Raiding the Blackened Male Lead

Chapter 315: The world is discussing how to eat me 25

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The rebellion finally got away, and Tang Qing had really no appetite, but looking at the gluttonous expectant gaze, he couldn't bear to refuse, so he said: "Go back to the house, let's eat and talk."

Qing Jue had no opinion, Taishang Laojun had no opinion at this moment, so the group returned to the house.

In the courtyard, the stone table made of jade and white stones was filled with various mountain and sea flavors, and even wine was placed beside it. Seeing this, I didn't know it was a dinner.

I have to say that the gluttonous cuisine is indeed unparalleled in the world. At first, there is no appetite. This will really stop when I eat it.

Tang Qing was eating happily, but he saw that Taishang Laojun seldom ignored such delicious food, and opened his mouth and asked, "Speak, what the **** is going on?"

"Moral should also be a rebirth."

If Qing Jue suddenly came out, the people present were suddenly dumbfounded, especially the gluttonous, the panic-stricken face, and the wide-eyed eyes almost popped out of their eyes.

After Taishang Laojun was surprised, he gave a light smile, but this smile was too fake, anyone could see it.

"When was it discovered."

"long time ago."

"How early is it?"

Listening to the attachment of Taishang Laojun who broke the casserole, Qing Jue stretched out his hands and rubbed Zheng Qing, who was eating, and his eyes were full of spoils.

As soon as these words came out, the back of Taishang Laojun was cold. If he would do it, wouldn't he already exist in this world now?

He didn't ask for an exit, but when he confronted Qing Jue's eyes, he understood.

"Should I be fortunate that I stopped in time?"

"Moral, you are my friend."

Qing Jue opened his mouth, with a trace of helplessness, but Taishang Laojun laughed at himself, "Thank you Qing Jue Shangxian to admit that I am lucky for three lifetimes." Let ’s not talk about these old things, let ’s talk about Xiang Ziruo, what is the situation with her. "

Since he was here from the beginning, everyone's position is also clear to everyone.

Qing Jue did not conceal, so he said: "Yan Emperor has a daughter, named baby girl, who was drowned in the East China Sea, and was turned into a fine guard after death, unable to be ranked as a fairy, he can only hold the Xishan day after day. The wood and stone are invested in the East China Sea. "

This story was almost unheard of by everyone. He suddenly opened his mouth, which immediately drew Taishang Laojun's brows and frowns. "This matter is related to Yan Emperor?"

Qing Jue said: "Xiang Ziruo has a nine-turned soul pill, the only one in the world, no matter who it is, as long as there is a ray of soul gas, she will be able to reshape her body."

Jiu Zhuan Huihun Dan Taishang Laojun naturally knew, but because of this he stood up in shock, "Isn't Jiu Zhuan Hui soul Dan already destroyed?"

The gluttony is unknown, so he asked: "Lao, what's going on with that medicine?"

The Taishang Laojun has not recovered from the shocked eyes, but just muttered: "That was made by my master Hongjun Taoist. I wanted to bring some friends who died in the ancient war to life, but I didn't want this medicine. It is really evil to evil. Those who take this elixir to rejuvenate must refine nine puppets and nourish each other with their soul fire. After only ninety-one days, they will be able to rejuvenate, and even if it is rejuvenating There is no general body that can bear this soul, unless ... "Speaking of which, he suddenly looked at Tang Qing, although the baby girl was dead, but in the end it was Yan Emperor's daughter. Ordinary people or gods could not bear her soul , Plus the nourishment of Jiuzhuan Huihundan, unless she is born and nurtured, she can only live in this world in the spirit of soul.

Tang Qing ’s egg has never been recorded before, and Lao Jun also observed it while refining her. It was absolutely born and raised. Yan Emperor wanted to reinvent the golden body for the baby girl. Is more appropriate.

Qing Jue did not understand these nine turn back to the soul pill, and even Xiang Ziruo had just accidentally heard about it in the past life. He didn't know how to use it. This meeting with the old man looked at Tang Qing and frowned. , "This matter is related to worry-free?"

Taishang Laojun nodded, "The soul refined with the Nine-turned Soul Pill can only be borne by something born and nurtured. There may be other born and nurtured in this world, but there is no suitable thing for you to worry about. , She has excellent aura, and cultivation is even more unpredictable ... "

Obviously it was a compliment, but Tang Qing listened to the breeze, she pointed at herself, and never thought she would be affected by such innocence.

"They want to use me as a baby girl?"

"For now, I'm afraid that's true, otherwise why have you forced Qing Jue to abandon you some time ago?"

When gluttons heard this, they took a breath of breath, but then the last villain who followed Qing Jue up to the ruined heaven and earth, took it as a body, and it was too simple to think about it! Just thinking about the other side is the Yan Emperor, the ancient gods, but stunned again.

Although Qingjue Shangxian ruined the world in the end, it was also in the later stage. Although cultivation was good in the early days, if you want to fight against those ancient gods, it is really difficult.

"What now?"

"Find the baby girl first."

Clear tone is similar to the past, but everyone heard the killing intention in Qing Jue's mouth. But thinking about it is correct, the baby girl is dead, the soul is flying away, even if Emperor Yan is even supernatural, it will not help, but this hatred is big.

"The girl is now Jingwei, unable to come to heaven, now I am hiding somewhere in the world." Speaking of this, the gluttonous man stood up and said, "I am more familiar with you in the human world, and I will hand me the matter of finding Jingwei. Right! "

The gluttonous people are fascinated by eating, but the big three realms, only the human realm is full of food, and the other two realms, the devil realm is taking the fierce route, many of them are raw food, let alone the realm of the gods, there is no desire. The interest in appetite is too little, so he is not arrogant to say this.

Qing Jue is also polite, nodded and thanked, "There is work."

When he heard it, he dared to let Qing Jue go to Xiandao to thank, and immediately shook his hand in horror. "Small things, no need to thank." After that, he ran away without looking back.

Taishang Laojun looked at his somewhat frustrated posture and snorted, "They are all reborn and so useless."

Qing Jue saw this, smiled, but said nothing, but Tang Qing, with a big hiccup, obviously with a support.

Qing Jue was helpless, rubbing her all round belly, crying and laughing, "eat less, and no one will grab you."

"Be the first to be strong." Tang Qing said while looking at Taishang Laojun aside. Sure enough, after seeing the full table of residues in the previous Xianzi, it was silly and silly.

"Xiao Wuyou, you ..." Taishang Laojun called a crying cry, but he just said something serious, how could even the food leave him.

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