Biquge, the fastest update and fast wear: Raiders the latest chapter of the black male master!

Mu Bei is a pervert, there is no doubt about it, but now she dismissed the entire backyard for this little boy, which really shocked everyone, and even looked at Shen Moli's eyes.

In order to show his importance to him, Tang Qing directly led the teenager to the backyard in person.

Mu Bei never came to the backyard, and every time he wanted to have fun, he let his men directly bring people over. Now she suddenly appeared, and suddenly a lot of beautiful women shivered.

At first glance, with so many beauties, Tang Qing couldn't help but look at it twice. At this look, she felt that Mu Bei was a pervert plus neuropathy. With so many beauties, she even got rid of it!

The compassion just started, but the waist was suddenly lightly poked, don't look at this little action, almost made her laugh!

The property of being tickled, even if she changed her body and still penetrated into the soul, she glared fiercely at the teenager in her arms. How could she know that the other party was not afraid of anything, but kissed her face instead.

"Master Mazun, what's wrong?"

What does it mean to be a pig and eat a tiger? Tang Qing looked at the childish smile and took a deep breath, pretending to carelessly say, "Nothing."

"Since it's nothing, then these people ..." Shen Moli pointed to the following beauties who didn't know when they had all kneeled down. There was no sympathy in their eyes, but the action was pitiful, and people couldn't help but want to love them. Some.

Thinking of his previously insidious behavior, Tang Qing smiled, "Oh ~ Little beauty, no anxiety, I promised you will do it naturally." After that, he reached out and squeezed his delicate face, Not to mention, it feels great!

Suddenly his face was picked up by someone, and Shen Moli just smiled, not angry at all. Instead, he still licked her delicate jade fingers at the moment when the other party withdrew his hand.

Suddenly being teased, Tang Perverted Qing only patted his head expressionlessly, "No fooling around."

Shen Mo smiled innocently and smiled sweetly: "Don't you like it?"

It feels like someone is holding the soft underbelly, and looking at a guy who plays a role-play, Tang Qing feels tired.

"Like, the little beauty likes everything."

"Then ... Master kiss me!"

To prevent someone from making trouble with moths, Tang Qing was very obedient and gave him a slap, so that he stopped.

Everyone was stunned to see such a scene, but that is the most perverted Mu Bei Mozun in Yunze Alien World! But now she is not only dismissing the harem for a dwarf boy, but also sleeping with him every night. If this matter is put before, no one will believe it.

I thought that the Americans should be happy to be dismissed. After all, whoever waited for such a pervert would know if he would die suddenly. As a result, many people insisted on staying.

"Adult, where did the slave do badly? Please don't drive away the slave."

"Sir, please let the slave stay, the slave is willing to be a bull and a horse."


Tang Qing's eyes are sullen, the world line just tells her the overall plot, and such a small branch almost depends on itself to detect. Mu Bei is cruel and naturally no one is willing to stay with her sincerely. Now I am afraid to beg for another owner.

Thinking of the miserable girl in the original world line who will be Shen Mo, she sneered, "Since you want to stay, then stay."

As soon as the words came out, the beautiful women on their knees were delighted.

"Thank you, sir."

Seeing the beautiful people being so happy, Tang Qing raised her lips with a malicious smile, "I don't support the waste people in the palace, since I want to stay, I have to find something to do myself." 'S butler beckoned: "Butler, look for vacancies in the palace, fill them in."

The housekeeper has served Mozun for many years and naturally understands her meaning, immediately respectfully saying: "Yes, the minions understood."

Although the group of beauties in the backyard were previously intrigued by the non-humans in Mubei, they were never short of clothes, food and shelter, but now they are doing the hardest and most tiring work in the palace, and even food and clothing are problems, but Faced with such a dilemma, they are not only reluctant to leave, but they are doing very well, as if afraid of being driven away.

In the bedroom, Tang Qing got this reply, but waved his hand lazily, "They are willing to stay, but they still have to stare when they change their gaze."

The steward exited the bedroom obediently after reporting the content, and as soon as he left, Shen Moli threw himself up.

Shen Mo was so petite, Tang Qing always felt that he was raising his son, and he was very intimate about the kisses he threw from time to time. Of course, she never did a high-lifting activity, sometimes she even Badly thinking, is it because of his dwarf relationship, after all, this kind of thing will not be too big, people are short, and in some ways it should be particularly small.

Of course, she only dared to think about this matter. After all, the male is a mixed race of eight races, and the dwarf race is only temporary. Now if he shows his tongue fast, when his strength recovers, then she ca n’t cry. Cry.

The backyard was temporarily emptied, but other races did not stop. After learning that she likes dwarves, but within a month, she was sent to hundreds of dwarven teenagers, watching them one by one. The young girl who wasn't there, her mouth twitched slightly.

In the hall, the dwarf clan emperor kneeled respectfully, with a sincere gaze, "Master Demon Lord, these are selected by our patriarch personally, which one do you like?"

The teenage girl is really beautiful, but Tang Qing is not thinking about it. Shen Xiaomei is now somehow, obviously a person who was so confident, but now she has suffered a lot. Every time she looks at others, she always feels that she He would lose himself, and his pitiful eyes seemed as if he was a negative person.

Fortunately, the people in Mubei are perverted and cannot play cards according to common sense, so sometimes he handles some people in his own name, and no one will doubt it, but it is not the way to go on like this.

Because I don't know what to do, she can only find her old man, the system.

"All smashed, what do you say I should do?"

He systematically pouted, and he still has to be an emotional advisor to watch your dog food every day, but in the face of doubts about his host, he still said truthfully: "Let him wake up to other racial abilities." Speaking of which, he suddenly slowed his voice and laughed. His face is weird, "You tell me the truth, is it because of the identity of the dwarf family, so which is not possible, which makes him less confident now?"

To a certain extent, the truth of the system is now. Shen Moli did become unstable because of his identity. After all, the beauty is in his arms every day, but he ... can't do anything. Does this make him feel good?

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