Raiding the Blackened Male Lead

Chapter 271: Vampire Duke **** 12

Biquge, the fastest update and fast wear: Raiders the latest chapter of the black male master!

Cain looked at the bag in the girl's hand and didn't have to ask and smell what was inside. He swept it pretending to carelessly and asked with care: "Silent, how is your health?"

He had heard that some girls with bad physique would be very painful when they came, and when they saw the pale face of his young girl, they felt distressed.

It took him six years to raise his face to blood, but now it has become pale.

Although Tang Qing was a little uncomfortable, she was still tolerable, so she said, "Dad, it's all right."

"Since it's okay, let's go downstairs for breakfast." He was a little worried, but he didn't say anything.

Tang Qing is preparing to go to school after breakfast, but sees Cain suddenly said: "Please leave today."

"But the exam today."

"It will be the same next time."

There is an overbearing vampire. Tang Qing's studies were naturally unsuccessful, not only unsuccessful, but also directly treated as a patient, and even a family doctor was invited.

"It's a bit hypoglycemic, it doesn't matter."

"Is there anything you should pay special attention to?"

The doctor is a middle-aged lady who is about 40 years old. She has been a family doctor for Lord Duke for almost six years. In the past six years, the Lord Duke's concern for Miss Mo has been in her eyes, so this will hear the other party asking this question, Not only was she not a little surprised, but she said carefully: "Drink less exercise and drink more hot water, and cold food should not be touched. Ms. Mo's constitution is slightly worse than others, but she hasn't turned sick in the past few years, so Lord Duke need not worry too much . "

The system looked at the Boss with a serious look on his face and couldn't help sighing: "It's just like raising a girl. If you don't know the world line, I think he really cares about you."

When Tang Qing heard the words and smiled, she let her system continue to be naive. She was pretty sure that the duke would give the system a different surprise.

After the doctor left, Cain forced her to rest in bed, although she made it clear that she did not cause any problems, but unfortunately she was deprived of them one by one, and she could only hold a book and looked at it boringly.

But, half of the book, she suddenly thought of a very serious thing, that is, her bag of dirty clothes, it seems to be still in the living room!

Previously, because of the sudden visit of the family doctor, she forgot to take her clothes with her, and she did not know if she was taken away, so she could only ask the housekeeper for help.

"Uncle Butler, what about my bag?"

"Miss said the one in the previous living room?"

"Yes, that's the one!"

"It was taken by Lord Duke."

It is said that Tang Qing always feels that something bad is going to happen. She looked at the door leading from her bedroom to Cain ’s bedroom and hesitantly said: “Both, you said I ’m going to find him to get me Clothes? "

The system is still too young, and apparently did not think too much, "Go, isn't it just a few clothes, maybe he just took it up."

"Okay, then I'm going."

"Well, go."

Tang Qing thought about countless kinds of results, but I never thought that the Duke Vampire Duke was actually washing her clothes! And still wash it by hand!

The movement of pushing the door is not small, and with Cain's ability it is natural to notice that someone is coming in.

"Silent, why don't you rest in bed suddenly?"

Cain's face was indifferent, and he didn't realize what was wrong with the pink little ** in his hand.

In this regard, the system feels that this world is illusory, "I think I may have a virus, I want to go back to the headquarters to kill the virus."

Tang Qing looked at the scene in front of him. Before, he deliberately teased him so that his father could no longer scream. He just wanted to say that the clothes were going to be destroyed, but he saw the other party holding her on the bed, "the doctor said, Rest in bed. "After the words were finished, he went back to squat to the side and continued rubbing the rest.

"All smashed, I think my posture to wear this time is definitely wrong."

The system paused, and finally realized that he was not poisoned. A pair of students were irresistible: "Well, after the male host was poisoned, he finally ushered in Boss poison. Congratulations, you broke through."

One person, one system continues to hurt each other, and Cain has washed his clothes over there.

Tang Qing was lying on the bed like this for a day. When she saw the other night in her pajamas in front of her, she realized that something serious was happening. She seemed to be lying on Cain's bed! And lie all day!

At this time, the system spoke quietly, "Young girl, starting in three years, the highest death penalty."

Tang Qing: "... If you don't talk, no one will die when you crash!"

"Oh, I just explain the facts, you continue."

"Continue your head!" Tang Qing roared, but Cain was not so frenzied. Finally, with her insistence, she carried her back to her pink bed.

To be honest, she lay in the day for a day, where did she still sleep, but her forefoot was still very energetic. After a while, she only felt a deep brain, and then the whole person slept to death.

At the moment when she fell asleep, the originally closed door suddenly opened slowly. Unlike that gentle Cain during the day, Cain is his real face at the moment, scarlet blood eyes, pale skin, and sharp and terrifying teeth.

He walked slowly to the bed, looking at the sleeping girl, his eyes gradually darkened. He reached out and touched the dark hair gently, and finally stopped his hand in the other's neck.

He stretched his hands back and forth and touched this thin and smooth white neck, which was different from his pale hands, and he could even feel the tiny beating in the other person's blood.

So vivid, so full of energy.

As if he couldn't bear it anymore, Cain lowered his head sharply, without restraint, and pierced his sharp teeth directly into the place he dreamed of tasting.

The white neck was pierced, and the sweet and delicious blood came with him. He underestimated his willpower. He was originally intended to taste it, but he seemed to be addicted, and he couldn't let go ...

The next day, the sun was falling down the window, and Tang Qing woke up from the bright sunshine. She rubbed the neck that she had figured out, "Why do I think the neck is weird when I smash it? When did I sleep yesterday? Was it? "

The system sound witnessed the whole process calmly said: "The neck is strange because you have been sucked blood. As for sleeping, Cain shot, let alone you, last night, but the whole castle was sleeping together."

After hearing this, Tang Qing jumped up from the bed, "You mean Cain sucked my blood last night?"

"Yeah." The system said quietly, swallowing all the rest of the words, which blood sucking last night, and kiss! Although it is just a very shallow kiss, it cannot be denied that it is a kiss!

Feeling the downturn of his own system, Tang Qing said, "Scrap, are you still hiding something from me?"

The system didn't want to tell her this at all, so she lied, "No, you think too much."

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