry. The arrogance had made them unpleasant, and now they don't even take their masters into consideration!

Everyone was shouting to let them go, only the night fell, not only stopped them, but even ordered to guard them back to the city's main palace.

This scene made many people chill, because their lord of the city stopped choosing their wives shortly after they left.

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