Raiding the Blackened Male Lead

Chapter 305: The world is discussing how to eat me 15

Biquge, the fastest update and fast wear: Raiders the latest chapter of the black male master!

Everything came too suddenly, the Taishang Laojun was dumbfounded, half-sounding, he pointed to the empty place in front of his eyes, and his face was unbelievable, "Just get rid of it like this?"

"Otherwise?" It doesn't matter if the cute little face is full, Tang Qing said: "Since the misunderstandings are so deep, is it useful to explain?"

Taishang Laojun also thought that this was reasonable, but no matter how he was violently driven away, there must be another time.

"So what are you going to do next time?"

"Come again and fight again." Then, he took Xiao Tangqing in his arms and walked straight towards the house.

Tang Qingqing, with a flimsy face, decided to tell him what he had discovered before, "Qing Jue, I just found that there is a **** in his face. You said, is there anything unspeakable about her?" Do n’t dare to show people their true colors. "

A clear voice sounded, and Qing Jue reached out and squeezed her tender little face, and smiled lightly: "You don't have to pay attention to this matter, I will take care of it myself."

After hearing this, Tang Qing's little brow frowned, and said with a displeased expression: "This matter involves me, how can I ignore it." After she finished, she looked at him seriously and asked, "Qing Jue , You do n’t look down on me. "

Looking at her one-shot little look, if you don't agree, she will give you a tendency to make trouble. For this, Qing Jue is helpless and funny, "My little worry, where can I dare to look down on you?"

"That's good, this thing can not leave me."

"it is good."

But at this time, the gluttons did not know where to get the news, and they ran with the axe of the slashing spirit in their hands. The posture was extremely cruel.

"Shangxian, Xiaowuyou, I heard that there is a **** to make trouble! Where is it? See if I don't cut them and eat them now!"

Taishang Laojun looked at the **** axe and took a breath. He forgot about Yi Rong who wanted to ask before. His mind was full that this guy wouldn't cut a few on the way to come and was blown to the door. The little god.

"I said gluttonous, what is going on with your axe?"

Gluttony stared at him, don't think he didn't know that the old guy ran to eat and drink every day!

"As soon as I was slashing the spirit beast, half of it was heard that an unfamiliar **** came over to make trouble, and it didn't need to change the magic weapon. I ran directly by carrying it." After he finished, he looked around: "What about those guys? Where?"

In the face of the gluttonous style of painting, Tang Qing did not hate it, but was very useful.

"Uncle gluttony, they were all blown away by Qing Jue!" After that, she also learned Qing Jue's previous movements, "Now, that's it, it's so powerful, there is such a strong wind when you wave your hand!"

Qing Jue looked at her decent appearance and couldn't help laughing: "If you like it, do you want to learn it?"

Tang Qing shook his head with a small face on her face, but she was very tired of practicing. She has a hypnotic body. Learn what she did!

Upon seeing this, he reached out and poked her swollen face, full of helplessness, "little lazy."

"Isn't there Qing Jue!" Tang Qing smiled with pleasing smiles, but Qingjue's small touch, but Qing Jue was very useful.

Gluttony stood on the side with his head hanging, his eyes drifting away. Where did he not know the trick of Qingjue Shangxian, he was blown through the previous life and did not know how many times. , You can still carry hidden weapons in the blast! Rao is a serious injury every time.

Thinking of this, there is a little counsel in the depths of his eyes. In fact, Qing Jue did not kill him in the previous life. Every time he killed himself. After hearing the black egg, his gluttonous soul couldn't help but want to taste the taste of the egg. In the later period, I do n’t know what happened. When the black eggs were not eaten, Mo Mingqiu began to hate Qing Jue. Those three times of death, really, now I do n’t think of Qing Jue after all. Hurry to die.

In the next life, he dare not think of the taste of black eggs at night.

The gluttonous gaze drifted away, and it was still too old that the old gentleman kicked him and he reacted.


Taishang Laojun pointed to the empty bowl on the stone table in the courtyard, and his eyes were sorrowful. He just went out and had a theory with the group of idiots. When he came back, he had no meat! These inhuman guys!

"Xianyou, there is no meat."

"It's okay, I just hunted a fine spirit beast yesterday and waited for me to deliver it." After he finished, he was about to go back with an axe in the middle. As a result, he suddenly thought of something. The old guy thought What does eating meat do with him?

Taishang Laojun saw him go back and couldn't help wondering, "Gourmet, why are you back?"

"Old man, treat me as stupid! It's you who wants to eat meat!" After that, he dropped the axe on him. "Want to eat, do it yourself!"

When the huge axe hit, the old man immediately stepped back and looked at the big pit that was smashed out on the ground, full of sadness: "Gourmet, you have the heart to watch me starve and freeze! Our friendship for thousands of years is better Do n’t you have a meal? "

Gluttonously snorted, this old guy sold miserably, but he was the master, and he was fooled by him in the previous life, and he could not pity him in this life.

"You think too much, we have no friendship."

Taishang Laojun: ...

On the other side, Qing Jue is planning to take Xiao Tang Qing for a daily medicine bath, but he hasn't lifted his leg yet, but he has a pause.

Realizing his strange appearance, Tang Qing couldn't help but ask, "What's wrong?"

"Yao Ji is out of bounds."

"how do you know?"

Looking at the little guy with surprise on his face, Qing Jue smiled and said: "I found her strange before I went out, so I deliberately left something on her before blowing them away."

At this point, Tang Qing still didn't understand where, the emotional one recognized her from the beginning!

"So you knew from the beginning that the transfigured person was Yao Ji?"


When the words fell, Tang Qing suddenly bulged up two small cheeks, she thought she could help him, and the result did not need her help! Thinking of this, she felt frustrated.

"what happened?"

"A little angry!" She finished looking at him, "You don't need my help."

Qing Jue coaxed her to get used to it and smiled and said, "Why don't you need Xiao Wuyou's help? If it weren't what you said before, I wouldn't find her hiding in the crowd.


"I can still lie to you."

"It seems ..."

Taishang Laojun looked at the interaction between the two, inexplicably envious.

"Gourmet, you said if I want to raise a beast, an egg or something."

The gluttonous man heard the words and backed away in horror, "Get out of your way! Who wants you to raise!"

Taishang Laojun's mouth is slightly twitched, even if he raises it, he also raises a cute thing. Like gluttony, if he is not skilled in cooking, he estimates that he will not even greet him.

"You think too much."

"Well, I deny it if I tear it down. Don't think I don't know your thoughts."

"You really think too much."

"I won't let you raise it!" After he finished, he suddenly paused. "But if you give me a fairy golden pill every month, and add a bottle of golden pill, I might consider it. . "

Taishang Laojun: ...

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